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WANTED, Two Bushmen to Cut 100 Tons of Firewood.—Apply to Hunter and Nolan, Durham-st-Bet. \ 17ANTED, rospectablo Girl for jjenoral V T work.—Mrs Hrown, Fallow's BtiCdl, gs, Cook ami Hobson-atroets. ITI7ANTED Seen—Aro these Bargains or V? noU-Golil and White China Egg Cupß, 9 por doz. j Sponges, 2 for a Id ; Wood Pipes, 2 for a Id; Do . superior, 2Jd; Good Cigars, 7 for Is; Salts. 2 packets for Id; Senna, 2d tho packot; Dinner Knives and F.irks, 3Jd; Wood Dolls, 3 for Id I Wax Dolls (dressed), 3d: Clo'hes Brushes. 7Jd; Table Conors, Is 3d; Fancy Soap. 8 for a Ii; Tooth Brushes, Id ; Grand Shaving Brushes, Od ; Cu*a Clava (for corni) Ib id ; il* Pins, 7d nor doz. packets ; Feeding Bottles, iAd;Do. in Boxoß, wlih brush, 6d; Do. with screw tops. 9I; Ink Pencils, 21; large lot of Good Toys, Id and 'id; Good Pomade. Ib doz. Pots; Sewing Machine Oil (large bottlet) 9d ; Door Gd; Tea Spoons, Id ; Dessert Spoons, Id ; Fork", Id; Table do.,- sd; Steam Irons, 3i 6d ; Hair Oil. 3d por boi'lei Good Black Throad, Is lid por lb; Good Prfdleoks, 6d; Hair Brushes, fid; Coloured Spectacles, lid ; Garden Tools (tor ladies or children), Is the Set of 3; SpadDß, Bd each; Carpenters" Kits, 9d *, Long Axes (amnll Blze). 2s Od ; Curry Combs, 6d ; Mane Combs, 6d ; Tablo Vices, Ib lid—At Dampior's Wonderlul Shop, Victorla-Bt. | ANY Young Men desirous of earning good wages can do no by delivering milk most advantageous terniß offered —Apply Milk Depot, Railway Wharf. ADVERTISER, having had threo years' experience in Farming (two at the Royal Agricultural Colloge), ia deßiroils of meeting with a gentleman about taking up wild land or having a largo estate. Can turn his bands to mest things at a plnoh, and can rou-jh it. Being now to tho colony, will give threo months.— Englnni, Star Olllce. BAl*_Eß"Wanted for the country.— Apply to John Buchanan, Insurance A gont, l-hortland-streot. BY the use of that admirable stimulant; Wolfe's Schnapps, your lives will bo lengthened. "OOOTS I BOOTS ! BOOTS ! GENT*' BOOTS SOLED and nEELED 2s 6n LADIKS' Do. Do. Eo. 1 9 CHEAPEST SHOP IN TOWN, El h*r for New B mt« or Ropsdrf. il W, W A T T S' S, HOB-.ON STRI-ET. MANDY Man wants work of any sort s good gardonor, carpenter.—Energy, Btar i. PARTNER wanted with £400 in a firstclass Livery Stable.—Apply to John Smith, on tho promises. Albert .treot; or J. M. and J. Mowbray, (Juoon-streot QT-^M""f-AUNC_r~wanted at once; K_7 reasonable prico 3 to 1 horaepowor, not moro than 2ft Gin dr-.uitht wood or composite build.—Apply by latter, with all particulars, to " Labojur," Si-au Oillce. SPRING AND SUMMER. — Wantee Known. — D. McPiiekson Invites special sitcntion to hla Drees Department, which Is ivpleto with the choicest and most fashionable fabric, fcr the abovo seasons. A largo consignmont to hand, comprining Jorsoy Crepe. MousBilice Crepe, Ih-ign. Flul.,'Ottoman Cord, Knot Uouel., Curl, B.uohi. Veilings, Merinos and CUislimoros, Primed Vollings. De Lames, eto Tho above are French Goods, ahd all wool,: ho colourings aro now and faahtonable. Hand--J1U..1 Striped and Figured Broohoa, Pluihes, auJ othor ftty!i-ii Trimmingu to match. Now Prima nnd Camellno Clothe, in the faahi.nub'o S:rlii.iß. Spots, Flowers, Figured, anil Plain. A vory largo variety. Kakami.ui.u-k Road. mo TAILORS' CUTTERS —Wanted, a X flratolasH Cutter.—Apply W. J. Allen, Tailor and Oiulltter, Victoria Arcade. TO~~Tnilore' Cutters.—Wanted, a Firstclans Man.-Apply G. Pearce Koyal Mall Hotel._ mO DRESSMAKERS.—Wanted, iminoI J. diatoly, 1-iiprovors and ApprontlccH— App'y between 8 and (130 p.m. to Mis* Wells, East stri'iM, NewtQP. WASHING Wanted—la 6d doz., rough dry, ).b ; can bo highly rocomniended.— Luundrcss. Bereßford-strect, No»ton, blx doors from Forestora' Hall. Lost and Found LOST by Pierce Lanigan, Ponsonby, a Red Setter Dog.—Anyone returning eamo will borowarded ; anyone keoplng it after this dale will lie prosecuted. T~ OST, Tfday, in tho city, a Small J Bunch of Keys on chain ring. - Any ono llndtog sam. will greatly oblige by returning it to Cecil Gardner *c Co.,High.3troot. LOST,~on Saturday,~~a Brown Woollon Bhawl botweon Kller.lio and Epsom by way of Greon Lano.-Finder will bo rewarded en roturnlng It to Wingatc. Burna and Co.. LOST, a Letter, containing P.O. for£l, between Junction Hotel and Newmarket —Finder rewarded ou returning eamo to Mrs T. Mooro. Wllllamson-street. Epsom. Payment stopped. LOST. Gold Brooch, with photograph at buck, botweon Chureh-Bltoet and Beach Road, Dovonport, and Queon-strcot Auckland. Findor will bo rewarded on returning samo to the ofllco of this newspaper. LOST, yesterday, between Union-street, Auckland, and Cnurch-streot. North _horo. a silver Bracelot, inlaid with gold. — Fln-ior roWßrdod on leaving It with Mr Baker, North Shore Fo.-ry Coinrany'sAiiHoa. £• I REWARD.-Lost, between Mount rtW -1- Ertrn and Q leen-streot, a Lady's Black Bag. containing jewellery, &c.-Finder apply Stak Oillce. I7IOUND, young Black and Tan Coolio ? Sheep Dog.—Ownercan have the same by apply to W. M. Butler. Thi.tlo Ilo'el. FOUND, in Harbour, a 13 foot Open Boat; painted black top, drab bottom. Owner can have it by paying expenses.—Apply Water Polico. For-tonal li' Mrs Abbott, lato of Ngaruawahia, calls at E. Porter and C..'a .hop, Newmarket, tho will hoar of something to hor advantage. DEAR HUSBAND,—Don', forget the Is parcel of Bakino Suiokod Flahou THURSDAY, at the boat. ERSON A L.—Havo you seen tho Fingering Wool at Metcalfe's, la Od a head, nnd iho largo Kits Id, at the foot of Wakefield streoU OW CAM YOU AFFORD TO GIVE an Extra Pair of Trousora for Nothing with Every Suit? By paying small rent, doing my own cutting, and buying direct from nianu facturers —J. H. DALTON. Vlotorio-stroot, East Auckland. For Sale FOR SALE, a l_-horsepower vertical combined Englnu and Boiler. — J. Stone, No wmarkot. FOR SALF, ono of Milnors Firo proof Safes, with two drawers. Price, £7.— D, Hyauiaeon, Looksmith, Durham-ntroet. FOR SALE, Stock and Fixtures of a Stationery Business.-Apply, on premises, to Mrs Hagon, Walker's Buildings, Karangahape Koad. FOR SALE, new, light Dog-cart, lamps, &C. (nevor been used), worth £25; to an i mrediate purchaser £16 will be taken.—Apply ST A v Qrtlce. FOR SALE, 5-roomed House, Somerset Place. Good view, gas stove, Mistress range, olty water, concrete yard.—Dowden and Paten. Agents Qaeon-atreet. FOR SALE, House 6 rooms and allotment, Mount Eden, near toll-gate ; vory cheap; only £.90.—Dowden and Paton, Land Agents, Q.ieen-street. BjlOR SALE, strong Double-seated Buggy, JD young Horse, new Harno-s; a grand tnrn^ out; any trial givon,—Apply C.W., Avondalo Post-ofllce. FOR SALE, _ and Broomed Houses. As the owner is loaving the colony, will bo ' sod for leas than coßt prica.—Apply Mrs Jarviß, Edinburgh-Btroot, Nowton. FOR SALE (cheap), the Goodwill, Fixtures, etc. of a Restaurant and Oystor 1 Roohis, c'o-e to Queen-street; doing good businoßß.—Apply to Mr Mowbray, Cosmopolitan Chambers. |i"10R SALIS, a well finished 6-roomed ; JJ Houbo, gaa in all the roonlß, gas stovo, 1 , fireplaces ; good garden, cohcrotecis'orn, water , lad on to houao ; price, £330.—Apply top house i Tho Avonuc, ofT Wynyard Road. Monnt Eden. 1710R SALE-Cheap-A partly-improved J Farm of 93 Acrc3, 12 miles from town by ; good road, and 3 miles from Railway Station.— i Apply to John Soppct, House and Land Agent, ' U5, Queoa-Btroet. _ ; |7>OR SALE, 9 acres 2 roods IS porches, • .JD flrßtclasa Level Land, with frontage to . Lake Takapuna, bounded on oltlnrsldo by tho _ ettatoaof Sir Fredorlck Whitaker and Alfred Porter. Esq.—Apply to T. E. Duranc?, at Arch. ' Clark &.3on_*. _ ImOR POSITIVE SALE, a Really Good JD Farm, of 177 Acres, nearly all fenced, a _ good Hou.e and numerous outbuildings, euitfor a dairy farm, a beautiful atroam of water, and only . mile from railway station, 11 miles from town ; by good road—Apply to John Bop- . pott. Honse and Land Agent, 65. Quecc-atreoot. OR IMMEDIATE SALE, Costloyatreet Ponsonby (owner leaving the colony), a well-fitted 4-roomed Houco, with verandah back and front, freehold allotment, nicely planted with fruit trees, &o. Prico, only £260.—F0r farther particulars, apply to D. F. Evans, Land and Eatate Agent. IRKENHEAD.—A pretty Cottape and Freehold; garden ; price. £100 ; cash £50, the balance subject to 7 per cent,—Apply to W. ' F. Hammond, S.B. Chambers. O~CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS.— For Pale, Chemist's Business, in the mest 1 risiDg suburb of Auckland. — Full particularmay be obtained from Kempthorne, Prosßer, and Co. QA ACRES and Small House, threo C 5" mil.B from Railway Stßtion, and 23 from town; 10 acre? in grass; remainder splendi-i bUEh. A bargain. £175.—Sinclair and Gray. 177, Qaoen-strect. WESTERN CINDERELL.S. — The Conomttteo will be glad if Answers to j their Invitations to the Fancy Dress Ball te sent to the Secretary. TO EXPRESSMEN AND CABMEN.— New House, large allotment, Eden Terrace, j cheap, and easy terms.-^Dowden and Paten, 1 Land Agents, 130, (jueen street.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 235, 6 October 1886, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 235, 6 October 1886, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 235, 6 October 1886, Page 5