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A special <meeting of the City Council, in Committee, >was held last evening to further consider the retrenchment proposals of the Finance Committee. There were present: His Worship the Mayor (in the chair), and Crs. Patterson, Hewson, Eyans, Cooper, James, Dignan, Buchanan, Atkin, Holland, Cooper, Grey, Lennox, Swales, Garratt, and Da vies. Town Clerk—£4so to £350. The Committee's recommendation was that the Town Clerk's salary be reduced from £450 to 400. An amendment by Cr. Cooper was seconded by Cr. James, "That the services of the Town Clerk and Treasurer be dispensed with, and that applications be invited for the dual position of Town Clerk and Treasurer at a salary of £500 per annum." Cr. Crowther expressed disapproval of the amendment, and expressed a nope that it would not be carried. If it were not carried, he would be prepared to move that the Town Clerk's salary be reduced to £350.. .. .„ , „ , Cr. Lennox also-opposed the amendment. He recognised the Town Clerk as a valuable servant, and did not believe that it wasSossible to combine the offices of Town lerk and Treasurer. The consequence of such an arrangement would involve the employment of an accountant at.a salary of about £100. Cr. Patterson spoke in a similar strain, and Cr. Holland indicated his intention of supporting; the recommendations of the Finance Committee as a whole. Cr. Cooper urged that the proper course was to reduce the staff to a workable compass, but ho was not convinced that the joint offices could be filled by one man. He was prepared to alter his amendment so as to retain the services of the Tewn Clerk, but would not withraw the amendment. . , Cr. Garratt said his honest conviction was that if the offices were amalgamated, it would mean the " go" for. the Town Clerk, but ho ivOtfld vote for the amendment on the score of economy. . , Crs. Dignan,Davies,Bvans and James opposed the proposed amalgamation of offices. Cr. James urged that Cr. Cooper should withdraw his amendment. He (Cr. James) had seconded the amendment, it was true, but upon further consideration he had changed his mind. Cr. Atkin said he. would supporb the proposal for amalgamation, although^ ho did not think the time for amalgamation bad arrived, and he would have preferred a substantial reduction in salaries. The Mayor said his views had not changed since last meeting. >-• - The amendment was put and lost. Cr. Cooper called for a division, but the Mayor ruled that no1 division could be called for in committee. Cr. Crowther said he would not say one word against the present Town Clerk, but he knew that theEe was a large number of competentmen who would beonlytooglad to accept the assurance of £350 for the next year. He moved that the Town Clerk's salary bo reduced^to £350 per annum. Cr. Lennox. seconded, on the score of necessity. Cr. Swales and Cr. James supported the amendment. . . • ' Cr. Evans eaid that the Finance Committee had gone into this matter very carefully, and they considered that a reduction of £50 would be sufficient. ihsamendmenti was carried. , ■ TftEAsußEß—£3oo to £250. ; The Finance Committee recommended that the Treasurer's salary be £300. Cr. Daviesmovedas an amendment,"That ' the Treasurer's salary be reduced to £250." Cr, Patterson seconded. He recognised, the as an able man : who did his work well, but it Was not right to take so < much off one man's salary and leave the Treasurer untouched. ■ Cr. Garratt supported the amendment. He *would not vote for a reduction in the salary of every officer. * • The amendment wascarried. . CotLECTORS (Two), £200 to £175. The Finance Committee recommended, "That the salaries of the Colloctor (Mr Payne) and the Assistant Collector (Mr i Bennett) remain at £200 per annum." Cr. Hewson moved, as an amendment, • : ' ' That the salaries of both officers be re- ] duced to £150 per annum." i Cr. Davics seconded the amendment. i Cr. Garratt mentioned that Mr Payne had : the more responsible position of the two, ! arid suggested that some difference might ■be made in the salaries received by each. Cr. Crowther thought that it was too i much" tdask gentlemenof the collectors'abili-' , ties to work for £3 a week. He suggested that the salaries should be reduced to £175. , Both officers had ably discharged their ■ duties, which were of a very arduous chari acter. , i Gr. Holland'arid" Cr." Dignan supported i' the recommendation pf the Finance Com- ■ :mittee. ■ ..; ■■ ■ ■/■ .■ ■.■■ '■ ■' '■ '■ ■■■• ■■. ■■;': / ! Cr. Patterson supported the amendment. [ The Mayor saidr-he did not think either salary should be touched,^ the Collector's duties being especially arduous in these hard times. ■ . !.:■ Cr. Garratt suggested that the amendment should be withdrawn in favour of Cr. Crbwther's proposal to reduce'the salaries to ' £175. ! Qti Hewson agreed to this course, and i substituted £175 for £150. _ i Th 6 amendment was carried. Valueb, £200 to £175. : The Finance Committee recommended 1 that the valuer's salary remain at £200. 1 Cr. Davies moved as an amendment that ' bhß valuer's salary be reduced to £175. ; 1 Cr. Patterson seconded. : Gr. James suggested a reduction of lOper ■ cebfe'•..■• ■'■'. . ■ '".:•■'; - •< ' ■' . 1 Cn.Evans said it was inadvisable tO: 1 make any reduction in the valuer's salary, the position being a very important oM.'" J Cr. Dignan said that this would please ' th©- Ratepayers.' Association least of a 11....; .■■;:,., Cr.; Evans : not care about the Rate--1 payers' Association. > (Laughter.) ' Cr. Oro\ytherfeltquitesurethattherewere gentlemen as able and willing as thef present valuer who would do his work for £175. -. '';' ' ;• ' The amendment was earned; . CLEBK-r-£lso=£lso, The Finance Committee recommended that the salary of the Clerk; remain at £150. '■ •■ .'■ • - ..„.,.. r CA- Day,iea- r moved, as an amendment, ~';' That the salary be reduced to; £i 35;■ lf. ■: Th& amendmeiit was nob seconded, and the salary was allowed to stand. City EN(HN.EfcR-^£soo to £400. The Finance Committee recommended that-the-City Engineer's salary be reduced . from £500 to £400. . , Cr. 'Hewson.moved as; ah amendment, ''That(the;, offices of. City, Engmeet::and Clerk of Works be combined, at a salary of .:£406:" ■■:' ;-, ;...y ;j . „:".■•.■'.. .;". ~.■■:"." '■'■ . Cr. Patterson seconded. • Cr. Garratt thoughfifc was impracticable to; "carry 6'tfb tM joint' duties 6f Engineer arid Cierlt of Wqrlts. "He would be prepared- 'to.. move that. tke City Engineer's salary be redußed:tt>:£sso,; ■ r Cr. Crowther clrew attention to the fact that th.e..conßulfcii?g Engineer and Surveyor had been dispensed >ytth> He. thought' this was sufficient cutting in tbia department. " .■'.•■ . ■ . • j • Or. \lß:iii?.i&n wtfcb4»«»W his ftfii^iKJi**^*' Of. ihfiisß IJ)(5&ghV the1 Wst-plan weald 'be to t&rika out tho City Engineer alto-

gether, and allow his duties to be performed by the Clerk of Works. w . Cr. Garratt moved. "That the City Engineer's salary be reduced, to £350. r Cr. Patterson seconded. Cr. Atkin supported the resolution. Cr. Evans drew attention to the fact that the Committee proposed to retrench £650 in this office by dispensing with the Consulting Engineer and Surveyor. The City Engineer would have additional duties, and now it was proposed to reduce the salary to £350. ' - ' Cr. Crowther was afraid that if the city Engineer was reduced to £350, he would "go." It should be borneia mind that although this colony was under depressed circumstances, there was plenty of money elsewhere, and the Engineer might obtain his credentials and seek other employment. Crs. Dayies, Lennox, Patterson and Atkin supported the amendment, which was carried. , Subveyob—£3oo. The Finance Committee recommended that the services of the Surveyor be dispensed with, and this was agreed to without dissent. Clerk and Dbaughtsman—£lso. The Finance Committee recommended that the salary of the clerk and draughtsman remain at £150, and this was agreed to. Clerk of Works—£2oo to £180. The Finance Committee recommended a reduction from £200 to £150. Cr. Garratt moved aa an amendment, " Tha£ the Clerk of Works receive £180 for the ensuing year." Cr. Swales seconded. Cr.' Lennox said he would support the Committee's recommendation in this case. Cr. Atkin said that Mr Knight (Clerk.of Works) had suffered the loss of an assistant, and was so pressed with work that he had to post up his books on Sunday. The Mayor denied the latter assertian. Cr. Crowther thought that the Clerk of Works was worth £4 a-week. _, Cr. Patterson supported the amendment, which was carried. Pumping Station Engineer—£2oo. The Finance Committee recommended that the salary remain at £200. . Cr. Davies moved an amendment,. "That the amount be reduced to £150. There was no seconder, and the salary was allowed to stand at £200. \ Abattoibs Inspeotob—£lso. The Committee recommend that the Inspector's salary remain at £150. - It was resolved that this matter stand over pending the Council's decision re the abattoirs. StTPBBINTENDENT FIBE BBIGADE — £250 to £200, The Finance Committee recommended a reduction of £50. Cr. Davies moved : "That the Superintendent of the Firo Brigade be paid by results, with the view of compelling the Insurance Companies to contribute." On the suggestion of the Mayor, ho consented to table a notice of motion to this effect. Cr. Garratt moved : "That the salary of the Superintendent of the Fire Brigade be reduced to £225." . Cr. Evans said that, when making their recommendation, the -Finance Committee did nob overlook the fact that the Eire Brigade was an enormous cost to the city, and they intended, aa soon as time would permit, to reduce the remuneration given to firemen also. The average cost of maintaining the Brigade for the past year was £25 per week, and it was very desirable that some considerable alteration shojujd be effected in the existing arrangements. Cr. Crowther spoke of the existing Tates of insurance as absurdly high, when it was remembered that four Fire Brigades were in existence in close proximity to the city. : Cr. Lennox thought it very necessary that further retrenchment should be made in the cost of Fire Brigade maintenance. The amendment moved by Cr. Garrfttt I was put and lost, and the Committee's rej commendation was permitted to stand. Libbabian—£lso to £130. The Committee recommended that no reduction be made. (St. Garratt moved, " That the salary bs reduced by £35." Cr. Davies seconded, and the amendment was carried. - ; Messbnger^-£156 to £130. The Finance Committee recommended a reduction of £26. ■ . ' Cr. Davies moved as an amendment that the Balary be reduced to £104, but this was not secondedj and the salary was fixed at £130. ; Assistant Libbabians. Thesalaries of the Assistant 'Librarians (two) were allowed to stand,at £65 and £40 respectively, according to the recommendation of the Committee. Assistant Sanitaby Inspector. ; " The Committee recommended that) the salary of the Assistant Sanitary Inspector remain at £100, and this was agreed to. Tcbkcock. The salary of the turncock was allowed to remain at £175, and the salary of the assistant turncock was reduced from £182 to £175. .•;;:-' ■::.::..:■:■-, , v ; . ••:;/ , ;; ■ Stonh-beeaking. The Finance Committee recommended : " That the employment of atonebreakers be discontinued on lab November nexb, after which date all metal required by the Council be purchased or obtained by tender, as may from time to time be deemed expedient. There is now metal in stock at Mount Eden the property of the Council, paid for, value £600. The annual saving by the adoption of this method is estimated at £450." * : ■ , Cr. Garratt said that the saying to be effected .by the adoption. o.f .this .clause would not be equivalent to the injury done to, the stone-breakers, and the ratepayers geflerally. He moved, "That the clause be struck- out;" , Cr. James seconded. Cr. Evans urged that if the Council wished to be charitable, thoy fehould give these unfortunate men easier work than stonebreaking. Cr. Crowther•'; said that stonebreakrng was work peculiarly suited for the unemployed, and thafe if the storfebreakers wete discharged, the Council would have to find JiKem something else to do. He would vote against the clause. " Cr. Atkin urged that this was a colonial rather thaii a, cifcy question. He objected to the Council being Charitable Aid Board Mayor stated that the Engineer..repoFted thafc ihe would requiceonly 9,000yd3 metal for the ensuing- year, that^^he had 6Q,Qyds to" start with; ■ The amen<Jqxent was lost, by 7.., votes'! againet 65 and the Committee's reoommenda- j tion was agreed to. 1 The remainder of the Comrhittee'iS r"o-1 commendabibns were deferred for further i consideration on Thursday evening next, -r. j

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Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 263, 29 August 1888, Page 2

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THE RETRENCHMENT ROAR. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 263, 29 August 1888, Page 2

THE RETRENCHMENT ROAR. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 263, 29 August 1888, Page 2