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RUGBY. I The championships under the auspices of J the Auckland Rugby TJuiou will be continued to-morrow, when University meet Ponsonby, City play Grafton, and Parnell try conclusions with Marist Bros. An additional attraction to-morrow is the meeting of King's College and Grammar School, which practically decides the secondary schools' championship. The teams are: — CITY. Seniors (v. Grafton;. —Mlnchin, Wynyard, Magee, Stewart, Kerr-Taylor, Montgomery, Buchanan, Thomas, Est all, Tyler, Goudle, Wyllie, McGuire, Walker, Fetterson, Barrett, Mcllkone, Collett. UNIVERSITY. Seniors (v. Ponsonby).—Scuotield, Carr, F. R. Wilson, Mackenzie, Walker, Gray, Otterson, Wilkes, Griersou, E. J. Wilsou, ltamsay, Bamfotd, Wilis, Hunt, Diuneea. Reserves: Eraser, Campbell, I'aterson. GRAFTON. Seniors (v. City).—Miller, Edwards, lfwersou, Woifgruuiui, Coleman, Porter, Marshall, Becker, jimythe, l'ouuiuey, Graham, Maguire, KnUili, Dean, o'tsrieu, Webb. second Grade (v. Ponsonby;.—Alexander, Thorpe, 1". Brewin, It. Edwards, Candy, ivromeid, W. Brewin, lloope, Bennett, isirnie, Jlc'Keuzie, Coleman, Birnie, Harper, Buddiey. tiiuergeuieles; \Y, MeNub, 'H. I Marshall, J. lilruie, Kelley, Gillies. Third tirade (V. >.orin siore). —Flood, Maeftu'lane, B. Main, l.axon, Browu, WalI lace, ibbercsou ia'), rsieboils, Stuart, lioas, I BtiUaiityuc, Edwards, Hoscoe, Paterson, I I'lilUlps, Wortblugtou. Thud Grade B (v. Newton).— Mclntyre, i Murphy, Tiiorburu, Flnlay, Mouldeu, Gieen--1 woou, l'irrilt, liwau, Laugwell, A. Harvey, I Lctis, Martin, VV. Harvey, Hastie, Long- . vilie, Burton. I Fourth tirade (v. City).—Askew, Nlcholls, I Cornaga (2), Nleisou, Strong, A. McCouneil, ' l'auil, Burns, Impey, McDerniott, Thomas, ltaudall, Cranston, Kllisdou. Emergencies: Wilson and Bray. NORTH SHORE. Second Grade.—Parker, Weston, Sutton, Bauey, Westou, Koscoe, Law, Wyuyaid, Hynes, McDonald, Willis, Grace, llattrick, Shaw, Wallers, Bailey. .Emergency: coleman. Third Grade.—Spiniey, Millar, Emerall, Seagar, McKellar, Eos, Harvey, Colburne, Rogers, Stephenson, Brown, Lees, Morgan; wing forwards, Douglas and riUgetald. Emergencies: Milligaii, Conning. MARIST BROS. Second Grade.—S-mith, Douglas, Grace, Gosling, Gleeson, O'Connor, Davis, McDevitt, Hayes, Malone, Kenealy, Burns, Ryan, Fischer, Loucrgan, Taylor, Neeve, Ueudry. NEWTON. First Juniors (v. Pitruell). —Tomllnson, O'Leary, Moss, Molr, McNub, ltassmusseu CI), Cox, Avery, Hayward, Wightone, Morrison, Murray, Leydon, Spiers, Saunders, Hooper, Borryuian, Smith. Second Juniors.—Lewis, Sindlen, Sansbury, Grigg ('-), Lang, Grizzling, Mackie, Friestone. Foolley, Long, O'Grady, Howe, Bright, Davidson, Boggs. NORTH SHORE. First Division (v. Ponsonby).—Bennett, Bcasley, llnlllduy. Nurse, Craig, Wallace, Sutherland, G-ardluer, Barraclough, Sutherland, Pickering. Reserve: Richmond. Second Division tv. Hotspur United*.— Spinlev, Kent. Wbitlleld, 11. Smith. Nutinerley. Brown, L. Smith, Stewart, Whilluns, Wallace, Wool-ley. Third Division (v. St. John's). —Cardno, Axon, E-dltn, McCTuskie. Benuett, Buchanan. Learwood, Owen. Paterson, Roberts, Menzies. Reserve: Gritllths, Moore. Fourltli Division IV. Tabernacle).—MeAnenv, Kent, Moore. Coultmnn, Stewart, Douglas. Osborne, Waddleworth, King, Barker, Miller. OUTSIDE MATCHES. St rani's (v. Zeulaudiu Juniors).—Nairn (C. Mathews, Molloy, Molr, Clarke (-). | Edwards. Bond. Kobinson, Fiddler, Thomas, Perry, Elmbiaueh, Blake. Herald (v. llobsonville). at Hobsouvillo.— I I'othybridge, Westwood. Ruffles, I-cekle, Leiilhan. Porter, UUlllng, Ninklo la>PM. Roper, Doran. W. Steele D. Steele, Mart v UewcusUc, -Milford, Clarke, YVurdlll, Ctuip'iiicklond Defence CadeLi A Team (v. B Team), at the Domain.- Edwards, Formun. Cart. Mills. Sing. Leaucy, McCouneil, Bond (eapt.), Lunn, Vause, Batcr, Smith, Nixon, \oru a ortl. Black. (vond-le lunlors iv. Dominion), at Avondaln.—Blasted. Long. Vlbert, Allan 0-apt). Downing, Atkinson (vice -capt.), llo.ilnger, Tarbult, W. Poller, Best. Frausliam, Lees, Barker, Ritigrose, L Potter. BENEFIT MATCH. The Onehunga Congregational and Methodist Football Clubs have decid.-d to kola, a "benefit football match, in aid of the funds of the .Onehunga Ambulance Corps, at Oiiehtmg'.t 10-luoirow (Saturday). The teams are; - • Onehunga Methodist. —L. Leaning, A. Anlciu, S. Henderson, J. Priestly, M. Moore. F. Richardson. F. Soar, ('. l'egler, F l'egler, VV. Gregory, C. Gilbert. C Moore. S. AUeroyd, F. K. Pegler, W. Hnywanl. Emergencies: A. Gilbert, C. West, O. Buy, K. Bay, J. Attwoou, T. Grundy. Congregational.—J. Mcl'lke, T. McGrath, A. L'r.|uh:u-t (capt.), A. Sayefs, J. Howe, F. Blackwood, S. Howe, I. i'ullau, V. Marks, W. llowe, G. llorscroU, J. Pnl, N. Wadinan. Wai Pai, C. Luugtou (vice-eapt.). 1 Emergencies: E. Hikuuil, C. Wrack, U. PuiIlan, J. Estell. INTEUI'UOVINCIAL HATCH. (By Telegraph. — Press Association.) HAWERA, Thursday. The Turauakl aud Mauawatu rcpresenlatlve Kugby football ieams met at Hnwern to-day. There were 1000 spectators present, and the game produced a decidedly good exhibition of lootbull. Cljnslderlng the sloppy state of the ground and (ho greasy ball, the nasslng of both sets of backs was highly creditable. Taranaki proved much superior to their opponents, the backs in particular doing great work. MynoU and Cameron played splendidly In the rear division The forwards of each team worked hard, aud iuiused plenty of life into the ~anie. The Taranaki pack had better methods of scrummaging, and frequently broke through the scrums in good style, placing their side in an advantageous position. The visitors played against the wind in the first spell, but opened well. Within 10 minutes, however. Taranaki registered • the first score, and from then on held the upper hand. The visitors played, gamely, Inn their eirorts lacked tinish. At half-time the score was: Taranaki, 10; Mannwutu, nil. in the second spell Mana-watn showed to adI vintage for a period, and were unlucky not ito score. The homo team added another eight points to their score. Tries were scored by Abbott, McLeod, Mill. Dive, Roberts and Molr. Two were converted by Dive and one by Cameron. NORTHERN UNION FOOTBALL. Ip view of the visit of the British team an A and B practice match will be played at Victoria Park to-morrow. The various junior competitions will also be resumed. The teams follow:— JUNIORS. Ponsonby United (v. City Rovers, at Victoria Park, -' p.m.).—A. Toblu, H. Crafts, E Archer, C. Russell, V. Brown, D. O'Dowd, .7. Hurley, J. Gault, T. Boswell, 11. Robertson, F. Leyland, N. Craig, J. Hewson, J. .Scott and W. Shearer. City Rovers (v. Ponsonby). —Marshall, Hibbs, Lawlass, Chapman, Ckflds, Cobnld, Edmonds, Avery, Barcher, Gault, Parker, Smith, McGuire, Dickman, Somervell. Davis. Northcote Ramblers (v. North Shore).— Arblaster, .Hurley, Tyer, Herrick, Trcmain, Jackson, Boyd, Lepper, Weill), Smith, Fairweather, Warner, Taylor, Jordan.

Third Division.—Swanson (3); Cullett, Sims, Ellingham, Mori-is, Mutton, Dickenson, Dearsley, Whittaker, Nellson, and Medwell. SECOND DIVISION. Olympic (v. Tabernacle A). —Vickery, Rountree, Breeze, Ward, Patrick, Ekman, Lock, Wilkins, Haresnape, Staple, and Mcthven. Hotspur (v. North Shore). —A. E. Stainton, E. Hughes, F. Wigg, J. Grantley, J. Dance (captain), D. Baunatyne, E. Jones, H. Rowe, P. Brown, F. Hynes, F. Julian. Reserve: F. 'Warren. Mt. Albert (v. Brotkernood).--B. Fail, D. Cooper, B. Ashton, W. Stiiwell, W. Copeland, W. Mcßride, W. Laugford, Rev. Parry, G. Cox, S. Weir, H. Reed. Reserves: B. Harhutt, E. Burnett. FOURTH DIVISION. W.Y.M.I. (v. Gordon). —Jackson, Waddingham, Wilson, Isblster, Caradns, W. Ready, Greenland, Charteris, H. Ready, Darlow, GarJaud. Reserve: Haddock. THE AUSTKAMAN GAME. The competitions under Australian Rules 1 will be resumed to-morrow. The teams are:— Austral (v. Newton, Domain). —Llsc-ombe, Young, Bettls, Tongue, Wads worth, McCloughlnu, Rutherford (.".), Clarke, McKay, Leitlibridge, Dawson, Llversidge, Swan, Burns, Brown, McLiiuglilun, Sinclair, Cop vin. Walters. Patterson, Wallace Imperial (v. Eden, Victoria Park).—notfm.'in (captain). Bridges. Black, Davis, Munro, Goldsmith, Held, Monk, Coates, Latham, Wulinsley, Harper, Graydon, Dulll. more, Kennedy, Grilliths, Whltteu, Itoluiider, Rutherford, Crabtroe, Newbound, lirlggs, Puxratt. Newton (v. Austral, Domain).—Hayes, Burns, Fisher, Morris, Roberts, Pierce, A. Matthews, Thompson, Ilennessy, Morris, Bailey. Hutchinson. Palmer. Kelligit, Anderson, Edwards, Wain, Murks, Strange, Poland, and others. Edeu (v. Imperial, Victoria Park). — George (captain), Cheshire, McCullousxh, Ray, Neagle. Bradley, lukster, Cossey (2), Gribble, Burrell, Abrahamson, Wakbam, Collins, Brown, Davies, O'Nlell, Tldball, Robson. JUNIORS. Ponsonby (v. Eden). —Harper (captain), Rolander. Walsh, Cl.vmo. Smith. Ryan, Johnson Belshum, Buy las, McConnel. Elder, Rope, Cowley, Woolley, Bennett, MorrinRon, Walmsley, Sutcliff, Ilindman, Bethel, Silvcria. Eden Iv. Ponsonby, Victoria Park).— Lunn, Clark. Wine,'Hinton. Powell. Strong, Virtue, Marshall. King, Dflly, McLeod, Tldball, * Vaust. Bell, Roberts, Parker, Wright, Culhane, Goodcnough, Parker, MerSECOND JUNIORS. Eden (v. Newton, Domain. 1 p.m.).— Graydon, Lunn, Dempsey. Wetherill, I)e----laney, Lovatt. Strong CJ), Miuogue. Brophy, Cole, Murphy (-'), Beaurn, Hurra aud others. SECOND GRADE. Austral (v. Newton), Domain. —Arneil, Burnett (2), Hartley (capt.), Buueru, Coom-be. Cowley ("). Good. Hedges, Henderson. Holland, Kirkwood, McCounell, Milne, Neal, Nordeu, Owen, Smith, Swales, Woledge. THIRD GRADE. Austral (v. Ponsonbv). Victoria Tark.— I Armiger (2), Bagnnll (2). Harnett (capt.), Baylis. Craig ("J), Cralgle, ("Tookbaiu. Frankhum ill). Fulcher. Griggs, Hart, lvil, Knight, j Miller, Milne, Neal, and others.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 166, 15 July 1910, Page 7

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FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 166, 15 July 1910, Page 7

FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 166, 15 July 1910, Page 7