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! Ecclesiastical.^ - ' ■ YOUNO MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Corner of Wellesloy and Albert-streets. — Meeting for United Prayer THIS (.Snliirtlav) KVKNINU, at 7.30. A Bible K,/mling will be given, friends are cordially invited. A BIBLE CLASS for MKN evory SUNDAY Afternoon, from 3 till I. cTr. PAUL'S CIIUR GH. o , — FAREWELL SERVICES. S, Holy Communion. II a.m.. Morning Prayer. Litany, and Sermon by tho Incumbent, "The Fall of Man." 7 p m., Evening Prayer and Sermon by tho Right Hoy. tho Hwnoi*. QT.'.JUDE'S CHURCH, AVONDALE.— ►O Morning, Service anil Seruion by Key. ft. llurrmvH. at II o'clock; Evening, Prayer and Sermon iliniithiiii.i ill (it service), by the inoiunbi'ui, atß "TLJONSON B V BAPTIST OJiAPE L. - L Mornliiu at 11. Hey. Mr Jones, of North VValca; Kventnicul li.ilO. Mr Khaldiirß. '\ LX HAIKTS'CIiURCII, PONHONK V". HARVEST FK3TIVAL THANKSGIVING. Tho ANNUAL HARVKST FESTIVAL in I t ii in Parish will be held on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12. Holy Communion—lo am. Evensong and Sermon—B pm. HARVEST THANK~SOIVING.CHURCH OK ST. THOMAS. - Skxati Sunday (Feb. B.—Holy Eucharist, Ba.m.; Chorul Matins, 11am.; Sunday-fiohool Service 8 p.m.; Choral Evensong, U.BO p.m. Lloyd Keating, Pastor. BT. PETER'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SURREY HILLS.-The Roy. R Somerville will conduct Sorvlre to-morrow, at 11 a ni. and 7 p.m. Sunday-school at 3 pm. S~T. DAVID'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Symondß-st.-Rev.T. MoKenzie Frascr, M.A..Morningatll. Induotion of Elders; Evening at 7. Lecture : " Lifo of Kllsha." ST. STEPHEN'S CHUUCH, PONSONBY.-The Annual Fruit Soiroo will bo held at Ponsonby Hall on FRIDAY. 13th February. Speeches by Ministers and Friends, Miißio by the Choir, under the leadership of Mr J. G. Culpiin. Ticki ts, 2s. Doors open at 7 o'clock, to begin at 7.311. D~E YON PORT PItESBY/fERIAN CHURCH, Churoh-strect—Morninß. at II a.m., Roy. R. F. Mucnlool; Evening, at 6.30, Roy. A. MuCallum. T~7?E ANNIVERSARY SERMON!? of the Frimitivo Methodist Sunday-school, TJppnr Plttstri'et. will b« preached TO-MOK-HOW MORNING at 11, by the tho Roy. O.K. Munro; AF IMCRVOON at 3, by the Roy \V. K. Rico, in tho School-room. The EVENING SERVICK will bo conducted by tho Roy. W. S. Potter In St. Jomes'B Hall, Wolllnuton Btroet, at 8.30. HPKCIAL PIKCKS OF MUSIC will bo rondcred by tho Scholars and a numbor of Instru--1 montalists. ,"' '•■'■■ Tho SOIRKK will bo hold in ttio Soliool-room on TUESDAY KVENING at 6.30. Tickota, la <M; (.'hildron, Is. C. H. Stono, K«q,, will preside nvor tho Public Mooting, and Addresses will bo delivered by the Roys. A. Raid, 11. W. J. Milter. J. Boothroyd, and W. 3. Potter. PR I H ITIV B M ETHODIST CHURCHES. f BKRVIOES TO-MORROW as follbws:ALEXANDRASTHEET— Morning it II -Mr C. E. Button. Evening at o.3o—Mr H. B. Uorsloy. PITT ANII EDWIN BTRKETH(Sunday school Anniversary). , Mornlnirat 11 -Roy. G. R. Munro. Afternoon at.i-Ror. W. E Rico Evening at uVM, at SL Jamos's Hall, Wei, lmitton-Btivet—Rev. W. S. Potter. ' 17IRANKLIN ROAD PRIMITIVE .1' METHODIST CHURCH.-February 8.Morning at 11, Mr J. lirame; Evening ut 6.30. Rev. J. llooliiroyd. UNITE D M BTItO DIST ■ FREE CHURCHES. VITT AND VINCENT STKEETfIMorning ul 11-Mr J. Wrigley. Kvoning at 0 30-Mr \V. Knight. MOUNT KDENMornlng at 11. Mr J. E Roberta. Evomng at (130-Mr Keene. rV6NUKEGATTOr7AI,~B~ETrvTc"E S. IiERESFORD-BTRKET-Alornlnirut 11-ltev. J. Robortson, M.A. Evenlnu' at G.3o—lier. J. Robertson, M.A. MOUNT EDENMoiulue at 11-Rev. Orlfflth Jones. Kvening at C.3o—Rev. Griffith Jones. IVI'BWTON CONGREGATIONAL _L 1 CHURCH.-Paetor. Roy. T. Adonis, will S reach, Morning at 11 o'clock, Evening at 6.30. lr Adams will deliver an address on Sunday Evening specially to young pooplo. Subjoct: " What Will You do With Jeßua V F ITT-STREET WES LEY AN CHUROH. - Morning at 11. Rev. A. Reid; Evening at 6.30. Rev. T. G. Carr. ST. JOHN'S WESLEY AN "CHURCH, Ponsonby. — Morning at 11. Rev. T. Q. Carr; Evening at 6,30. Rev. A. Reid. PARNELL W.ESLEYAN CHURCH:— Morning at 11. Rev. B. Grlffltb; Evening ut 6 30, Mr J. Foßter^ . ■ eVonport wesleyan church. -Morning at 11. Mr J. L. Wilson; Erenlngat aSO. Rev. W. O. Paraonson. WELLESLEY - STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. - Pastor W. E. Rice will preach. Morning, in tho Chapel, " Th« Koaurreutlou: its reoepiion;" Evenlug, at(!.4a, in »ho Choral Hall, "Tho World lurncd Upaido Down." Mount" eden baptist chapel. —Morning, II o'clock, Mr n. Whytock; Evening. 6.80, Mr D. Whytock. A RCH HILL PUBLIC SCHOOLROOM. Xjl Worahip at II a.m., Sunday-school at 3 p in., Proachlng at 6.30 p.m. All are invited. C~TfURCH OF CHRIST, Temperance Hall. Albert-btreet Moralng Sorvloo at 11. Evening Lecture at «15. by P. McNaught. Subject: "Uid Christ Dlol" /CHURCH OF CHRIST, Now Eden Hall, \_y Mt. Eden.—MorningSorvlceat 11. Kvouing, Lectnril at Clo by W. Munro. CH U RCIi~OF"~CHI(IST,- Oddfellows' Hull. Ponsonby. — Morning Servioo at 11. Evening, Locturo at 0.45 by Goo. AMridgu, Subject; ' Wliat 1» It that Worthipa God»" W"'" HIMU FREE CHURCH.—Evening Sorvioo hold in tho V.M.C.A. Rooms, WelleaUsy-Btroct, at «i!U. Roy. 11. J. Roberto will nredoh In the Welsh language. All the Wi'luli uouplw ftre ijurillall.T Invited. Y^AITE'S JIALL, MOUNT EDEN. AN EARLT MORNIN^ PRAYER MEETING, Open to Christiana of all Denominations, is hod In abovu the Halt, overy SUNDAY at 7 o'oloek. SrH,IOTI.Y UNSEOTAHUN. Bankey'B Hymns. i "ITATIONALISTiC ASSOCIATION.— j[\ Lorno-strrfot Hall: Sunday, February 8. Sunday-school at 10 forenoon. Admission free. ; "\T E W CHURCH SERVICES.—HoId Jl3( in tlie Commercial Roditis. ovor Rattray'B, O.ucon-Htroot Mornlnit at 11 o'clock. Subject: ■jTho Holy Warfare of Life." j_ "DON'S O NBY HALL. — SUNDAY XT EVENING BERVIOKS, Under tho conduct of tho Ponsonby Evangolistio Committee, on Sunday Kvening, from Bto 11. Seats free No collection. All aro invited. HE Salvation Army will hold a Service on tho Lawn in front of the Hospital TO-MORROW (Sunday), commencing at 3 p.m. Tho Bund will bo in attendance __, hEATRE ROYAL.--SUNDAYEVEN-INQ SKRVJOK *t 8 o'olodtt'lfth February, conducted by tho Young Mon's Chrißlian Association. Stmngore Invitod. Speciality inns and addresses. Scats frco. Come early. Meetings \ UCICLAN D REGA TT A CL U B." ;Tho Annual Meblliiß of ■Subscribers 'will bo hold at tho Club-room, Waitemata Hotel, on TUESDA.Y noxt, atßp.m. Subscribers of ono pound will bo oligible for office C. ROWE, JHon; 9ecrotgfy. /GOSPEL TEMPERANCE MISSION. X MR R. FAREWELL MEETING ON MONDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 9, AT THE THEATRE ROYAL,' Haw-past Skvsn p.m. AdinUslon: Dress Cincle, Two Shilllngß; Stalls. One Shilling ; Pit, Sixpenco. Tickets may bo obtained, at Mr R. Neal'g, Grocer, and at Secretary's office,' Ooombes'B Ai'cado. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, Meeting as usual at tho Theatre. ■~-.: , ..,,},<, PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF NEW ZEALAND, 1.0. ■ Tho regular Quartorly Communication will be hold at the Masonic Hall, Queen-street Grahams'town, on WEDNESDAY, the llth inst, at 8 o'clock p.m. All Master Mosona are eligible to attend, and are hereby invited, ily order, WILLIAM J. REES, Piovincial Grand Secretary. 4 MEETING of all Discharged Soldiers J\. and others interested in getting their land will tako plaso THIS EVENING at 730 o'clock, at the Thistle Hotel, Queen-street. ' J. HENRY^WEYLON. "VT Z.O.G.T.—General Committee on _I^| • Brother Johnßon's Entertainment will meet in the School-room, Alexandra-street, TONIGHT, 7 30. All 'tickets to be returned to the Secretary and Cl. for his closing report.— W. T. PAYNK, Secretary. X YON PORT STEAM FERRY COMIP ANY (LIMITED). A General Meeting of the abovo Company will be held in the Devonport Hall. Devonport. on WEDNESDAY. February 11, 1885, atß p.m. Bupiness: To receive a statement of accounts for tho year ended 31nt December, 1881, and to elect Four Directors and an Auditor. BENJ. TANNER, Manager, Auckland, February 3,1885. Or CENT. REDUCTION.-58 in /wl O the £ naved by buying Drapery at Testei' : r:ii'c j ■ ii it... .::;;ahapeßoad. ..I :

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 7