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WANTED, a General Servant. Refer oncea required.—Apply Mrs L. Bollin, Llohflold-streot, baok of Star Hotel. Newion. WATSTED, a good General Servant— Apply to T. bhort, Romuera. WANTED, to Buy a Second hand Billiard Table, with all applianoos.— Adrtrnsa, stating prico anil whoro to be seen, to X.Y.Z., Star Ofllce. WANTED, to Lease or Purehaso House or Allotment near Ponsonby, Karangahapo, Nowton. or North Roadß.—State particulara to Z.X.. Star Office. WANTED, good General Smith.— —Apply James Macintyre, Wharf, Oneimnga. WANTED, a good General Servant j thrco in family.—Apply to Mrs Tonka. Qlcufoylc, Kemuera, before 11 or after 5 o'clock. ANTED, a Boy. — Apply G, Milla'a Ropo Factory, Arch Hill. WANTED, by a young lady, a Situation as Companion, or Governess to young children. Haa no objection to help with Bowing.—Addreßß Bota, Star Ofllce. WANTED, a Good Farm Hand.—App'.y to Mr Lai.khani, Devonport, North Shore VlTrANTEDTirßoy.—Apply D. Miller, TT Plumber, Wollcaloyßtreot. WA NTED7 a Grocer's Assistant with knowlcdßo of book-Kceping.—Apply by etter, with roferences, to "Buainoßß," Dowden'a Auction Mart, Quecn-strcet. ANTED, a good Brush Hand.—Apply C. Lawronco. Booch Road, Devonport. WANTED, in Parnoll, Lady to Board In private family. — Apply for addroaa MraUcll, Parncll Registry Office—Housemaids, Cooks^and Laundress wanted at once. WANTED, 1,200 foot PitchersforChannels—Apply on works, Wollington-st., or to J. Craig, Coniinerco-strcet. ANTED to Soil, 50 boxes of East Coast Fruit, comprising line Baiuplca of Dessert Applca and Quinces.—ll. B. Morton. TVTANTED, good Bench Hands ; also, TT Boys to learn.-Apply Now Zealand Boot Faotory. Rutland-stroot. W 'ANTED, a Plumber and Zinc Worker.—Apply, nt once, to John Petford. Plnmbor, Chancery-ttreet. WANTED, a good General Servant; small family.—Apply, at once. Star Office VIS^ANTED, a good Cook and Laundress II in Binail familr; rofcroncea roqulred.— Apply Mra Colbeclc, Mount St. John, Kpaom. WANTED, a Girl about 14, to take out two children every afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m.—Apply Dr. Evans. North Shoro. WANTED, a General Sorvant.—Apply to Mrs Haro, Kf e > Villa, Turnor-stroot, oil' Upper Quoon-B'rofit. W"~' ANTED, at "Hannaford's Auckland Rogietryjestab. 22 years; Telephone 278), Hotol Working Housekeeper, 15a. W "ANTED, at Hannaford's Auckland Registry (eatab. 22 yoars; Tolephono 278), Unlncumbercd Couple for farm or working Ftiinalo Houeekooper. WANTED, at Hannaford'a Auckland Rogißtry (oatab. 22 yeara; Telephone 278), Bovci al Oonoralß and Young Girls. X\f ANTED, at Hannaford'a Auckland T T Registry (estab, 22 years; Telophono 278), Voung Man to bousofnl. ~\KT ANTED, North Shore, Board and T T Reaidence, In private family, by young gentleman, torms modorato; permanentApply "P>," Box 118. . WANTED to Lot, in Ponsonby, a few minutes' walk from Tramway, Furoisliod Bedroom, witk or without Board.—For xddrcss. apply Stah Office. WANTED, for Situations—Governess, Housemaid, Driver, Gardener, Stocknan. Washing by tho day.—J. L. Longbottom indCo. WANTED, 2 Generals for Thames; nlao, Good Cook.—J. L. Longbottom tnd Co. WANTED KNOWN—That J. L. Longbottom uml Co. havo taken over the Jfllcea lately occupied bF K. M. HeiKhton and Jo. us a Registry Office for Labour; also. Land ind Estate Agents.—J. L. Longbottom and Co. WANTED.— AboutOnoand a-half Acres lit Eden Land, 7-rooinod Houso (views if Waltomata and Maunkau), for poaitlvo aale it Auotion Thursday noxt — J. It. Randoreon, Auctioneer. WANTED, Board and Residence with young widow lady, no other boarders Lflpt.fowminutos' walk or Queen-street.—Ap-)lv. Btntlng terms, to J. B. Groatriao. Star )ffioe. WANTED TO RENT, in town, a Houso of not loss than 5 rooms.—Apply o W, H. Dampler. W"XRTED~KNOWNT=^our Shillings in tho pour'1, is tho cash return or dls:ount on all caph purohasos over five shillings, it Kelsey'a, off their Gold and Silver Jewollory .nd Fancy Goods, tlioy having to vacate their iremises.—-harioa Kelfwy & Co.. 120. Quocn-sL \TTANTED, anothor 1,000 Clocks and TT Watches to clean and repair; also, lurchaacra for Waltham, Bnglißh, and Swigs batches, Clocks, and Jewollary by Thos. Nutaord. Watchmaker, Jewollor, &0.. noxt Union tank, Viotoriastroet.—N.B.—All work guaranoetV for 12 montlia; musical boxos repaired, lianos purchased on ccnnmißHlon. ANTED KNOWN.-^Salo of Eden Terraco Proporty To-morrow, 12 o'clock. • J. R. Rnndorson, next Bank Now Zealand. \.n opportunity to secure a businoas position iot likely to ocnurjuaiin. WANTED, intolligont poople to look at tho pricoa and the reason why things an bo done at thOßo pricoß. J. H. DALTON, City Tailoring Kstablishmont, Viotoria-Btroot EAST, las olearod ont a Warohouso Stock at ander Cngllßh pricos, and can glvo— A Good Suit for 955, usual £310s 6d GOs. „ £A os6d „ 63b, ~ fillOsOd Trouaora 12s M, ~ £110) M 15s, ~ £1 lsOd 21s, „ £1 SsOd „ 22a Cd, „ £1 Tb64 I'bls Is a. Genuine Salo, and no blow about It. Kvory one gets Just what thoy want. ;Noto the addroßßj: J. H. DALTON. Tailor, VurrontA-fITnBBT KABT. riT A N T E » K N O W N. BALK OK ROBSONS STOCK, At J. RENDKLTi'S. Top of _r_y-btb__t. >lot Curtains, 2a Gd por pair. Vut Curtains, in lid per pair; speoial valuo. Hon's Tweed Trousers and Vest, fie lid. Vton's Twood Suits (moant for wear), 10s 6d. Pr.KASK Note : A Ix)t of Hoylo's and other boat makes of Print, 10yds. for Is lid. _*ino all Wool Flannola, good width, Ib OJd and in Sid. Customers must seo these to know tho value. Boy's Twood Trousors, 2s lljd. Uon's Stout Mole Troußors, 5s 6d per pair. Hoy's Knioker Suits. 3b 9d, lined through. Bny'H Knioker Suits, ioOd, nicely braided and K) Ladioa1 Durable Umbrellas, beautiiully mounted, 3s lid. Ladies Corsets, Is Cd por pair, original price No. 2 Stout Calico. 4s 4d por dor. Dross Materials, 2s lid, 3s lid, is lid tho Drosa Twccda. Is per yd.; Nelson do., 2s Bd. ralnoh Twilled Sheeting, BM. Ladles'Mackintoshes with Hood, 12a 6d. J. RENDELL, BRIGHTON HOUSE, Top of Grey-street ; TXf ANTED KNOW NTHAT KEAN AND ALDERTON, OP WBLLBBLEY AND NELSON-STREETS, Are Sellini? FIREWOOD at the following Prioee tor CABH:LONGWOOD.. - -. 12a 6d per Ton. CUT WOOD .. - ~ 13a 6d „ „ SPLIT WOOD Üb« „ „ Full Weight and Measurement Guaranteed. KOR CASH ONLY. XIT~7rN""T~E"D KNOWN. WORKING MEN OF AUCKLAND. Now is the time to get well Suited at ■Woollams's for 50s. To raise tho wind for Extensive. Shipment to arrive per Coptic OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF TWEEDS Will bo Sold at unheard-of Prices for 10 DAYS ONLY. Look at the prices marked in the window, and judge for yourselves. WOOLL A M S, READY-MONEY TAILOR, Sydeniiam House (Foot of Grey-street). \ RCH HILL ROAD BOARD. Wanted, a Man to act aa Ranger, Poundkeeper, &c. Apply by letter, stating terms required. &0., to office o£ above Board to. 21at ins_ GKORGK CHILTON. Chairman. Board's Offlco. Arch Hill, April 8.1885. AUTUMN HANDICAP.-The Person who held the Stakes won by "L.P.," please leave it at the Stab office. A LADY wishes for employment (study, amanuensis, or otherwise), two hours evory evening.—Apply " Soudan," Stab Office. A YOUNG Gentleman requires Home in private family of good address; musical preferred. —Send full particulars andtennato Kdens, Star Oflice. BOARD AND RESIDENCE.—Vacancy for Married Couple and Single Gentlemen, Graf ton Houae, opposite Choral Hall, near Albert Park. CHEAP AND GOOD CUTLERY.— Ivory and Bone Handled Table and Dessert Knives, selli-g at very low prices.—Thomas Samuel, 108, Queen-street. DOOR PLATES, Stencil Plates, Dies, Monograms, etc., fingraved at the Stab Office. /GENERAL SERVANT WANTED.— \JT Apply to Mrs Day, Strond Green, Ver-mont-Btreet, Ponsonby. ARSHALL'S Special Tincture of Podo-phyll-m in tbe Homoaopatbio Remedy for all Liver and Stomach Disorders and Risings and Indigestion. Price, la per bottle.—O. W. Goodson, London Arcade, Sole Agent for Auckland

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 3