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SHOW ond Bottle Labels of every de. scrintlon Lithographed at the Star office, "VfEW ZEALAND FARMER, BEE I J_% AND POULTRY JOURNAL. i In consequence of the great and soooial i demand from the country districts, the March - number of the above is unfortunately short ot i nquirements. Tho proprietor would, there- • fore, feel grateful to ony persons, who, having read their March copy, would return somo to Star Office. One shilling will bo paid for every copy in good condition. LONDON HOUSE, DEVONPORT, Close to Wesleyan Cnimcii. MILLINERY, FANCY DRAPERY, LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, AND LILIPUTIAN WAREHOUSE. SPECIAL NOTICE. 1 MESDAMES TICHBON & STORNEY Beg respectfully to inform tho Ladies of L'evonpott and neighbourhood that in consequence of the many inouirics respecting Dressmaking, they have determined to odd this Department to their Business, and hatfo pleasure in announcing tbat they have secured the _fervices of Mrs Williams, from Mosbtb Howell ond 'ames's, of Kogent-streot, London, Mrs W. is a Certified Scientific Dressmaker, and is enabled to cut and make the moat costly garments with an exactness which cannot foil to give entire satisfaction. This Branch, together with the Outfitting, will be entirely under hor charge, and Mesdames T, and S. confidently solicit your patronage. T. and S. are now offering the Goods selected by them before leaving England, at prices which must give satisfaction. Ladies Pin. 3_l_ifEßlAi.s Made Ur. CCIDENT NOTICE.—WiII those who saw the accident to Mr North by the Tram Cor, on 9th February last, communicate with or see him at his shop, Earangahape Road, next Robertson and Maxwell's Corn Stores.— 11. F. North, Saddler. . I' HIRST IN AUCKLAND —Big Fancy 1 Goods Bale. Genuine cost prices. Prettiest Night lUuminotioa in Yictorio-st, Only another week.—Richardson s. ______ DECLARATION OF PRICES.-Toilet Sets, 4s 3d; Vases, lslOd per pair; Nickol Bilver Clocks, from 7b 3d j Novel Inkstands. A Window of the Choiceßt and Rarest Goodßin Auckland.—Victoria Arcade, Victoria-street. CBEAP AMD GOOD CUTLERY.Ivory and Bono Handled Table and Dessert Knives, selling at very low prices.—Thomas r Samuel, 108, Queen-street. AVENDISH HOUSE. —Private Board and Residence. Terms, 17s. Nelaon-st, two doora off Cook-Bt., to the left from Quecn-st. WOLFE S SCHNAPPS. Be sure you obtain Wolfk'B Schnapps, as it |Ib tho only genuine Schnapps. OQ QA WILL Purchase a Farm of 48 5w OO " Acres. 12 miles from Auckland. —Grant and Cooke, 75. Queen-street-LOYAL GOOD INTENT LODGE, L0.0.F., M.U.—The Members of tho above Lodge ore hereby informed that Dr. Huxtable bos resigned his position OS One of the Lodge Surgeons, and that Or. Lewis has consented to aat in his place. The names of members on Dr. Huxtable'a list will therefore bo transferred to Dr. Lewis's list. Dr. Lewis may be consulted Ot his residence, College Rood, from 9 to 10 a in., and from 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. By order. JOHN MacLEOD. Financial Seoretary. NOTICE. — The Dancing Class will be resumed at Oddfellows' Hall, Ponsonby, on April 10th. for the Season.—J. Smith, Sec. "VTIGHT-SOIL CONTRACT. Quarter is now due, and must be promptly paid, or service will bo stopped. SAM. WHITE, Contractor. ONEHUNGA.— Call early and see the great sole of Winter Hots ot Mr» W. Word one, Onohuhga. Straws, from 2Jd, for ca_h only. pHEAP /^.ROCEKIESI ! /"IHEAP qUGARS 11 /IHEAP mEASM AT I REW'S old-established grocery store, Victoria-street. White Table Sugar, 3d por lb. Vory Best Fresh Butter, 1b per lb. Very Good Fresh Butter, lOd per lb. Potatoes, 3s 6d por cwt. delivered Best Factory Cheese, 8d per lb. i Now Jams, 5s Gd per doz. i A $reeh Supply of tho Famous 1b lOd Tea j just to Bona. VISIT HEWS, VICTORIA-STREET. ELLIN G 0 F Fl FOR CASH ONLY 3REAT REUUOTION IN LADIES' SUM MER MANTLES. &o. . i 'UB REMAINING WICK OF SEV i.SG | MACHINE?! BHt-i English Prices W. PETTY, LAOIKl? TAH/OR, 5f14— Uppsr QtTKK.r-'MTHBT. — 28 4 pB O C L A M AT lON. GIUCAT SACRIFK^^Fa)OOO WORTH OF BOOTS, SHOES, ond SLIPPEBS. the Balance of our iSrncusi Stock. GARRETT BROS, having decided to prolong tho SALE FOR ONE MONTH LONGER, In order to close partnorahio accounts, G.B. are determined to sell dur?,Yg that time at PRICKS UNHEARD OF IN THE COLONY I The following are the PRICES of a few lines only:- ft d. „a. d. Men's Wotortights .. .. 8 g-^gS g McnlaElosttai J o..worth 12 6 Men's Balmorals .. -• ? B..worth U 6 Men's Bluchers 1 S"^JS ,n r Mon'B Shoes 6 6. .worth 10 6 Ladles' Kid ItS... .. - go..worth 9 6 Ladies' Buttoned Boots .. 0 0.. worth 13 6 Ladies' Buttoned Boots .. 7 6..worth 12 6 Ladies'KidE.B... .. ..6 6..worth 9 6 Indira'Kid E.S. High-log .. 7 6..worth 12 6 Cbililron'sShoes .. •■ } "••wo™_ 3 6 Children's Boots .. ■ } 2"W«J£ g § Ladies' Evening Shoes .. i 6.. worth 8 6 All Other Lines at Equally Low Rates for CASH ONLY. GARRETT BROS., Tanners and Boot Manufacturers, wakefield-stheet, Auckland. . A T THE CHEAP CLEARING SALE ___. OF -*-•**- BOOTS AND SHOES NEWTON BOOQ? WAREHOUSE ARE! Men's Elastlo Sides ot 7a 6d\ Men's Shoea ot 5s 6d I djtbt Ladies' Fancy Shoesfrom Is I CHEAPEST Ladles' Satin Shoes \ AND Best Foaoy Shoes, chegp f __ Button Boots from fia 6d I BJSB l. Kid ElosUo Side Boots,? In ontoto roallse on our low BtookW»oos to contemplated removal Into new Wernlses we vvilisell oil kinds of Boots and Shoes atony price to cleor. Coll on Saturday at the NEWTON BOOT WAREHOUSE, Karanoahapb Road. T. P R OSSER. •VTOTICE TO OYSTER-MEN AND 1.1 OTHERS. — Any person or persons Pitching Tents of otherwise trespassing on Ponui (Chamborlain'B Island) willbeproßOCuted, —t hamborlatn Bros WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS is the purest and W safest medicinal stimulant that can be taken by enfeeblod Invalids. __*"_ £_ TO £13,000 LENT on Building "_& JL" Society prinoiploß.or on other terms ,to suit be rowers. Allotments bought and Houses b-jL on Wenkly Payment System. Mortgages and Loans negotiated. See Ltot of Properties for Bole on other page. Six per oent. »llowe<i on money deposited for taveetaenfc- .. Willamson, Land, Estate, and Financial Agent and Valuer, Hlgh-Btreet Auokland. TFVEMNG SINGING CLASSES will XLibe commenced in the Training College, Wei-ie_ley-Btreet.-Elomentary Class, Wednesday, April 1, at 7; Intermediate, at 8, and ir Fonsters' Hall. Karangahape Rood, Element ary Class, Tuesday, April 7, at 7; Praotlce Close, Tuesday, April 7, at 8.-Fees: Gentlomon, 10. 6d; Ladies, 7s 6d for the oourse. Praotico Class 2s 6d_per quarter.-JOHN Young, Member TonK Sol Fa College, London, and Singing Mastei ; Girls' High Sohool. _____ MUSIC, Portraits, Landscapes, etc., Lithographed In Miniature ondColoun at, tbo Star Otlloa. T~O~>ISITORS TO WAIOTOA HOI SPRINGS. Visitors to tho above Bprlngs will find over. ' arrangement for tholr convenience and pleasure i The above Bprlngs are famed for the Cure o; Eye Diseases. See testimonials In Star. F. STRANGE, Proprietor. ; 11 yfARSHALL'S Special Tincture of Podo i JxL phyllum Is the Homajopothic Remedy fo: I all Liver ond Stomach Disorders ond Rising • and Indigestion. Prioe. Is per botUe.-0. W J' GoodsonTLondon Arcade. Sole Agent tor Auok i land _______ 1 T> ELIEF from Coogh in Ton Minutes.I \\> S__-ARLAND'P CHERRY PECTORAL Prioe, 3s 6_ and 4a £_.—¥. O, Sharland. opposlt , th Post-office. OOTHACHB CURB,. — Instwitaneoo ReUef-ODONa'ALGia-lB per bottle.F. n. BHARIjANH. onooslta Post-offloe DR ARNOLD'S PENNY ROYAI AND STEEL PILLS.-Th c most popuhj ' medlolne of the day. Prioe, UMa box.—Dolt nlal Agent F. O. Shahlamd. opposite the Poe offloe ; "OOSELINB job th* HAlß—This cli XV Bant preparation completely ©ollpßi every article of a similar kind now beta ■ the nubile Prioe, Is Bd » bottie.-SH__Bi__jn Apothecaries "Hall. 1 XKT Oi R M t ' T T All ehlldren goffer from them. ; If sturpeotecLaßk for the Certain Cure. 1 PTTART.Af-TrHWOKM POWDERS, topaoka r Apoth eoarlea' Hal opposite Poat-offloa s __Ta TBI RATB! RATB !-Ut c XV SiaARLAND'B PHOSPHOR PASTE, Rats oat It greedily, and die | no smell, Price. One Shilling _ Bottle, SHARIjAND. CPCOBjte Pqst-offiMi

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 3