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Wanted ANTED, for Country Mill, a Saw Sharper er who can hammer.—Auckland Timber Cj (Limited). WANTED a duly-qualified Medical Ofilcor to travel With Life Insurance Agent. — Apply T, D, Edmonds, Mutual of Victoria. WANTED, a Single Man for tho country, to plough nnd make himself generally useful.—Apply W. Kemp, Te Papopa, Onehunga. WANTED, a respectable Man to Peddle Goods; no previous knowledge iiccobsar.v; 2s6dper day tho first work, fa tho second, and" 7sGd p.r day after.—Addresa l'.ddlo, Stak Office. WANTED, several Coat Hands for ordor work,—Auckland Clothing Co., Commerce-street ■ W" ANTED, a few first-class Coat Hands. —Apply to M. Muroliie, Morohant Tailor, Shortland street. WANTED, an active younp- Man to tho Drapery. — Apply, after G this evening, James Cromble, Franklin Road. XVTANTED, olther an Apprentice or an T T Improver for tho Manchester and Furnishing Drapery Department. — Garllck and Cranwell, ANTED, a respectable Lad.—Apply Auckland Fish Aroade. WANTED, strong Boy to do gardening. —Apply for address at STAB Office. "\A7"ANTED, a smart, active Girl, for a TT private house in tbo country.—Apply Mra Low, at Mrs White's, AnglQ3ea street. WANTED, a good General Smith, accustomed to horse shoeing and repairing agricultural implements ; references required.—Application will berecelved by Mr William Andrew.Pakurunga, up till Thursday, 7th Inst., at 7 o'clock p.m. WANTED, superior chief Cook, 40s ; unincumbered Mariicd Couple for fai in, £70 per annum; Woman Cook able to bako, 20s ; several Gonerala.—Mrs Elsmoro's. ANTED, by Advertiser, age 24, a Situation; employment greater consideration than salary; cquld act as Children's Tutor in English eubjoots, and Elementary Fj_onch and Latin.—Apply A.R.. Bt.vh Offlco. WANTED, some kind Person to Adopt a Baby Boy, six wooks old; entirely givon up.—Apply Stak Oflloe. WANTED, three.respectable Boarders. Good table kept: — Mrs F. Davis, Kara□gahape Road, oppoalto Post-ofllco. ANTED—A Lady who would a'slst a little in household duties, cap have comfbrtat-lo room with board at v_ry low ternip. —Fern Bank, Grafton Road, noar Choral Hall. WANTED, two respectable Boarders in pi-ivato family ;no other lotlgora; single bedr wins ; very roasonable*.—Addroßß Mrs Wilson, Union etreet, throo doors from Welliogton Holol. WANTED, by a m-irried ludy, a furnlshoa Bed and Sitting lfooin, with piano preferred.—Write, stating terms, -cc', to M.I .X.BTau Ofllco. WANTED to Buy or Lot, a G or 7 rooiiiod Houso, In or noar Manukan Road, Parnoll.--Address A.8.C., Nowton l'ostofllco. WANTED, rospectablo Mall as Tonant for Barber's Shop ; now doing a good business.— Apply at H.Phllips's Boardiug-houßo, Swqnson-stroeL WANTED TO LET, very nicely furnlsliod Bediooin, with uaoof parlour and kitchon. — Mrs Montgomery, Dress aud Manileuiakcr, 125, Qroy-alrout. W~ ANTED to Soil, lirst-olasa Spring Catt. Horse, and Harness ; v bargain.— Apply to W. ]_, itogors, Furnishing Wan-house, Ponßonby Road. WANTED to Purchas~o,"Furn.tufo and Odds and Ends for Cash.—Mrs V. Davis, Karangahape Road, oiposito Poßt-ofllon. WANTED, all requiring Money on good securities of any kind, freehold, chattel, or personal, to apply J. R. Itandoraon, Auctioneer. WANTED nt once, a Sleoping or Working Partner in onu ot the beat paying businoasea in town; c ipital required, from £150 to £200.—Apply to Plttar and Co., 71, (.ueonetrcet. j WANTED, 200 Pigeons at onco ; must bo strong bltda.—Apply to J. Walkor, Florist, City Market. WANTED- Securo a Policy far Lifo Assurance in the Equitable Aasoclatlon of New Zealand, and examine carefully the posltivo system, whioh glvoa to policy holder paid up Insurance proportionate to premiums paid and avoids forfolturo.—Ofllces: Fort-.troot, Auckland. — W. A. THOMSON, Manager. WANTED,~tho Residents of Surrey Hills. Arch Hill. Hnslott's Paddock, and Newton, to remombor Matthew Burnott's Great Temporanco Mooting In St, George's Hall TO MOttROW (Thursday) EVENING, at half-paat 7. Bind of Hopo Union Choir will bo present. WANTED to have attached to ovcry Houao ono of Edwarde'a Patent Solf-aot-lng Dcodorßlng Closets. Fever prevented I Health assured I A Modol can bo scoii and Circulars obtained at tho Company's Ofllco (Fowler and Wilkinson), Kxchango Chambers, Queon-streot. WANTED, Tenders for Clay Work, iv Eaßt-atreot, np to Thursday, 7 h, at 1 p.m.—lnqulro atF. Jeuno'a. Exoolßior Hall. \\T ANTED, Tondors for Painting and TT Parorhanglng. Particulars—Thomas Fouldor, Archill Tendors clone 12 noon. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. WANTED, Tenders for tho Erection of a Boat-shed for the Devonport Naval Artillery. Plans and specifications at Mr Splnloy'a shop, Devonport. The lowest tender not necPßsarily accopted. Tenlcra to bo sent in to the Secretary not later than 5 o'clook on FRIDAY, Oct. 8.-J. C. BPINLKY, Hon.Seo D.N.A. WANTED KNOWN.-The Cheap Solo Is now on at Goodson's London Arcade. from October 2nd to 9ih—7 dayßOnly. WANTED KNOWN.-'Tlie Cheap Salo la now on at Goodson's 1 ondon Aroado, from Octobor 2nd to Btb—7 days only. W" ANTED KNOWN.—The Cheap Sale is now on at Good.on's London Arcade, from Ootobor 2od to 9;li—7 dayß only. WANTED KNOWN—Fenctn_* Wire, Staples, Roofing Iron, Salt, Wlthors'a Flroproot Safes, and Beet Steel Barbed Wire, &0., for Sale, very cheap. New lion, different brands, ex Woltanßi.—Butoher, Groom and Co., Fort-et. Telephone, SH, WANTED KNOWN.—The Cheap Sale la now on at Goodson's London Arcado, from October 2nd to 9th—7 daya only. WANTED KNOWN -J. Knott, Ironmonger. Grey-fltreet. haa disposed ot his Stook and Shop at Newton to Mr R. Jessop and tbat in future he will concentrate all hlB business in Grey-stroot, whore ho hopes to recolve a con tlnusnco of the support so liberally given in the post. Good Article, Reasonable Price. WANTED KNOWN. — Great Variety of Books lent to road, as long as you H_o, for 2d, inoludiog the following authors: AinßWorth, Austen, Dickons, Fielding, Levor, Lover. Lytton, Marryal, Maxwell, Scott. Cooper, etc At Dampier's Job Shop, Victoria-s-.reet. ANTED KNOWN—The lost Notice— Revolution in tho Watch Trade. New Watches in going ordor, 15s; highest price dr. in hunting cases, 22* 6d. A handsome chain given with oaoh watoh. Specimens in the window. Also, grand lino of Ladlos' Brooches In the window, only 2a 6d each.—At Darnpler _ Job Shop, Victoria-street. WANTED KNOWN- The Lost Chance for Shoemakers. Nugget Nai's. 2d per lb; largo Iron Boot Lasts, Id por lb; Wood do., 3d per pair ; Tips, 2d per doz. pairs; Eyelets, Id per box; 1 Set of Boot Troes, 63 (now); ihu last Bhcomaker's Howe Sewing Machine, £2 15a. - At Dampior's Farewell Boot Solo, Viotoiiastreet, W__NTED~KNOW^^^ThaTIr-UNBO AMD MIIXIQAN havo Opened up a Large and Cholco Assortment of Mosgtel, Oamaru, ItOFilyn, Scotch, and other Tweeds of a superior quality. Also, the Best West of England Plain, Fancy, and Diagonal Worsted Coatings and Trouserings. All thoroughly shrunk. Perfoot Fit and Best Workmanship guaranteed. Five Sor cent. Discount for Cash. Tram car. pass ie floor. ' WANTED KNOWN,—That for Dyspepsia or Indigestion, irregularities of the Bowels, and other Stomach Disorders, tho following artioles stand unequalled by any lmSorted compound, viz. : — Rbbley's Digestive leal for Porridge. Brown Bread, and Digestive Biscuits; elso, Robloy's Superior Food for Infants, Young Children, and Invalids. —J, Robley. Prlncea-atreet. WANTED KNOWN-Great Newß at Dampier'a Farowell Boot Salo. The last shipment Bfrom England havo j ast arrived per Coptic, lonio, and Ruapohu, including Pol lock's celebrated Ladies' Out-door Shoes, only 8s Hd ; usual prioe, 10s 6d ; Pollock's Ladles High-leg Prunella 800t5.58 6d: uaual prlco.7s 61; Vernon's colobrated Ladios Kid Boots, 9s 6d, usual prico 12s 81; Men's Derby Shoes, 5a ltd, our regular price 7s 6d; Men's Elastic eide Boots, 5s lid, beforo our Bale 7s 6d; Men's Shooting Boots, 8a 6d ; Men's Bluchers (all tizes). 3s 6d; Ladies' Kid Boots, 5s lid, before sale 7s 6d ; Ladles' Mock Button Boots, 5s 6d: Charles Hth Dancing Shoes, 3a 6d; Ladies' Button Boots. 5a lid : Ladies' Morocco, fla lid ; Ladios Morocco Boots, 8s 6d; Ladios' Superior Pru nolla House Boot?, 4a lid ; Ladies In-door Pru nella Shoes 3s Od, &c. &C. comprising in all 11 Trunks and Cases of tho Best Good si havo ovoi imported, and at pricoa to Buit evorybody.—Al Dampier's Final Farewell Boot Sale, Victoria street. ___^ WANTED KNOWN.—Durinf. the last three weeks of our Great Cash Sale every purchaser of a Suit can seleot an oleganl Summer Voat gratis. A. \\ 001 LAMS & Co , Sydenham Houbo. T\7 ANTED KNOWNSOMERSET HOUSE. For quality, stylo, and cheapness, try F. Moor b, BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, , KAnANGAHAFE ROAII. TXT ANTED X NlTw NGILES AND RILEY, / BENNETT'S CHAMBERS, ' 19_, yucoa s'.r-ef., 2 Doora from Arthur's Auction Room, ARE AGENTS FORTlie Preparation ot Wills, Mortgages. Deeds o£ ' Gift. Bills of Sal?, Leas-s, Agreement, and other Legal Docunn nt-s. RENTS AND DKBT3 COLLKCTED. '■ DISTRESS WARRANTS EXECUTED. Parses-ion under Bills _f S_.lo_. Houses to Let, Piopertle3 for Sal., Fire and Life Insnr.noes Effected. Tradesmen's Batiks Adjusted, Partnerships Arrange-, : Loans and Mortgages Negotiated. '. Offices open. Evening, 7 to 9. Highest Reforences Given. __

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Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 235, 6 October 1886, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 235, 6 October 1886, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 235, 6 October 1886, Page 5