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The Arch Hill Liconsing Committe sat on June Bth. Mr Lone;, of the Arch Hill Hotel, applied for a renewal of his license, which was granted, thara being no complaints.

The annual mooting of the Waikomiti Licensing Committee was held on Juno sth. Receiving a favourable police report as to tho New Lynn Hotel, a renewal was granted to Elizabeth Patterson.

Tho annual meeting of the Avondale Licensing Committee was held at the Public Hall, Avondalo, on June 4bh. The police report respecting the hotol in the district being a favourable one, the license wae renewed to Michael Foley.

The Graf ton Licensing Committee sab on Jane 3th. Tho only application was for a renewal of the license of tho Queon'e Hotel to James Hawkins, which was granted. Permission was also granted to pub out lights at ten o'clock.

The Ponsonby Licensing Committee sab on June Bth, and granted a renewal of the license of the Sufl'olk Hotel to Thomas Rseahan, and the Ponsonby Club Hotel to John Hand. Permission was granted to put out lights at 10 o'clock.

On Juno 2 a courb of the Obahuhu District was hold in tho Otahuhu Public Hall. A renewal was granted bo Pabrick Kelly for the Star Hobel, and a license was granted to Mr James Willis for the Criterion Hotel.

At a meeting of tho Kirikiriroa Licensing Committee on June sth, tho license for the Taupiri Hotel accommodation house was granted to Mrs Lovell, and the fee reduced from £20 to £10. The report on the house was satisfactory.

The annual licensing meeting for the district of One Tree Hill was held in the Epsom Hall on the sth of June. The renewals of licenses were granted to Junction Hotel, John Purcell; Harp of Erin, Robert Sharpe; Royal Oak, Margaret Gregory.

The meeting of the Hamilton Licensing Committee was held on June 6, when the police report re the Royal Hotol was unfavourable. The granting of the license was held over for a, fortnight, pending the return of Constable Murray from Napier, he having made tho roport. Tho other licenses were all granted.

The annual meeting of the Epsom Licensing Committee was held on June 3. Afavourable police roporb respecting the Epsom Hotel was received, but suggesting the need of a fire escape, whereupon a certificate was granted authorising the renewal to James George Wattie of his license, subjecb to a fire-escape, approved by the inspector, being at onco provided.

The annual meeting of the Eden Terrace Licensing Committee was held at the office of the Eden Terrace Road Board on Tuesday, June 2nd. Tho only application was for Ye Eden Vine Hotel, by L. Ballin. In granting the license on tho usual terms, tho Chairman, in the course of his remarks, seated that the Committee intended to have the laws atrictly adhered to.

Tho annual meeting , of the licensing committees for Hastings and i'arawi district, Thames, were held on June 3, when all the renewals wore granted with the exception of Teddy'e Hauraki Hotel, Williams' Hotel, and Hore Mateni's Kirikiri Kopu Hotel, which were adjourned for a fortnight. They have since been adjourned for another month, the Native Assessor wishing to refuse the licenses.

At the annual meeting of the Tamaki West Licensing Committee hold at Panmure on Juno 2nd, renewals were granted to the three hotels in the district. It was resolved to ask the Returning Officer to hold tho triennial election of tho Committee and the local option poll late in September, so that the present Committee might deal with two applications for removal of license which had been made.

The annual sitting of the Newmarket Licensing CourS was held on June 9fch ab the Newmarket Hall. The Committee gran ted renewals as follows :—Captain Cook Hotel to Edward Darby, Carlton Club and Jubilee Hotel to Mrs Mary Jane Griffiths, Newmarket Hotel to W. Brown, Royal George Hotel to William Whittaker Warnock. Permission was granted to all licensees to pub out their lamps ab 10 p.m.

The Onehunga Committee met at the Court House on June 4th. The following applications for renewal of licenses were granted :—Victoria Hotel, M. Cullen ; Terminus Hotel, Matthew Bdgar ; Prince Alfred Hotel, John Lloyd ; Hibernian Hotel, Robert Ternahan ; Manukau Hotel, M. S. Watermaa; Exchange Hotel, B. Evans. Application for transfer of license was also granted from Mr Gobby, Royal Mail Hotel, to Miss Evans.

The annual meeting of the Karangahape committee was held on Juno sth, when jenewals were granted aa follows:— Star Hotel, Patrick Brophy; King's Arms Hotel, Arthur Robert Hardy ; Edinburgh Castle, Patrick Quinlan ; Newton Hotel, Samuel Williams. x\n application by Charles Joseph Moses for the granting of a license to sell New Zealand wince waa adjourned for a fortnight. Permission was given fcha hobelkeepera to pub out their lights at 10 p.m.'

The annual meeting of the Parnell Licensing Committee was held at the Borough Council, Office on tho .6th June. George Leahy applied for a renewal of the license of the Alexander Hotel. The police report stated that this hotel was in good condition aodcleau, buttherewasinsufficienb furniture and bedding. It was agreed to 'jrant the renewal of license, on condition tihaS there should be a new tenant, and the house furnished to the satisfaction of the Committee. Renewals of license were granbed to James Stewart, Windsor Castle Hotel, and Frederick Tomlinson, Exchange Hotel.

Tho annualmeetingoi the Auckland South Licensing Committee was held at the R.M. Court on June 2nd. There were no complaints of Sunday trading or anything in any way against any of the' houses in City South. The houses in the South Ward wore kept very clean and regpsctablo throughout, and the Committee was very pleased with them. Applications for renewal of license were made and granted in each of the following casee, there being no objection made in any caso : Naval and Family Hotel, Patrick Brodie ; Freemans Hotel, Michael Do'rvan ; Prince of Wales Hotel, Chas. H. Dodge; Market Hotel, Andrew R. Dunn ; Carpenters Arms Hotel, Archibald Hill; Anchor Hotel, Thomas Philan ; Rob Roy Hotel, Wm. Regan ; Robert Burn's Hotel, Chas. S. Strange; Rising Sun Hotel, Matthew James McMahon.

The six Auckland city Cotamibteesmefaat the Municipal Buildings on May 26th, when nearly tho whole ot the members were present and matters of great importance were discussed. Mr J. J. Holland was voted to the chair. There was some discussion as to whether it wae the duty of

the police or the Committees to inspect the hotels. Mr Porter moved, and Mr Julian seconded, " Thab the Committees visit the licensed houses as usual." The motion was carried. The Chairman said it wae understood that a petition was being got up by publicans and others to secure an extension of hours. Hβ thought the presenb hours should be adhered to. Ib was resolved on the motion ol Mr Porter, seconded by Mr Burton, "That the whole of the Couamittnes pledge themselves nob to grant an extension of time after 10 o'clock." Mr Porter said he bad beers informed by the Inspector of Police thab there was a great deal of Sunday trading in Auckland, and nono could ahub their eyes to tho fucfe that a great deal of Sunday trading was being done. He thought a notice should b© sent to all hoßol licensees intimating that extreme action be would taken in the event of any convicted for Sunday trading. Complaints had also been made of Sunday trading on board vessels alongside the whart under packet licensee, for which £5 were paid. Iti was resoped, in respect of harbour steamers, "Thab no packet liconsee be granted except on the clear understanding that it is nob made use of on Sunday. ' Mr Craig said bhere was a great deal of gambling in the Auckland hotels, Ib was ovenbually agreed thab gambling should be included in the circular to be sent round to licensees.

Theannual meebingof thoAucklandNorfch Licensing Commibtee was held on June Ist. The Chairman eaid that the Committee wished to draw attention to the facb that in Auckland North and East complaints had been received with reference to Sunday trading. He wished to specially warn the licensees that the Committee had decided to do its duty and support the police in every way ib could to put a stop to Sunday trading. The Committee wasalsosurprised to sco that amongst tho complaints there were mentioned three of the largest hotels in tho city. Transfers were made as follows: — Albion Hotol, from Patrick Gleeson to Harry Meyer; City Hotel, from James Lannigan to John Carroll; Aurora Hotel, from Joseph Robinson to Samuel Tooman. Tho Bench renewed licenses in the following; cases : —Nevada, Hotel, to John Barrett; Albert Hotel, to Lindsay Cook ; Victoria Hotel, to John Frederick Luks ; City Hotel, to John Carroll; Royal Mail, to John Morrison ; Alexander Hotel, to John Peerce ; Prince Arthur Hotel, to William Henry Pierce ; Shamrock Hotel, to James Eenwiok ; Empire Hotel, bo Patrick William Ryan ; IJobson Hotel, to Alfred John Tapper ; Pier Hotel, bo Harry Bennett pGlooaon's Hotel, to Sydney William Buck; Bricklayers' Arms, to Robert William Brown ; Governor Browne Hotel, to Mary Coyle; Sear Hotel, to Jamos Craig ; Thistle Hotel, to Thomas Davis ; Waitomata Hotel, to John Endean ; Shakespear Hotel, to Johanna Lyndon ; Oxford Hotel, to William Mahonoy ; United Service, to Goorgo Baxtor Martin; British Hotel, to John Gallagher.

Tho annual meeting of the Auckland East Licensing Committee was held on the 3rd of Juno. Renewals of liconsea were granted in the following cases, the police reports being favourable, and no other objections being made:— Central Hotol, Staploton C. Caulton; Queen's Head Hotel, J no. Darby ; Britomarb Hotel, Andrew Fernandez; Park Hotol, Gco. H. Easton ; Grand Hotel, Frederick Gaudin ; City Club Hotel, Sarah Jacoba (Mr Cotter appeared); Commercial Hotel, Alfred Kidd (Mr Cotter appeared); Swan Hotel, James O'Shea; Caledonian Hotel, Francis O'Dowd ; Globe Hotel, Joseph Parkes ; Wynyard Arms, H. C. Richmond ; Queen's Ferry, W.Sfcimpson ; Imperial. T. C. ,-Urquharb ; Fitzroy Hotel, Annie Ziegler; Occidental Hotel, J. W. Russell. Mr S. Hesketh appeared in support of an application for a renewal of the license of the Thamos Hotel to Simon C'oombe. Tho Chairman aaid this was one of tho hotels that hadbeon reported against for Sunday trading. Tho license was granted, the Committee warning the licensee thab it" Sunday trading continued hie license would have to bo cancelled. Mr Cotter applied for a renewal of tho license of the Clarendon Hotel to William Lynch. The Chairman said this was one of the hotels about which the Committee had had complaints of Sunday trading. Mr Lynch had bad many warnings. The Committee wore nob satisfied with the state of the house, which was nob tidy, and rather dirty in some of tho rooms. Tho Commibtee had determined to inspect the house again, and postpone granting a renewal of license until the 29bh instant. R. T. Micbaols applied for a renewal of tho license of the Pacific Hotel. The Chairman said the Committee had had a long discussion with regard to this hotel, bub had decided to grant the renewal. They proposed to consider ab tho noxfa annual inoeting as to whether thia hotol was roquired in fcho district. George I. Pantor applied for a renewal of the Wavorley Hotel license. The Chairman aaid the Committee were surprised to learn tihab this large hotel was doing Sunday trading, and cautioned the licensee that if it continued, severe measures would be taken to stop it. The renewal was granted. Petor Purcell applied for a renewal of the Railway Terminus Hotol license. The Chairman said thero wns nothing against the hotel in the police report, bub the Committee had arrived at the conclusion tbab the hotol ehould be renewed. They hoped some steps would bo taken during the noxb twelve monbhs in bhe direction indicabed. The renewal was granted. Marion Stuart applied for a renewal of the license of the Provincial Hotol. The Chairman said this hotel was reported againsb for Sunday trading. The Committee wero not pleased with bhe houee, and had decided to give twelve months' notice that the house was nod required in the neighbourhood.

Tiie Nelson licensing committee have renewed all licenses for 11 o^clock.

All the licenses in the Waiareki and Papakaia districts, Oamuru, have been granted afresh.

The Christchurch Norfch-weßt Licensing Committee has granted all renewals and applications.

The Blenheim Licensing Committee have o-rantodrenewalsofalllicenses, butcautioned tbopolice to see thab Sunday trading isput a stop tpO. ■

Ib ia understood that the Dunedin City Licensing Bonch has decided to close seven houses forthwith, five others during the current year, and another five 12 months afterwards.

The Christchurch South-west Licensing Committee met on Juno 4, when all applications for renewals were granted, with the exception of tho White Horse, owing to complaints of Sunday trading..

The Maori Hill (Dunedin) Licensing Committee, in granting a 12 months' renewal to theonly licensed house in thedistrict, passed arosolution notifying that sibthenext annual meeting tho house would be closed on the ground bhat it was not required in the neighbourhood.

Ab a meeting of the Christchurch North Easb Ward Licensing Commibtee on June 2 renewals with 11 o'clock licenses wero granted to all the hotels except) the Foresters, which was adjourned till the 16th pending a caeo of Sunday trading. The Chairman said the police report was satisfactory, bub every care must be taken to keep the houses clear of spielers and low characters. He also announced their intention of putting & stop to Sunday trading.

The annual meeting of the Wellington liceneingr ocmmitteo was held on June sbb. Mr Willeston (chairman) said that the Committee were elected for thrse years fchey intended to see that their decisions were rigorously carried out. The fifty-five hotels in the cicy were reported to be in a fairly good condition

and well furnished. The Committee thought in future they should be classified in the annual police report into firsband second class houses. During the year half the hotels had changed hands, and sometimes more than once. The reason, no doubt, was thab they were largely in the hands of brewers and merchants, and the Committees strongly suspected there was a good deal of dummyiem going on. They had made up their minds nob to grant licenses in future to single women, the present holders excepted.

The Sydenham Licensing Committee announced their decision on June llbh in regard to the applications for licensee. The Chairman said they were elected as a Prohibitionists Committee and under the impression that they were empowered to refuse all licenses. They now find themselves restrained from such Mr Justice Dennieton's interpretation of the Act, and felt they had no option bub obey &ucb an order until such a time as His' Honor's order was reversed or confirmed by the Court of Appeal. The decision of the Courb was thab they refused the renewal of six oub of eight applications on tho ground thab the Committee of their own motion and after hearing evidence were of opinion that the premises were nob required. With respecb to the two remaining applications the Cor.imittee were inclined to grant them, bub postponed their decision until June 22nd.

Judgment was given in the Sydenham licensing case by Mr Justice Denniston on June 9. His Honor did not consider thab the contention of the defendants that the right to bo guided by a majority of the ratepayers as to the closing of houses waa right. Ib was an interference with individual right which was not warranted by the statute, The only right given by the ratepayers was the local option vote, which freely dealt with the increase or nob of bouses in districts. Aβ there would no doubt be an appeal to the highest Court in the colony he would make an order restraining the defendants from refusing the licensee of the premises of fche plaintitte, or any of them, on the ground only thab the licensing of such premises, or any of ihem, is not required by a majority of the ratepayers, and adulfc male and female residents of Sydenham licensing district; that in considering whether the licensing of such premises, or anyofthem,is required in the neighbourhood of Buch premises, they will consider whether such premises are required according to the reasonable wants of such of the residents aa may desire to purchase liquor.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 143, 18 June 1891, Page 3

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LICENSING MEETINGS. Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 143, 18 June 1891, Page 3

LICENSING MEETINGS. Auckland Star, Volume XXII, Issue 143, 18 June 1891, Page 3