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FOR SALE (Cheap), a New Spring Cart, very light and strong, cushions, &c„ complete—Johnston's Joinery Works, Lorne-st. FOR~l_A_t_E7~tho Lease, Stock and Furniture of good paying Country Hotel. The lease has six and o holt years to run, and is Upon very favourable terrhs. Although the business is a good paying one, the proprietor does not ask anything for Goodwill, as he is c compelled to sell owing to ill health.—For further partlculor__itpply to H. S. Wolmsley, j Commission Agentrfpotiki, .T\ a v o t. f or t. FOR SALE—Choice Allotments situated on the Vouxhall Road, with magnificent view, good frontage, and within easy distance of ' Bteamer. Frloe very low: terms easy.— For full particulars apply to Lilewoll Bros., House ' and Land Agents, Post-office Store, Dovonport j l Personal* ' Ty/f* I' s S I n <TVr I c n d s. WILLIAM ALFRED CALDWELL, arrived per ship Dover Castle, at Chrlstohurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, from Belfast, Ireland, ye'ttr 1!..5. His brother, JAME3 CALDWELL, will bo friad to hear from him.—Address, care Of W. KEATING, 3toie_tecper, Port Douglas. "PROFESSOR RICE, tho Wonderful xf _____ Realer, ot the Theatre Royal on Tuesday Evening. WILL the person who took Silk Umbrella from Pitt-street Churoh lost evening pleasO return Bamo to Star Office. "\/J"R CRELLANj Bricklayer, Grey-st., -LtX is wontod la ArgylO-sttSotj Poflsenby, to flnißh job. PERSONAL. — Jessie, Sophia, Rosa, Mario, Betsy, Therose, come if yon please, select from my Name Brooches.—Tom Keosing, jewellor, Victoria-atrcot. Last and Ponnd. 5S REWARD.—Lost, a Gold Pendant mountod on swivel with coloured stone on each side.—Findor will receivo above reword on returning some to Robert Burns Hotel. FOX TERRIER Lost, on Saturday, near Orakc! Road; brown spot over each eye ttnd near toll; dollar No. 9_7. Reword, —C. J. Hutchinson, Customs-street. 6 OND, a FojS Tetrlef Dog; Owner can have the same by paying expenses; If not olaimed within sovon days will bo sold.— Apply P. MoNab, New Zealand Freezing Works, Railway Wharf. , FOUND, dark-roan Horse, black points, star on forehead, and branded W on off shoulder.—Apply Stak Office. Meetings. "\TEWTON LODGE OF MARK _I_N MASTER MASONS, No. 580, E,C; ' Tho Regular Monthly Communication will be hold in the Lodgc-roora, Masonic Hall, Korangahapo Road, TO-MORROW (Tuesday) EVENIN G, at 7.30 o'clock. Visiting Mark Brethren oro invited. By command of the W.M.-JOSEPH | WARREN. Acting Secretary. I ÜBLIC MEETING of all friends to the ! Temperanco Cause will ba hold in the j Temporonce Hall, Albert-street, on vt BONES- . DAY AHTKRNOON, Bth inst.. ot 3.30. Bubl- , nesß i Consideration of Committee Roport ond PrOßpootus of proposed Newßpoper. P. M. GRANT. Intorim Secretary. fT .HE THAMES VALLEY AND ROTO- • J- RUA RAILWAY COMPANY (LTD.) Nolico is hereby given that an Extraordinary Gencfal ilcbting tit tho Tbame3 Valley ond ' Rotorua Railway CSinpany (Limited) will be hold at tho Registered Offloe of tho Company, No. 147, Queen-street, Auokland, on THURSDAY, tho 10th day of April, 1885, ot noon, when • the subjoined resolution, with or without modi- I flcatlon, will be proposed. ■' That tho Directors be empowered and authorised to controct for tho Solo or Leoso of the whole of tho Company's Property upon the terms expressed In a draft contract b6twS9n the Government and the Company, to be submitted to the Mooting." By order of tho Board. JOHN BATGEB, Secretory Thames Valley and Rotorua Roilwoy Compony (Limited). Dated 30th March, 1885. .. . - .- [ ~-.-y m j b m_mm_m_mmm—mmm**mm*mmm__m lPnlrtlc Notices. TO-MORROW NIGBT.— Don't forget to como to see The Ghost, The Ghost, The Ghost THE MISSES TUTIN, Tho Parsonage, i Mangopai, con receive a few moro Pupils, tho Quarter having commenced March 21th. Terms known on application. - THE PUi3LIC TRUST OFFICE OF , NBW __baLaJ.D. Tho Public Trustee mt.y bo nominntod Executor ik dor tho Will of a Testator, or Trustee undor a Marrkgo or other settlement. No obarno Ts mado upon tbo deposit for safo custody of onv Will by which tho Publio Trustoo is appointed Executor. Ptesont Trustees, Exooutorß, or Administrators may< if anprovort, relievo tbcmsalvea of future roflponslbllitfr by transferring trusts to tho Publio Trustee. Hence, Trustees residing in England, America, a«d else- | whoro. holding monoys for tho benefit of , persons who havo emigrated to New Zealand, i may not only relievo thcmsolvos of responsibility, but, as tho rote of interest obtainable in , Now Zealand oxoeeds tho Engllßh rate.-will j greatly augment tho income of the beneflciarieß by bo doing. The Stato gives on absolute guarantee against loss of funis by the fraud or diahoneoty of its officers. Tho Publio Trustee holds lorge sums of money for Investment oh rool security at current rates Of Interest. Applications for advances on fir*t mortgae o Willbo recoived ot the Various agencies, whoro all further particulars may be obtained. c HAMRRTON. Pttblto Trutteo. DROFESSOR RICE, the Wonderful JL Mind Roodor, at the Thoatro Royal on Taeß'iay Evening. . TAKAPUNA JOCKEY CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING. SATURDAY. APRIL 11, 13*35. ACCEPTANCES AND GENERAL ENTRIES. ACCEPTANOE3 for Handicap Hurdle Race, Au.umn Handicop. Totolißator Cup Handicap, Handicap Stcepleohase close on THURSDAY, AG__*NERAL ENTRIES for Flat Selling Race and Hack Raco oIOBoonTHURSDAY. April 9. Weights will be published on WEDNESDAY, Aptllß, T. PEEL, Hon. Sec. ■pESULT OF DRAWING. AUTUMN STEEPLECHASK. 703 Whalebone 89 Maooroni s^B Julio Ann 857 Bnnroy 430 Chandler 522 Wide awoke 251 Exchange 436 Seagull 375 Lily Langtry 315 Marcmis 316 Alorlo 263 King 411 Caoutchouc 3_5 Director 515 Chevalier 15 E»colsior 127 Now Year 339 Midnight 333 SuiiSCRIBKRS. A. WELLEBT.EY. OOK OUT for Professor Rice, who will toll you whot you're thinking of-Theatre Royal, Tuoaday Night. ____ £30001 ADA MANTUA. | £3000 ANNUAL CONSULTATION' ON THE PROVINCIAL HANDICAP. QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY MEETING, To bo run ot the Fobbury Racecourse, Dunedin, on the 23rd May, 1885. Will Close on the 21st May, 1885. 6000- Members at 10s Each.—6ooo Horse. 112 Cash Awards. Firat £600 2at £100 .. ..£2OO Second .. .. 300 4at 50 .. .. 200 Third .. .. ZUO Bot 25.. ..200 Startors (divided, 10 ot 20 .. .. 2i 0 about £40 each) 100 20 at 10 .. .. 200 Non starters (dlv., . 20 at 8.. .. 160 about£lUeach) 300 48 at 5 .. .. 210 * £1000 £1100 Each tlckot has eight chances, and can obtain a prize in euoh of the eight drawings. Please send P.O. Orders when convenient, and two stamps tor reply and result. Country cheques must hove Is exchange added. Should this Consultation exceed GfOO Bombers, all prizes will be divided pro rata. BEAD THIS—My Consultation on the Dun; edln Cup closed with 8314 subscribers. The . first prize of £896 net went to a well-known musician in Dunedin; the second prize of £448 net. went to an employe in a brewery ot Invercorgillj tho third prize of £221 net. went' to a well-known carpenter in Dunedin. The names and addresses of the gentlemen who formed the committee, with the names and ad-dresse-lof the principal prize takers, have been t _trnißhod to all the leading newspapers throughout New Zealand. Investors con obtain names ' and addresses of the threo principal winners, also names and addressos of the committee, and can also inspect Ada's books at all times. N.B.—As usual, the principal winners, nlso names and addresses of the gentlemen who form the committee, will bo forwardod to till the leading newspapers throughout New Zealand. Address- ADA MANTUA, Care of Lyons and Hart. Box 351. Post-office, Dunedin. ,mO ADA'S SUBSCRIBERS. CAUTION. This is to inform Ada's numerous friends and subscribers that she has discovered that a ' person haa started o Consultation under the 1 misleading nam de plume ot "Ada Mantau," ond as she considers that this was assumed for the purpose of misleading the publio, she begs to state that the only real and legitimate , " ADA MANTUA "iB care of ' LYONS & HART, Box 351, P. 0.. Dunedin. j

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 74, 6 April 1885, Page 3