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WANTED, everybody to try the quolitj of ih i Kukino " ahcnl" FJBh To morrow WfXNTEDrNurscgirl between 15 and t't lGjoara ot uro, ioforonoes required, at Pimn iv p Bsib'c—Apply Foresters' Arms Hotel Albort-strcot. W/'ANTED. Smart Hoys to Fold.— fV A p lj, to-m irrow mor> itjK at So olcok, to Mr Kdniontlto;., " J^efuhu'" Offlo", Alticrt d'.i\H;t_No!th j XAT ANTED to Sol, v Kongo, almost 'i T now. Cheep —Apply K. H. Wo d, Freezing .Cmpany. __^____ WANTED, all to taste Webb's ConBtuiitia. a-:d Tokay Win :b, ii a bottle, cr lite pir ilo/.-n. delivered fits:. Worth 03 n bottlo —I'JUBonb.'. VST ANTED, respectable l".n;i for an oTlice V V (Qn o-u-'iiui!), — Jli.rtKiiKe, I.Oiin, ami l.'.SK"iirit Jlii!,rtns Company, Jjarliyetrset. A-,i)ily fium ill'lll li. ' \]\f ANTED, two Rooms (furnished or -: V uiifurniHhtdi, svjtu übo of kitchens';),''.! terms to H.O.^G. P.O. WA N TED Seen --Gold mid White China Kks Ciu> >, 8d per iioz.; SpbnKts. 2 for a Jtl , \\\, ... fii .--, z io, a. let; Uij . guporiur, 2J'.l; GdOil <:ii.T.iv, 8 foe In; Hal;', 2 pn::!:j:s fjr id; -,-.. ti ;il ihi; i fi'kt't ; Dinner Kr.ivoj liud I -■..:„ SU; Wosml Uolls. :) for 1:; Vv'iix 1)11. ui:«^:-(-1), ■!!; Clu-.liir] BniahC3. 71d; T..Mi C..v^ra, la 3d ; Fane/Srap. 8 for a T.; Tooiii ar..t)h-.», li ; Grand shaving Hi Übhcp, 6d ; Hair Finn, 7d per Ooz. packots: Feediun L>..Ulo», lid; Do, in Boxes, wiih brush, GJ; Do. svlili uoru'.v toys. U ; Ink Poncil.<>, 2J ; large Jot of Good TOS b. Id and id; Good Poinn 10. 1b doz. Pota; t'cwinpc Machine Oil (lotko bottle*) S)d; Door Mais, la lid : Parlour Door Mais. Ud ; Tea S.o.'iie. Id; Dessert apoons, id ; Foika, id : Table do., M ; lliitr Oil 3d per boitloj Gjud Padlocks. Gd; Brushes. sd) Coloured Siiixlackp, lid; Garden Tools (for ladieo or ohililrci:), 13 the Sot of 3; Spades, fid eiuhj O.iriienlpru' Kits. Dd ; Lope As»?. ,ii 6d ; Curry Combs, Bd ; Mano Combs, Od; Tablfi Viuui, ;p lvi—At Liaiupiur'd Wuuucrml Saup. Victoria-lit- _____ WANTED, PRICE LIST of a few lendidk Un.a at Ga.vJeon!s London Arcade i— Breakfast Sorvic; in ohlna, handeou.i -ly gilt. Isa tho sot; Dinner Sorvicci, conifiloic, 22a Cd tho Bet; De6£oita fc'ervioes, very handsfme. 15s the act; Tea Sorvlas. :0 piecm. in china, handsomoly Kilr. 12s Cd tbo sut ; Violet Tables Sutp, 3s Od ; Sot of 3 handsomo Jugs, 2a Ui ; covered Jus*, Is <;acii ; sironn and Kocd tups acd KaCcw---", 2s 3i tin' half dcz^i ; A. 1 Kleclro-platu T.-.blo yorkn, IN do ; do Spoons, 0^ do : do Doa Bort Spoons, 4a til do! do DeaccrtForke, lißddoi ditto ten Hiill, Kni?s. and Mu.tard Spoons, U !)d do- White meti-.l tbrnn?houl Tab's Spoon 3, 3i rio; do Korkß. 3a do; do Dessert Kcrks. 2a do; do Loißcrtßp :oUB,28do; do Tea Spoon?, lsi M do; ivliii.i bannlo Tablo Knivea good cuilory. ;™ 'J.I do ; do Deosurt, So do ; bluck hti-.dlo Knife uud Fork, ko^ d cuH ry, 3? !iu.l(-do>'eu rain; llrcua Knivta, 9,1 ; Porkctlvnivov. 2 blndch-; ths be<t vnliic in Aucklaud, M ; li.cid rUttorti, U.I; Hutli r i'latiers ■nilh kliub disboe. Od ; E P covered Uattt r«. 2s; X P Tca.ts Hacks; :!3 ; nlceunt faltH X P, 2a; vair Toa und Coffee Set. t piooec, in IT. P. 2f t>, &0., &o. Innun erable Roods, useful and oinum nial, at prices thitosroiiish tlio»o wlioii spoct thum. Pi.kase no s". UC!QI)-:()N'ti LONDON AHUADIt. (jnuoi:-3r.| A NY Respectable Man desirous of /\_ earning fulr \vagc3 can do bo by s IHdr Milk, Ilultor, Clottod Croam. Contr.ifu«al Cream, etc.—Arjply Auckland Dairy Co.'BOffice, Pitt-atri-ft DciOt. ADVIUE TO '1110§E ABOUT TO MARRY! I 0! — Waehstai da. la Od; D -ostfli'KTiibUß. J^Cd; Bcdatoada. X Od ; Oval Tpbrcs HeUd; Clnviiß. 2 9d ; Coucheß, covered Biins Mfc Oil : Cliißtof Drawcra, l.a tid ; Round Tnbits, :■■■ l;c'; DintnK Ttiblep, Ca CJ ; handsome Par our Tabluti. niiliOßiiry.utid vali.ut, 18a Od; 3i;ilnK-rooin Clmira, covcrud :-caia, Cs Cd; hand-8-mio Couoheß, Bprinft, Btult'cd, 25a J BpHog MaltrafcSCS, 18a Od; I<\BX Bids, 6a Od; Coraice Poll-8 ccinuio'c, 2a lid ; Cli drcn'B Cotß, very prrity. ISi- Od ; Ch> fllmiiTP. 2") i ; Krand Chcst^of Drawer". SS->, worth ifil; citgani Drawintt rooip suiio il C'ouub, two KtiB v , nnrt t-ix ymall Chairs, B",i»R st iilied, con-ed back", SI lfis. worth £12; beantiful U'-'driom Suitca. couipiltlrjK Waidrolll chettofl i-.iwirp, Pfdeptal lirrsaingTnblo Wu.-hsun.d will Towel JKail. only £9 loa, iii-ua) pr'ce fill : iind all'other articles at oqtiuliy low prici= Hot i-a. clubp, and private houfcs filrni. Icd throughout. Kusy tirnii airani;id fora elmU ■ article m-whole house. Cnuntiy order; rccLOo injiv diiito attention. Gooca packtd fro of (hurge. Agents wantai!, town and country.- Co-m crativc Sleam Kurnimte Manuf. criirinK Con-pony, Karanßahapo Koad, toj Kdinburgh-Btxeet. BO Mil) nnci Roeidenco fo Lndy or - CttiMlcman, or Married Coudlu; terma nif.doratu; li'.altliy position; near Quoenet— Address, lviu.hoo_yillß,_Upoor Vincent-street "ITIXt'EItIBNCEI) UrocPinaker ilceiros JBU Kuiplnyui.jnt lilhojbuof Uuhl..O3b; fcootl blllo; Koud llttor,—Aililrcaa Mnlboui-ao, Suak omco. _ ITIUUNIBUKU Ai'AU'M'ENTS Wanted I 1 —two Bed-rooms and BtUiDg-rouin, clean ami hoallliy, within 15 uiinuUa' walk i.f tho I'ottolllci.' ; Muuiit JCdon ilJstrict prcferiod.— Apply. KivinK pricu and )-nrliculurs, J.H., Bon 312. M'AKRIEDUonjiIo witlioutonounibrance puekn Kinulojinout. Won d undortake MiinaKPnicntof Couutrj Hotel. It >th liodh ux oxsierfinco in hot* 1 bu«lnrnn. Cood referencoß. -Kor addrcfw avi'ly STAK OMlce. NOTICE.— Wanted, ut once, to Sell, a U-iiiuiiio 3-roomed I l.r.ise, wi.Hh-hou c &c.; in oll\:r r.-fiHoii; runy tornn.—Apply Mr booth, Hatcher, Great NoritUWad^ ryio chemists ahd diiuggists. — fi. U'nuteil, u.i As.-intßnt.—Apiily lo Hudton, (Jicrniat, Victoria and llobjon_F,lj-cetc nnO FRUIf G ROWERS. —A You ng Man 1 wishes to Louinlihe buidncßS.—A]iply J.L., riT.IR llilluo. . _. r«lu 'ilNSMlTlia.—Wonted to Purchase, I Pocnnd-hand Tools and Machinoer.-Ad-dress. A. W\. a tAB Ofllcß. To Lei. >f\o LET, a t;ood Shop, rent low.—Apply _L K. Wood & Co. fY\b LET, v Shop, with pap, &c, laid on ; JL a!co. Four good Uoonis.—Artimr V\'ooJ, Lv ckcr, WollUiKtou-at. rjlO LET, '2 4-roomed Cottages in Ireland JL Btrcul; wator unil fag laid on.-Apply to G. 1' Tcfld. W'ulliDKtun-Btrcet rilO I>ET. iliop and Dwelling, Patterson L Btroot. Freomiti'B Hay. Iloi.t, 10^.—Apply l'owden and Paten. AKont3, ISO. Qnc tn^Bt ; _ : r'j\o~L('iT, nice Balcony tlouso, Jcrvois L Road : 5 rooms, Brand view of harbour. limit, only lOsOl. — D. S. Carnbie, 31, Insuraoco Uuildinye. TO LET, 7 -roomed House, Home Buy ltoiul ; largo allotment; cloeo to tram; city water, 163.-D. a. Cambie, 31, lußUfanoß nuiliin^s. raw LET, Slup and Dwelling, Jorvois J. Iload, Fixturen, &c . cloeo to Liimpe, cood stand; rent, only 17a Od. D. S. Cambio, 31, Inguranco Bulidinßß. r|"1O LKT, nlcD Cottago, Claronco-etrcot, 1. 5 lOJrria and scullery ; city water, close to Jitvols ltoad, lOj.-D. b. Gamble, 31. Insurnnco UulldmßS. Quoon-street. rr^O LET, large 4-roomed Houso and Jl_ Scullery ; also, 3 rnnnn-d riouso, pratts avins. eto.; rent low.—Apply John Bores, Kingstroot. Arch Hill. r_vS~LET, a Groomed Cottage off GreyJL fctreoi; large piece ot ground attached.— Apply Alfred Cjx, Kstatc Agent, Cocmbob'd -\ rcudOj rgiO LET, now Groomed Cottage, Surrov JL Hille, near I'onsonby Road; uity water, evory convenience; ren', 9» 01.—Apply \V. Jnhnstnnw. s'h house from top Franklin Head. Ie \O LET, a new y roomed Housn in i Filzioy-Btreot. off.Brown B'reot; rent. 8a ror w>ek ; gr.n and witir laid on —Apply If, Ok-aVFitzroy-slreet. rjlO "Li.lL, now (j-roomod House, England'JL sircfit. off Fronkiln Road; 3 flrcplec 8, 3 be 'rooms, parlour, and kitchen, gaa and water, lien- 12-i li:'.—Applylnext door. _ nr\o LET, nicely furnUhed f>oiS>le Bed i aid Sitting room ; also, Sinßlo Hedrnom, fumi-hed ; uso of kitchtn und b:,th.—M'» Kay, Exonia Houso, Hob;>on-Rti\et. TO LET, line .largo Shop and Rwcliinp, Jervoia Iliad ; fiTtnrcc, Kas flttlnt'B. etc.; first-class ctnrd.—D. t?. Catnbio, 31. Inßurancc Buildings. rriO LET, 6-roomed House, TrospcctA. street; large Bllo'nu.nt: city wator, &c, close to trams.—D. S. Cnmbie, 81, 1: sunmct Buildings. TO LET, 4-roomed Cottage, all on one floor; 7a (id a week. Also, 5-roomed House, wi.h or without stabler ; rent very low.—Apply James Irwin, top o£ Wakefleld street. TO LET, Nice Cottage, Jorvois Road, i rooms and aoullery, city waior. Rent, Sj fid.—Apply D. S. Camblc,39, Irjourance Build' ioRS; LET, grund BuaineaH Standa in ] I Queen street, 1 Shop, £2 per week; 1 Shop, 25h per week ; immediate possession. - Ilanna ford's AKonoy. mO LET, in Parneil, 3 and 4-rocmed B Houses ; drained, and town water ;5e and 10a.—Apply T. Hill, Gralton Road, Domnin Btreet. _____—____„ riHO LET, G-iooined Houso, gaa ay.a water, L will riralned, jus; cleaned and ra'ntcd, Also a Shop and i ronnis, rent 7a Cd, goods i-i lieu of rout —Apply Mr (JiirUsj, Summor-utrcet, Por.sonhy. LET, The Varsonage, BeresfordBirret; uas and water laid on ; evory codvonionce ; rent low to a good tenant.—Apply to F. Jj Prime, Estate /.gent, N.Z. Insurance Buildings. TO LET, within 2 miles of the city, a 7-roomcd UoiißO and Outhouses, with frrvm2to 15 aores ot Imd ; also my owu Robldenceof 10 rooms with out offices, and 10 acres of land.—R. Udy. Mount Kden. TO LET or Lease, in Cameron-st, Onehunßn, ovorlookinu the town atidharbour, a Cotiagr, with water laid on, newly panored and decorated, containing 5 rboms and Bcullery, with stable, cow stall, and wood Bh<>d. with Bcre of land.—Apply to P. Clark. Onehunga. TO LET, a comfortable 5-roomed House, corner ot Lichfield and G"ndry-street?, Newtoa; 15 minutes' walk from Queen-street; close to tram ; gas and gas etovo ; water laid on; every convenience.—Apply to Mr J. Warron, Orocer, Karanganapelfload. rrIcTLET OR SELL, that very convenient 1_ Farm at New Lynn lately in occupation of N. G. Lennox, comprising; 50acresardDwellinghouso. Good stream of water runs through the property, which is adapted either for manufacturing or dairy prjrpo»ee. Only four miles from Auckland by good road. Kaey terms.—Apply L D. Nathan and Co.. Shortland-st., Auckland. rri o L^ b t, TWO-STORY FAMILY RESIDENCE In one of the be;t situations— PRINCKS-SVRKKT, ALBERT PARK. Apply to H. W. HKATFT. City Ohnmbers, Corner Vulcan Lana and High Btreet. ON CERT Grand Piano, i oat .landed", cun bo obtained, for Oonocrtß, So.—Berlin i Piano Importing Company, Hobson-street, cornsr Uook-Btreot.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 3