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mO CONTRACTORS AND PLASTER JL , ffißß.—FOn BAtfc, abont 23 Nc!w Poles.-* Apply, at once, to W. Sni J. Beehan & Co. Drapers, j unfction of QUeen and Grey-atree! B. 1 TO CONTRACTORS.—RubbIe Stoil for Salo; quarry oaey distance; gooc nad: no toll—Apply to W. Durham, Victoria1 Street Wost. ; WASHING MACHINE for Salo, im ported from Mclbouno; Selling a half its original coat. Can be >.jed in a privat( Family or Hotel or by Washerwoman —Apply t( Manager of tho Steam Laundry. Upper Htt-Bt. W'YKOHAM VILLA, SYMuMUS STREET. Handsome Villa of f> rooms and out-bulldingß pleasantly situated in Symonds-street, Jns above residence of Sir F. Whitaker. Tho housi is in first class order, and rep'eto with nil eon venioncea, such as cily water, bath, gas. &c. To bo Sold with or without the Household Fur nituro. Cards to view, &c, apply to D. F. EVANS, 753 L, Auctioned' and Land Agent. T^TT M. /GULLIVER HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENT, A B. tl. Mount Eden, Prospect Itlflo ~ fl 10 0 £ar fct) Wellington-Btroet, City .. .. IS 0 0 „ Mount Hosklll Road, 60x132.. 8 0 0 „ Hrlxton Itoad, 66 x 132 .. „ 1 10 0 „ Dunbar Road. 68x132 _ _ 110 0 „ Kldon Road, 06 x 132 .. .. 110 0 „ 3tuart-atreet,Ponsonby,27xllo.Bo 0 0 Cox-Btroot, Ponuonby .. ..300 „ Claronco-street, Ponronby ..209 „ Shelly Beach R3ad, C6 S 100 .. |10 0 „ Shelly Beach Road, GO x 180 .. 0 0 0 ~ Shelly Beach Hoad, cornor site 6 0 0 „ Richmond Road, 100 x 117 ..300 „ Prospect-Bt., Ponsonby, Oti x 100 3 0 0 „ Jorvnis Hd.. Ponsonby, fifl x 100 8 0 0 „ Wharf Rd., Ponsonby, 40 x 100 20 0 „ Surrey Hills, I'ollon-at.,38.6x1*! 310 0 ~ Surrey Hilla. Surrey-at., 40.6 x 125.0 410 0 ~ John-stroot, 10 x 82, £75 John-street, cornor alto, £50 Church-street, 38 x 100.6 _ 810 0 „ Northcoto-"-AUotmeats froM £15 to £70, ver] cheap. Birkonhoad—AUotnionts from £50, vory cheap HOUSES. Brown-st., Ponsonby—2, caoh 0 roomß. 3 Ore places ; Rround, 80 x 1)3, drained ; now. £Uoo, Brown-Rtrocot, Ponsonby—7 roomsi Rood well 10 x 09, fonbed, &o. £300. Brown-Btroet. Ponsonby- 2 Houses, 1 rooms wator laid on, fonced, &c. Kach £320. Church-stroot—Houbo, 0 iooms, gas aud wator fenced, 50 x ICO. £:00. Prospect-st.-House. 0 roon)8, wator, fenced rorandah, 41x100. £100. Blakostreot—2 Houaos, each I rooms ant eklllion, fenced, &c £130. WM. GULLIVER, HOUSE AND KSTATK AUENT, qpß&a-BTittai'. VVTILLIAMSON A VENUE, surrey hills, special Notice. A limited number of CHOICE ALLOTMENTS in WILLIAMSON AVKNUE. desOifltd to bo the finest street in or about Auckland; also Bomo in othor Btrot-ta, aro now fob tub fikbt timk OPEN FOR BALD. Terms : Ono-flfth Cash, balance any time within flvo years. Inslalmontß of £0 and upvrardn rcceivod. Interrat, 7 per cent on unpaid balances. Prices and plans can bo hod at Ofllco, Short land street, A, BQARDMAN, Agent iitfgt aim found. LOST, a Cream Satin Urhbrella, either on racecourse or cgmi,h'g from It.—Tho Under will bo rei*-afdod rir loariKKtJlo eiimoatK. E. Flnoh'B. Queen street. T OST, on Saturday afternoon, botween JLJ Now Lynn and Mount Alborf, a Jet and Gold Brooch, tho shape of a Maltese crosi.—A reward will bo given If roturned to Mr Peck, Avondale. or to Mr Mnad. fity Market. I OST, in Parnoll, on Saturday night, J a GrDonstop.o Brooch (fold).— Finder reirardrd on returning U'.mc to S'tAu Olllce. LOST, on tho Whrtrf, a 13rown Leather Purso.containinj? money; finder rewarded. —Apply StahOlHcc. IOST, a Oroy Horso with aaddlo and J bridle, branded CH on hind quartos — Finder will bo rowarucd on applying to W. B. Moldrum. Tailor, Shortland-ttroot. J* OST, botween (^ueen - 1-t.reofc ar.d JL Mechanics Bay, Purse contaii i •(? tliroe i 1 tutoß, and,.somo silver (lCs).-Rcward apply £ TAit o<llca. LOST or Stolen from Junoti"n Hotel, Kvmucra, a light grey Mara, with saddle and bridle on -Anyone returning tho same to BiKnalt's Stables, Albcrt-strcst, will bo rewardod. LOST, between Kybor Pn.«.«, Borcsfordstreot, or Fonsonby R'ttd, a Broch Mosaic work dot lv Bold,—Kinder reWarJed apply BrAit Ofllc?. ___.w^-^ r ITtOX TERRIiIR, Lost, on Saturday, near C Orßknlßofl4; b'rown-fipototer each oyo and near tall; cSUilr N0,,P07. KowarQ, -C. J. Hutchiuaon, Uv;aloma-Blicc^. IIiOUND, a Scotch Torrior on Saturday " night. If not claimed wlHiin seven dart will bo told to jrny expenscß.—J. MoMaih, Citj Market, _ L FOU^D, Ja'-k-ropl) iioisd, Mack points, staronfoichc'.Ul, finfl landed W on oil' lihouidor.—Apply Stau Omco; ... OUND, in Kongitoto, n Flat-bottomed Boat painted load colour. Finder can luvj same by p ■yins cxi oiibea. If not cluimed within Uduys from dato will bo Bold.-George Bryant near Pilot. Blalion. Nnrih Shoro: EFT, on "Steamer from North Shoro, yoftcrday, Lady's Umbrella. Forty who took chargo, pl.mso rctu'n.—Madame Bottenelli, 111, Grey-street. STRAYED into my paddock at Ellerslie on 27th March, one Bay Mare, stir on forohead ; shod on foro feot i-nly ;no brand; if not claimed wl'hin II days from this date wi 1 be sold to pay expenses.—Richard AVobator, Kllorsllo, April 7,185f1. £*€i REWARD, Stolen or Strayed from 3&/^ my promises, Vincent s; root, on March 28th. a. Blink Greyhound Blut, puppy, with white points, viz., white chest, tip ot tail, and all four foot, if 8(olen, tho abovo reward will bo paid to any person giving information to luad to thi ennv ction of th« thlcf.-W. A. t\ntou, N 7, F.M, Co. (Limited). Ednctitlonnl Wellington, Gth April 1835. IN pursuance of Subsection 5, of Section J. of "The Auckland College and Grammar School Act, 1877," His Kxcciency the Govornor has been pleased to appoint FuIDAY. tho lOlh day of April instant, to bo the day for tho Elections of Members of tho Board of Govornors confuted by the eaid Art.^^ A UCKLAND COLLEGE AND GRAMJ\_ MAR SCHOOL. KLECTION OF A GO'KHNOH. I. Iho undorFijfncd. horeby give notice that od H RIDAY next, the 10th instant, the Poll mil be takon a' tho Ofllco of tho Auckland Collojjo and Grammar School, Shortlandstrcct, Auckland. for tho Klectinn of a Governor. The Poll will bo open from !> a.m. to 6 p.m. Tho following vonUomcn have been duly nominated as candidates: MACKKCHNirc, EDMUND AUGUSTUS UPTON, JOHN HENRY Dated at Auckland this fourth day of April, 1885. G. YON DKR HEYDK, Keturoing Officer. THE MISSES TUTIN, Tho Parsonage, Mangapni, can receive a frw moro Pupils the Qimrter liaving commonced March 21th Toraiß known on application. ISS J. O'dANLON, Artißte in every kind of Artistio Work. Terms for Pupils including Materials: Wax Kioweru (per Icseonl 2s 6d; Fruit do., 2b 6d; Imperial Marblo Work do., 2s 6d ; Leather Work do., 2s fid ; Metalicari Lustre Painting do., 2s 6d. Not including Materials: Lace Honiton (Point and Roman), Silk Kmbroidery (plain and raised), Crewel Work. Papor Flowers, Braiding. Beadinp, Kained Wool Work, Becd Work. Shell Work, Applique, &c, each Is 6d per lesaon. Misf O'lftimon is prepared to executo any orders promptly and satisfactorily. - Addrc6s: COOMBES'S ARCADK.Quoea-Btreet.and MISiVVREN'd, North Shoro. , VE.nING SINGING CLASSES will be commenced in the Training College, Wei-lesley-street- Elomentary IJlusa, Wednesday, April 1, at 7; Intermediate, at 8, and iD For.aters1 Hall. Karancrahapo lioad, Elementary Class, Tuosday, April 7, at 7 ; Practice Class, Tuesday, April 7, at B.—Fecß: Gentlemen. 10* 6d : Ladies, 7a Gd for the course. Practice Clas, 2a Bdpor quarter.—John Yodkb, Member /onic Sol Fa Collego, London, and Singing Master Girls' High School. Public Notices. A UCKLAND SOCIETY OF ARTS. ■rHE FIFTH ANXt^Ui EXHIBITION of the Society will be opened at the CHORAL HALL ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, By a CONVERSAZIONE Of Members and their Friends, and to tho Public on the following day at noon. All Works for Exhibition must be sent to the Hall on Ihe flrii and 10th inst., and only, by special nvrangementa with tho Secretary will Vvorks bo received after that dato. JOHN L. HOLLAND, Secretary. HUSSAR and Jersey Jackets, button in front, with jacket backs, plain and embroidered. 10* to 10s; an assortment iub! opened.-J. M. MoLachlan, 522, Queen street. BII LHEADS, Memorandums, Account and Invoice Forms, engraved on oopperpinto. Lithographed or Printed in type at the Stab Office. ___^_— - TLLtJSTRATED and Plain Business and I Address Curds Engraved on Plate and Printed at the Stab Office. , fvOOR PLATES, Stencil Plato, Dies, \J Monograms, etc., Engraved attheSTAi Office.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 75, 7 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 75, 7 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 75, 7 April 1885, Page 3