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§Lg yariouß cup matches under the auapieei >«f the Auckland Rugby Union were con finned at Epsom on Saturday last, whet ; £re wa* a large attendance of spectator, Tver 2,000 being present. Chief interest I tag centred in tha first meeting of the Par ..11 and Grafton districts, and after an 1 Unresting game the tormer won by eleven 122 to nil* Newton defeated City by ten ;' i Wots to six, and Suburbs scored their first i victory by beating North Shore. PARNELL V. GRAFTON. This contesb was played on the No. 1 ronndi an(^ attracted most attention. Parnell started without the cervices of W. Elliott, who wus suffering from a bruised inkle. Simpson was also an absentee ; the Jacaucies being tilled by Beamish and fiolmea, Moore being played ab threequarter. In the first few minutes of the oaine Jervis, while running to take a ball, *reoched his shoulder, which had been Injured on the previous Saturday, and had to retire. The Grafton captain, R. Oliphant, however, allowed the ParnelliteH to take on another player, and Elliott donned a jersey and played three-quarter jback. I" the early part of the game Beagsr, who made his first appearance tor Uraftoni dislocated his collar boue, and retired at hall-time, Hume filling his place. H.'Steptonson was an abdautae from Grafto'ii's ranks, his place being tilled by Penpalligen. Grafton won the toss and took advantage of the easterly breeze, and Paruetl led ofl. Soon after tha couimencement, Parnell were forced down through along lick' from Young. When play again ifcarted, Oliphant made a clever dribble, but fieard responded in kind and play centred. Wright broke away by 6imilar play and the Parnellifces rushed the ball to near Grafton's line, but a free kick to the latter gave relief. Young followed up the success by intercepting a pass, and a strong rush by the black and whito forwards saw I'nrnell's line in danger. The latter'a vanguard retaliated with a fast rush, in which Beamish was very conspicuous, and the ball was taken to within ten yards of Grafton's goal. From the ensuing scrum, the Parnellitea heeled out very emartly, and Ronayne having received the ball neatly from Edmonds was across Gr'afton's line before the latter were aware of it. The Famellitos were loudly applauded for this clever piece of work. Edmonds was suetesaful with the kick at goal, and Parnell bad 5 points to their credit. Play was no sooner resumed than the Parnellites jniide a splendid passing rush, the ball travelling through about eight pairs of hands, but a throw -on tnded the attack. By a long kick, T. Whiteside returned the oval to neutral territory. The Graftdnitea started a combined rush, bub Hedges neatly marked and returned to the 50 flag. The Parnellites made the play open and the pace was very hot. Taylor and J. Brady showed good defensive abilities. Another passing run by the Parnellkes was only stopped by Taylor grasaing Kisßling within a few yards af the line. Grafton wore helped out of their danger by Genrd, the Parnell wing, getting in front of the scrum, for the free Kick saw the ball in touch near the 50 flag. I The Parnell forwards, with Wright and Beamish in the, van, made another sweeping rush, but only a touch down resulted, from the kick out, Grafton forwards made » combined charge, but Hedges staved oil the attack. Quick passing between Bvera »nd Hay gave Seager an opening, but he mulled the ball, and Killing returned the leather to mid Held, and following up his kick sturted a dribbling rush, but Hay obstructed. Both teams were now playing to their backs, and some clever passing was shown ; J. Brady lost a good chance for ■Giafton through failing to take a paf-a, and immediately at'turwards Kissling lost a golden opportunity through knocking on. rarnell continued to have the best of the play. At this juncture, Moore got winded *nd play was postponed for ;i few minutes. When play re-started, J. Brady mulled a Ijftss, and Moore securing the ball made a ong run and passed to Konayne, who ran In and secured his second try. Edmonds made a poor attempb at goal. Parnell, 8 ; Grafton, 0. Immediately after the kick out, Edmonds gave Ronayne another openIng, and the latter almost got in, Gralton being forced, and half-time was called. After the usual interval, play was reStarted. A mull .by Elliott gave Grafton an opportunity, bub one

ef the forwards kicked too hard, »nd a touch down re.iuitei. Edmonds kicked out, and the maroons gradually worked the ball to Gratton's territory, where Lawford made an excellent though futile attempt bo register a goal from a free kick. Play continued in close proximity to Grafton's line, but clever play by Oliphanb brought some respite. Hay improved Grafton's position by making1 a judicious kick to the 50 flag. From the throw-in, however, the Paruell vanguard broke away and kept up a warm attack on Graf tun's line, bub the defensive pley of C. Hay, Young and Taylor sfcaved off ft score. The Grafton forwards made repeated attempts to break the seige, but the clever play of Edmonds, Moore and Kiaaling checkmated their ellorte. Scrum •fter scrum was the order till PenDalligen marked, and he brought relief to Grafton by kicking the bail into touch near ParBell's 25. From the throw in, however, Anderson broke away, and with the assistance of Wright and Geard dribbled towtjrd'a Grafbon's goal, bub Clarke spoilb the chance by kicking hard, and Grafton saved. Oliphanb and T. Whifceside led a fast rush to mid field, bub Hedges stopped their progress, and with a long punb the ball was again in Grafton'a territory. C. Speight gob away cleverly from a line out, and initiated a passing ruah, and a score looked imminent when Moore knocked on. Oliphanr, C. Brady and Hancock, made a combined dribble to midfield, but again Hedges interrupted their advance, and made a long reburo. Mama Jailed to take tall, and before his comrades could render ■assistance, Wright and Clarke dribbled the ball across Graf ton'a line, and a scramble ensued, reaulbiug in Ronayne securing the ball, and scoriug his third try. Lawford failed to increase the score. Parnell 11, Grafton nil. Rain now set in, but the play was still fast, and ib was of a more even mature till time was called. Messrs M, Keefe and N. McLean acted as line umpires «nd Mr J. 0. Webster had charge of fche Whistle. CITY V. NEWTON. The firpt meeting for thi* seaFOn between these teams took piece on Saturday last at Potter's Paddock. The balfbeing kicked «fi by City was returned by Donald. Willis caughb and kicked out of touch ab ceutre. fifty was confined to mid field for some time, Newton finally getting a free kick for off-side play by City. Hill returned into touch nb the quarter distance. The throwIn was followed by a greab deal of loose play, which benefited neither side. Ab' JanEth Newton gob on »i nice dribble, and Webber had a drop kick ab goal, bub though the attempt was a good one, the ball went crooked, and City were forced. A few minutes later Webber marked and loads another unsuccessful attempb to •Core. Some pretty passing between C, Freeman, Warnock and Webber for Nfewton then brought the ball into a bad position for City, bub Mills gob ofl-side When doing some good work, and • free kick for City relieved. Biuney •nd Stone, for City, following- up quickly, and Newton backs leaving A. freeman alone to defend their line, a ecore seemed imminent and was, in fact, only »verted by a lucky kick from the field by Freeman into toubh. The play now became very fast, the ball being rushed from one end of the field to the other. Ulti-

mafcely a mark was secured by Stone (City), who kicked out of touch at centre. On the throw-in the ball was rushed into City territory under the posts, whence Newton kicked over the line, but there being some j doubt about the issue of the scuffle which . followed for the possession of the ball, a , scrum was ordered five yards out. Mills neatly picked up behind the scrum and I passed to Webber, who got over. Donald . took the kick, but failed to increase the , score. Newton, 3 points ; City, nit. Fol- { lowing up their previous success, Newton soon put City again on the defensive. | Roberts marked within an easy distance of the posts, and had an unsuccessful shot at goal. Thomas (City) picked up, bub running back with the ball to force a scrum was ordered on the line. City were relieved of impending danger of cbeir opponents scoring by a free kick. Roberts secured, and passing Willis, 1 succeeded in reaching to within a few yards of the line, whence, from a rabher desperate scrimmage, Airey dashed across. Roberts took the kick, but it being a difficult angle, nothing resulted. Newton 6, City 0. Hulf time was then called. The second spell opened well for City, but the good play shown by Mills, Webber, and Roberts for Newtan baulked their attempts to get matters on even terms with their opponents. Roberts made another brilliant run to within a few yards of the line, but the foolish practice this player has gob into of dropping the ball before he is even tackled lost all the ground he had gained. Hill picked up and kicked down the field to centre, where the play took the form of scrummaging for some time. Eventually Milia passed to Webber, who had anobher poft at goal. On kicking off, a pass* by Mills to Webber was deftly frustrated by Willis, who kicked down the field. A. Freeman failing to take his kick before City forwards were upon him,tho prospects of a score resulting seemed certain until Roberts relieved by a short kick into touch ab the quarter distance. On bhe thrownin (Jiby succeeded in forcing the play to within a few paces of Newton's territory on western side, whence after some scrummaging and loose play, Uallamore, for City, plunged over the line and registered the first score for City. The attempt at the posts failed to improve the score. Newton, 6 ; City, 3. During thonextlO minutes the excitement was intense, especially as City began slowly bo force bheir way toward their opponent's lines. Warnock finally relieved by a long kick to centre, followed by another kick into City's territory, where Newton making a desperate rush amongst the forwards, Donald picked up and passed to Clarke, who got bebween bhe posts. For come reason, however, the ball was brought back to the 25 poet. Here some scrummaging and loose play took place, which fioally resulted in Webber potting an unmistakable goal. Newton 10, City 3. Subsequently, play centred near the touch-line, whence Brown neably intercepted some play on the part of Newton, and although there was eomo doubt about his being off-side, kicked down the field to Newton:s posts. The City forwards followed up this bit of play and forced the ball over the line, "Willis, for City, pouncing upon it righc behind the posts. Stone took the kick, but made a poor attempb bo pub the ball over. Newton 10, City 6. The play between this stage and the call of time was very fast, the ball being taken up and down, alternately, from one end of the fiold to the other. No further score, how - ever, being made, the game thus resulted in a win for NewLon by 10 points to 6. The duties of referee were ably performed by Mr F. A. Twiuame. SUBURBS V. NORTH SHORE. Suburbs met the North Shore team on Saturday for the first occasion this season. The match was played on No. 4 ground, Air J. Lecky acting as referee. The win of the Suburbs teams was the first for that Club this season. The game was an interesting contest, but decidedly one-sided, Suburbs defeating bhe Devonporb men easily—l 7 points to nil. During the firsb spell play was fast, bub the only score was a goal landed by Peace from a penalty kick. In the second spell Laurie succeeded in scoring two tries, one of which Moncur converted into a goal. Brown and Rishworth also scored tries, the game ending: Suburbs 17 North Shore nil. SECOND FIFTEENS. North Shore v. Suburbs: —The former won by 13 points to oil. For North Shore tries were scored by Clarke (2) and Quinn (1), while Francis converted two into goals. Grafton v. Paenell. —Grafton won by 11 points to 4. THIRD FIFTEENS. Newton v. Grafton A.—Great interest was taken in this content, as the two teams were leading for the championship. After an interesting game Newton won by 11 points to 5. »For Newton Annan and Wilson scored tries, and W. Mills converted one into a goal. W. Mills alao kicked a goal from a penalty kick. For Grafton, Fielder secured a try, and Evers converted it into a goal. Complaint has been made as to wrangling and to the language made use of during the progress of tho game. The Referee, Mr F. Drum, ordered one of bhe Newton players off the field and haß reported another for disputing the Referee's decisions. The Secretary of the Referees' Association has reported the two men in question to the Auckland Rugby Union. Pahnell v. City.— The former won by default. OTHER MATCHES. Silver Star v. Native Rose.—This match was very exciting and resulted in a draw. Newton scored a try for Silver Stars and Culberb for Native Rose. Britomart v. Terrace.—The former won by 14 points to 3. For Britomarb Nicholson scored and Scobt converted. Ellis, Kelly and Hill alao scored one each. Chester v. Henderson. — This mutch was played aft Henderson, and after a hardfought game the former won by 8 points to 4. For the winners, Cleal and Craig scored u'try each, one of which was converted by Williams, while. Hepburn kicked a goal from a mark for the losers.. ROSEBERRY V. BBACH COMBERS. — Thl9 match was played at Surrey Hills and resulted in a win for the former by 11 points to nil. Tries were scored by W. Bain, 2, aud Clark 1. W. Bain kicked a goal.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 144, 18 June 1894, Page 3

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SATURDAY'S MATCHES. Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 144, 18 June 1894, Page 3

SATURDAY'S MATCHES. Auckland Star, Volume XXV, Issue 144, 18 June 1894, Page 3