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_— m "Auckland Star' 1 Office, April 21, l'.Ai-l. fair business is reported by distributing , i«ntses during the past week, but orders %tto* «*in S be!d *«* LV,r M:l J- delivery. ntr'a" cbe weel£ :ti<? arrived with a terse cargo, of which several lines came Jr\ bare market. A new line of "mild SLhv" tobacco is now being introduced ■i the local market iv 2oz tins. Old Judge SLjettes are at present tjaite onprocurC bte t' ur - f ft,sll supplies are in the Suffolk, lUieh is due here shortly. Asents have .tju slightly reduced the price of kero- % e whi. U is now quoted at lOd galion ' Sardines are like--- to be dear, as ow,V to the failure of the fishing season in France the London agent has advised that der< f or .\lbert sardines have been cancelled. T-efanui-i »a.-dines are also scarce ,nd dear in pri-e. ' ream of tartar now Lading is s-rv.-.'t f> th- increased duty SSSrb« preputial tariff, and tile price „ local consumers has been advance.!, i Further shipments ..f ri.-e came down this ; lees The kooe market for this article | kju improved. recent .[notations by cable, chnwir:- ' siich- "dvanc-. Currants are ' s ,ji' E .r at During the week j: a* cable was received advising a rise iv the ' „ rice of sultanas. A r .-eat circular from ; London notified ,-onsHerabie activity la th» ■ market for sultanas especially for the low , ?£,. Th- sam- -a-eular states that ! can v.. i.-ag-r ~.mpete with the | AnstraUar. !«us. -w-J therefore rarely i sM p P ed t the .; I. .ies. Prices are expect- ; ed to decline. Iv order to project currantgrowers, the'iau Government propose j to prohibit fur-.h-..- plantation, raising the . „ be V -My y bant for the surnlus and increasing the retention to So per j cent a£ against :'" per at the present, i The tin.oer trade continues brisk, but I local building is u-it so good as it wa*. | ProDenv iz-r.:< admit that the demand b o nse< I- hv :... means so strong, and I ttwonld «a that vu.uea have been forced an to su.-i- ah -"■-•-- that people are look- | tor elsewter. f.w investments. The build- ; in' boom fcss lasted longer than was ex- i ai.d f»n now empty houses are few and far t-rween: but a glance at the , £Uly ii i crer.,in f list of houses for sale ■ fe evidence that th» top has beeu reached. , ine demand for timber for export is. howT « r! - eced. consequently miilers are , kept Tery busy. Easiness has r-een be-ter en the fc.Xgjjange durins the past as far as, ccTie of r he hiih oriced stock are concern- . L> Tfa'i 1 ~na?=3 registered a further ad- | ranee, i ine of 100 shares being sold at eg. Capitalised, this makes th" market | Xne Of the mine £3,000.000. and at i ->, a jT-e-en: rate 'if dividend means 12 years | Dnrchase. exclusive of interest, on the j ionev in-rested for that period. Further , jnar" could still be placed at £0 1. 6. | three weeks ago Waihi shares were j geffing m Loudon at £0. so that the rise on This stock is equal to half a million. Waih' Exteudeds chanced hands at i'll, with further v at a II under that Sgnre. Waitekaur'i shares are a little firmer. I being wanted at I 0. while Kumar* Reefs : said at L-. Gold.-n Bel; contributing shares ( changed hands a: 2,7. and Talisman Cou- I lohdateds were in request at 4/4. but set- ) lets ask-i 3 . S-andard stocks maintained 1 tieir prior tils week. South British iusur- I gnce shares changed hands at high azures, ! and New Zealands were in steady demand j gl 90/. Inquiry set in for Accident Insur- | &2CS at 6<j . but no sales were reported, and 5.zT Elver Plate shares were wanted at ' 24,3. Hikzrangi Coal snares had steady . request at 11 i, bat no selling price wu3 (jsotec. L-O'B. timber shares had buyers at 35.6, aud S-T.C. coutributing a: Z 7. Bayers of Union Oil also came in a: la . oat no tra-ttsaotions w-re r-ported. Bank Ingres were cot in request this week. Potatoes. —The market has been somewhat bare of potatoes this This was due | to increased d=nxand owing to two steameis j leaving for the Islands, as supplies were, j U anything. Lirzer than usual this week, j Ajont 64.J sacks potato-s came to hand by j tie Mararoa this week from the South, and a fa<- qnantlty of local potatoes was; also | get to. The SoEtiiern supplies were oi | good quality, but of course it is somewhat 1 early yes: to pronounce judgment upon the j crop as a whole. Prune Southern are ! ■worth £:l 10 ocr ton. and local Hobarts | £3 ra £3 5/ es store. Tie Talune had ' mother f3O sacks, on. board, which. a_rriv-tns I to a sood martet, should reaaise £.2 o ex yhari llaiza.—The Waiotahi and Clansman brxmgi;: SiO saclis of durins ci-e wees, and the ilao-gapapit another 3fc.3. Owing to these heavy arrivals more than the Eaxkst rtqaires, with ao demand for eipoit, the g-iee declined Id per bushel. - 5 being novr tiie A few reaily prime lota, however, realised 2. b. Oats.—The oat market is very dull at presens both here and. In the South, offering oeiiis very tree. The price has declined fully 2d per boahel during the last thrse weela. as no business can at present j be dene with London. The Australian I market for oars us also very dull. L'anisa j *nd Gartoa oats are worth about 2 to 2, 2 j per bushel. A little demand has set in ror | seen Algerian oats for early winter sowing, j He-eieaiied samples are offered at Z, ex Fowl Wheat is rather dull of sale at present. Killing Wheat is quoted at 3, 5 ci store. The market is a little -tinner in the South. I OTins to the low offering for Loc- ' Qoc Several ChristchuT'di merchants are ; bnr>is to ship to London, as a: present j prices there is a of proht. t Sharps u_re in good .lemand, and supplies ' Sre at present v-ry short. Bran is dull of sa_le. j 3ariey Meal is .ciiing well a: " 0 ci store for f—i Chas.—Tne l< cal market is well supplied with Soatheru .-half, as supplies came tj hand by the ilararoa and the barque Esgrald, frcm Lyrteitoih Farther supplies are an board the Taiune. Prime Can- I tebory chaff is wjrth £4 10. es store. 1 chafl meets with little inquiry. ! Onions.—The Mararoa also brought fur- | tier rappees of onions, which were all ! absorbed for -no Island trade this week. ! Bteresnlt is that the mark-'- is at present ! Other bare. Farther supplies are on board JSb Talmie. The Canterbrry crop is n< t ■ BO aeavy as last years, and the market is . therefore a little inner. Flocr remains nnchansed in price, but tae anner feeiin™ in the wheat market has | °nseil a little better business. Barter and show no change iff price j cas week. 1 *CCKLi>-D PRODUCE IIABEET. I Sara and Daiiy Produce.—Butter: New | Dairy Association, lid lb: factory. ; *M to lid tb; farmers' separator or dairy WCe- 3d; gecend quality. Da. fresh ; jW per dozen, wholesale; cheese, farmers' *W to 4jd ie; fac-ory, large, 6d; medium leaf *3jd.' '■ Jfrwt Market. — F'car, local, whcleaaie, whea:m=ai, £11 5/; bran. lb'OiD. . *• 5/, 1001b, £J 10 ■ sharps, 20001b | S :t3 ' -* 15/; oatmeal, £.12. 5/ per too. Srais— Oats. B grade, ex wharf. A!ger-| ~s=ed oats. .: : fowl wheat, 'J. 3. es store, 1 ~£*s included: Southern milling wheat. *jst co.f sacks eitra; maize, 2,0, whole-1 ■* lines ca wnarf. I Potatoes—Lo.-a 1 Hocarts. i..". to £3 -"/per ■a; Soutaern potatoes. iJ iv. . l-naff—Southern. £4 15 , ex wharf; best ! toa l- £3 10' to rail. Onions— Southern. ' Z, •: cwt. Grass Seeds.—Covers: English red clo- | per id: colonial red clover, 1/ per | 2 i:;l iSiisa jowgrrass. lOd per lb: Englis'j ■ ill a».- lb: coloai.-il ■ «wgrass, i per ...; als/ke, lid per it-; | Saflne alsyke. I per lb: white clo-Ter. ! g« ser li; saperSne white clover. 1.3 per ! tj.i per .-, ; er.nroa .-lover. Td , S.™: Loms Comiculatns .airdsfoot Tre- \ ri- vC per .:> Lotus Major iGlant Birds. | g*p Erpfj s : >t ;i,j lb. Grasses, etc.: ' 7nx -~.• jj. s neet> s mustard, tjd «*»>: broad>af Essex rape, 4J.d per lb: . id ,„._. ;b . r:ltsrail . 1/4 per lb; ; In*™ ' ic sstau, 1,« ocr lb: Poa Pratensis. lb; Poa Tr.rmiis, 1/7 per lb; Poa j 2. per . <; meadow foxtail. 1,1(1 | W ," Meadow lid per lb; Chew-S-*iea;ae, og -Der :... hard fescue. Od per ; ci^ s 5, 1 P« !b: red f «' ;u -' £* top. : per lb: Sto- ; (r.or-ia 1.1 per lb: Dilijjjrj«, i/a P p r i b; Oanthoma (Semi Annu- j ISeaf anest dressed. 1. T per lb; Danthonia \ £rl i -annia.r.s\. roug-h dressed, 1.4 per Sfi?? 108 - Aberdaens ivellow fleshed.. Ah"=d &toae a-" Stnbale. 1/ per lb; turnips i fe ->aeeas ,yeii 0 w fieshedi. Tankard's. 1/3 j jjjl 3 - Cocksfoot: Farmer's machineg*«a. 3/3 per Dustle i ; extra machine- ; g*|fr 10/3 per Ijshel. Ryegrass: Old ;

Pasture. Poverty Fa/ and Hawke's P.ay. ' I/a per bushel; Canterbury, eitra heavy [ dressed. 0/ per bushel; Canterbury, fine dressed. 4.6 per bushel; Canterbury, light seed, 4/2 per bushel; Italian, farmers' machine-dressed. 4/6 per bushel; Italian, double maehine-dreused. 5/3 per bushel Prairie grass, 5/3 per bushel. Coal and Firewood Markets.—Newcastle coa!, at yard, 25/ per ton. delivered SI/; Westport, 30/; Taupirl. best household, delivered. 12 sacks to the ton—tons, 37/, discount 1/ for cash; half-tons, 14/6, discount 6d; quarter-tons, 7/3, discount 3d for cash; hundredweights, 1/9, no discount. Picked steam. 12 sacks to the ton —tons. 21/. discount 1/ for cash; half-tona, 12/5. discount 6d for cash; quarter-tons. 6/9. discount. 3d for cash: Union Colliery! 21/ r«rton delivered, half ton 11/, quarter ion, 5/9 cash. Firewood: Uncut at wharf, cargo. 7/ to 9/ ton; delivered. 12/ to 14/; cut. 13/ to IS/. Buildins Materials.—Boards and scanting, undressed, 100 ft best, 16/6; medium, 13/0: 2nd class. 10/6: best planed, tongued and Grooved. Ist class. IS/3; medium. 15/6; second class, 12/0; rusticated weatherboards. Ist class. 18/8; medium, 15/6; 2nd class, 12/6; undressed boards, am thick, best, 13/6; medium. 11/6; 2nd class. 8/; rough lining- boards, |in, second class, </: lining boards, planed, tongued. and ■grooved, best. 18/6; medium, 15/6: 2nd class, 12/6 (specified lengths, flooring lining, and weather boards. 1/6 extra:) boat boards, specially selected, 13/6 for lin. 17/6 for Jin: kauri palines. sft sap, S/; heart. 11/; ti-tree rail. £3 10/ per 100; purlri posts, 1/ to 1/5 each; shingles, 15/ p»- twi- Hobart "T'nsrs. oft, 11/: 6ft, 19/; rails. SO/; dry pressed bricks. 62/6 per 1000: ordinary bricks. 60/ per 1000; firebricks. 2*in. £S; and 3in. £9 per 1000; fireclay, 60/ per ton; hydraulic lime, 4/ per 3bushr! bag; drain pipes, at works, 2in drain tiles. 12in lengths. 50/ per 1000; 2jln, 70/; 3in. 90/; 41n. 130/; Sin. £15 pj-r 1000; 31a socket pipes. 2ft lengths, 7d each; 4ln, 3dj Sin. 1/; 3in. V, 12In. 3/; loin, 4/6; 13in, 5/ 2Un. 11/: 24in. 13/. MESSRS G. W. BINXET AND SONS' REPORT. On Tuesday we offered a large catalogue of hides, sheep skins, tallow, etc. Hides: The fall In light and medium ox reported by cable from Australia caused a fall of a id per lb here. Stout ox and well flayed cow sold at late Quotations. We luote: Prime ox 7*d to 7=df stout. 34d to ■££<i: medium. -t}d to 4Jd: light. 4*d: kip. 4d ro 4-id: calf, ad to snd: cow. best clean, well flared lines. 4id: bulk. 4Sd: seconds. 3Jd to stags, to 3*d: damaged hides, nominal. Shcsp Skins: Local green and salted from 2 3 to 2,6: country. X 9 to 2/3; dry, to V. damaged. Id to 6d each. Tallow: Picked to 22/: good mixed, IS/6 to 20. : seconds, 12/ to 15/ per cwt. Rough fat. Ijd per lb. Hail: Horse tail, 1/2 to 1/3; mane, 8d to lOd per lb. Bones, good dry. £5 per ton.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 95, 21 April 1904, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 95, 21 April 1904, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 95, 21 April 1904, Page 3