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The following concludes our report of the presentation made to the Hon. •I. G. Ward, Minister of Railways, by the Liberals of Auckland, continued

from our Saturday's issue

Mr lieehan apologised for the absence of Messrs .Jackson Palmer, M.11.1.., T. Thompson and A. Myers. He then called upon Mr Napier, senior member for the city, to make the presentation on behalf of the subscribers.

Air Napier said they had gathered together for the purpose of congratulating Mr .Yard on rejoining the Ministry. The people in Auckland had received the news with feelings of the liveliest satisfaction, because although fhey had full confidence in the head of the Government, they believed that Mr Ward's re-accession would lend additional strength to and make the Government stronger than it already was. The souvenir was only a small token of the admiration they felt for .Mr Ward in his capacity as a champion of Liberalism, but it had been arranged in a very short time, and had the time been longer be had no doubt that the presentation would have assumed a very different form. (Hear, hear.) It afforded him very much pleasure to make the presentation, and "express the wish that the recipient might have long life, and that his re-accessiQii might be fraught with every advantage to Liberalism. (Applause.)

Mr a Wrd, in reply, said he was very deeply indebted to the Liberal party tor their kindness in presenting him with such a beautiful mark of appreciation. It was a very pleasing thing to know that he had the good opinion of such a large and representative body as the Liberals of Auckland. The presentation referred to the years 1801 and IS'J'J. Many changes had taken place in that time, and they had been generally regarded as being beneficial to the people as a whole. There had been many able men in the ranks of previous Governments, but it had fallen to the lot of the Administration that had been presided over by Mr Seddon to put on record legislation which yas looked upon as being" in the van of progress —(hear, hear) —aud in the general interests of the people. That had undoubtedly been the aim l and object of the legislation, lie could assure them that it had been a source of pleasure to himself to be associated again with his former colleagues, and to know that he had had their goodwill all through the piece. It had been a special pleasure to know that he was asked to rejoin without having jn_qnested any of his colleagues that he should be even considered, lie was also gratified to know that his appointment had been made with the approval of the great majority of the people. That which they had done that day would add a link to the affections that had already existed, and they had put on record for all time that which he very deeply appreciated. The handsome present would be treasured by his wife and children, and he only hoped that he would justify the esteem which it betokened. (Applause.)

The Premier begged to be allowed,

as head of the great Liberal party, also to thank the gentlemen present for their consideration and thoughtfulness. He said it was the first presentation that his worthy colleague had received at the hands of the Liberal party, excepting the confidence they bestowed upon him at the general elections. Prior to the elections he (the Premier) had stated in a speech at Tauranga that it was his intention to call Mr Ward to the Ministry again, so that it could not afterwards be said that he was taken into the Ministry without the people having been consulted. He (the Premier), of course, did not complain, and thank God he had been blessed with a constitution that could stand almost anything, but he would not to. go through another 12 months similar to last year. The re-accession of his worthy friend had relieved him (the Premier) of a class of work requiring a special knowledge which he lacked —such a duty, for instance, as Chairman of Commerce and Industries. The work of the Ministry was now spread over a wider circle. It was not for him probably to say too much, but he could say that the Ministry was a Ministry of parts, and it was impossible for only one or two men to meet the people in the manner which was incumbent upon Ministers. If it came to a sudden emergency, where a speech affected tho body politic, he could always be satisfied if Mr Ward were there. He assured those present that their thoughtfulness would be appreciated, not only by the Liberals here, but by Mr 'Ward's constituents in Awarua, who were true to him in the darkest hour. Knowing all the circumstances, he (Mr Seddon) never lost confidence for a moment, and it now gave him great pleasure ta know that there was a general feeling throughout the colony'that the right thing had been done in calling Mr Ward to the Cabinet ngain. The members of the Ministry had been unanimous in deciding upon recalling him, t\nd from the' time he left the Ministry till he received an intimation conveying the request that he would rejoin the ranks, he had never mentioned Ministry to him (the Premier). Under all the circumstances, the present occasion was a very pleasant one indeed, and as head of the party he thanked them. (Applause.) Mr Witheford said he had seen Mr Ward in different parts of the world acting on behalf of the colony, and he had been very pleased at the tact and ability he had shown. The company then drank Mr Ward's health in champagne with great enthusiasm.

The Hon. Mr Ward heartily thanked Mr Seddon for his kind expressions towards him, and referred to the great assistance Mr Seddon had rendered to him in tdie past. He was very grateful to Mr Seddon, and he would always give him most loyal support in the future. Mr Ward also heartily thanked Mr J. H. Witheford for his very kind remarks. He had met Mr Witheford in other parts of the world, and he could bear testimony to his ability and his energy in promoting the interests of New Zealand. Mr Witheford was what Americans would call a real "goer." He considered Mr Witheford had done really good service to the colony. Mr J. H, Witheford proposed the toast of "The Ministry," coupled with the name of the Right Hon. the Premier. Mr Witheford said he had attended all the big banquets when the Premier was in England, and he could say Mr Seddon more than held his own against the other Premiers.

I Mr Seddon said their opponents | whispered that the finance of the Gov- ] eminent was not strong, but he would i now take the earliest opportunity of i proving that it was right. They I would notice from the "Star" of Frijday evening that at the present time i the. increased railway revenue was j £ 125.000 over and above what was anticipated last year, but it took 33 per cent, of expenses to meet the returns. If the returns went up to \_ 125,000, it was impossible to do the work with the same staff and expenditure as before; consequently the outgoings had increased in the ratio he had mentioned. At the same time, after making provision for that in- . crease, for the old age pension requirements (which were heavy, but within the Government's calculation), and also for Die extra amounts required in connection with the contingents, there would still be J_ 300.000 to the good. (Applause.) That was an answer to tfiose who were croaking about the finances of the colony. Some people would'say, why if that "were so did not the Government bear the cost of all the contingents? In the case of the Third Contingent there was a general wish thai the people should take an exceptional course to prove their loyalty and devotion to the Mother Country by fully equipping a contingent by voluntary contributions. As there was that general wish he was gratified to give the people an opportunity t 0 prove that New Zealand's loyally was not a lip loyalty. Wily should he say no, and offer to pay it out of unauthorised expenditure? People seemed oblivious to the fact that the unauthorised expenditure was limited to £'100,000, and already large draws had been made in connection with the contingents. He would not have mentioned these matters had not remarks been made about them there was another statement he wished to make while on the subject of finance. Nearly four months ago they saw'there was going to be trouble, and that money was going to be dear, so tie made arrangements for finance in connection with public works for 10 months ahead, or in other words, for about £ 1,000,000. In respect of money lor the purchase of land, they had obtained £300,000 at IOOf. The trreat colony of New South Wales had at he same period offered its 4 per cent man, which was done at 99J- That was an answer to those who talked about Aew Zealand finances not being fl';;., "l J, Sequent events had proved that the Government were justified in the course they took, ft was weak aiuH'nw r lt Wrecked the A"ml££ nf„e. Governments. He made those e-M-lunaliens a view of removing all leelings of uneasiness. _„ record to both defence and finance there was "i,' r7lon, v' hau; ver for lhe -"iteS i«'ii. (Applause.) gent would la n( j without expense to he country or South Africa. The people ,n his colony had found the cost of sending the Third Contingent out deed.?,.'' °W" P°cket" Auckland had decided on re-mounts only, but the question was reconsidered; an 1 they decided to send a Fourth Con Sing . ""> outcome was v contingent was Monday by thelieoptJS

\i heford h remarks as to how well he had represented New Zeali.... V Jublee period, he mTght say he man tint was natural was accepted wHh »I Ms imperfections. He found That Sien^;^ r"etVothi^-»^!h stut em e nts he made, and not believed tatn^ace'. nfied bjr ™* "«*

The Hon James Carroll said Minis--0 Voo°nT^ her lony ™ de*«X 10 Decome a great one, and they w.i-p Mr Jcl fn • tll6 thou *ht the Hon. I, • Uaxtl, fully deserved all the niep things said about him that day! The Government must keep abreast of public opinion or fall l remarks 0"- *°' Ward also made b™f

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXXI, Issue 54, 5 March 1900, Page 3

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PRESENTATION TO THE HON. J. G. WARD. Auckland Star, Volume XXXI, Issue 54, 5 March 1900, Page 3

PRESENTATION TO THE HON. J. G. WARD. Auckland Star, Volume XXXI, Issue 54, 5 March 1900, Page 3