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■ 4 "'i A, AHD,, EEFICTtTAIi; „,,' , Remedy, for ExtfiactfS"''fenoM Testimonials. ~ > „"! '3 vi K-f.'U'.-. -.1 ■.; - -;i ■ FMM Mr , ALEXANDER fiUXTABLBJ, latdwith.Mossrs Cleave and Co.. Auckland :—" My . wife derived £t6ut bokeflt fitom yom l 1/uritf Proetorf or whfin .suffering fr6m a severe qo}d on the ' ohost. I have al3o groat pleasure In testifyfog to'th&bobtjfifcl hav^rooeWedfrom it; It Aflol-da great relief to, the cough, and has. a soothing ■ dffeot, whiohproiufttog rdfreSKing sldop'withotlt ' tho.uhpleaSantirftdr-etFectßpttiducalb? doughmixture's containing opiates. .Ifcife very pleasant ' ito take t and relieves flatulency." ;./■• ~-■'<*:, ' tfrbm Jiev.-1! , .: t£. t&&tf # IJv'esleyan mini'stei-: ' '-*-•'I have'derived'stidh facrtSflt froth its"'tl!«r , . wßetl'Suffering fl , om:exooßsivo"*pealting«'''YoU J ■rtrillilsupposo,.kno'w,tls'at»the.ReT. Alexander.. ; Reed -,(now of.Dunedin) uses aud highly .oom-i. . mends it. . " ' '~ v " - * - ', ;, 1• ■ •''•' ■• ■- ■ 'Ms , ,J " '' -";'-• tfrom Hbr. H. J. OoN6DOM :i GtItiBERT,Chribtafcweh tf-"!l ehali iioti'fairto recotamond • it to all.vvhosufler from tlfleptioas of the t&rqat,", ' ■ from Itev, W. B". 1* A&Mtf. Wesie/an miniate*"—"l shall,cgrttftoiyttfcomm<m<ii tor all whd , suite , *. ,, ■ -< •' ! ..'.-'■''«,. , •, ' From Roy, CHAS. PENNY,- Napier i~*" lis one case when every, remedy, tried proved 'powerless to give relief (the co'ujjh was so'die- - trosalng), l the fli'at'doae of y'otir Lting Preserve? prored moat effective," ,-;j ■^■- r ,' ~- ;■ jtfroin 'i(eT.''GEO. £."tfh-'e Lttng" ' Preserver liafl done Mrs GhSHBoh a gfea,t"dctel of ' good." • ■■><)-. r ■■ .. ..). B'Pom;Her. J 'J3. MARSHALL:-"! received ■ considerable andspeedy relief." ' • FrorriDr;- J; BWART:-" As a Cdngh' Meflfr ■ ' oine for all agos it i 3 excellent.". • •> . ~: Sold'by all Chemfsts and StoreAfedtJeraiitt boftles-^la6d;2a6d, 4e6d;afidSaeachj > J ". * • -• JUtfentS-MitaSHABLAITOaadC©. ■-"< ■ HE'RQNGOPAI TENEI'KBI-.EOU-. .. -i TQUKATOA. > ..," ' .''ma Cβban;'- s/jp-ewir't , s' 'V?r\ " NEW CI/KB FOR ASTHMA ~,-„• i. .< , , NEW CURE FOR CROUPs - , NSW, OIJRE EOR DIPHTHERIA..'.. '■[ NEW CURE FOR CHRONIC. BROJtfCHITISe ■ .'.. Prepared f root, the Mountain and Forest ' ~, ' Plants of New Zealand. ~ , . lii'Astntfld the Ne\7 proved Hsdlftt) ;■ '■: -■ bo head and Shoalders'aboye all ' ''...-.•" , other, rerdedies.;- >; o ,iv ••;/■. Thq Ne-w Cure is.the onlyj epeMfic yet.'dls-. Cove red for Diphtheria.' , "" '.'" " '•' '" / ,In Group the NewCurehas tioftral. . It saves emetics,, lightlnß fires, :hot. .baths, and, all the attendant ~\Vorry incidental-,to the; arrival of. the Midnight Monster. ■ In Typhoid iFevei" tl«6 'New Cire disinfects, SOdthest and slbeti. '• ■•ci« J . , The JNew , . Cnre id the only, true, Lung Die- , tnfeutant. " ' ~ , " In no instance has a ae'StK 'dectirred ffOM diphtheria When the' "'Ndw Onre" haa been freely usftdfrom the'flret outset o£ the disease, ' and so great ate Uβ .protective powers that the complaint,has never, been to spread to other mortibets of the family. J " ' ' '' tfhfe Tifcw Curo, 3s 6d; 'Grindella, Robueta ' ' , <.!, l-Aethnia Tobadoo, •■ •"•■■- . j '2b 6d and Is. , • i ■ . , '•■ ■ ~ ". , . •, < i ■ ' • i ," ' • . on*'. <£/ colus .snowNS's 0 II L 0 R 6, p V X 1. Th» Orioinaland OofLY.GtetfinNa- , Advice'to Invalids.-If 'you wish to'obtdla nulet, te£reshirig sloop, free from 'hokdache, reliof from.pain and anguish, to oalm and assuage the wftary aohinga of protracted diseeso, invigorate the nervous regulate th« circulating ftvatoms of the body, you' Will provide j you raelfwith thaMriarvellousromedy discovofeS Iby Dv. J. Oollis Browne (late, Army Medical' Btrift). to vrhioh. hfe ga'vo the name.of OHLOROI)YNE, and wlilch is admitted by the profession ! to be the most -wonderful, and vnleable rotdedy I ever discovered. ; OHLOftODYNE is the best remedy kadwaJe? . Coughs. Oansuitiptfaii, Bronchitis,'A3tHrtnt. . OHLOItODYNE ■ aots HKe a chana in Diarrhoea, and is the only, epecifio in Cholera and Dysentery. . OHLOROBYNE effectually outs ahortraU at» tacks of Epilepsy*- Hyitdria, Palpit&tion; *.&&< P CHLORODYiIE is the only palliative In NoariilKia, Rheumatism, Gout, 1 Caiicel , , Toothiictta Meningitis, etc. • ' _ ffrom Symee and Co.,- Pharmeoeutlcal Cheto- , ists, Medical HalL Simla*' -January 5, 1880/, ,Te J. T. Davenport, Esq., 33, Great Buseell-street, Blbdiriabury, LoMdon.-' Dettt Sii I ,—Wo embfafie this opportunity of dongratulatlng You fipbn tho .wide-sptead : reputation this, justly-esteemed xnedicino, Dr. J. Collla Browne's Chlorortyne. has earned for itself,'riot only in Hindosttm, but ! all over tho Bast.- A.3 a remedy for general' utility, we much, question whether a better I* ! impoiled into ttie country, and w t e shall be ftlatito heal' of its finding a place in every AngloIndiaii horde.' The other branflfe.' We are happy to Bay; are now releeate a to th'enative bazaariJ, and, judcing fi'om their, sale, we,fancy theii , . BOjourn there will be evaneaqeht. We could , multiply laetancee , ad iiyinituin of 1 the esu-&«' ordinary oilicaey of Dr. Oollis Browne's , Ohloi'm . dyne in JJiarrho3a and- DyepnterW 3pftsin», i Cramps, Neutaljtia) tho Vomiting of Pregnancy,' tt&daaa soneral sedativa/'that have occurred under our tefeoniil dbsoi'Vittion during, many years. In Choleraic Diarrhoea, and 6ven in tbQ mdre terrible forms of Cholera" itself, .we have witnessed its eui?prlsiii£ly controlling Jpovvfer. Wβ hriVenevet used any oth6r toftil of-this saedidine than Collis Bi-owne'e.'from a firm convictlon that it is decidedly the best, and also ! Worn a senao 61 duty we' oWe to the profession' and tho public, as we are o£ opinion that thd substitution of any other than Collia BrOWnb'n SS a DELIBKKATIS ,nUBACU OF FAITH ON THS PART OF"'fHE OffiJiiAilS* 10 &NO pAMBtfT AtiKffi.—We afe, ah , , faithfully yours, Byrnes and Co., Members o£ the Pbarm* Society of Great Britain, Iliu Exoellenoy the ViaorOy a OheiiilfitS. ; ."■ ' CAUTION'.-Vioo-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated that Dr. J.'Collie Btowlie ■ivas, uhdoubtedly, tho Inventoro£Clilorodyno;th&tths . story of the defendant Freeman Waedoliberately I uiiti'Ue, which, he ragretced to say, had bees , sworfi to.—See *' The Tithes," July 13,166". : Sold in, bottles at Is U& X Zs 9d, 4b 6d ( diid 11s I each. None is genuine without the woj*de ".Diy IJ. Coilie Browne's Chlorodyne" on the GSovqpiiI ment ataitsp. Orer'whelml&e medical tefetintony , accompanies eaoh bottle. >• i Caution.—Beware of, Piracy and Imitations. Sole Ma'nufacturer-J. 1 , . DAVENPORI' $&, ' J ' It -> - SCffiATING'S P0WD226.. KEATJNG'S JPOWDKS. KEAMNG'S POW2MSR. KISATaNG'S POWDffiSl. KSATiNG'S POWiJSSfIi. ' ■ KSIATIKG'S POWDiSB. - (BUGS,. JfLjEAS, BJBteTZiKS 'BABMIiBSS TO ANIMALS". •. MOTHS,' . ■ . , , . ■ .■ . I PSIETLiSS* ■ Eut ia unrivalled in destroying FLEAS toUGS, "COCitRdACtIfES, BEETLES, Moths ltf-FURS. mosquitoes, 9Ve?y other spodies of itiseet. . The PUBLiIG-a>o CAUTIONED th»rt iJadkaßes of ,the gonuineL Powder bear Tlie autoeraph of THOMAS KEATING. ' Sold in tins only. - KEATINCVS WORM TAIELE*B. HEATING'S WORM KISATJNG'S.WOS.BS TABLESSS.^ A'PURELY VKGKTABLE §\VJEETMEAT, both in an- '&&& taste, furnishing a most agreeable rnisthdd* of administering tltfe 'only certaih remedy'.,foe.. INTESI'INALv oi< THREAD "VVORWS., It is, a, perfectly safe and m.ild pi'eijiaVation, and is, especially adapted for Children, Sold in tina by all Drtigftlsb. Proprietor, THOMAS KEATING, London. , intelligence and. buy only IN spite , of .all,, imitatldna Wotpfi's. < Jratik 6f ' .beisraaeai" ».-'.■' , .. i.' -. , .; :.■,;:■ ' . • .f .v-'.; ,i ...■,■.,■■ TIME after all, ifes the one grand test. Wolfe's Schnapps hae beea,<K) years bsiOTSthepubliCi ( ( . t

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Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 307, 29 December 1891, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 307, 29 December 1891, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 307, 29 December 1891, Page 6