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It will be Been thafc'. New iZealand volunteers are, entitled to compete in no leas than 10 matclies- in connection wifcli the Melbourne Intercolonial Rifle Match, which will be .held during the Exhibition. These matches represent 694 prizes of the total value of £1865, and the total entrance money for each competitor is £5 10s; but, in addition, he has to pay 10s 6d subscription, Is fora book, and a late fee ofss-^ making a total of £Q. 656&? A mooting of Auckland Volunteers will;be held, shortly to consider the matter. ? . ,

James Maxwell, sentenced to one month's imprisonment for vagrancy, was brought up from Coromandel yesterday by Constable Rest.: ' • ■ - ■■' • .'' ::

At the R.M. Court this morning^ Dr. Giles, the R.M. gave a verdict for the plaintiff in the: case of' Lee v. Coghill, claim £A 17s 6d.. ~ * .-.

The services in connection %vith.the third anniversary of the Graf ton Road Wesleyan Church will be held to-morrow. V

The Devonporb Perry Company notify by our advertisement Columns that they will run a steamer to St. fleiier's Bay, and also to H.M.S. Diamond, to-morrow afternoon (Sunday).

• Tho mechanical drawing classes in connection with tho University College open for the final term for tho year om Wednesday next, 19th inst., at the Grammar School, at 7.30 p.m. We understand that ail the students -who attended the classes before oho vaoation express their intention of continuing as students for the ensuing year. In the case Straka v. Puhoie-Road Board, the arbitrators gavea decision in favour of Straka for £199 Is 4d made up as follows :-— £160 10s compensation and £48 lls: 4d costs. Messrs J. Clendon R.M., C. j)} Whitcombe, and Moor were the arbitrators'

The parade of the Naval Battalion was well attended at the Drill-shed lasb night. Captaih-Cotnmandant Leßoy was present and put,the men through a long course of drill. Tho three companies mustered well under the command of their respective officers. '■ •'' ■

A deputation of miners from the Tanpiri Mines waited upon the Hon. Mr Mitchelson yesterday in reference to the demurrage rates for coal trucks at the mihe'3"; It appeared that the trucks were left;at the mines six hours, after which a charge was made, Mr. Mitehelson stated : that; the llailway Departmenb ..could hob agrep to keep trucks ab the mines practically to give the Company storage accomrr|odabjpn. It was the rduty of the Company: to find the requisite accommodation for itself.

Mr'Pooley's singing class had an""even-! ing with Woody and Sankey" atthe XJhris' tian iLeetirig.House, Cookfßtreet, last evening. Mr Pobley explained;that this was the first of a series of evenings with/ the celebrated eva,ngelists, the object of which was to acquaini the vocalists i with the devotional expression so necessary to the ren : , dering of sacred music. Several hymn's :wei'6 then rendered::by the class in "a jyery; creditablo manner. * ;

A temperance meeting wide* the auspices of theßlue,Ribbon Army, an4Lii» connection with cottage meetings,. was held last night in the schoolroom, Victoria Avenue, Eden Terrace_..^, > ;Mr,T. : S. Gibbina conducr ted the meeting and a very intereßtkig programmo, consisting of songs, recitations and readings,.was gone through :with niucß credit to" the performers. Parents and residents in this locality, should give their best support to such a worthy object aa saving those who may otherwise be ruined,, mentally and physically, by strong drink. ' These • meetings are held on the second ] Friday in each month, and commence at 7.30. Mr W. H. Webbe delivered a highly interesting le^tureentitled "How to Become a Good Singer," at the School of Music, Hobson-street, on Thursday evening. The lecturer dealt with the original function of singing, the anatomy and physiology of the vocal organs and the hygiene of >■ the voice. He also gave advice as to what and- when to practice.' The lecture was listened to with "marked attention. -The following items, piano' quartette and solos " Caliph of x ßagdad " and ; "Don pioyanni,'' piano duet,- "Poet and Peasant,"; piano solo, ''Caprice; Hongrois&i" contributed by the! MUses : Campbeil, Dewat, Butters,, R. Dewar, Gilmer, F. Gilnier, Giribbin, and Taylor, members of Mr Webbe's quartette class, were all well rendered. "■■.:..:..; ' ;

A large audience assembled in the leotureroom of the y.M.C;A.; Buildings" last evening for the purpose pfl listening to Mr iWt ■ McDowell, descritingf !a>recent tour through, Palestine. . The, lecturer iUdstratM bia eubjecfc Vith a eerie* of liiiielight yie>yß. = Air'McDowell appears to haye; visited moat of the places of Scriptural ititerest, and in the course of his remarks frequently quoted appropriate, passages from tneßible. HedescribedJafiaiJerusaiem,the Plain ot Sharon, Hebron, the Dead Sea aud the Jordan. Speaking of the futdro of Pales-1 tine MirMePpwellsaid that theiland would soon acquire its old fertility were the people once free .from-the blighting iTule- of the Turk, who seemed to have no capacity for government boyond imposing taxation. Recent ;;events showed ; ; that the ; Great Powers were casting covetous glances upon it;.»;Kiissia:'was: lojoking^ to more than the. Holy "Places, and England,, by Beiiing' upon Cyprus; intended to watch the Syrian coast.- In the struggle which might possibly: come, abgut, .it <wa« to be Hoped that the f Holy Land, in whJcli!theyi had so deep an interest;, wonld; ultimately dome - under iiHe 4 benejicebt i of Grreali Britain.-; Throughout) .the lecturer was; jfMened to withJgreat attention and at3ho termination a vote of ithanks was accorded Mr McDowell and .also the Rev. J. S. Hill, >yho manipulated ithelimelight apparatus. Ponsonby cricketers shpnld pay attentioti to the advertisement ,-in this evening's paper. .A meeting 'for the purpose of relforminpj this defunct Club will be held at the Albert Hotel, when all intending members are requested to be present, ' ;; Mr T. Phillips announces in another column settings of eggs from prize' JPlymouth Rock fowls. .',..'■■ ()n Monday. eyehing the Bey, A. j. Smith will give his deservedly popular lecture, "An Evening "wittij. B. Gough," in, the Pitt-street School-room. The Mission choir 'will giye' mu'sipal selections during the evening. The Rev. E. Best will preside.' ;. ; > ;' . : iPiaygoers and all who wish to repognise genuine-merit should not fail to a£tend;tho Opera House on Monday evening next, when >" The Colleen Bawn " is to be per-, formed"for the^^ benefit'of Mr Alexander, the well-known '■ comedian.:->'-'- i^Th9^..,bffiQerajpf; H.M.S. Diamond have given their pairbn-t •age and will be present; on the occasion. Theprices are low, and as each ticket wUI admit two children in addition to an adult, there willsdoubtloss, b;e a large, attendance;; tO'see; this favourite play performed. ] Special Saturday Bargains. iMen's Stout. Walking Boots at Hannah's 7s 6d, Women's' Neat Balmorals 'or Elastic Sides, ; -5s only. . See them, .Hannah's Cash Boot Palace, 172 Q«on.gtreet,"—Apvft

Mr I). Evitt, the gurithaker,who has been established in Queenvsfcreeb since 1859 notifies m another column1 that he has re-; moved bit place of business to the premises adjou raing ;Mr ;Payne, the \ jeweller, almost opposite Arthur's auction mart. Good-times come again! according;. to our advertising columns, wnnte foui'Wives for as many weU-to-db settlers j and three beautiful 5 daughters of Mother Eye are willing to negotiate through Mrs Hannafordi at the Auckland Registry. ' .■■'-.• :'.. '~. ;. ;/ , The' announcement of the Domain Grammar School which appears in another portion of thia iasue deserves to be'carefully considered by parents and guardians of-tho young. The educational principles laid down and the information afforded as to the course of study are of the uttnost importance. " . ■•- : . The Exors. of Thomas Short nbtify'in another colunln-that their cheap sale will last for a short time longer, and for a.few days they will introduce si lot'of job lines/: in gentlemen's wearing apparel, for whidi no reasonable offer >vill be refused.

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 218, 15 September 1888, Page 4