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i„a of the cricket onampi-u----__e ninth "Aim Saturday last, when I,l* n-as eonclnded lot e _po m vlctory fii E, Store scored a c , te an(l *£?<£? «%J*Zo &»« * their der_s«sß7 ?'" ParoelC and Ponsonby reS how s the position «t tie chri* s '--

EDEN A T. GRAFTON. A GREAT MATCH. BROOKE-SMITH MAKES 200. j ~,t- ,_«<; set the Eden A A S on tte resumption of the I eTen on Saturaay, »» araftonites B&K h against Grafton. 1 ning _ 111 tl f elr tpf S forw^d with some confidence afld &_£ a two-Doilt victoty. G. Mills o?t -or one? Camming, tor none. £? RoblLon for nine. The hopes of the g-/oa supporters rose very high indeed, ivlth five Eden wickets down for Ul runs. ffe-Smith aad Horspool however, be- & Smith was still batting strongly. In com___f wkh Bridges he endeavoured to make 69 runs necessary to en2rJ a victory, and the match resolve.l m- *„ a came against time. After three hours' .*? ticket Brooke-Smith had hit up 1,0. Altrl stood at 350 Both batsmen to play brilliantly and within tve minutes of the time bell ringing had bnilt the score np to 3SO, the match resulttaglß a win for Eden, with three wickets to spare. Scores were as follows. — Grafton, first innings STS EDEN A.—First Innings. Mills, h Howell *® Brown, c Sloman. b Howell 30 Elliott, c Hill, b Howell 1 Cmnmings. b Howell 0 Brooke-Smith, not out 200 Bpbinson. c and b Mason 9 Murdoch, lbw. b Cottell 13 Horspool, st Cottell, b Mason 45 Bridges, not out 26 Extras 22 Total for seven wickets 355 Bon-ling Analysis.—C. Hay. none for 54; S. Cottell, one for 38; D. Hill, none for 34; Eastgate, none for 15; Howell, four for 73. E. Horspool, none for 31; Mason, two for U7. EDEN COLTS, V. PARNEDL. The senior grade match. Parnell v. Eden Colts, was concluded at Eden Park, the last-named team resuming their innings, with three wickets down for 111. Taylor (not out) and Hinds went to 'the wickets, the latter being caught by Sommerville »ff Hatchings, after compiling 28. Taylor's was tie second best score of the innings, his total being 60. The fourth wicket fell for 161, and the fifth for 182. The remaining batsmen followed in quick succession, and a rather uninteresting innings closed for 217. PABXELL, First Innnings . ._ 110 EDEN COLTS.—First Innings. Belf, b Olliff 66 Gordon, b Olliff „..,... 6 Alexander, b Olliff 0 Taylor, b Hatchings 60 Hinds, c Sommerville. t> Hutchings 2S Gllmour, b Kerr «... 15 Murray, c Hartland, b Hutchings .... 0 Slater, c' Sale, b Hutchings 8 Bnckly, b Hutchings _ 1 Beech, b Kerr 5 Francis, not out 12 ~/ Extras 16 Total 217 Bowling analysis: Kerr took two wickets for 74; Olliff, three for 34; Barry, none for IB; Hutchings, live for 36; Sale, none for St Parnell commenced their second innings about 4 p.m., Wright and Sommerville going in to bat. The former put up 20 before being thrown out. After Hartland had been disposed of for nine. Sale went to the irlckets. and succeeded in reaching 37 before going lbw to Gordon. The fifth wicket fell for __. after which Hutchings and Barry (not out) compiled 37 and 36 respeetrfelj. When time was called Parnell had lost "six wickets for IS4. Eden Colts thus gained a two-point win. Following are the scores:— PARNELL.—Second Innings. Wright, thrown out 29 .Sommerville, b Gilmour S Hartland, c and b Taylor _ D Sale, lbw, b Gordon 37 Kerr, st Gordon 13 Hatchings, b Slatter 37 Barry, not out 30 Extras _ 1. Total for six wickets 184 Bowling Analysis.—Beech, none for 37; 'Alexander, none for 22; Gilmour, one for 10; Francis, none for IS; Taylor, one for 10; Gordon, two for 44; Slatter, one for 19. PON'SONBT V. VARSITY. TWO-POINT WIN FOR 'VARSITY/. The first grade match between Ponsonby and 'Varsity was continued on Saturday. Ponspnby's first innings, it will be rememoered, was responsible for a total of 194 runs. "Varsity, having 3 wickets down for "8, Wallace and Gray, the not-out men, 5f?E, , ? c ? tbelr lyings. but Gray failed to mate a stand against the bowling oi Hobson and Woods. Jacobsen contributed 21 before being caught by Robinson. off Karanagh. Wallace played a great S«M. and gave few chances, "but Sad* the misfortune to send a ball back Into the «ho£ S „? f Woods ' w,UI hls score only one was th£ £ ,« a «T. Co]ville- s score of 17 r„s tv , aI r T other one of double figures ana tne Innings closed for a total of 203 -core* were £ fgl.ows:- lne runs * T!le IRonsonby, fix st Innings 194 nil ' T ARSITT. — First Innings. Wus. c Robinson, b Woods... . 31 Hobmson. b Woods... - ?*«■ <* and b Woods".'.'.'. q. Graham, c Snedden. b Hobson.'.";.'"" "7 iJL C Robln son. b Woods :l &S_tr_ c «_' 0 . n - b K ™s»--'-* f. getttoan, b Kavanagh.... , Parrcett, b Woods.. } Fisher b Kavanagh.... j. Fenwick. not out. ? Extras .... ,_ 14 Total —— Bowling Analysis.-Woods, si's "for m-S^_Sj£^s&.-s£ NO.RTH SHORE V. CITT City did not . t *hore. and the htter Vh^^'" 5 ' thP dandin- leid nV.i.I « • , bad a ol>m - defaul. %£,!', n °i' £* Sl *T ma'.ngs, won by "", securing three points. SECOND GRADE. ™»TT H. S HOR E H. A looked like «-i , n - and at one t'me tickets down f„ t« E ' bavinjr only three aUe7to f wa^_ n ._ ? e tal '" ho "" toT 112, no ie« riT * a the innings o'ose-i «"> dr-aTe- CdWs atSme S Staining innings— 1.7. J_ er !' Sc °res: Shore, fir-u ll Holland c'l'SL„ n Reynolds. b Wilson. Jot out. _ 'iZlrt n?* , b „SP eight o: McNeil, tota' 91 p„„„' b s Pf'eht. O: extras. 4Brtto" "bVcv-ll • l?/\ 5; W' °: Patterson h V- 1 iderton - b Coleman. °at. 0; TOB 8 b ,i s tH' 0; Bottrill. no' 1 n».e. Absent), 0; extras, n- *.nt-\ A

iPARX'ELIi A V*. NORTH SHORE B. North Shore B.—First innings. 117. Second innings: Nettieton, b Resteaux, 44; Porch, b Resteaux, 4; Oakden, c Caro, b Resteaux, 10; Philson, b Caro. 4: Wilson, I b Kesteaux, 24; Carson, c and b Reßteaux, j I 47; Hobday, c Caro, b Resteaux. 0; Mather, ! c and b Kesteaux. 22; P. Andrew, b Seed, I 63; Jeffrey, c and b Schofleld, 2; Stewart, i not out. 5: extras, 26: total. 251. | Bowling analysis: C. Resteaux took seven i wickets for 77 runs; B. J. Schofleld, one for 50; 11. D. Caro, one for 47; C. Seed, one for I<3. Paruell A. — First innings: G Sale, c Philson, b Porch. 0; H. D. Caro. b Carson, 2G; T. A. Jackson, c Stewart, b Mather, 42; W. Marcroft. c Carson, b Andrew, 100; W. J. Dinnison, lbw, b Andrew, 37; C. Sale, b Andrews. 4; R. Dow, not out, 41 ilnnings declared closed.!; extras, 25: total for six wickets, 275. Bowling analysis: Porch took one wicket for 7<l runs; Carson, one for 2S; Mather, one for 79; P. Andrew, three for 42. Parnell A won by 158 runs on the first innlugs. A two-point win. PARNELL B V. EDEN B. Eden B.—'First Innings. 130. Second Innings: T. J. Wood, retired, 17; H. Horspool. c Dufaur, b Turbott. 0; A. Thomas, b Barnsdale. 2: A. E. Grindrod, b Turbott. 7; G. Alexander, b Turbott. 7; A. E. Jenkin b Barnsdale. 31; H. J. Ryan, c and b Turbott. 7; C. L. Nesblt. not out 9: H. B. Menzies. b Barnsdale. 5; A. V. Smith, st, b Barnsdale, 0 ibatted one short); total, 85. Bowling analysis: H. Turbott took four wickets for 42 runs; E. Barnsdale, four for 25. Parnell B.—First innings, 85. Second innings: J. Williams b Alexander. 3; J. F. Airey, b Smith. 0; j. Bennett, b Smith. 37; I C. Hamlin, b Nesbit, IS; H. Turbott. b Nesblt 15; 11. M. Waruer, b Nesblt, 0; D. Dufaur not out. 20; E. J. Gatlnnd. b Smith, 16;' B. 11. Moss, not out, 1; extras. 24: total for seven wickets, 140. Bowling annlvsis: Alexander took one wicket for 26 runs; Nesbit, three for 24; Smith, three for 43. Parnell B won by three wickeis and 10 ruus. A three-poiut win. PONSONBY V. GRAFTON. Ponsonbv. —First innings. 172. Second Innings: Collins, c, b Eastgate, 14; Caradus, b Russell, 53; Pluiunier, c, b Jack, 14; McMa'th. c. b Jack, 10: Carey, c. b Jack. 20; Jackson, b Gllmore, 14; Beatson, not out, IS; G. 11. Plummer. not out. 10: McCoy, c, b Gilvnore, 0; extras, 4: lota! for seven wickets. 176. Bowling analysis: Eastgate took one wicket for 22 runs; I.usk, none for 24; Gllmore. two for 35; Russell, oue for 43; Jack, three for 34. Grafton. —First innings: Horspool. c and b McCoy. 25; Stewart, c, b V. l'lummer. 2; Lepine. "not out. 45; Jack, b McCoy. 4; Totman, c. b Beatson, 16: I.usk, b V. l'lummer 7: Brierlev. b V. l'lummer. 0: Eastgate, b V. riummer. 0; Liiwry. b McMath, IS: Russell, run out, 8; tiilmore. b \. Plummer, 1: extras, 16: total. 142. Bowling analysis: V. Plummer took five wickets for 15 runs: McCoy, two for u2; McMath, one for 14: Beatson. one for 10. Ponsonby won by 30 runs ou the flrst innings. | TRIED GRADE. GRAFTON V. NORTH SHORE. This match was played at North Sho~e to-day. aud resulted in a win for Grafton by an innings and 86 runs, this making their ninth consecutive three-point win. The scores were;— Shore, first innings, 58; second innings. 68. Urnfton. first Innings, 213. The chief score was that of Gerard, who made 26 runs.. Eden A v. 'Varsity.—Eden A. first innings. 87 (Smeeton 17. Hall 12. Tunch 13. Cooper 14. Wingfleld 13). Bowling for 'Varsity. Renuie took five wickets for 10 runs, and Waddingham two for 10. Eden A, second innings (three men short), 19. Rennie took six wickets for 13 runs, and McLean one for 6. 'Varsity, first innings, 87 (McLean 30. Budd 22, RetuUe 10); second innings, 25 for three wickets t Phillips 20 not 1 out). Bowling for Eden A. Hall took four Wickets for 40 runs and two for 18; In- . wood, one for 6. 'Varsity won by seven ! wickets. Kden B v. City. —Eden B. Ist innings. 00. ' Butler 218, Alexander 24, not out, Hooey- ' comb 15. Bowling: Bogs eight for 4a Waugh one for IS, Smith none for 34. Second innings, 09. Cooke 31, Alexander ' not out 13, Butler 14, Meredith 14. Boggs ' took six wickets: for 27. City, first innings, 104. Earliv 42. Watson 11. Westbrook took five wickets for 39. Second innings. 69. Boggs 17. Thomas 14. Watson 15. Bowling: Meredith five for 14. Westbrook three for 13. Eden B won by 25 runs. ASSOCIATED CRICKET LEAGUE. SENIOR GRADE. NORTHCOTE V. WAKEFIELD. Northcote. first innings. 178. Wakefield. first Innings, o_. Wakefield followed on. and made 77. R. Magee 21. Nicholson not out 20. Tongue lJi were Wakefield's top scorers. Northcote thus won by an Innings and 39 runs, being a three point win. THIRD GRADE. St. Benedict's v. St. Patrick's.—St. Patricks. 174. St. Benedict's. 132 for six wickets (B. Sheehan 53 not out, and E. Buckler 25 not out. For St. Benedict's, Ray Owen took Aye wickets for 53. E. Buckler two for 20, Foreman one for 7, H. Buckler one for 12. St. Patrick's win the championship by four "joints. Mt. Albert v. Epsom.—The above match was played on Saturday last. Mt. Albert went to the wickets first, and closed their innings for 332 fur four wickets, W. Peudlebury log. not out. U. Haydon 90 were the chief scorers. This is the highest scores individually and collectively made by third grade cricket ttils season. Epsom made 58 iv their innings, and forfeited the match. PUBLIC SCHOOLS' COMPETITION. A GRADE. Beresford y Newton West.— Beresford. hrst Innings. 143 (Bush 31. Jones as Bethell 36 not out, Forbes 13, Bunker 16) ' Newton West, first iunings, 83 (BushiU 13' Little 27.1 Harris 15). Beresford won by 60 runs i 1 onsonby v. Newton East. —Ponsonbv flrst innings, 122 for 'three wickets (innings I closed) (White 38, Stevenson 35, Glenlster ?S-, no , t , out „ Newton East, flrst Innings, 23 (Whailey 13). Qlenlster took six wickets for 10 runs. Ponsonby won by 8« runs. Normal v. Mount Eden.—Normal, flrst Innings, 101 for five wickets (Westbrook 29. V" hite 17. Robinson 19, Webb ]S Barley 13 not out). Mount Eden, first innings, 45 (Burton 12, Hunt 12); second Innings 37.1 Wcatbrook (Normal) took 13 wickets for 22 runs. .Normal won by an Innings and 10 runs. Devonport v. Onehunga.—Devonport won by default. B GRADE. Kapler-street v. Parnell.—Napier-street, first innings, 13; second innings 2T, Parnell, flrst innlugs. 112 (1,. Baggstrbm 23 I Mcßeath 31, Gedye 14. Griffin 20 not out. 1 Michell 10 not out). Martyn did the hilt trick for l'uruell. l'aruell won by -an I innings and 74 runs. Richmond-road v. Remuera.— Richmond-1 road, innings. HO iDelnnev 12) Hem- i uera, tirst. innings, l.v. (Slate. 20 ' I'atton 23, B.'idely 21), Remuera won by 12.. runs | Pitt-st. v. Grafton.—Pitt-street, tirst innings. 42 (Earlly 24). Grafton, first innings | j7l (Kingstone Hewson 14, Mncowu 15): 1 | second Innings, 73 for three wickets (Hoi i j land 32 not on'r, Hewson 20, Caro 16). Graf j ton won by 29 runs on the flrst inuings. ! C GRADE. ! I Xeison-street v. Ellerslie.—.Nelson-street. II first innings. 27: second innings 46 (Robinsou 23). Ellerslie. flrst innings', 25 (Peach I 14); second innings. 39 (Peach 30 not out) Nelson-street won by f> ruus. ! Epsom v. Newmarket.—Epsom first inI nines, 30 (Eagletun 2i)>; second innings 421 ; I Robertson 17). Newmarket, first Innings,, 112 (Hendry 25, Dormer 20, O'Donnell 23. Burns 171. Newmarket won by an innings . Bayfield v. Mount Eden.—Bayfield, first innings. 40 (Bagnall 17, Hart 14): second innings. 60 for three wickets (Rennet 43 not out). Mount Eden, flrst innings. 53 (Bartlett 12, Nisbet 11); second inuiugs, 61. Bayfield won by seven wickets. SECONDARY SCHOOLS' CRICKET. Grammar School v. King's CollegeKing's College batted first and made IRO Dlckeson batted very well for 52. and so ! also did Wilsou and Walker for 33 and 22. , Marsack took four wickets for 31 runs, Somervell three for 27, and Gllmore fwo for 30. Grammar School made 2CX4 ruus for the loss of seven wickets. Walker scored 63 not out, Airey 40. Jacobsen 39. Gllmore 16 not out. Caradus 16. Ellis 14. and Somervell 11. Walker, who went in ivhen six wickets were down for 120, batted splendidI ly, and by knocking up 52 in boundaries out lof a total of 03, won the match for his I side. Walker 11., for King's College, bowled I well throughout the whole inninrs and capj tnred five wickers for 08 runs? ; SUNDAY SCHOOLS I I SENIOH.S. I St. John's F- v. Newton Excelsior.—Sl. / I John's scored 70. and Excelsior 62 1 suns. I

OUTS-IDE MATCHES. ' iJ L J ° hlx ' s Ay - H.M.C.S. Iris.—After an I interesting game, the match resulted ln a draw on the flrst innings. 124 all. For Iris ; Menges 16, Buffett 21, Timothy 11, Masey | 28, and "ioung 10, bntted best. Buffett took four wickets for 57 runs, Fairfax three for I -a. and layer two for S. For St. John's A, H - Bllneoe 29, Strange 27, Thompson 27, | and Horsley 20, batted well. H. Bllneoe took seven wickets for GO runs, E George | two for 15, and Morris one for none. Campbell and Ehrenfried v. Mennie and ; y r:. * matcl > resulted in a win for I J*. i atter by 30 runs - *"<>* the winners the I chief scorers were: A. Fisher 25 not out, D. Magee 17, and J. Brown 12, and for the losers, J. Corbett 16 not out, H. Green j 12, and H. Smith 10. I t n,Hl, e:San l r *-,T, T '„ Grafton.—Alexandra, Ist Innings, 31 (P. Cole 14, E. Bong 0). Alexi™£ a, „ 21 5? lnntn »s, 44 for five wickets (G. lim™L M.. B ' Boa e " not out. and P. I Simpson ll>. Bowling for Alexandra, p. Cole took eight wickets for 20, and two for 10, and G Tldball two for 10 and seven for fV.hSTIL 0 ?', lt i t lnQiQ gs, 43 (Webb 14); for o W 2nd { a r Di,:, SS, 27 (James 6). Bowling for Grafton, Martin six for 30 did best Alexandra won by five wickets and five Hon?i d °?> l A OR ' v ' Cmchungn Congregates 7~ G <? rd £ v ' lst iunings, _2; and innnl_ m o " ehun Sa Congregntional. lst innings at. Gordon won on the first innings by five runs. ■Mt Roskill met and defeated Smith and Caughey s on Saturday at Eden Park by 10 runs on the first innings. Smith and rVA I MKi»« S flr f _._ nhl ss 10 (no one reaching double figures), the bowling of Taylor (5 for U) and Ballantyne (-5 for 101 for Mt. B.o_klll I being very deadly. Bowling for 'Smith and s first innings. White took 5 for (i. Walton of or 22. Mt. Rosklll's first inning-. -J (E. Welsh 15 not out). Smith aud 1 aughey's second innings 72 (Innings doo 'f, I ; ce< 1 „ c ' los^)— Caughey 27. White 21 (not out), French 11. 'Bow.ling: Butler 1 for 1. French 1 for 16, White 1 for 18. Mt. Roskill. wanting 63 runs to win outright, knocked off 57 for the loss of three wickets only—L. Taylor 28, W. Llversl-dge 10. J. Chapman 0 (not out). (Bowling: L. Taylor 2 for 18, C. Ballantyne 1 for 18, W. Llve'rsidge 2 for 20. WAIHI. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) WAIHI, this day. A cricket match between Waihi Suburbs eleven and Karnngahalae representatives was played on Saturday afternoon and resulted in a win for Suburbs by 04 runs. For the winners Cornthwnlte (29 not out). Stewart (26), J. Johnston (28) were tie chief scorers. A l,ane dt) and J. .Tones (10) were the only visiting batsmen to reach double figures. J. Johnston (Suburbs) took six wickets foi 23. Waihi play Tauranga next Saturday. HAMILTON CHIOKET. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent) HAMILTON, Saturday. East A and Kla Kaha met at Steele Park to-day. Batting first, Kla Kaha put up 74, of wWch Klrtman (23.) and Barras (13) were the chief scorers. Bowling for East A, Brown took four wickets for 14 runs, Humphries two for 11, and 'Stonehurst two for 25. East A scoreil 110 for no wickets. Shepherd (66) played a chanceless Innings, and Sutton made 88 by good, steady cricket. At Seddon Park, Rangatira won from East B by default. THAMES RDSDI/TS. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent,! THAMES, Sunday. Haairaki and Tararu completed their match on Saturday, Tararu ■winning by 16 runs. Tararu batted first, and were disposed of for a total of 54 ('Peters 30 not out). Adams, with seven wickets for 24 runs, was the most successful of Haurakl s bowlers. Haurakl, batting three men short, made 54 (Adams IS, Kasper 13. Thompson 10 not out). Bnchan, for Tararu, with two wickets for 5 ruus, was the most successful bowler. WELLINGTON MATCHES. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON, Sunday. In senior cricket matches yesterday Phoenix made 96 against .Midland (Burton 40). Midland made 125 (Kcuvlg 20. (Bruce 10, Patrick. McMahon, and Hickson 18 each). Gas Company disposed of Old Boys for 82, MlUer capturing eight wickets for 36 runs. Gas Company put up 169 for seven wickets (Topp 44. Hull 30. Hawthorne 34. Wlndley 20 not out). Newtown made IG3 against Walwetu (Schmoll 41, Laws 29). Walwetu scored 11.3, of which Claridge contributed Si, aud Judd 30. CANTERBURY RESUL/TS. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHBISTCHURCH, Sunday. Ideal weather prevailed yesterday, when the eighth round of the grade matches was concluded. West Christchurch gained a three-point win against St. Albans, and Iyinwood also gained the major points over Rlccarton. Sydenham bent Bast Christchurch on the first innings. The scores are: St. Albans 72 and 185, v. West Christchurch 191 and 07 for six -wickets. 'Sydenham 307. v| East Ohrisfcliurch 148 and 100 for eight wickets. .Linwood 213 and 109 for four wickets, v. Rk-carton 160 and 153 for eight wickets (Innings declared closed). OTAGO CRICKET. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.* D'TJXEDIN, Sunday. The cricket matches were continued yesi terday In splendid weather. Dunedin met Oarl-brook, arid were at the wickets an the afternoon, compiling 874 runs (Wilson 12T, lEek-hold CI. M-ackersy SO). Albion made 200 i against Carlsbrotlk, B, MaFariane contributling 110 Carlsbrook .lost three wickets for r ' ===

* . s I M-ritp**— 9 ! Eden A o 4 city 9 4 Grafton ■ q a Eden Colts .... » J psraeU • g g ponsonby .••••' ! , University •••• _J 1 4 5 4 3 4 G 5 5 £ j D O 0 20 0 11 0 9 1 10 0 13 1 10 0 6 0 4

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Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 51, 1 March 1909, Page 7

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CRICKET CHAMPIONSHIPS. Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 51, 1 March 1909, Page 7

CRICKET CHAMPIONSHIPS. Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 51, 1 March 1909, Page 7