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Money THE ECONOMIC BUILDING AND INVKai-MBNT SOOIU.TY AND BAN.'i OK DHIFOSI r. TEMPORARY I FFICKS .- VULCAN LiKB, QUKKN-St., AUCKLAND. Advanceanjfldo unon thn i\p{>roved Hocurltles Of ji'reaiiold and Leasehold Propunis* under the fallowing ei-nle of ropayrronta. including prln oinal and fhtoroi't :~ Weekly repay- Lomib Loans nieiita extend- of £20. of £109. Inn ov»i- o. d. a c. d. 1 year 8 0 2 0 0 2 years 12 1 U 10 3 years 8 11 0 14 7 4 yearn 'i 1 0 11 8 6 year* SO 0 10 0 6 years 19 0 8 9 7 years 17 0 1 11 B re*v» 15 0 7 1 10 years 13 0 6 3 11 yoars 12 0 6 10 DEFOSITB. Tko Society receives raovoy on deposit as ttndor:— T days' notion .. S por cent. 6 months .. _ 6 per cent 12 months .. ~ (3$ por cent. Offlco hours, 10 to 4 ; Saturdays, 10 till 12 noon. ! and 6 to 8 p.m. (publlo holidays excepted). Farther Information oan be obtained from ARTHUR BADDKLEY. Secretary. MONEY TO LEND at current rate* of lnterest.-R. LAIBHLKY. Queen-st M"" ONEV TO LEND on Freehold Seourlty at a low rate of Interest— Napier and Shorn, Solicitor*). Victoria Axoado, Queon-et. MONEY TO LEND on freehold at ourrent ratOß. AUCH. BUCHANAN, Solicitor. Queon-st. (oppoalte Bank of N.Z.) " JOM A"AiTTO LEND, on Firet-elaa« 3&tH:«\r \7\/ Freehold Security.-J. M. Lennox/Sharebroker, Queen-Btrnet, Anokland. «Q AAA TO LEND, In sums oi */O«V"V not IeBS than £600, op fruohold'soourity.—Dovore and Cooper, SoUoltorn, Quoon atfoot. i(*^AAA TO LEND in earns of from SWOVVV flSoupwarda.-Apply Wm. S. Coohrane, Ooohrane's Auotlon Mart, 180, QneOß' street. ONEY TO LEND at current rates ot lntereet-S. Jaokson. Jnn., Queen-street. MONEY TO LEND In large and small earns upon first-class freehold seourltloi repayable elthor weekly or at the expiration ol a torai of years.—Apply to Burton and Keesing. f and 8, Mercantile Chambers (3 doors abovt Bunk of New Zealand). Quoon-strset.Auokland, ONEY TO* LEND on Mortgage ot Freehold at ourrent ra«M.~C. W."C(t,te, 3olloltor, QueePstree* (naxt the Batk of New Zealand). . , '\M ONEY TO LEND, i» large or small _LtJL null, at usual ratee of Intoraa*. OONNXLL <C COOPKB, Solicitors, Ynloan Kn> IVroNKY TO LEND, b» a moderate JJ/A. mm of Interest—Apply to JACKSON & RUSSKLL, Sollcltorg, Bhortland-straet. ONEY TO LEND, on Mortgage, of First-clans Froohold Securities. WILLIAM COLJCMAN, So-loltor, National Insurance Buildings. 85. Quean-strati ONEY~LENT ON PROMISSORY NOTES, HOUSES, FURNITURE, *O. BnXS DISCOUNTED DAILY MORTQAQKS NKGOTIATEBJ JOHN W. HARDIE, Land. Commission, and Estat* Ao«ms HIGH-STRKET. Auckland. Hank of Knolakd Notbb OHAnaan, LONDON MORTOAOB, LOAN, AND DISCOUNT RANK, V), SHOP.TLAND-STnrciCr, AUCKLAND (Opposite A. Clerk r.nd Sou« Warehouse). And IJttlo Ool'Una-ot., .Molbonrna. LOANS are advanokd from £10 to £5,000 Upon s-'arpoual, Freehold, aud LoaeohoM Sooarlty Ropsyahla by VToeWr, Monthly, or Qur.rtorly Instulmants .v LowoHt Ou-rroni Kt.teß. Advances ma.Cn: on iairnlluvu without removal and fill olß.'aei of IVi erch.inclltm. li-MBa ftmutod upon Llfo Volioica. Log/.oleo, and Interests under Wills. Bills Discounted at Current ratml Loans upon Deposit of Deeds. Repayment by Easy Instalments. Forms Grqtla. All communications and Inter views held strictly confidential. A UUiiLAND PHftMAKBN? OOA. OPERATIVE BUILDING fc INVKST .TENT SOOBSTT. OmOl! HT, QOKHH-STIUOT, 1/JAN3 arantod urnn spprovsd oeonrltleß ot Atabold or Leaaehold Proportloa In mmg of 30 ro «5 fOO, principal Rnd l-itaroiit being repay »'3le (a Instalments at tho fcU=wlng RKDCOW) '.ATM !oi' repayment of oaoh filGO borrowed I— a^Fm|g^iiisgr- per w^fttjj^ga A*. A, £ B. d. 1 ysar _ _?O0 IN t t J years Z Z 10 10 108 0 I ll££ : - U T US IS 0 ins : : " ! isSu I I ypa;-» _ ? 1 147 18 » _IL£gg»-.-- -1 6 8 mli ' And In th» iame proportion for imeJler or lsrger loans. DB'POPITS.—Tho Socioty receives money on deposit :—For 6 months, 0 per cout. Repayable at 7 days notico, 5 p< r cent utr annum, JOHK iJA'I6H'lt. efforetaiy ~i iVi>L/tS?;BIALi SFD i'H'J V 1 !)BN? 1 I>KKMAHH!N3I BOJCjOINO, LAND, ANU EOAiJE O? BKPAYK/CHT HKtiUCKD. Ms eras tor fllM. - jj loU> tft 8. it. B. d* S ylars T I 014 7 lIS 16 0 8 vfiftrn . _ 010 0 ISS 0 fl T yaan 2 _ 07 11 1U II _»»anra- 3 08 .8 _L.lMjo_i— Ed rttii&r Pertodd 'o suit BorrQwers. Tha Btmrd has power In oiwea of Sloira«» 01 •rTnui of Brnploymont to 3U9I JKrTD PAT' ■anma BOKKOWpItS BHARB IN PKOBTTB. PART OR WHOLS OF THB ADYANOJB aAY i3S RHI'AID AT ANY TIMK, INTEHE3T OKASKS ON THB PORTION Borrowers are at liberty to soil their property at any time and to poy off the Mortgage: or may If they desire, soli their property subjeot to the Mortgage to the Society OOKK3SH OB" QUKSN-STRSKT AKD VULCAN LANH. AOOKLAHD, JOHN BANCRQgT, Manager. XTEW ZEALAND'mORTGARB, LOAN, 131 AND DI'COINT BANK, HIOII-STUKKT (Next to Atkins Printing Cflic ), GRANTS LOANS OF £5 TO £1,000, ON PERSONAL - KC'UTUTY, FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD SECURITY, ON' F/KST AND SKCOXI) MOIJTO-*GB \X V AVA I L -"I. \Tk SECURITY, WEEKLY Oil jfoXTnLY INSTALMENTS, Or in any v.aj- to suit tho Hoirower. Loans on Furniture without *etno™l, also on all kinds of McrcliMirilae. Loans mnybo repnid ;\t the rate of Sixpence per week in the Pound. liiMa Discounted at Cm-rent Rates. Pant of England Notes "lid Mist-nllan Hank NnU- lloiiallt. A 1 roinmunicnlio?iH strictly confulcntial. <EW ZBiLAND MORTGAGE, LOAN A-'D DTSCOnNT BANK, llHill-STKKET (NKXT TO ATKIN S I'HINTIXG OI.'FICK.) / Thob, JT, Harbutt, ( I lIAiruTAOTUBIIB O» CORN BROOMS, Biß2£ s aatAja|KAP A i}hawz. TKLKPHONB KO...MX I^E'W REASON'S mE AS BX S.S.. 'fAMBUI, VIA WELLINGTON. MY FIRST SHIPMENT IS NOW LANDING, AND LIQUORING SAMPLES MAY BE OBTAINED ON APPLICATION. Tbe Shipment being large, the assortment li very varied, and consists of the CHOICE CROPS FROM THB FAVOURITB DISTRICTS OF FOOCHOW. JOHN BUCHANAN, MERCHANT AND GENERAL COMMISION AGENT, CBSTOMS-STBUKT, ArjCXLANB. J.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 1