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More Evidence in Auckland.



The Case Of Mr. W. B. PEEK. (BY a special kepotvtrr.) Lately attention has been drawn to quit© a series of interesting incidents following closely npon each other, and now we have the following s'.ory to place before our sub- ' scribers—ono which was told to a special representative by Mr. William Bromfield Peek, who keeps a variety store, named "The Old Cariosity Shop," in Albert-street, Auckland. "For quite a number of years," began Mr. Peek, " I had been a dyspeptic* and I lavi no doubt that the rough experiences i encountered for so long were the cause of liie injury thut my health sustained. I have .cd rather an active life, having bean engaged in exploring and prospecting over the whole) of the Colonies, with the exception of West Australia, and everybody who has had a taste of that class of business knows that money cannot buy the necessaries that are required to keep the body in a healthy state. Vegetables and fruit I could not get at any price very often, and so much hard living at last resulted in disaster." "To your digestion?" queried the reporter. " That was it," answered Mr. Peek. "My internal organs would not act an all well, and at the time that 1 was manager and part owner of the 'Army 1 tin mine on the Riogarooma River, Tasmania, 1 was in a dreadfully bad state, in spite of the fact that I liud taken periodical visits to doctors, who could do no mere for mc than give a little relief now and then. But that Was no good, I always drifted further and further into the mire, and then I thought I would see what some of the advertised medicines could do." " Were they any more beneficial to yau V " Not in the least, and I tried all sorts. At last it came to such a pass that my work had to be neglected, as I often stayed away from it for a week or two at a stretch through being too hopelessly weak and run down to keep going, and the misery I was in almost baffles description. Not only wag my liver in a terrible state of disorder, but my kidneys also, and the pain I had across the small of my back was almost crippling in its effects, for when I bent down to lace my boots or anything of that sort, it took mc all I knew to raise myself op again. A very bad sign w*s the falling away of my appetite, for without being able to eat a man cannot last very long, and with the existence of that trouble there was nothing to be surprised at when it' became evident that my strength was fading away to nothing. Besides the kiduey pains I had, the cloudy state of the urine testified to the disordered condition of those organs, and at length I was afflicted with such an inveterate feeling of restlessness that I could not sleep when I went to bed.". "Did that become a regular troublo with you ? " * " Alas ! it did, fori was a perfect martyr to insomnia, and I am sure there is nothing in this world so hard to bear as that. No wonder that the countless nights of sleepless- ? ess drove mc to the very depth* of despair, for mental weariness and physical weariness combined are enough to drive any man to distraction, and at the time I speak of I was so despondent that nothing could possibly cheer mc. When I opened my eyes they felt as if the lids were too heavy for them, and sometimes my sight was quite blurred aud misty, as if 1 had a very severe cold in the head, but there was no cold j there—only aches, and such acute ones uo living mortal could endure in silence, nut when they were at their worst it was so distressing to hear any noise that even the conversation of friends was more than I i-ared to listen to. Oh! may Heaven proroct mc from a repetition of such suffering, for it wa« awful, even my nervous system breaking down to add to my misery, for I '

when anything occurred to excite mc J cauld feel the nerves actually shaking again, and at the same time my heart would b< going at such a speed that fears of that organ being diseased would rush to ray mind at once." "It seems that you worried yourself unnecessarily ." " Now it does, of course ; but what wa* I to think when matters were so .serious and nothing could help mc? Why, the oppres aioa in my chest was enough to suffocate mt and when I had taken some food tho pair: in the stomach from wind was really tan to Using; also between the shoulders, too, 3 felt as if I had been bruised there, but what concerned mc most was to find that I wa completely at the mercy of the complai that I was suffering from, with no praapzi in view but to continue to the end in the wretohed condition I had fallen into." •* How long did you bold to that belief? " " Uncll I had been taking Clements Toni about a fortnight, and then, God be praise*!. I felt so greatly relieved that my long lev hopes were'revived, for already I was b* ginning to get something like regular sieei at nights, and I seemed to have twice at much vigor as I had bafbre I started on thawonderful medicine. Another thiug tha pleased mc was this: .1 used to wake u> with a bitter taste in the mouth and my tongue all coated, but Clements Tonic ha< such a cleansing influence that those trouble soon disappeared, and with the good appetite that it gave mc I could sit down to mv breakfast and thoroughly enjoy it. This 1 had not been able to do for months, so you may judge what I think of Clements Tonic as an appetiser, and the same remedy is thi only one ia the world that I know of—and 1 have had experience with a good many— that is a sure specific for liver and kidne< disorders, and I would net run tho risk oi putting other sufferers on to tha wrong track by saying this if I had not proved the truth ■of it far myself. Yes, I give my word o honour that Clements Tonic released m» from every pain and discomfort that I hart told you about, and, mare than that, it actet so well upon my nervous system that it wa as right as pia before a month was over, am in the same period my strength was all restored." " Have you had any illness since ? " f "Notexactly. I have been a little rur down through overwork since Clement Tonic cured mc years ago, but 1 did not re main like that long, knowing what wouh fix mc up, and for that reason I know tha my cure was net a fluke in the first instance When people have told mc about sufferinf with headaches, palpitation, nervousness: and those old ailments of mine, I have alway recommended Clements Tonic, and many r word of thanks I have got in return. For insnmuia there is nothing to -approach it and I am so thankful for the splendid healtl which Clements . Tonic brought ma that give yon full permission to publish even word regarding my cure in any way vo' think beat." J J *

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 94, 20 April 1904, Page 8

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More Evidence in Auckland. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 94, 20 April 1904, Page 8

More Evidence in Auckland. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 94, 20 April 1904, Page 8