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Wanted WANTED, fii-at-elasß Coat and Trouserluakors—Now Zealand Tweed Company, Tcilora, Ghortland-stroet. WANTED, Uefmiiie Book Canvasser for a Now ami fu.t sAliati Book.-Ap;.ly to " WiJii'll" §I± 1H UMC'j. I'jAKTtU, ufew liivt-cla=sU at Hariri?. \l — Apply to M. iiurohifl, Merchant. Tailor, Shortland-nlreet. \&/ANTED, VViiistcoac Makers ; cou- ? T slant, employment. Not any but firstclusa hand* in'i-.d apply.—H. L. Foeeennitkie. Merchant Tailor. Shortlaud-. tvoot WAKTEP, n clean, Young Man to ride TV for orders; some knowledge of the tminess preferred.— A l\ Carter, Batcher, '^ellesley-t-tro t W~ ANTED, Boys or" Wen for Peeling WlUawa.-Apply toUi-.fLOii KOiid Wil low Plantation, betwoen 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. \\f ANTED, Useful Boy'for hotel. Good ?T—Apuly between 7 a_dßo'vl ck to-night.—Mrs Clark, SlO, Quonn street. Tc!ophouu 845. WANTED, a ~Ke-:pcctub!o Youth c* about 18, for business house In the city a Rood ops-icg to Hu.tablc applicant j must be \mnl recommended. — Apyl\. in own hundwrll'nß, ti Poot oillcj Ho-,, IG,j. Auckland. WAN -ED, a General Servant, at once ; no w—shine:; parlourmaid kept. —Fur adrlroai) apply Stak OiHco. WANTED, a tidy, respectable Girl, to assist with housework.-Apply Harp of Erin Hotel, Kllorelte. __ _ WANTED, a Girl about 14 or 15, to bo useful about the house—Apply Mro J. WANTED, a young Woman as Waitress in tho Ladios' Department. — Apply, after 3 p.m.. at St. Mnngs Otfc, Qncen etrpot. W""" "ANTED, KoodTlianda for tho Dressmaking I also. Apprentices. — Apply immediately, to tho Mieooß JKeida', over Mr Green's, Victoria-street. WANTED, good Dressmakers : also, Improvers and Approntioca. — Forbes and Mare-nll. Upper Vincent-sire et. ANTED, n Dressmaker—Apply to Mrs Aley, Grocer, St. Marys Road, Ponaonby. _ \\ /'"ANTE I), by an experienced Salts- \ ? woman, totiko Ma_ajj;.mo_tof Showroom; (j.-.iod knowledge of millinery.—Address M.A., StakOffice. . W"~ANTEi\ by tho Unrler'ifrncd, a thoroughly broken in Sheep Dos.-W Ir.nen Taylor, TamaU VV-Bt. W~ 'ANTED, Small Shop with Dwollingliouao tlili tublo in good position.—Apply X.M ■ Stah Ulll'Q. . %\/"ANTED, a iloruo with a respectable >¥ family. lorn b.ik'ht lutelli»o_l Girl of Hi; warjoa not co much an object as a good placo.—Apply 8.H., STAB Oltice. WANTED To Purchase, Furniture and Odda and Kndi>, fur cash.—Mrs Davis, ICnrantrahapo Road, opposito Poi t offlco. \\7"ANTED to Purchase, a Barge, to TT carry about 25 tonn.-Apply to Sims arrt Brown. Devonp^rt. - WANTED, Purchaser for now Cot ugo, ■1 or ;> rooms, and gcol Allotment. £115. Small deposit, weekly paymonta. — Apply J. U. Itanderson. Auctioneer. WANTED, Puichnterß of Toys, Dolls, and Fancy Uojds, to call and inspoct tho 3d, Gd. 3d, and Is Stalls of Goodsou'a London Arcade, urn quailed in city or mburba for cheap nose and_va< loty^ _ \\7 ANTED' TO LEfJ Comtortabfo TT 4-roomed Cottage, Ss Gil; Amotican oooking Btovo. city water, bath; Brown-street. •I doora from Richmond ltond ; would sell on terma to suit pu:chasor-£^lo.—AUnn Tracy, Welllngteivstrcct. __ WANTED TO fiIRE, a Steam Pump, about Gin. ram. alru'le. with suitablo Portable Uoiler and Kngire. combinod or separate — Appljr Mr Knox, Civil and (Joimultivn Engineor. . WANTED~Dairy best Butter; about COlbs wuckly; hißhebt prico xiven ; oaah on delivery.— 11. 1), Morton, Customs at. WANTED, by a Lady, another to join herin Taituorßhip in a small business. —Ad.ireiiß Mrs 9.. STak Oflice. WANTED— Secure a Policy for Life Assurance, in thu Kqultablo iLSuruncc At-soclatioti of New /lOiiland nnd examine rarefullv tho positive system, which Xlvi" to pulicy bolder paid up lusuraucv propor,tlo»<iio to prtimiums paid t-x.a uvoiile forlulluro. —OlUc:b : Kort-htroct, Auckland. — W. A. TUOJIdON, MnnaKrr. WANTED to have altnchoil to ovory Ilouso oho of Kdward{>'y I'ntout °oltaot. Int; DcodonilnK C'losntH. Fever proventoo I Iluallh aßHiucd I A Modtd oun bo dtiun and Clrculora obialntd ul thu Couipauy'n CHUee (Kowluruml Wilkinson). KxobnnKO Cbambuiu, Queen street. \\7 ANTED, all requiring (;uod Furniture, T 7 &0., Sold by Audio i. to upply forsp-ciul terms to moot tho times.—J. K. Uunuorson, Auctioneer. WANTED, to Borrow £40, at 10 per c.'tit. for B or 12 months; undui.inblo security.-Address, by letter, to Security, Sr.M! Ollic-o : _ \;&/ANTED, a Bargain in City Property; » V re<poot:il>lo cottaK" »i- allorir.oct for Clso.—Address pa tlcnlaro to J. It. lUnuerson, Auctioneer. WANTED, cheap, ill larj,'o or email quautittc, Ouo Ton (if ilcHub'o Lead, for ballast; oil cheet lead prcforrcd.—Apply 9, Marino Chambers, near Qiieenatroot Wharf. WANTEIX Tenders up G 30 on FRIDAY, October 15. for tho erection of a Oottngo in Newton. Plans, &c , at LambourneV. Ironmonger, Karannahape- Hoad. V\7ANTEL>, Tenders for Planing and T » Dressing Timber by Machine.—BpociHcations at Holo/^bvil c Timbor Company, Fortatrcot; or at MIIT. Ijelcnsvillo. ANTED, Tenders, till 15th, for tho Purclns-c of a 7-ruoraed liouio (s-eoud houso on loft of Hrown-Btreet, Ponsonby). fitted up with nvery convenionc. Ran and water laid on, and large workshop at back ; good allotment. Ownor wi.nilt.g to leave for England. VIT ANTED HEAD, Tho Auckland Dairy »T Company's Sp.cial butter Advertiso mcnt_on_first pige. WANTED KNOWN — For Watch Cleaning and Impairing Ir/ Jsiiicm Murdoch. Watchmaker. Durham-afreet, b;sido Salo Yards. ANTED KNOWN Teil your Swcothoarts not to sruoko cabbago leaf any mere, asthev can buy Good Cigars S for Is m Dampler's. Victoria Uroet. WANTED KNOWN— C. Muekay, Bookßeller, ie not leaving Karangihapo Ko^id, bur. removing next door, shop nowoccu pied by Siimcr'n Machine Co. \\7ANT_D KNOWN — Well lioTshod V » New Ilizorp, 91 tach, cheap enough to cut your corns with.—At Dampii-rs Job Shop, Victoria-street. ANTED KNOWN -Tholattshipment remember. ladies' Kid Boots, 5s lid, the last lot wero ?s 6d : Ladios' Mock Button li:ota. 63 (!rt; Charles tho ilth Dancini? Shoe, 3s (id ; Ladios' Button Boots. 5i lid ; Lidieb' Mcrocno iioots, 6a lid Bo in time.—At Danipior's Final Farewell Boot Sale, 111. Victoriastreet WANTED KNOWN—Tho last shipment remomriDr. Men's Elastic Side Bootß, 56 lid ; our last lot of the pome was7s6d ; Men's Shooting Bopts, 8s Gd; Metis liluchers, all sizos, 3s Cd. Be in Uirjo.—At Darupicr's Final Boot Sale at HI. Victoria-street ANTED KNOWN-Tho last shipment: Vernon's Celebrated Ladies' Kid Boos. 9i sd. usuul price 12s 6d: Men's Darby Shoos, 5s lid, our last stock were sold at 7s Od. Be in time.- At Dampier's Jfinftl Filrewell Boot Sale. IU. Victoria street. W ""ANTED KNOWN.—Gray and Uufland. Family Butchers, have openrd tho'-o commodious premises recently erected in Karanßaliape Road, nearly r ppesito tho Baptiot Tabernaolo. Families waited on for orders. Poultry dresaed to order. ANTED KNOWN — Tho last chipment remember. I*adieß* superior Prunell&, Houbo Boots, la lid; Ladlea' indoor Prunella Shoes, Ss 6d. Lot of job lots in Old Ftock of Boots. JBo in time.—At Dampior's Farewell Boot Sale. 111. Vlctoria-Btreet. WANTED KNOWN—Foncine Wiro, Staples, Roofing Iron, Salt, Wlthere's Fireproof Kates, and Best Steol Barbod Wire, &o , for Hale, very cheap. New Iron, different brands, ex Waitaugi.—Bntoher, Groom unS Co., Fort-st. Telephone. 211. WANTED KNOWN- Groat news. The last sMumenf. remtmber. J'ollcck's clebrato'i Ladies' Outdoor Mines, 8s Hd, usual pri olCs6d; Pollock'a Ludiea'Hi uh-leg Prunella Boots. 5s Gd, usual price 7s 6tJ. Hi in time.—At Dampier'a Final Farewell Boot Bale, Hi, Victorin-Btreet. WANTED KNOWN-J. Knott, Ironmonger. Grey-etr^et, baa dicpoi'cd o£ his Stock and Shop at Nowtcn to Mr B. Jes^op and that In future he will concentrate all his business in Grey-street, where he hopen to receive a continuance of tho support so liberally Bivßn in tho past. Good Axliolo, Reasonable Price. WANTED KNOWN.—During the last three weeks of our Great Cash Sale, evary purchaser of a Suit can Beleot an elegant Summer Vest gratis. A. Vt 00LLAMS & Co , Sydenham House. W A- N TED INSPECTION OF MUNRO AND MILLIGAN'S T W E E D S. "in^~A~N T E~D KNOWN. GEORGE~GREGDRY, PH'/I'OUKAPHKIt, Quick's Builuikos (S'eur Throe Lamps), PONSONBY ROAD, fa now prodnoinic Flrst-c_»3B Photogrophß _tt.he following reasonable ratoa:—Oarce da Viflito, 10s 6d per doz ; Cablnnts, £1 Is par doz Children's at sa-m'e price. Highcla»3 Knamollinfr at a moderate advance on above prieea. Tramoara casi the door reeulatly. ynu~ a~ n t~ e^ r»; LANDLORDS AND OTHERS TO KNOV7 THAT WILLIAM CRICK (Lite Librarian Supreme Court Library, Auckland), Undertakes Collection of Rent}, Execution of Dbtresa 'Warrants, Possesxirn under Bills ot Sale, etc., with care and despatch. Prompt Settlements a Special Feature, OFFICE: 25. CQO_LB_S'S AKCADK, Highitreet, Auckland,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 242, 14 October 1886, Page 3