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A ]\rOVEL TNVENTION EVERYBODY Who has llvea in New Zsaiand during a -wlnten Season is acquainted with RAIN anil MUD; bul as yet comparatively B'EW are acquainted witr tho best means of keeping iho mud out of the house, of knepluK tho hr«lW> MttloK-roomß, and Earlnur carpets clean, ami their wives in good umour. flat thia mucu-desired ond ufeful invontiou haR at lust been produced in the form of a N«w Patent Wire Door Mat, without exception tho most effectual foot e'eanor ever produced. This Mac is o-pecially acluuted tor Churches EnUwayb.Travrrcara, Bteamboats, Banks. Howls, Oilloes, Shop', Private Ueoidonceß, and In faol any place where olcaulini sj is deßired. From the Tourist Buroou. Bridsre-street, Sydney—Gcntl. men,—Having had your matin constant use at the main entrance to our onloei for some time oast, wo bep to say thatlthai given great satlatsotion. We prophesy a largo sale for your matu in tho colonies. J. H. Raluford, of the Cambridge Club Hotel. Sydney, says:-I havo extreme plenuure ir staging that the mats used by m» are iuoi« BnUefactory than I anticipHtcd. belnv, in mi opinion, chetip, clean, uud durable, and I lnteao to have them all over mv hotel. 11. R. Boultan, Keg , Pfahl.rt'sHotel, Sydney, . . . They are a great buocobs. It in inj Intention to use them through the now building when finished. The Pioturrsnuo Atlaa Co. (Limited), Wynyard Square—lt ia handsome, durabla. In fact, perfoo tion. On completion of our uew buildings Wl will glvo you a lurgo order. _ Moesra Froghmun, tho well-known Wholesali Confectioners—We find it all that oan be desirod, and feel cenalu that it only requires to bi known to be universally adopted. The Mat is manufactured by tlio Patent Wir« Mat Company, of Toronto, whoso representative la now soliciting orders for it in this city. For farther particulars address: Wlra Mat Company Box 125, G.P.0., Auokland. |'\ EVONI' ORT mKAMVV AY, TRIP TO THB fN \SIDK. This Line Is now O; rm to Chihonhi'm Braob, the [u'ljular reaoi t foi' I'luuica uml Balhiug. CHEAP FARES. FREQUPINT SERVICE. DI3COUKT TICKETS. ADULTS, 2s Bi ; CHILDREN, In Bd PBB DOZ Schaols by speotal crrangemont. OFFICE: 119, QUEEN-STREET. /CHESTS OF DKAWEKS (very handsome), Wardrobes. Toilet Tablos, eto., from the richest olass of Dark Mottled Kauri, Totara Bur, and Arat quality Timber. They beoome better with keaplng. Very cheap foi Cash.—W. NoniiE, top of Sherilaud-street. W. D v N N B< DBOOU»T1VB PAINTBR, Huh »IK-lH(i liiH EASON'S STOUK OF PAI'ICHHANGINGS. PIOTURKS, WILT Mni;LD!NQB &C , And is sJunvii,^ th«iu Ht Ilia NKW AND I AROKK PRttMISKS, TOI' OV (3111. V STNEJiT. SPECIAL PRICKS J\) aU.iT THK TIMES TN ratur»ln« tbaaKs to my numereai ■*■ Mends and in-uem for the Übnml rapport I hay« roo«lvml ilnoe J oouununoed aaklng Brood byswshincry, I bete to unmnoa that, harint fc oompotflnt m«n who can undertaka the making of oonrectlonor/, I am pn>)»*«d k •ii-otte order* for thoxe who will kSsdlr v»onr no. KDWARD TARSONS, Brtnanaß-«tr(Mit flrfftd fts/U>rj. XXJ I U 1 A M THOMAS, ? T Cornet of Lome and A'ieloria-strects, Aucklanil Kaft. 11ONU4USNTAL. JIA rtiILK, AND GENERAL STONICMASON, ARCIIITECTL'KAL SCULPTOR AND CARVEH. Inscriptions Ai-.ctiratc and Beautiful. MuMUimiils, Toiulis. Heiiili'tonus, and every luHcription of Stone Work Hi the l^owost Pousibla I'rices for Town and Country. J~\ O I*o iJ A l iri X!i vo HOTH'.'J Pl.'ni.VU H-'l')'. CUM). ANI lIOV/'iCR BATHS, Vicrcin-srnain Kabi. harjrs-OVB BUU.UNO Or.-.-.<- nl) <"i>»k <layt rora fi a.;n. to 'J p.m., fcna SUNDAY MOKN NOS from S till iii v.v:. Ti'.-' 'r'ath-rOOtIU ar< ! rrlvate, ar.d auppltei! with cvory coiiTeu ■r.r.v, •Tui-ld!* towels, lleali and hnlr hriißhe<. linlis i-r-ii^rators, soans, &c. i-oloi;t Hatt ■;ina (crivatui for La.'iiu3 evsi/ d&y, ai a] ours, with female, attend.iiwa, O=9 Shilling am'lipcnce. Please coto tha address—Victoria treat (''Rft, above tiie Greyhound Hot;l, and ■,jt <>-> IIL-e-'j Boddms .iud Furniture ulsrt ~!,;«!.-n A . i n.-Rarbrr ir. <i'tnnitr.r:r. It IHAKKSPERK U O T E L, O WYNDIIAM STIIEKT. W. J. McUAIiH Cute of Qisboruo and Manga ■vhuro) lies takon the above Hotel, and hopoe by good accommodation and mo<3orato charges, to merit the patronngo ol the Public Wlnet and Spirits of the best quality. OIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. HAAKE PIANOS > THE HHBT VALUE IN THB VTOKLB. ON VISW and FOR SALE, for a Few Week» only, In the SHOP (lato Alexander's) Imniedi-•-.toly Opposite tho National Hank, several flamplea of tho abovo Beautiful Instruments. MUST BK SOLD. ALSO, tfURMOMIUMB AND CHURCH OHOANB. WITH J MAMCAtBJJTO P«DAl*__ r^HEAP TIMBER ! Chbap Timbkb I \_y Cbeap Timber I And all other kinds )( Building Material can s purchased at prices a meet the times at D. Goldie'b Mills, Lower Übert and Little Queen streets. Buildings irected upon Deterred Payments, Terms most tdvantageona to customers. , |-^ TX&NDLEY AND SON, monumental masons. Corner op Vincent and Cook-streets. Monuments and H«adston<>BOi'evory description in Marble, Froestona. Ike. Portectsatißf action guaranteed I n Workmanship. Designs forwarded on application to any Address. ]? I P B X • COAL ft FIREWOOD DKALER. At Yard, Karangahape Road, or Bhtprs, BWe. Posts and Rolls. Hotmo Blooks, and SWnßlew an Sale. . T7IDWAED BARTLEY, ARCHITECT, STICHBURY'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN-STREET. !NATIONAL MUTUAL LIPS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA, VICTORIA ARUADE, QUEEN-STREHT, 7s prepared to LEND 13 CMS OF MONEY In Amounts of £tS° To * £SOO On the Seourlty of a Policy In tha NATIONAL MUTUAL. ON THB LIFE OF THE BORROWER and the Guarantee of vires Perirnal Sureties. These Loans being repayable by Quarterly Instalments, extending over A Period of Three Years, are eminently ndapted to the Require ments of Young Tradesmen and others oom menolng Business, cr to Anyone who In the enjoyment of a Regular Incomo dealrea to bor row a Sum of Money for present Expenditure Ahioh his means will allow him to repay by Instalments. Terms on applloation to JOHN R. WILLIAMB, Resident Agent. OIOHMOND HOUBB. t\ PONBONBY HO AD, AUOKLiND. W. COOHRAN, S»k., FAMILY niITCHII W. L " V "■ BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER, m ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER. WYNDHAM-BTREET. MKRCHANT81 ACCOUNT BOOKS. Insurance and Mining Register Books Specially .Ruled and Bound. Mnslo Magaalrea.Publlo Llbrarles.and Sunday i ohool Books Well Boutd. BAKERS' SPECIAL RULED DAY BOOKS. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books Rebound. BAND AND CHOIR MU.-.IC BOOK 3 RULED. WIKNOCK BROTHERS, [K«'.bl'«h«il ! 861.1 SOAF AWD ClVbLif MANUFACTHRERS, COX* enjtrt. .ycKLAiD. Ms«irf''«rirr>!rß of th» Celsbr«ted lxtr«et of 'nap, Dltrnfectant Powder. First Prize Yellow Blue Mot.led. Por.ble CrOrtn. C«ino»le. and Household, Ca-rolic, and other Medlcioal aitf Toilet Soaps, raado from tho puront ot Tallows. &Offloes-DURH.VM-STREBT, Auckland. i N.8.-Cash Purchaeers of Tallow, Wool, Sheepskins, and Bones.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 1