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1 JLaiM and Estate A_s«t». BAMUBII VAILS,) [JOHN DOUGLAS, Yailb & Douglas (Latb Samuel Vailk), house, land, and kstate agknts, LAND AND EBTATE AUCTIONEERS RKAL KSTATE VALUATORS. BROKERS UNDER THE LAND TRANSFER ACT. SHORTLAND STREET (Next the Post Ostiok). BANK E R 8 I Bank or New South Walks. Bee also our advertisement in "N.Z. Herald and " Woekly Nowb.l MORTGAGES BOUGHT. FOR SALE OR TO-LET, a Beautiful Villa Rcsldonco containing 0 rooms, bathroom, pantry, wash-house, stable, &o.: allotment, 50 x 130 feet; price, £575, or to rent at 20s per week.—Apply to Vaile and Douglas, House and EsUito Agents. Shortlund-Btreot. jonrfortable COTTAGE ot 4 rooma and ■large room underneath; water laid on; close to Throe Lamps; allotment 33 x 100. Prloe, £300, and very easy tormß of paymont could be arranged.—voile & Douglaß, House an Estate Agents, ShorUand-street. 1899 UOTTAOJfE of 6 rooms In a good situation near to town: allotment 33x100; plantodwlth fruit trfyw, all In full bearing. Prloo, £230.— Vai e aTTwuglas, House and Land Agenta, Bhortland-Btroet. 1400 PLEIAD BUSINESS ALLOTMENT 1 it f Ponsonby Road, in commanding posl 1 ■' ( : and of good size. Prlco low. Terms jasy.—Vaile and Douglas, ljind and Estate Agentß, Shortland-streot. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, NEWTON, I lots each, 2 of them having frontages of 60 foot by a depth of 110 foot, and tho othora frontages of 10 feet by same depth. Price low, and toruiy easy, aa uiay be arranpfod.—Vaile and I)[)i:<<las, Land and Kutnto AKunts, next the Pr>tt-ofllco. ehorlland-stroot. 13"2 SMALL FAKM of 14 acres, very Buitablo for a working man ; all In cultivation; rich laud; Houeu of 3 rooms and kitchen, stubio, &c. Price, £200. 1360 OHEAP LITTLE HOMESTEAD, 14 acres, Kaat Tamaki: all In grass and crop. Cottago of S rooms ana small one of 2 roomi;. £200. PARTLY IMPROVED FARM of 132 acre:), all fonuud; -15 acres in grays. Splendid poultlon for fruit farm ; deop water fronUixo; close to town. £5 per ucre. 1363 £800 — GOOD LITTLE WATERSIDE FARM of ll&aoros, with largo run adjoining j 26 to 30 acres in cultivation; splendid place for fruit growing, Torms easy. — Vaile and Jtolulfi'J, Laud and Estnto Agotß, Bhortland- ' ftSVSI: immediate possession. 1286 £z2o—COTTAGE of 4 rooms, with allotment 33 x 08ft., noat garden, and closo to the truui-llnes.—Vaile and Douglasi, House and Land Agents. Hhorlland-etreet. 1852 £300—Vory Convenient COTTAGE of 4 rooms nnd (scullery, allotment 32 r 80ft. within quarter of an hour's walk from Quoon-street. ■—Vaile and Douglas, House, Land and Efitate Aseuta. n<ret P.0.. Shortland-stroet. 1392 £660—HOUSE of 6 rooms and Kitchen, gas and wutor laid on, &o.; workshop 24 x 14, Allotment, with frontage of 83 feet to Uppor Unlon-streot, and frontage to Nelson-street of HI feet.—Vaile and Douglas, Land and Kstato Agonta, Shortland-stroet. £630—NEW HOUSE of 6 rooms, with outhouse, tanks, &c, and allotment 66 z 198, voloanio soil: convenient situation, —Vaile and Douglas, House and Land Agent Short land-stroet. 1271 £500--Capital Waterside FARM, of 90 acres, about half rloh alluvial flat, SO aores In grass. Hoiuio of 4 rooms, dairy, sheds, &0.~ Vailo and Douglas, Land Agents, Shortlanditreot. 1227 £380.—NEW HOUSE of 6 rooms, verandah back and front, wash-houso j all drained ; gas and water; allotment, HO't x 132ft; flood situation, cioso to tram-linos.—Vaile and Douglas, Ifouso, Land, and Kstato Agenta, noxt to tho General Poßt-oftioo. Bhortl(inil ntreot. Ul3 SELWYN-STREET—Lea-hold Allotment 6i x 100, and comfortable 7-roomed Cottago good view and aspect; ground ront, £8 per annum ; 31 yoars to run ; gas nnd water laid on ; Rii3 Ktovo ; wash-house, fowl-houso, See, all In good repair. Price, £3.">0.-Vailo & Dontflas, lloucc and Estate Agents, ShortlandHe'nDERSON'S MILL-New Cottago of 4 rooms, nicely finished: allotment Hfi x 103 feot, nil fenced : oloao to ltiUlway .Station. Prlco, iJ'l-0 —VhUo & X>o\iKift.B, Land Agoats, Sbort Umil-Btruot, MANGARE POINT—4J Acres Volcanic, with fjood large Hun mlioiiiing, and with new (Jotlaii'O of (i rooms, well Ilnislied, and good out building!).—Kor prico and terms, apply to Voilo & Douglas, Laud and Estate Agonta, Bhortland-etroet. SAT ALL FARM, 11 ncros, at Lucas Crook, vory uuitablo for an orchard; woll situated for shipping away produce, &c.; 5 acres of tho lttiul has been ploughed twico; orchard, &c Honso of B rooms, woll flnisliod. Prloo, £270.--Vnilo & Douglas Land and Estato Agonts, Shortland-Btreot. Of T HSMO N D, » JOU \J LAND AND MONETARY AGENT, 110, QUGEN-BTUKET (Adjoining B. Tonk6 and O.'lil, TBLKPHONE NO.-155. BANKERS 1 NATIONAL BANK »F NEW ZEALAND, MORTGAGES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED RKNTB ANU INTERESTS COLLECTED MONKY INVESTED ON FIRST-CLASS BFOURITIKS. WITHOUT CIIARGIC KSTATKB MANAGED FOR ABSENTEES VALUATIONS AND ARBITRATIONSUNDERTAKEN NATIVH! LAND AFFAIRS SPECIALLY UNDERSTOOD HOUSKB TO LKT AND PROPEHTIRg FOR SALB FLACKD ON MY I.IBTB FIiKK OF CIIAHGE evkky dkbckh'tion or i.andkd phoperts Bought ok Soui to Ordkk Laui*;u Sum3 to Lend on FinsT-OLABS ssoitritv Agent fok National Firr and Makink Inbi'imnck Company of New Zealand, and Tnic New '/.KAi.iND Accident Insurance Company. QITT pROPKRTIBB. POKSONBY.—To any person requiring anin vofiimoni for £7501 can confidently rocommend two pro'.ty eoven-roomod Villas, built on freehold allotments, bringing in a largo and permuuont return for the outlay, as well a8 having a cooii prosonctlvo valro. PCNSON'HY.—Now and well-built house of five i-.)ouiH. excollout washhouso witli conorete flo .r, ond water laid on. Tho rooms arolargo nM.i well lißhtod; bow window: extra largo; kitchen fitted with ovory roqiiisitc; ijasand water; largo double frontage nllotnieiit, nicely planted with fruit and oma montnl treea. Price, £550, with terms. RESIDENCE,— Vory nice Eight roomed House (just the Bort of houso there is 80 much inquiry for at present), close to Quoen-Btroet; gas and water; largo allotment; nlco view, and cheap; £750. IJI O Jj KT, SEVERAL COMFORTABLE AND PLKA BANTLY-SITUATED HOUSES at low rente to good tenants! GUBURBAN pBOPKBT 88. MOUNT ROSKTLL-Now 3roomed Cottage, well finished, with two 400-gaUon tanks, on largo allotment-75 feet x 145 feot, £225. £210.—VERY COMFORTABLE Four-roomed COTTAGE, convenient distance from town: Mount Eden district j evory convenience, and nice allotment: easy terms of payment. MOUNT ROSKILL.-In this favoured locality I have several very comfortable and well-built Houses—three 4-roomed, six 6-roomed, two 6roomed—besides several others for sale on really good terms. To any porßon desirous of purchasing a houso in a fast-rising Buburb, this Information should be valuable. Full particulars will be given on application. MOUNT ALBERT.—A really comfortable home for industrious man; nico houso and two large Boctionß, all plantod. Price, £200, on deferred jpaymonts, or terms to suit. ONEHUNGA.—One of the beat Family Residences in tho district lor Bale; woll situated. MOUNT ROSKILL.—The best Allotments in tho district for Sale. Prico, £3 17s 6d, I havo AUotmonts all along tho Rood for sale, on terms to suit tho requirements of anybody. Any person buying on Allotment can have the Money advanced to Build with, on mortgage, Building Society principle, or as preTO° OWNERS OF PROPERTY.-I have clients desirous to Purchase—4 to 6 Acres at Epsom, in really good position; 7-roomed House and about an Acre within three miles of town; large House, suitable for a Boarding-house, close to Queen-street; nico 5-roomod House and about 1 acre of land at Otahuhu, Q.LAD.BTONB JJBTATB. lOfi PKP, FOOT AND UPWARDS.-All the Unsold Portions of that most conveniently sltuatad property known aa the Gladstone Kstato. This Estate, situated bo olose to town, and from any portion of which the views are unsurpassed, is now Subdivided into Large Allotments. These allotments are not 33 x 99, but have large f rontaaes and still larger depth. Tho prloos are snob, that almost any person may obtain their own freehold at a nominal oosl. Should terms bo any Inducement, the owner Is prepared to accept a third oaoh, tho balance to remain for 3 or 6 yeare at 6 per cent. per annum. The induoemeLta vrhicb this property offers to ar.y persons requiring a nice Residenoo Site or r Splendid Investment are manifold. Fanoy berns able to purchase a Grand Allotment close to town tor 10s per foot. Soil neml-voloanio, views unrivalled; within fi minutes' walk of R railway station, trams to prbs in the immediate vicinity, 'buses constantly, church and Bohool convenient] pas and wata? mains within 100feet of the proaeriri poat-oScoaadtcioviiono v.ithln a little (■.inteaoe'! no clewing required. Plans' and every (cformiidon may be obtained M tha office of tha undersigned,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 76, 8 April 1885, Page 1