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, ' ,NOW *i ;MKe."TpCONQREVE^WORK-Sb.o-\yingr that direful disease to foe ' jii : fell "its steigeiS, Mtll f obreifvatioidS OH "'' : :AS^MMA, : 'GM]&'O'litlC'., ■■fefiONCKlTlg^ !^..r'',i Oentaining a vast number- of-INTERESTING , , ■ CASES and I i -.-,-. and Ministers of all denominations. . \ ' Londos. and PußLisrtED w the Colonies bg I • T -»?^sS ß ' J " lt<) * E '* rs 6« r ' J & Co?, 305 and 307. ■ *iiL c Melbourne,- and Wynyard. I . Sydaoy. -'' ' - ■ ' Upton & Co.. Auckland;. *.' ■ ,' .. ; ; w ' .Simpson & Williams, High-street, Christ-. church; and ' • ..;• <. *'^> > vj ,E. A. Pethriok & Co.; Melbourne and Sydney. '-' - i 'P,9StFree,7d, |, ~'-.:•[ -.;',, ■ ■■'OOUGHfij': :\ ©Id; or ;Recent, ByoncMal or Dyspeptic, 1 / GOLD& .HOARSENESS,-ETC • ; THE FINEST -MEDICINE • * : -• • in , *hb 1 wbiitD 'is '•'-■■-'•.- -J ' : ip;, Ms.93:^^l'6d.,;ek \ ' NOTE.^tfdf'tfi&Asi tei, •!,&*s&s<M*CA£chkiß, ' I and all who have to exert the voice, a lump of sugar i : saturated with tills plcalaUl "EifxiS.'and sucked at \ aLoztngehefore speaking, willpreyent Hoabseness, comfort the cliett,-dildstteftgthenjMVoice,, ■' \ SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE HOUSES. ' i ; _'. " ', ' ■" ,'. a. .j '; ' L/'z'.'kJ i i : I Is the most perfect Emollient Milk for > SOFTENING AND BEAUTIFYING S t \ ». - , THE SKIW , i ' . I I Itt4cjiatliob4iH CoOD'nrid T3.sraTtsutt> In the Hottest ' I WEATHEItt > 'i •" ' fintlfcly rehnovos'and all t i I ROUGHNESS, REDNESS,- SUNBURN, TAN, &0. > I i And preserves tho TITE SKIN from the cCects of > > cxpoßiiro to the' j ! SUN, WIND, OR HASD WATEB, > - llorft effectually tlian any othor preparation. J ItiscltHffhtfully CooLTse'iinrt r.EtatiHiNO il applied to k . ' tho FttcSfir Hands dttcir bclr? out In thri SOU, TWilis- C • I playing. Yachtini?, Uα. It removes aU Heat nnd Initation ' I eoueedby tho Suh, Stlngn of Ineeotg, etc., ond imparts ? that DoUT.aitety Ipellns to tho Skin. iVhich lewdollghtful. b a Mco in England, 1«. & 29. Ca. Solo Mikert: 5 ' Agents: SHARLAND & CO., Auckland FISJjTON OIUNWADId CO Wellington. ''''"' 8 " ' ' ' Boxfoj, DiliousahcJ WCi/- , AlffV a Nervous Disordora ffsi/ * ' ' v* u l feucnasWind'anq . X MWJaCht), Gifldiiieea,- , 1 +i\ PI L - /« j Fulnoßs and Swcl. p /Slw aftor Meals, tt«jSi\ /*DjJ DiZßindßO and J&it?»\ - Drowßinees, Cold 'K&M' Chills.Flushingßoi \k <Pj>«- . Heat, Lops, of Ap« ' petite, '-Snortnesa ' o f lireath, Costive, BPSS > Scurvy ana $&#k » • Blotches o^ , tHe Saa^* , Skill) Dißturbcd Sleep, Drcftiia, ftUfl all tfotvotis aa<J Trembling Sensationu,' Ac. Tho flrat dose ,wiij - givo reliei in twonty minutes. ■ Bvery suilfcter id oamostly iflvitoa to.try (Jnfr •• box of theso Pills and theyrriu beacknotrledscij . to bo WORTS A CrtTIITEA~"A BOX. For of nil tigeii theao Plllo a*o invaln* ablo, ac a fety doEcs. of thorn carry o(T all humours, and bring abone aU. that is required. No f dmalG should Oβ Trithtrat them,;' 'Jhero is no * llodicmo to bo found equal to Beecham'e WUs r for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the syetom. If taken according to the dirocs tions given with each box; they will soon reofcova fertmles of all agee to Bound and 1 robust health. I This has been proved by thousands who havo \ fcried them, and, foUfid tho teciioflts which aro ensured by their neei ' ' ■ For to. wehk' Stdrnach) TrnpfcireS Digestion, c . Wid all,l)isordorß of.tho Livor, they act like ' to'ftg-ic, and a fdw dO6dS will be found to worifc ; T7onders on the most, important organs in the human machine. They strengthen tho wholo muscular system, reStoro tho long lost complexion, bririjf baok tho 'keen edgo of itppotite, » &nd arouso into action with tho roßebud of health the wholo physical energy of tho human frame. These are, Facts tostiflod continually • • by inembbfti oE ail claßßDa of' dooiaty and ono of tho best guarantees to the Nervous and r Debi]i- - i tated is, BEBCHAM'S PILLS have tht Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. Beeciiam's Magic &<mgh Pills. As a romody for Coughoiin general, Asthma, Bronchial Aifections, Hoarseness, Shortness of >?Broath, TightnOSß afld Oppression of tho Chest, ''Wheeling, Ac, these Ejlls stand unrivalled. ' They are tho best ever oftored to the publio antiWill speedily -remove -that eenso ol opprossiom end difficulty of which nightly doprivo th 6 patient' of rest.- Let any person give BBSCHAM'S COUGH PILLS a irial, and the most 'violent Cough ftiu iO ffl elicit time 5)0 j „ removed. * ..,,. .. , i,. >«•"■' r , Pro pared dhlr, and sold Wholesale and 3 Retail, by the Proprietor. Thoma3 Beecham, St. Helens. Lancashire, Englbnd,- ---} in boxes Is ljd (containing 56 pills), and at 2a 9d (treble quantity). , . Sold by all Druggists and PaldntModicine [ Dealers everywhere. I N.8.-FUlldilectidnSare given with each . ~ box*:, ■ ■ . . > ." : SOOTHING PONDERS - ', FOR CHILDREN CUTTING TfIEIR TEETH; • - ■ i ' t ~i' ~ CAtJTION TO PtlftOßtljSßßa She Vaf lie at this 'well-known #sjn'lly MeflldnsJ has been largely teotodin all parU of the iVorld* and. in all gradee of society, for upwards of Fifty yiearsv Its well*earned extensive sale has induced spurious imitations, some of ■which in tJurWAfeD co clbeely re- . eemble'the oi-Iginar as to haV6 deceived , many purchasers. The proprietor, therefore, feels it duo to the publio to give a,special ,oantion egftinßt'the use of Bti6h flnitations. • ' Purchasers are therefore- requested carefully ' to observe the four following distinctive oharacterlsticß, without which none are genuine :— . ■ let* in every oft3B.the words John S*BEDMAJf, Chemist. Walworth< SußHßYt'ar&enaravea on tho Government Stamp affixed to' eaon • Bach Single Powder has directions for the dose, and?the words ''John Steedinaa,; Chemist Wai Worth, Surrey,", printed thefechwi 3 3rd. The name Steedman is always spelt with " 'manufacture is Carried m Bolely in ' apS'to Paokete by all Chemists aad Modioina ? Vendors, at Iβ lid to 2a 9d each. Agoote:' ' KOftipthorae, Prosser,- aim ..Oo. ( > AucklMta ' .Wellington, ohrJatclww&. aa€ Ouaedia v . ,■-•''■ _ ' i(i ' ...,_,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 307, 29 December 1891, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 307, 29 December 1891, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 307, 29 December 1891, Page 6