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(By whalebone.)

RACING FIXTURES. Nov. 7, 9, 11, 14—Canterbury J.C. Metropolitan. Nov. 1-1 and IS—Otahuhu. Trotting Club. Nov. iS, December 2—Takapnna J.C. Nov. 30, Dec. I—Feilding J.C. Spring. Dec. 20 and 2S—Taranaki J.C. Christmas. Dec. 2ti. 30. Jan. 1 and 2—Auckland K.C. Summer. Feb. 10, lU—Otahuhu Trotting Club. Downfall credited the Hawke's Bay sportsniau. Mr T. H. Lowry, with,his first win in the New Zealand Cup. The time hoisted by Downfall in winning the New Zealand Cup. :i.2iS 2 .i. has only been beaten once, when Canteen won in 1000. F. Davis has the honour of being the first in New Zealand who has ridden and also trained the winner of the .New Zealand Cnp.

The well known mare Dolores, by Freedom—Scotch Mist, is to be offered for sale at auction by Messrs A. Bnckland aud Sons, on Friday uext, the 13Ui insL, at uoon.

At <ilenora Park. Mr D. ilel>eods raarc Winsome has foaled a filly, and Mr .1. O. Hayward's Waiom a tilly to the same sire; whilst Helen McGregor has failed a colt to Gluten.

An old racecourse favourite in Haydn was seen at EllPTslfe on Saturday performing the menial duty of luick to .Mr Selby. the clerk of the course. Old Haydn bore a very robust appearance, and evidently his lines are cast in a very pleasant place.

In winning the Spring Handicap on the second day of the A.U.C. spring meeting. Tnj Cakobiiu hoisted a time record for the course, and also for Now Zealand, the previous best heuig 1.40. which was down t.o the credit of Red Gauntlet and Hold Crest.

The bay liorse Moral was purchased hy Mr A. F. Douglas before tho A.R.C. spring meeting started, aud he raced in tie interests of the Hawke's Bay sportsman on both flays. It. is stated that the price paid for the possession of the son of The Possible was TOO^s.

A feature of tho racing on tho opening day of the A..H.C. spring meeting \v;us Uie fart that only oun winner hailed from amongst tho Ellcrslif trained division. Aristocrat, Salute. llautapii. and Wauchope arr prepared in the Waikato: Ikon and Aborigine at Huwko's Buy: and Devon port ar. North Shore: so Ihai the solitary winning representative from headquarters was Lochbuhie, which won Uie City Handica;j-

With ttic starting of race* from the now fivo-furlong post ;it Ellerslie. it was confidently expected that, sumo fast times would bo registered, and no surprise was arrassioned when 1.1 .">-•> was pur up after Devonport won tho Shorts Handicap on the openiug day of the gathering. Whon the summer roLls around, and the cracks moot over the distance, there will bo a strong probability of a fresh New Zealand record beins boiM.ed.

The showing made by Tarina in the Epsom Handicap on the second day of tbc A.H.C. spring meeting should be strong evidence in favour of It. Deeley. who w:is recently disqualified by the Poverty Ray Turf Club stewards for his handling of Andrew Mack wheu he was beaten by Tarina. The daughter of St. Clements ran muster up a lot of pace, and al ti\<- fnrlongs ou .Monday looked as if she would win easily, but she tired badly over the last bnlf furlonz, and was caught and passed by Cambrian, which won comfortably at Lhc flui^h.

When a horse with :i strangc-souuding name is listed on Lbe rare card, there naturally is a curiosity felt on all sides as to bow such name eaine to be conferred; aud sin eveut sui'li as the Derby, tie interest keen. Aluwa, the winner of this year's Derby, was given his name as the result of a sudden inspiration. While the owner. Miss Robertson (racing name. "M. Gordon"), was puzzling about what to cull her new purchase, she overheard a Scotchman make use of the remark with which so mauy of the old folk intimate their intention of leaving: "Weel. All awn." The All awa became concreted into one word.

"Alawa." ami thai was thought In be a goiKl name for the colt. The Countess of liudley. who was inspecting the horse in the saddling paddock before the race, asked the owner what the name meat, and the explanation was u> the effect given above.

Seen by a "Dominion" representative after the" Cup race. Luke Wilson. Down fall's jockey, gave an interesting account of his ride. "I got well away." he said.

"iiml passing the st.and was just behind fininri Slam, who. you will remember, was runniug about third. I had a good passage till t.he way. and about throe and a half furlongs from home Downfall was striding along well, flod I thought he would win. But at the bend into the straight a ulanoe ah fad at Heortlieu eouvineml vue she was sallopin? freely, and I was a bit frightened Hint sue would win. My own mount was then tiring, and cnuiiuencod lo rock badly. so I dared- not pull t.ue srk-k on him for fear hiwould stop, llowuver. I kept K'>ius wlUi bands anri lu-ols. ami jusi got ihere." Sprakinj; t<» [be same wriier. C. Brown. rider of Master De.Hivul. said: -I bad a good r>m all thmui;b witb tun exeopUon of one bump at tJie mile post, when one horse ramp in ou mc and anntuer galliipiMl on ti>]i nf vie. My horse was fairly Ih-hlpu, ! I've no excuses to make. A tiling- Ihm hoys treat, one another down here. i'r'iliiy, when they were b&it.en, several of Iliem pulled out anil let mc through, ov elsi: 1 uxight not have sol Lnlo fourth position."

.1. R. riynu. the rider of l.ovd Ni>lan in the Melbourne Cup, wiik interviewed immediately after the rice. After remarking lhat lie was weak from wasting, he said: "1 drew No. 13, but I think 1 was nearer than that; yet., to tell you the truth, 1 didn't tJtke much notice of who was near mc. Alawa was about two horses away on the inside. I meant to follow him. or either l'arsee or Mooltan; 1 didn't <-arc which. I could not say who got away first, but it was a really good start. Cetting round the turn Peru was on the rails in front. Alawa was next, and I was behind Alawa. Lord Nolajj was going nicely all the way. I bad just a nice bold of him, and it seemed as if he would keep going as long :is he wanted to. I saw Mooltan going out at the back after the leading 'jorse, and I started to chase him: but I began to ride my horse on entering the straight. 1 then rode him all the way. "It was a good race, ajid I thought I just woo. I felt pretty safe until Tulkeroo tackled mc, and then I thought I woud be beaten. I've ridden Lurd Nolan on the last few mornings at his work, and I had an idi-a t.bat he would win after his run in the Derby. I had a really rood ride to-day, and 1 didn't get much knocked about, and never lost much ground!" Flyun is a native of Cnllingwood. and is 'Si years of ace. His first win was in West Australia, on Hedlighl. last year. He rode True Scot, the winner of the Birthday Cup: and two Onkaparinga Cup winners have beou steered by him.

vow known lo turf histnrr as Downfall, winner of .the Now Zeakiurl Cup of IfHKS. As .1 I wo-year-oM Downfall won the Great Northern ("•hampa.s'ie Siake s and the Criterion Handicap at. Kllcrslie. unci his only victory as 1 ihre<»-y<>.w-o-lfl was also gained ;it KllersLie. when he ™n the fil.y Handicap at the A.R.r. Spring Meeting, lie will be remembered as a .st.arter in [bo (.Jrrat Nurthi-rn (Jnineus of l!ii»7. wJicn ho w-iis made one of tin- hottest favourites yet Ki-c-n onl in Aucklaml. and mit with a sensational defeat Uiroußh Tobntn fal.'iUß in fmnt of liim. stopping him dead, and DimlioTTe l>eal him hy a narrow margin. lie a ten >-au sei-nnil in Hie W-iiicanui Uuineas .in,] tli.. (ircit Nurslii-rn li.-rhy. being d-- (- feali'd iv 111t> latter e-.fii! t/.v the i!nl>eaten .olt ltdDiform. This sfa.son he has started •>u three oec-asions. winning twice. Dnwufall was got by San Francisco (which itas, unfortunate-ly, allowed to leave New Zealand), from Cantaxrice, by Gdldsboorugh— Songstress. The resmt of the New Zealand Cnp canw as a mild surprise to the majority of Aueklanders, who would not staud Downfall at any price, and confidently looked to Master DelavaJ as one sure to beat Mm. Downfall Is a peculiarly marUr-cl hi>rse. wbi.rh has e;uTied for him the name of r.he ■•cirrus hors«." but when be is closely looked over he i s a handsome and f-ommanding animal. His action does not altogether impress one as his being a likely stayer, as he gaJlops ■yery high iv front; bnt evidently this does not tell against him as mo-cii as one wouAd expect. At the dispersal sale of the Sylvia Part stnd Mr. T. H. Lowry pnrchased Cantatnee in tool to San EVaacisco, and tbe reetdt was a colt .which is

The Otahuhu Trotting Club's spring meeting opens at Alexandra Park on Saturday Dfxt, the 14th inst. The club have been fortiinare in the matter of acceptances, and given doe weather, a successful gathering should result. The hrst race is timed to start at I.ID p.m.

Although we have heard nothing of tbc mtuter in Auckland, .some of the Southern papers have been saying I hat the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club this year lruitlu an exception, and did not decorate l.he winner of tli<" Hastings Stakes wllh ihe ribbon, it being an Auckland horse Ou other baud, they say thai Kopu. who belonged to a steward of the club, ami m> the second day won the Ualliutu, nan brought up before the grandstand, whore thr deut spoke n few word*, ajid thPD tied the ribbou round the* winner's ueck. I muy say (say s a writer in a Napier paper) that it has not beca the custoui to denrraire the winnor of riie Stakes, but ever since the Hawke's Bay Guineas has been a race tiere has always been a little function directly Lbe race Wtt£ over. Mm , rtaper says that aji of the Willi save rihhon to M ; r. Fi>ss with a few words, saying that nowadays they <liri not. present the ribbon. It ha.s also been staled that the horse was kept, waiting afte.r the race for the ribbon to be tier! round his neck. Well, sneb is not. the case, as the secretary of the club gave Mr. Koss the ribbon as soon as tie hoy weighed in, and made a few co-mpli-nientary remark** a> to the srooo , running of the horse. I ajii sure the trustees of the la.te Mrs. Coonibe, when they know the full facts of the c-ise. will think ligiitly of it, ajul not think thai they treated differemly from the -custom of the club. I think that all winners of rlassic races should bo decorated after winning..


Mr. D:im Twobill is iv receipt of a private i-ablCffrum lo the effort that both Soiiltline and Wnlpuua have been sold, the price realised for thr first beiug IUUO sas. ami Xor the second .'!0O jjck.


SECOND DAT. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) MASTERTOX. Tuesday. The Taratahi-Carterron Racing Club eon- ' eluded their meeting to-day in tine wear hex. The amount, put through the fotalisator was £430.0, agatnst £10,Ufi for t.he corrpspoudiug day last year. The total sum for ibe meeting was '.C 11..511, against £in.lti!) last year. Tbe following are Lhe results of the racius:--Telegrapb Handicap. six furloucs.— C-oldou Kagle 1, Waicola L , . Ton Tuhi ".. Also started: Luthair. lloldeii Eagle won by half a length. Time. 1.17 1-3.

Taratahi Ilaci Handicap. Bye furlongs. - Tiiiinil, 1. Hock Kerry J, Oblivion .:. Also started: Axlte, Thora, Castlglione, Braver.-. Tiimul won by two lejigths. Time, I.M. LTlarerillc Raudicap. one mile. Ira.nui 1, Irish Rifle ajid Blue Ribbon (dead brail! 2Also started: Polyanthus, Mataari, Rilbnu King Post. Iranui won by half a length. Time, 1.43 "J 5. C.randsxand Hack Welter, one mile.—Passive I. Klintgnn Sealer .X Also started: Windage, Golden Butterfly, The Dane, Knight Corama.uder. Passive won by three lengths. Time. 1.45. Maiden Hack Srnrry. five furlongs.—Para-k-iu 1 Waiwnxewajc -. Vlnoo b. Also surted: Afterthought. Silver Light. I'arakau won by half a length. Time. 1.4. Carterton Welter, seven furlongs.- Aberration I. Skye -J, (Jaelic ::. Also started: Matanxi. Flotilla. Lucretius. Abcrratiou won by a length. Time, 1.3(1.


FIKST DAY. (By Telegraph.- Press Association.i Cll RISTVUVB.CII, Tuesday. The New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club's spring incetins was openoil :Jt Addingtoll to-day. The weatlier was line -''t the start of ' the pro<-cedings, but after ihe second ra<e a heavy shower fell, though the rain soon passed off. The attendance was good and the touillsatoi- investments amounted to £10.iWS in , , as against .CKLItS for the corresponding day last year. Twentyfour bookmakers were Licensed at £31 each. The following are the results of the rat-T-;uipire Handicap of IROsovs, t \vo miles.--MvtJi Wnrbeck, Ins, 1; Bessie 8,. Us. -; Pick Stevens. 17s. :!. Also started: Lady Clare 11s. Tuxedo (Tiief lls. Rockfeller Its. Victor lluon Ills. Arbitrator Kls, Tuik K'.s, Implore l.'is. tithe Wood K>s. Decoration lUs Browu Ribbon Ms. ilyra WarUcck won <-asily Time, 4-10.

MidrllMon l-laudiuap m 2lOscws. two miles. — Impatient, .">s. I; Stiansuni. Ms, ■_■: Kospiieatii. in, 3. Also started: Hpvpuijp scratch. Submarine scratch Bell Cur Us. Bushuwn Us, Welfare Us, The Mooross Us. WooiiI.ell IJ.<. Slewee VJx. Sydney 13.-=. CotnUint' IMs. wou by three Ximu, Kii.iarton Haudic:ip of 160snvs, (mo mile nurl a-lialf.—BxchPiiuer. ss, 1: Millwood, ins. L': Womllmru Ljid. !)s. :i. Also Kiartml: l'rince Watbe-k ;is. Lady Disdaiu Ts. Flasliwoud Os. 'ruiift ".is. To l'orjuigl Vts, M:irie C'irelll 10*. Exchequer wou by Uiree k-Djiths. Timi>. 3.44. St. Allians Unndlrnp of one mile. -<etorm, 4», 1: Almond. 4s, J; I'liiioe H.-lliUli-, :!s. :i. Also ftiirlpd: Allcp A\ ooil siTiirch", Lady Lilhui scratc-li. Hen Hur --. Din-i-to "s. Success -Js. Kcdoratioii -s, Bi-!>» ..' tin- Hani Tis, Tuxedo i'hii'f Us. UockI fell.-i- Us. l-'ori-mnu Ss. biorm won by two Ifngths. ■I'iiiii', 2.i;4. An Rcvoir Miiiulicap of l.ii>sovs, our loilo. -Volunteer, 11s, 1; liaroii Li'uscii. Us. 2; The MiUilli-, l')s. ::. Also started: Floini si-ratcli, ilv MisuJii- .Ss. Kxdiequer !'s. Miss Vera His, 'Tickit Ute, Woudbum Lad lo*. Myrlup li'.s. Volunteer won by iialt-a.-lensih. Ti'iiic. .ISi i-b.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 270, 11 November 1908, Page 8

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THE RACING WORLD Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 270, 11 November 1908, Page 8

THE RACING WORLD Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 270, 11 November 1908, Page 8