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L* mHE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE 0 l S ± NEW ZEALAND. Id- 'i'iie Piibllo f nistee muy be nominated £* _ ciitorii'derthe Will of a Testator, of Trußtc n . under a Marriif-o or jther rtltleniertt. N . charge i 3 mado upon tho dopoMt for safe; cm ?„ tody of any Will by which the Public Trustee i i" appointed Bsreoutor. f Present Trustees, Executors, or Ailministn ~ tors may, if anprovod, rolioro themsolvcs c o- futura responsibility by transferring trust to th 9 Publio Trustee Hence, Trustee residing in Kngland, America, aM els( , B where, holding moneys for iho benefit o l s [ persons who liavc emigrated to New Zealand se may not only relieve themselves of respons: n . bility, but, as the rate of interest obtainable i: Now Zealand exceeds the English rato. wil .- greatly augment tho income of the beneflciarle by so doing. The State gives on nbsolut Kuarantco against iocs f-f fttnrts by the fraud o dishonesty of its offleers. The Public Trustee holds large auiiis of mono: _ for Investment on real security at current rate j of interest. Applications for advances on fire mortgage will bo received at tho various agon cies, whore all further particulars may bi obtained. It. C. HAMERTON, Publio Trustee. mO ARCHITECTS AMENDED ADVERTISEMENT. Competitive Deigns aro invited for a Build ing to bo oreetcd on the Government Reserve corner of CUBtoraß and Albert-streets, A ucklund suitable for Hls accommodation of the Customs Land, und Nativo Departments flf tllttt city. The cost of, the Building is. not to twelve ihou'ivnd pounds sterling (£12,000). _M plan will bo approved until the tender for it is accepted, and tlio tender will bo only accepted after tho expenditure is authorised by Parliament. A premium of ono hundred paunds (£100) will bo given for tho plan approved, which will then become tho property of tho Government, Tho Goveivmont will not necessarily bo bound to employ the Rome architect on the conßtruc ' tlon of tlio building. ) Tho Government IleßorVo ie two hundred and fifty links (250 links) facing Customs-street, and ) one hundred and twenty-five links (125 links) tc Albortßtrcet. '•' Tho designs uro to bo addressed to tho Com missioncr of Customs, Wellington, and to be 1 sont in on or before tho Ist June, 18S5. The plans aro to bo signed with a motto, and in c • separate soaled cnvclopo the name representing the motto is to be given. THOMAS HILL, Collector. i Auckland February 16.1885. COUNTY OF WAITEMATA.— Notice OF APPLICATION VOlt A SLAUGHTER-HOUSE Licknsb.-I hereby give notico that it is my Intention to apply to tin Waitemata County Council, at thfl incetinf? of tho eaid Council on KHIDAY, Ist May next, for a, License for a > Slaughterhouse situated on allotment No. 2, aoetion Hospital Reserve Northcoto, in the Said County.-GEB &_ROWIJNSON. THE enormous increase in Iho sales is a proo' of tho growing popularity of Wombs Sen a its. ; DUBLK NOTICE, i *- _____ THK j GREAT SALE OF BOOTS 13 STILL GOING ON A i" ■ THE "KED BOOT" WAREHOUSE And will bo continued until further notice. , THK BUSINESS FOR SALE. " "~ H. BAWKINS. , OROFESSOH MICE, the Wont'cr'ul Jl Mind Uoader, at tlio Theatre Itojra! Tonight. ____. \ \X7JIKN a genuine a-tic!e 3ach ai Wolfe's »» Schnapps has earned a good name for Haolf, imitations Bpring up. ■ mO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Tenders will bo received up to noon on WEDNESDAY, tho Bth April, for Contrcto and BricKwdrk fof gas apparatus to bo erected at Wuitara. For further particulars apply to tho N.Z. FROZEN MEIAT & STORAGE Co , 123, Qncen-Btl-cet, Auckland. -|Y|- —r, —s~rTT~c mrs s Has gront pleasure in informing nisnunirrous Pa'ients and ths PubHc of Auckland that, to suit their convenience, Kts BLOOD RESTORER DEfOT, HIS WELL-KNOWN VAPOUR AND MEDICAL BATHS, CONSULTING ROtTSI Will in future bo in those Central Pre/ffiscs known as Slator's Buildings, nearly opposite the Star Hotel, Albert street. N. 8.: Tho Dl9ponsary is iv charge of an omineflt F«hc!i Chemist of tho highest attainments; whdss great experience and skill in orbal Treatment enflblps hHn to deal filectlvcly with every variety of SiSkneSs whioh is iv the power of man tff euro. A Visit of any occ1 «u<ferh)R indisposition is is rospectf ully requested Tho steadily-increasing sale of Illood IlestorCr i)rovt)B its groat worth. BDd tlio ulmost daily cures ofi-ockaK'» nttcstod by tostimonmls in Mr Hitoliona1 Haft'lS, SPl'ie ?f which will bo publishod, ftoffiuo tflo aprlfriaioK.ohßractor^ DOCKET KnlvUp, K{tpoti«r Seisgars, «nd L Bazirs-lAjckwood, Johnson, ittd other Shefllold niakora-Thoniaa Samuel, 108, Qfiiesn' stcot. ■ LOOK OUT for Professor Rico, who w!U tell you what you're thinking of—Theatre Royal, To night. WAITEMATA COAL AND FIRE WOOD YARD, TOP OF UNIONSTREET. AUCKLAND. PAUL PURCHASE, In tondering his sincere »nd hetirtfolt thonko to tho WAITEMATA MINBTRELB and tho public generally, who so freely responded to the call of assistance on his behalf. Logs to intimate that ho is prepared Jo execute orders for tho dollvory of COAL and FIREWOOD at tho shortest notice, from ono shilling s worth to one hundred tons, rtt Onrrent market prices. _____ PROFESSOR RICE, the Wonderful Mind Realer, at tho Theatre Royal ToDjg_ht___ j __ ju ___, I IIIC public should avoid all imitations rf ■ Wolfe's SchnaM's. Bo euro you procure fiogonuinoWoLKE's. T 0.F.-COURT EUREKA, No. 6,171. iV« NOTI-T5 tO Mtt&IBERS.-Tho Fccretary'a Addross is WellioSWii'Street.-J. GIBBS, ' _=»_ _T. JOHN'S WESLEYAN SCHOOL- © ROOM.—Holiness Meeting. Wednesday, 7.30 p.n~. /^HI'RCII OF ST. THOMAS.—ApriI 8, U IBBs(Wodnesday>. Special Baptismal Service, 7.30 p.m.—Lloyd Keating. Pastor. XTEW EDEN HALL, SUMMER--31 STREET, MOUNT EDEN IlOi-D— Mr E. Wmiik win deliver the usual Weekly Lecturo in tho above Hall TO-MORROVP (Wednesday) EVENING, commonoinu sthal'xistßOVon. Subject-"Tho Wnch or Endor." " Whom shall I bring up to thco? and "o snid. Bring me up Samuel.'' Scats free. (Jtißstions inviicd. THEATRE ROYAL, To-night. Corhe and ccc the Wondor of tho Agf; Mercantile ChaiilborS, Mill'fwrio. Queen street. EDWIN BINN EVi COMMISSION AGENT. STORAGE !-500 TokH.-STORAGE ! CURRKN'C' RATES. AND Sawej Rip Saws, Tenon Saw?. Butchers' Saws, Buck Saws. Cross-out Saws, and overy otlior kind Of Saw SHARPENED, HAMMERED, AND REPAIRED. WILL IA M W ALKEE, : At Cruickshank, Millor's, or Bheridan-Btreet, i Ponßonbj. , jl/r C. YA~XLE V, M.R.C.V.8., ' Medalist Roya Agricultural Society ot England] i VETERINARY SURGEON To tho Australian Mutual Live atook Insurance I Society (limited). PITT-STREET, 1 Near St. James's Hall. T~HB HELENSVILLE TIMBER CO, Hove 2,100,000 feet of r LONG LOSS IN STOCK, and can SUPPLY ANY LENGTH Of BEAMS, DECK AND SHIP PLANKS, at BHOUT NOTICE, and at VERY LOWEST RATES. OBUINABY TIMBWB AS USUAL. OARD AND RESIDENCE.—Vacancj for Married Couple and Single Gentle men, Grafton Houao, opposite Choral Hall.neai Albert Park^ . _»"1 Ik TO £13,000 LENT on Building fcj \J Society prtaclploß,or on othortermi to suit bo-n^ers. AUotmenta bought ani louflea \ni- on Weekly Payment^ntom . MortgftKea and Loans nogottated. Bee JU«t 01 \ PropfirtTes for Sale on other page. SU Per cent { allowert. on money deposited foy lnvenlment.----1 C. Wiiaambon, Land, Estate, and Flnanois. A«ent and Valuor. IflKh-stroet. Auckland. P Professor rice, tho wonderfu: Mind Reader, at the Theatre Royal 10 } night. . . TiTUSIC, Portraits, Landscapes, etc., IVI Lithographed in Miniature and Colour. , »t. the Stah Qfßoa. T~~o"visrroßS to waiotoa noi • SPRINGS. | Visitors to the above Spilngß will find oven arrangement for their convenience and pkasnro ', The above Springs are famed for the Cure o » Eye Diseases. Bee testimonials In Stab. ■ F STRANQB, Proprietor.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 75, 7 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 75, 7 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 75, 7 April 1885, Page 3