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Fiery Cross .Wbarekeraupnnga)..—Mr J. H. Steadman, the mine manager, forwards a lengthy report to the legal manager relative to this mine. He says thab several rich reefs located in the big Royal Standard mine should enter the Fiery Cross ground. Loose stone can be found on the surface acd in small creeks on different portions of tbo property, some of which gives fair diah prospects. Men are trenching on a slip close to the southern boundary to pick up tho lode from which tho stone has been shed. Four men ate preparing a face tor the drive, Comstock. -— The reef in the present face is aboub 3fb in thickness, composed of ribs of quartz, and bands of mullock running through ib.

Waitkkauri South.—The stone ia of a very kindly nature, and ia carrying a lot of mineral.

Nuw Zealandbr. — No. 2 level; The reef is six feet thick, the quartz showing a few colours of gold. No. 1 level : The reef . is four feet, thick, carrying excellent mineral for gold. On prospecting the crop '.< of No. 5 reef a little loose gold was got by dish test.

Mariner.—A new reef has been dig. covered, about 20 feet from tbe river and close to the corner of Aileen peg. The appearance of the stone is superior to any X have eeen in your property.

Marxtana.—At the low level several small leaders have been intersected, for which I can obtain colours in the dish,

Moanataiari North.— For the last 12 feet the reef has looked remarkably well, being 18 inches thick and heavily charged with antimony, silica, and copper pyrites,

Rurandi. —The drive on the main reef j Tho reof hus been picked up on the eastern side of the break, and is now nine inches ; -■ thick. The country is still disturbed, but " « shows signs of improvement.

Victoria.—The western drive at No. 3* level: The leader still continues to show . every sign of improvement, colours of gold* being soen at every breaking down. Tha quartz in tho foobwall of the drive appears •' to be the hanging wail portion of the Mariner's reef. The latter reef at this particular place is over 30 feet in width. In bhe stope * over the intermediate level east of the winzij gold ia seen freely ab each breaking down.V and 81b of atone were saved. Sinking has been continued in the wiune below No, JY level. The leader ia very small, though carrying gold the whole way down. No."1"' , wiuze: in breaking down the leader here two Or three pounds of stone were selected. Kakangahaki..—The reef has been cvt1 through, and U.eight feet across ; and tee- 1 Stope is heavily mineralised. V ■


Sales were made this day as follows :— Broken Hill, ls4d ; Ciby of Dunedin, 2s 6-1 ; Haze!bank, 5s 6d, 5s 9d; May Queen Extended, Bd, 7id ; New Alburnia, 8s Id ; Orlando, 10d ; Scandinavian, la 2d: Victoria, 3a 8d ; Golden Link, Is 6J ; Invicta North, 2_d; Mount Aurnm, 4d, 5d ; Prospect, 9d • Byron Bay, Is 3rl. Is 4d ; Belmont, 6d; Central, 2s 91 ; Grescenb, 5d ; Fortuna No. 2, 6£d, 7d; Hit or Miss,' Is Id tola 4d: Ivanhoe, Is 9d ; Maritana, la 2d ; Oceania, Is 5d ; Portsea, 2s 3d : Rothschild, 6d ; Sybil, lid; Waihi Extended, Is 2d, Is 3d; Waitekanri King, lOd ; Wavarley, 2s 9.1, 2-i lOd ; Wealth of Nations, Is 3d, Is 2d ; Woodstock, 44s 6d ; Young New Zealand, la 0d ; Fiery Cross, 9d, 9-_d ; Bay View, 2s 4d, 2s 5d ; Buffalo, Is 3d, Is Z_d ; Four-in-hand, 2s 3d; Goldon Hill Extended, 7d, 7_d ; Great Kaparaga, la ; Hauraki No. 2, 2s 8d ; Hauraki North (paid up)- lis, lis 3d ; Bauraki North (contrib..), 9s 3d to 9s 9d ; Nestor, scl : New Goiconda. 2*. 6d ; Princess May, 4Aci ; Tandem, Is Id ; Wynyardton, la 4d. INVICTA NORTH G.M. COMPANY. Ab the annual meeting ol the abovo company hold yesterday in the office of Mr J. 11. Harrison, when Mr Wm. Baildon presided, the accounts submitted showed an expenditure ot £251 2-> 6d, leaving a balance in hand ot £161 16s 2d. Measrs. Baildon and A. Smith were re-elected director.!, and Mr Cahill auditor.


At nn extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in tho above Company held yesterday afternoon, a resolution authorising tho directors to dispose of tho whole property according .to their discretion was adopted. The terms uuon which tbe Company is affored i« London are : A capita! of £100,000, one-third of which, in cash and sbaree, will bo divided amongst the shareholders of tho presenb Company; and bho purchasing Company ia to provide a working capital of £20,000.



A private company was formad yesterday called the Kennedy's' Bay Township tvnd Mining Company, the object being to lay out a town and work a freehold 01233 aores recently acquired at the Bay. Tbe land has a water frontage, being the site of the Knnri Timber Company's old mills. The directors appointed were Messrs S. T. George. J. J. Craig, and A. Kidd ; Secretary, Mr S. H. Matthews-, bankers, the Bank of Nov/ Zealand: solicitors, Messrs Gillies and Colbeck. The newly-discovered 40 feeb reef at Kennedy's Bay is reported to be on this property.


We ara informed by Mr W. R. Waters, manager of the Aurora .Goldmining Company, that a crushing of 161b of stone-from the H-ii-dsworth claim, adjoining the Aurora, Irene, and Glady* at Kuaotunu,has been completed ab tho Try Fiuke battery this week for a return of 16oz of melted trold. The area of the claim is only four acres and siDce the discovery of gold in it it has been the subject of a lawsuit which was decided in favour of theowner,although three-quarters of an acre had to be struck oft as surplus, which has now boen acquired by the above mentioned Aurora Goidroininsr Company.


In tbe prospectus of the Grand Triple Special Claim published laso evening it was stated that 35 at £35 would be ofterod to tbo public. It should have been 35 shares at £30 each.


Mr VY. B, A Morrison was appointed legal manager of thia Company and not Mr Morris, as proviously stated.


Applications for shares in tho above syndicate havo couio in so freely that only a fow are loft open to tbe public, so that early application will be necessary. Ib i 3 intended to develop the property vigorously, as there will be about £1,000 in hand to prospect the ground. There ia already, a battery upon the ground, and ..mple water power is available to work it. Ib m-iy not be generally known thab thia ground was formerly worked by Mr Vizard, who got rts much as lOoz of gold per ton. From another reef, known aa McKenzie's, from two trial crushings of e-ighb and five tons respectively, tho return went from foz and l|oz per ton.


The ordinary general meebing of shareholders in the above Company was held this morning at Mr D. G. MacDonneil'a office, Mr G. S. Kiaßling presiding.

•The balance-sheet showed receipts £1,356 2a lOd, and expenditure £1,008 8s 7d (including wages, £621 2s 2d), leaving a credib balance of £297 14s 3d, against which was £29 6s 9d due to sundry creditors.

Tbe manager's reporb and the-directors' reporb were submitted. The former stated thab a ehafb had been sunk a distance of 110 feet in the hope of cutting Legge'a reef, which had been expected to be met with between 100 and 150 feet. Tho shaft was now in good country for sold, but owing to the sinking being interfered with by water it had been deemed advisable to erect maohinerv. The Chairman said that operations were stopped for tbe present, pending the arrival of the machinery expected on Monday next, bub everything was in order to resume operations as soon a3 tbe machinery was placed in position. The reports and balance sheet were adopted. • ■ Colonel Burton and Mr G.o; Dunnotb, wero- re-electad directors, and Mr Etler was re-elected auditor.


The ordinary general meeting of the New Golconda Goldmining Company (no-lia-bility) was held this morning at Mr D. G. MacJDonnell's office. Mr G. S. Kissling presided;. The balance-sheet showed the receipts from calls as £1,869 Is Id, and expenditure (including wages and salaries, £1,293 13s 7d) as £1,766 3e, leaving a'balance of £102 18s Id. The assets consisted of the balance of £102 18s Id, and amount due on last call £123 Is Id, total £224 Is Bd, against which there were liabilities amounting to the sum of £68 4s, leaving a credit balance of £155 17« Bd. ',• .. The mine manager stated that since no took charge, nine weeks ago, another 50 feet had been sunk and the shaft completed, making close on 100 feot. No. 1 drive was in a little over 50 feet from the shaft and in splendid country. If the leader from which, such good gold has recently been taken in tho Welcome Find continued its present course, it would probably be met with in this drive. No. 2 drive, which was expected to cut the Hauraki North leaders, was in about 50 feet, and also in excellent country. The reports and balance-sheet were adopted. - A letter was read from Mr J. Keilly. surveyor, enclosing plan of North Hauraki and New Golconda properties. Tho plan showed the course of North Hauraki rcei, and where thereof would probably intersect the New Golconda. Mr Reilly suggested that a crosscut be made from the Company's shatt in a direction parallel to the north-west boundary. By so doing the Company would, he thought, be able bo. test the whole of their property. In reply to a shareholder Mr Daldy said the Nor*--... Hauraki reef would probably be cue in another 300 ft. Messra G. Duunett and A, Wrignb were

re-elected directors, and Mr C. J. Eller was re-appointed auditor.


A moating of subscribers for shnroi. in the Golden Caledonia licensed holding,' Kennedy Bay, wan held this artoraooa at tho oi&c.e of Mr D. G. MacDonnell. Mr J. Mays was' voted to the chair. Ib was resolved to form the property into a noliability company with a capital of £7,000, in 70,000 shares of 2s each, nil paid up. Mr D. G. MacDonnell was appointed legal manager. The following directors wero appointed :— Messrs J. Mays, Georg3 Wilson, S. Colrticutc, E. C. -Brown ana John Brown. Mr J. Young was elected auditor, Mr W. Bruce solicitor and bankers the Bank of New Zealand.


A largely attended meeting of subscribers in the Darwin Licensed Holding (Thame?) was held this afternoon at the Chamber of Mines. Mr H. D. Heather was votod bo the chair. Ib wa3 resolved to form a company under the no-liability section of the Acb to be named the Darwin G.M. Company. Tho capital of the Company was fixed at £6,000. divided into 60.000 shares of 2s each. The following were elected directors : —Messrs H. D. Heather, J. F. Coleg.ove,, C,-J. Ration, A. B. jkober.on", F. McWilliams. Mr Robert Hood was elected legal manager, the Bank of New South Wales bankers, Mr M. McGregor solicitors and Mr Woolcott auditor.


The ordinary annual meeting of th° Orlando Goldoiintag Company (Limited) was held this morning at Mr D. G. MacDonneH'e office, Mr J, Macfarlane presiding.

The balance sheet showed receipts £972 2s 6_), and expenditure £1,022 4s 3d, leaving a debit balance of £50 1* 9d. The statement of assets and liabilities appended showed a credit balance of £53 12s 7d.

The directors.' reporb stated that stoping was commonced during the year on Carpenter's reef and 125 loads of ore were treated producing 53_>__ sdwb of retorted gold of tho value of £140 17s 3d. In the top level driving was carried on seaward upon the hanging wall of tbe leader, and colours of .gold were sesn in the broken ore. v The reef in the low level was driven upon and as it proved to be payable stoping operations were carried on for a length of 93 feet. In breaking down the new reef at the foot of big hill, strong colours . and dabs of coarpe gold were freoiy seen. Tho mine manager strongly advised a level to be started here. The reef was from 10 to 12 inches thick and intact, and ran the whole length of the property. This new discovery made last Tuesday was a most valuable one, and most greatly enhance the value of the Company's property.

The reports and balance eheob were adopted.

Messrs Macfarlane and Coombe were reelected directors, and Mr J. Young was re-elected auditor.


The annual general meeting ofthe Waiotahi Gold Mining Company (Limited), was held yesterday afternoon at Me9ars F. A; White and-Brothers' i.flices, Government Insurance Building.. Mr W. S, Wilson presided. The directors' reporb stated that tho average output of gold from tho mine had been well maintained, and the returns hud been such as to enable tho Company to pay the usual dividends.

The Chairman, in moving the adoption of tbo report and balanco-shoet stated that Mr White had made an offer for the mine, the terma being the formation of a company in 1*25,000 shares, ot which the shareholders of the present company get 24,000, .or four shares for each one now held, and £2 in caeh. Mr White was goins; to England shortly, and was hopeful that the mine would be successfully tloated on these terms.

On the motion of Mr Chartoris, seconded by Mr Brown, the -retiriner directors, Meears Stone and Clark, were reelected, and Mr John Young was re-elected auditor.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 179, 31 July 1896, Page 2

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MINE MANAGER'S REPORTS. Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 179, 31 July 1896, Page 2

MINE MANAGER'S REPORTS. Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 179, 31 July 1896, Page 2