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Gala Night in Auckland.

Extensive preparations are being made tor the illumination of the city to-morrow evening in honour of tho Queen's Jubilee. J-ne movement is due entirely to individual enterprise, no steps having been taken by the authorities to make any display on the occasion. ■ The illuminations will be on a scale of some magnificence, and will cer. tainly be the best of the kindthat Auckland has yet witnessed. They are of various lands, from the simple window lighting, to the pretensions illumination by fanciful designs in gas jets and the display of costly panited transparencies. ■ The illuminations will bo for the most part in k'ueen-street and its neighbourhood, and the spectacle in our main thoroughfare promises to be one calculated to do honour to the occasion. Between forty and fifty large transparencies will be lighted up, and apart from these illuminations by means of gas, coloured lamps and candles should be brilliant and beautiful..; The majority of tho transparencies used have been supplied by Messrs W. H. Pulford and May, Mr J. Henderson, and Messrs Kilian and Fisher. The first-named firm painted their own pictures, those from Henderson's were executed under the direction of Mr W. Taylor, whilelMr Backhouse, of Newton, painted for Kilian and Fisher. Gas will be employed for the illumination of all the transparencies with the exception of those supplied by Kilian and Fisher, and candles will be used for these. It is expected that there will be an immense crowd of spectators in town, and, with the object of preventing obstruction and confusion, the police have been instructed to see that the stream of traffic proceeds down Queen-street on the western side, and up on the eastern. Horsemen and vehicles will not be allowed to proceed at faster than a walking pace. We append some particulars of the principal decorations in the order in which they will be observed by the spectators following the Corporation instructions. Besides the illuminations described, it is expected that the windows of other business places will be lighted up, and that other illuminations on a smaller scale will be carried out. Fireworks will ascend from the harbour and Mount Eden, and two fire balloons are in course of preparation. The following are the business places which will be most extensively illuminated:—

Randolph Eagieton's.

The upper windoAV of Mr Eagieton's premises will be covered with a transparency 6ft. by 4ft., painted by Pulford and May. The painting represents a Maori chief with a greenstone in his hand. Above ai-e the words " God Save the Queen," and beneath "Advance New Zealand."

Mr Edson's.

Over the verandah of Mr Edson's pharmacy there will be a small transparency, executed at Henderson's. The design is simple, consisting of the letters V.R. and a crown.

Auckland Savings Sank-

The transparency outside the Auckland Savings Bank represents Britannia, with a lion couchant at her feet and a Union Jack in her hand. This picture was executed at Mr J-. Henderson's establishment. Gas illuminations are also being arranged by Mr Foster, and include two gas stars, each of which is five feet, on the second story, and V.R. in four feet gas letters on the top.

Robsou's jDiniug Rooms.

Kilian and Fisher are covering the lamp with a transparency showing a Maltese .eros? on one side, a, crown on another )s and the letters V.R. on the third. The transparency is of perforated work.

Wilson, Williams, and McCullasli. ~ ; ;

The transparency which is being,placed over .the, verandah; of this firm's premises is loft, by 10ft., and was painted by Pulford and May. , The painting is on blue ground, and represents a scene of commerce and industry. It is surmounted by the Royal coat of arms, and beneath are the figures of diggers and natives, surrounded by packages of merchandise and implements of industry. Beneath are "the Auckland seal and the words "God Save the Queen." Nikau and fern trees and the native flax, in flower, are shown on eitker side.

Australian Mutual Provident


This Company will display a transparency representing': a group of statuary. Beneath is the motto, "Amicus certus in re incerta," and the Maori rendering of the words " God'Save'the Queen," viz., " Etc atua tohunga te Kuini." The group of statuary has been very cleverly transferred to canvas by Mr Backhouse, of Newton.

Greyhound Hotel

Mr Henderson has completely a transparency seven feet by six for this hotel. In the centre is a painting of Her Majesty, with a wreath border, and above are a crown, New Zealand Flag and Union Jack. Beneath are the words in Maori—" Kia ora Kuini Wikitoria."

T. and §. Morrln aiad Co. This firm will display a large transparency 15ft by 10ft, which has been manufactured for them by Kilian and Fisher. It represents a large star, with a crown in the centre, and the letters above. Beneath are the words "God Save the Queen."

Uirect Importing Company. On the verandah of this Company's shop will be displayed a perforated crown m transparency.with the motto, "Dieu et mon Droit ! The transparency was made by Kilian and Fisher." W. H. Fenton and Co. The decorations at this establishment simply consist of a royal coat of arms over tßoonvay verandah, while at the foot of the transparency is the name of the firm. Kilian and Fisher supplied the transparency.

South British Insurance Company The illumination of the offices of this Company, at the corner of Queen and llUltll and beneath the mott shamroc k s building are ™"ff*£ iass Vlighted •Tudehope. # Each cornice fc wiU be by sra all J^JgJf t l^ ffgure Britannia, placed over ««heaa w * on the top of the bmlauQ e , . fche gecond the exterior of the builcim o . X. P« Nathan's.

-.i. xi'«-^n?Tit the spectator should, turn int Ao fc£Kt£et, P Where the illumina-

tions are also very. good. Above the entrance to L. D. Nathan's warehouse, the motto "Kia ora Kuini Wikitoria" has been formed by Mr Foster out of gas letters. The translation is " Long Life to Queen Victoria."

Evening Star Office,

Over the entrance to the Evening Star Office in Shortland-street there will be displayed a large transparency pointed by Mr Steel. The design is avery elaborateone. In thecentre is alikenessof the Queen, encircled by a wreath of rose, shamrock and thistle, which is bound together by the outstretched arms of a young Cupid. • Beneath are several cherubs representing the colonies of Australasia, und in the handsof each is a garland with which to crown Her Majesty. The legend " Austral's Greetings "is inscribed below. Above Her Majesty's head is a blue ground representing the sky, on which the Southern. Cross is reproduced. The transparency is 14ft by Bft. Mr Petford is engaged upon the gas illumination of the building. Along the top cornice will be a row of jets, while a. similar row and a gas star will be fixed on the second cornice. Beneath will be the letters E.S. on either side of the transparency, and above the doorway a triumphal gas archway.

Auckland Cinb.

The design which has been entrusted to Mr Petford is a triumphal arch in gas over the doorway, witli a large gas star, flanked by two smaller stars on the upper storey.

A. Clark and Sons

The illuminations at this warehouse in Shortland-street are confined to a large star in gas jets over tho doorway. Mr "Williamson executed the work. ...

W. <K. Allen's Drapery.

Allen's drapery establishment, in the Arcade buildings, will show a largo transparency, 15ft. by 10ft., painted on light ground by Pulford and May. In the centre of the picture is a full-sized picture of Her Majesty, surrounded by the various British flags. Above is the Royal coat of arms, while the New Zealand Public Seal is worked into the right corner and the Auckland seal into the left. In the foreground are scenes representative of life in Canada, India, Australia, and New Zealand These include the lady occupant of a snowsledge,a tiger attacking an Indian, an Australian stockman and kangaroo, and a Maori chief.

Colonial Mutual Insurance Company.

Pulford and May have painted a group of statuary for the outside of the Colonial Mutual Assurance Society's buildings a* the corner of Queen and Fort-streets. The motto of the Society appears underneath.

Harbour Board

The illuminations at the offices of this body consist of a six feeb gas anchor and a two feet crown. The whole interior of the building will be brilliantly lighted up.

New Zealand Insurance Company-.

The transparency prepared for this Company by Kilian and Fisher is circular in shape, and measures twelve feet by nine. ;It is a representation of the seal of the Company, and shows a fern tree in the centre, surrounded by perforated work ornamentation. Above are the letters V.R. and crown, and beneath the words " Vivat Regina," surrounded by a wreath. About two hundred coloured lamps will be festooned over the front of the building.

Colonial Bank.

The decorations outside this bank will simply consist of six feet V. R. letters in perforated work, with about two hundred Chinese lanterns festooned in front. Kilian and Fisher have the contract.

Bank of New Zealand

New Zealand, past and present, is the subject of a large transparency painted for the Bank of New Zealand at Mr Henderson's establishment. . The, picture measures 17ft. by 7ffc. Gin;- **£n the centre is the royal coat of arms, surmounted by the crown and arious British flags, and encircled by a wreath of roses, shamrocks, and thistles. The right and left corners contain the Auckland and New Zealand seals. The picture in the foreground to the left represents NewZealahd^in 1837. Tarawera is seen in the distance, with a vievy of Lake Taupo, on which the untutored savage is paddling his canoe. Several kiwis and some n'ikau aiid llax complete this side of the picture. The other side represents New Zealand in 1887, and shows Britannia wisi trident and shield, and the emblems of commerce and industry at her feet. '.

Bank of New South Wales

The illuminations at this bank consist of the caligraphic letters Y.R. in gas, each letter being 3ft. 6in. In the centre will be a crown four feet, in size. F. and W. Fowler are engaged upon the work.

Devore and Cooper's

A pretty design in gas has been arranged by Mr Foster in front of this '.firm's^ office^.. The letters V.R. will be formed ouir of gas jets, and on either side there will be a twofeet crown. -

Herald Office

An illuminated painted transparency is being placed outside the New Zealand " Herald " Office. It is eleven feet either way, and was painted by Pulford and May. The head and bust of Her Majesty are shown in the centre larger than life-size. Beneath is a wreath of laurels, and on either side scenes representing a Maori chief under the waving fronds of his native fern, and a gold-digger, spade inhand, beneath a nikau. Under the picture of her Majesty is a tablet bearing the following inscription :—

She wrought her people lasting good, Her Court was pure, her life sereno,: God gave her peace, her land repose, A thousand claims to reverence close, In her as mother, wife and queen. .. Bank of Australasia.

The illuminations at this bank consist entirely of gas light designs arranged by Mr Foster. One large star has been fixed at the corner, and two smaller stars in Queenstreet, besides two stars and the letters V.E. in Wyndham-street. There will also be a curved gas wreath in front, and the lamps in the. interior of. the building will be fitted with coloured fancy globes and lighted..: / : ,; '-.- i ... •'.- ;. New Zealand Printing Company. In-front of the offices of this Company, in Wyndham-street, will be an illuminated transparency representing a large bell; The centre of the' picture 'gives a' view of the Queen's face in 1837, and beneath are the words "Victoria, 1837," surrounded by a wreath of laurels. Kilian and Fisher supplied the transparency. ■ •

National Bank Buildings.

This block, which is at the corner of Queen and Wyndham-streets,. will be extensively illuminated. Kilian and Fisher are placing over the main entrance a royal coat of arms in transparency. Above it, on the first floor will be a perforated transparency eight feet in height representing the crown and Prince of Wales feathers. The four windows facing Queen-street on the first floor, will be covered by large perforated letters N.8.N.Z., and these will be lighted from the inside. The upstairs windows of the Wyndham-street front will be covered with the letters H.R.—H.R. (Hesketh and Richmond) also in perforated1 work:: A pretty effect should be gained by festoons and coloured lamps, 300 of which are to fee used. British Hotel.

Mr Humphries is one of the few publicans who have arranged illuminations in honour of the. Jubilee, and he is evidently determined that the loyalty of the British shall be beyond question, Mr Henderson has

completed for him three large transparencies, which will be shown from the upper part of the hotel; The first painting represents a scene in the Auckland harbour, with the warship Nelson in the centre, the Calliope Dock and North Shore in " the background, and in the foreground the pier, on which are consignments of merchandise under the watchful eye of a coastguardsman, and the various emblems of industry. The second Eicture represents the landing of Captain ook in 1767. The ship Endeavour is shown in the background, while in the foreground Captain Cook is standing on the sea shore beside a native. Beneath is the motto "Advance New Zealand," and on either side are nikau trees and native flax, in flower. The third picture is a painting of Queen Victoria, encircled by a wreath, and surmounted by a crown and Union Jack and New Zealand ensign. Beneath is a cluster of shamrock, rose and thistle, and the inscription " Kia ora Kuini Wikitoria." (long live Queen Victoria). .These pictures are each seven feet by six.

Union Bank.

The illuminations at this bank are in the hands of Mr McDermott. They consist of the gas letters V.R., three feet by three, encircled by a wreath of gas jets, and seven gas streamer stars. Four of these will be four feet stars, and the others three-feet. These illuminations should have a very pretty effect, seeing that there are 300 lights in each star, and between 4,000 and 5,000 jets required for the illumination of the design.

Sargood and Ewcn.

Turning into Victoria-street, spectators should take a glance at;Sargoocl, Ewen, and Co. 's warehouse. The entrance will be surmounted by a painted transparency, representing the Royal coat of arms, on the sides of which are grouped the British and Colonial Flags. Beneatli is the motto, "Loyalty, Unity, Industry." On either side of the transparency, the letters V.R. will be formed' out of coloured lamps, the size of each letter being six feet. Ab<sve these, and on the centre of the building, will be the crown, anchor, and Prince of Wales feathers. Tho front of the premises will also be illuminated by about three hundred coloured glass lamps. Kilian and Fisher are arranging these decorations.

Working Men's Club

The Working Men's Club lias the credit of the largest transparency that will b'j shown. It is 24 feet in length, and 9 feet high. In the centre of the picture is a view of the Queen, encircled by a wreath of oak and laurel. The letters V.R. are worked in monogram at the top, and beneath is the Royal coat of arms. The public seals of the city and the colony are shown on the upper corners. In the foreground to the right are a golddigger and a native woman carrying her picanirmy in approved native fashion, and to the left) is an Indian scene representing an elephant and a huntsman with his jaguar. At the end facing the wharf is a picture of Britannia, with the trident, on a dark blue ground. At the other end the initials " W.M.C." are worked into a monogram, which is encircled by a wreath. Above are a crown and the words " Viva'b Regina—lß37—lßß7," and beneath the motto " United we Stand." This painting was executed by Pulford and May.

MeArtlmr and Co.

The front of McArthur and Co's warehouse will be illuminated by no fewer than 320 small coloured glass lamps.' Over the front entrance will be a large transparency representing the crest and motto of the firm. The former is a greyhound, and the motto, "Fides et Opera." On each side of the transparency is a large perforated V.R. in six feet letters, and on the top story perforated star, Prince of Wales leather, and crown, all being festooned with coloured lights. These decorations are in the hands of Kilian and Fisher.

SiuiUi and Caugliey's

A coat of arms on grey ground, painted by Pulford and May, iwill be displayed over the verandah top. Two large four feet gas letters (S. &C.) are being fixed by Mr Tudehope on the top of tho building. Kilian and Fisher are also assisting in tho decoration of this shop. They are fixing up a large ornamental star, into which the letters IXL are worked. The letters V.Il. in perforated work, each six feet, will be placed on either side of the star. Two hundred coloured glass lamps, will also be used in the illumination of the premises.

United Service Motel.

Mr .Condon is having a coab of arms on white ground placed outside his hotel. The transparency was painted by Pulford and May

A. Adams

Kilian and Fisher have prepared for the tailoring establishment of Mr Adams, at tho foot of Grey-street, a transparency giving a portrait of the Queen, with the red ensign on one side and the Union Jack on the other. Above are the letters V. R. on either_ side of the crown, and beneath "the words." God Save the. Queen."


• On .the front of the Baptist Tabernacle in Upper Queen-street, are the letters V.R. formed out of gas jets, with the words " Jubilate Peo'.', beneath. This design was executed by Mr Foster.

■ The transparency for the Aurora Hotel in Victoria-street has been painted at Henderson's, The design is a rising sun, with the letters V.R., and the motto " Cead millefail tho." ' .

Ponsonby will not be without some illumination. ' Pulfard and May have painted for Mr Stanford^ of the Ponsonby Club Hotel, a transparency of the royal arms, and it will'be on view outside the hotel.

McCaul's plumbing works, Wellesleystreet East, will be illuminated by a large ring light, flanked by two tree stars. There will also be a row of Japanese lanterns along the front parapet, and another over the top. . ... . > '

The interior of the Free Public Library and Art Gallery will be lighted up with gas in honour' of the occasion.

Two transparencies representing the Queen and the royal arms have been placed over the windows of Oram's Hotel, in Hobson-street. ;;. ; .

The roof of the Art Gallery^ has been decorated with a number of flags'. - ,

' The interior of the Young Men's Christian Association building will be illuminated by gas. ': ■ , , ....,

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 144, 20 June 1887, Page 5

Word Count

THE ILLUMINATIONS. Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 144, 20 June 1887, Page 5

THE ILLUMINATIONS. Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 144, 20 June 1887, Page 5