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.,._ wanted* WANTED, a Married Couple to take charge of a siall placo in the oountry \v iro good jiv; slier and laundress; man to work Kitchen garden and atlo to milk. — Apply Thames Hotp:. WANTS i', two Drivore.—Apply J. Mullaly, New North Road. \\TANTED, tho Boy who caught the > T young Red Setter l)o« on tho footpath opposito the British Hotel to call at Atkin's Printing OHlcc. High-street. Y&7" ANTED, a Bmart, tidy Boy.—Apply , » » T. Barnaby. Butchor and Grocjr. Kin«s____j_____orth Road. WANTE I), Boy to take care of Pony, milk a cow, and make himßolf gonorally useful about tho place.—Apply W. Warr, Ely nnii . Reuiuora. \\ ' •1" TED, a respectable Boy for bake--1 ) ', n--i\—Apply- Buckingham & Harvoy, I riHcr», ■•!■ i :\i Eden Road. V': ~A ■ . !■".!), a smart activo Boy as third \ " . iiuu inkituhon.—Apply at STjntOfllce, WANTED, a well educated Youth who manuscript vvoll and quiokly. —Apply at tin; STAltOfflco. Y\7" ANTED, a Lad ; must bo able to TY milk.-Apply toT. W. Marks, ChapelBtreet, or third house past Junction Hotel, Grent South Koad. WANTED, a Lad about IS, as improver to the baking business.—Apply Fronch Bakery, Hobsou street. TX/"ANTE D," a VoiithTfor" the office.— * V Applications to be ndrlroasod to the SyiM-otnry Auckland Qua Co.. i.imiteil. WANTED, a Strong Honest Boy to Drive a Spring Oart.-Apply to Mr John Sculloii, Kiiasell-streot, Arch Hill, alter 6 p.m. __ WANTED, Boy or Girl, between 12 and 13, to asdist in houpowork; to ro homo to sleep.—Apply in the morning houso nuxt Bowling Green, Grafton Road. WANTED, a Girl to assist in house-work.-Apply Mrs Solomon, opposito BelmontHouso, vincent-streot. ANTED, a respectable Girl, 12 to 14 years, to mind a baby.-Apply to Mrs Eaton. Ilobson-street. WANTED, n Firet~class~Milliner~and Saleswoman with good experience, to take charge of Millinery and Fancy Room.— Apply Mr B. Girling, BloDhclm, Marlborough, stating salary required, etc. WANTE 157 Rood Laundress: also, Housemaid. -Apply Star Hotel, from 1C to 12 a.m.. or tl till 8 p.m. WANTED, Governess, to take charge of four ohildron, from 0 to 13 years o( age.—Apply Mra Ireland. Hulme Court. Parnell. WANTED, a General Servant.—Apply Mrs 1). Miller, Shelly Beach. WANTED, a respectable Servant.— _ Apply STAR Ollico. WANTED" good General Servant. No washing. — Apply to Mrs Willoughby, Tho Nook, Upper Symonds-streot. YTCTANTED, good General Servant; T t miißt be able to wash, und accustomed to children.—Apply Mrs Rose, Sarstlold-street, oll'Sholly Beach Koad. Ponsonby. WANTED, a good Cook and Laundress. —Apply Mrs Forrester, Swan Hotel, Mechanics' Day, at onco. WANTED^TPartner with£l,ooo capital in a good Paying Manufacturing Business.—Aupiy to Secretary T. and S. Morrln and CaJLimited). TTTTANTEDra Partner with Capital to II start Auctioneering in my premises; in good position, aad stock to start with; open till the 15th Instant.—W. L. Roth. Cheap Bedding and Furniture Mart. Vlctoria-streot Kaat. WANTED, 4 rospoctable Working Men as Boardors; terms very moderate.— Apply Mre Darling, Albert Road, Dovonport, Xorth Shore. _________ _ [\7ANTED7Boardcrs in Private Famiiy. TT Terms modorato. — Apply Mrs Mackenzie, Wliito House, Manukau Koad, Parnell. ANTED, by a Kospectable Married Couple, a Situation a3 Groom and Gardener; tho wife as housemaid, cook or laundreES.—Apply at Mra Baker's Registry, Newmarket. ANTED, Tenant for Now Storo or Shop being built in the busy thoroughfaro of Customs Btreet West. Kent easy.— Apply to _■. Rhodes. W "ANTED", goodFreeliold Securities for Bums ranging from _lOO.—Apply to J. M. Spood. Solicitor. Exchango Chambers. Durham-strcot. TTS7"ANTED, some kind, reapectablo T T Person to Adopt a good-tempered, healthy Baby Boy, nearly six months old.—Particulars from Mrs G., care of Mrs Gould, Uppor Union-Btreet WANTED,^n~_ilcitme_t~in a good locality cheap for cash.—Address Box 37. Post OHico." WANTED, Four Acres Land about ten miles from town : Mangero district proferrcd. — Apply John Dawson, Brown-street, Ponaonby. WANTED. — Four two-story Houses, Manukau Road, Parnell (£l2O annual income: mont desirable property), to bo absolutely Sold. Thursday next, at Mercantile Sale Hooms.-.1. K. Konrinrnon. Auctioneer. V^TANTED. Young Man to share Koom t V with another, in a private family, no ntlior boarders: terms 18a per wook (washing included).—Address Mrs Mitchell, Claromontstreet, oil' ivy her Puss. ANTED to Lot,Comfortablo 4-roomod CoUubc— Apply Mrs Davidson, Mar-mion-street, next Turkish Baths. WAN- ED, a Good Tenant to loaso gmnd Romucra property, consisting of lOroomed House. Kvcry convenience, Hwn, and ornnmental shrubbery. Purchasing clnuso arantcd.—Apply to J. R. Randcison, Auotioncor. _ WANTED to Loaso, by a good tenant, Kniall Farm, suitable for poultry, with Kood Cottage, within 12 miles of town; wood und water; Ural-class tenant,—Addrcsa ■ anocr, Staii Oflice. WANTED to purchase, a Hmall Business in Auckland, for about _100.-A. U., StakOllico. WANTED to Piirclmeo, a good Secondhand Col net.—Apply to Jan. Browne, I iobaonjjtroot. _ ANTED, to Hire a Horso and Trap or Light Cart for a few days occasionally. -K.W.,3tauOlDco. WANTED KNOWN, tha't if William Jones, of Lincoln Btrect, Ponsonliy, doos not como and take down Chimnoy and re-build aiime eaticfactorily beforo 12th instant, I will have it done at his oxpenao.—John Cuming, Surrey Hllla. WANTED KNOWN.- Salo of Eden Torraco Proporty Tomorrow, 12 o'olook. —J. R. Randorson, next Bank Now Zealand, An opportunity to secure business position not likoly to occur again. ANTED KNOWN, persons having Books belonging to tho Circulating Library, Parnell, will please to return them by Thursday next, and thoy will much oblige— Richard T. Talbot .Parnell. WANTED KNOWN. - Drapery and Clothing Sale of Robaon's Stook is now ou at Brighton House, top of Grey-atreet.—J. Rendoll. Come if you want Cheap Goods. WANTED KNOWN— Chkap Timbeb 1 Chbap Timber 1 And all other kinds jf Building Material, can bo purchased cheaper and better than anywhoro else at tho yards of 0. GO—dib .Albert-street. WANTED at Once, 20,000 Pick and Shovel Men to call at Garrett Bros1, and sccuro Watertight at 8s 6d; Bluchers, is 6d. dale will last for One Month only. ANTED, the Ladies of Auckland and snrrounding districts to know that Mrs Corston has just opened a case of Hnglish and Parisian Milhnory. the most stylish in Auokland for shadOß and shape. A great variety to choose from. An inspection invited.—Mra Coraton, Newington House, opposite Portland House, Hobson-street. ANTED KNOWN.—Expiration of Lease Charles Kolßoy & Co. aro now offering a cash roturn of four shillings in every pound off all cash purchases of Fancy Goods over five Bhlllings.—Charles Kelsey & Co., 120, Queen Btreet. ViTANTED KNOWN.—SaIe of Eden VV Terrace Proporty To-morrow, 12 o'olook. -J. R. Randerßon, next Bank New Zealand. An opportunity to socure a buamea position not likely to occur again. WANTED KNOWNFUR COLLARS. CAPES, AND TRIMMIN&.-D. McPHERSON, Karangahape Road. FUR CAI _S, at 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 5s Gd, 8s 3d, 9a. One case only. ANTED TO SELL—Whipa (a really Bplendid assortment of. every kind)— Ladles1. Gents' Riding. Brlving, Cart; also. Solid Nickel Spurs, Stirrups, and the lateßt novelties in Saddlery and Hornoss: prices are useless to anybody unless they see the auallty. Come and inspoot, — "W. S. Jones, Wholeaalo Manufacturer, 183, Queen-street. | WANTED KNOWN—That Onb Sum made by MUNRO & MILLIGAN, Hob-aon-Btreet, will wear longer than Half A DOZEN (Cheap and Nasty) Shoddy Suits. , WANTED KNOWN—West End Pharmaoy, Ponsonby Road, cheapest Drug Store in town-Holloway's Pills, la 3d: Cockle'o. lu 3d; Whelpton's, Is 3d; Eno's FruitSalt, 3s 3d; Feeding Bottles, 6d: Steadman's Powders. Is 3d j Poroua Plasters, la and Is 3d: Fluid Magnesia, Is 3d : Citrate ot Magnesia, la 3d; Jacobs Oil, 2s 6d: De Jongh's Oil, 2s 9d; Chlorodyne, Is and is 3d.—A. J. Blomfleld, Homoeopathic Chemist, Herbalist, and Pharmacist. WANTED KNOWN by the Ladies of Auckland, that from Wednesday, the Bth instant. Dress and Mantle making will be done in the rooniß over our drapery establishment on Co-operative Principles. The Public. Employer, and Kmployco all to share in the profit. Prices low; terms cash.—J. Green, 85, Victoria-street. Ty ANTED KNOWN. GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE Contains the most vaiied and valuable stock of any placo in Auckland or the Australasian Colonies, and is certainly the cheapest, The departments may be olasslfled— Clocka and Watcheß Basketware Gold and Silver Jewel: Fanoy Gooda lery (all warranted (of all kinds) Eloctro-Plate „ Dolls, Toys Cutlery Stationery Book9 China and Glassware (at English prlceß) Lustres. Vaaes, &0. and a variety Desks of goods useful Work Boxes & Baskets and ornamental Ink3tonds not to be found Udies'and Gon ta1 Bags elsewhere. INSPECTION INVITED. GOODSON1- LONDON AKCADB, Viotorto wkl Queen-Btweta.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 3