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17I0R SALR, a nice Lar<'e House of Soven 1 Rooms, lofty nnd well ventilated; gas. water, stable, fowl-home and every convenience, | Ingcihi-r with a, Freehold Allotment, 1211. sln. by V'lft 10in., nicely planted, noimnlo \),M\». nnd wHI drained ; ncur Pannm\v Ko:ul ; nnly ':IVD. —(1. Snico, Uliphnnt Btrrot, l'oiia-inh.7. THOfi SALE,"" NVolli ngton ■ street, romfort--1? iiblo II --uto of B ivoms; wati-r laid on, otovff, itc.'i terms very oai-y.—II. I'ailington, atiehbnrv'a Bnildlnga. _ NB PA lit' No. .(i Magic I..interns, dissolving 4-inch condenser?, with oxycalcium spirit lamp, retort, pnrltlc-, gas bau, tubing, &0., and 70 plain and coloured slides, with complotn travelling equipment.— Apply lo P, A. Kdminton, 40 and 41, New ZeaInml Insurance Unlldirms, Auckland. jfifKZli i —"FIRST-C LASS IN VEST3&«>X/\r MENT-Twos roomed Collages iii.d hi run corner Allotmiml.-\V. \ r. Slevena, Land Agent, next" Herald. Jt?OA— *'OH SALE, nice Cottage, 4 %iV^ F rooms mid seulls'ry; freohold ; .c.M cu.-h iiml Imhuicj weekly,--W. V. Stovei.s, l.awl Agent, next "Herald." AfFLFlil - cruaimrcu koad, SU.RKKY HILLS.- Fou Sai.R. v anporior Family Hosldoncu, containing 5 largo and lolly rooms, kitchen, pantry,anil bnlhrooin. (iaa und water laid on. The house is repli'to with every convenience, nnd Includes gus stove in kitchen. Subptantliil outhouses are nlso fronted, nnd conoroto walks »ro laid down. Thia propnrty is really a goad invcslnicat, and tho tornis lire £50 cash, £100 to bo paid in weekly . installments an may bo arranged, nnd tho balnnco on mortgage, boarlng 8 per cent, interest pnr annum.—Apply Maloolinson and Do Lucy, Tho New Zealand House, Laid, and Kstato Agonoy, High-street. -4*l £i(\ —FOR SALE, Cottajco nnd dbuLWd Large Allotmont,67x 218, on Main Now North Koad. Price, £IGO.-Mal-colmson and DoLucy, the New Zealand House, Lund, and Kstuto Agency, Hißh-street. Jl*OPl 41— COTTAGE of I! rooms and iT&iWtJvr store-room underneath, In Kcppol street, noar Great North Koad, piousantly and healthfully situated; larßo kitchon provided with Loamington range, cupboardß. &c. To an ininiediat \ purchaser this cottago will bo sold at £>!&. Terms, £:!0 cash, and balance on weekly uaymonts, or as may be arranged.— Apply 'I'lio New /caltind House, Land, and Kslate Agency, H!g.hsti'cct J&~/i~i\t\— HOUSE of 7 Lofty and dWtfc")'"" Convoniimt Rooms, well built ! and pleasantly sltuutorl, close t» tbo Now North [ lioad. 1-rico, £100.— Apply to Malcolmson ami DoLucy, The New Zealand House, Land, and Kstato Agency, High-stroet. j&fT'y? PEITFOOT—For Solo, Choico 3W JL « Corner Allotment, Glonsldo, Synionds strrct; suitable as a business site or villa residence; Allotment, 38 x HO. Terms can be arranged if required.-Apply Malcolm9on and DoLncy, Tho New Zealand House, Land, and Katate Agency, High-street. Fo^ SALE, House of G !dwO(VVO- rooms, just flniglicd, with every convenience ; pretty verandah frontage, pleasantly situated, New North Road. Price. W.'O; small deposit. Without exception tho cucnpwt hoiiHC in tho market. Vulcanic coil.Apply Malcolinsou & Do 1 aoy. The Now Zraland Houmo, Land, and Kstnto Agency. Hinh-M;. -i*K.Hi\— Foll SALE, liunao, cou3t't#\9\f tainini,'li larjje und lofly rooms, 1 seullory, wash-house, &c : hoallliily situated. In Albert Avenue. Mount ttdim ;on high Kiound ; pleasant surroumUius; volciiiie soil; corner Allotment, 51 xUO; uood gnrdun. Aa tho owner intends leaving the district, the uudei'Higneil h:ive rcc.clvi'd instructions lo Bell at tho low llgurti i.f WiO. TorniH, XliO fash only, bftlance us may be arranged. -Apply Alalcoliuson and De Lacy, Tho New Zealand House, Land, and Kstato Agency, Hign-strect 'jUTT'iyA\ —FOR SALE, Pollen ntreo£ 4 \f» Surrey Hills, close to Williamson Avviuid, a largo and lolly li rooniud Housu, wiih every convenience; 130 yard* from tramway line. Very ea&y Kirms.—Apply on the inviulse^ / IOILI Si( i WOOD-StItEKT.-Foit Sai,h, V / a Pn-tty I Jtllo Villa of fl riionis, its and water laid in, only li minutes.' walk froin|Queci • Btruut Wliiirf, 'Hie bouse Klandu on an «»!■ lout site, good Alloimerit, grand view. Price, £fW.—W. Ij. i\lin»fii:i,r., lit nl Agont, Coombmu Arcade, Queenstroct. KVONPOItT.—For Snlo, a now (i----rooniud House, with large allotment, ftl x lfi.i; splendid situation; every convenlonen l'rlce, JC3SO. Terms can bo arranged.—Apply lo John Bond. Sunnygldo ; or P.O. Store. MOUNT BURN. — For Sulo, with or without Furniture. Good Villa Residence of li rooms, rxcluslvo of halh and dressingroom am! olllce.4; 2,irO-giillouwatertunk; pro:ty gardon front and loar; aco:Uiaoll; 'buses pass tbo gale. Photographs and particulars at thu ofllceof J. M. Lennox. Land Agent, Ouoonst, or owmr. Mr U. Keniuton, Sindghur, Wynynrd Hoad, Mount Kdcn. Also, Cottage and Shop proporty, lMtt-streut, and beautiful Hulldiui,' SIU), Arnuy Hoad, Komuora (owner leaving tho oolonj). T> E M U E II A. 13EMUE 11 A. R E M U E R A-. FOU SALE, Choap, a fow Largo, Choice BUILDING ALLOTMENTS in thla Favourlta liOcality. The pick of tho dlstrlot, situated clime to tho Wain Hoad, and commanding grand. Kxtunslre Views In ovtry direction; close to tho Hull way Station. 'Uubcr pass the Property •very half-hour. Pricoa from £2 per foot. Apply MALCOLMSON & DX LA.CV. Tho New Zcaltnd House, Land, and Katate Agency. Hltth-strcot. RICHMOND. -Allotments for Sale, n fow minutes from Tramway.—.l. I* Hoy- ■ lan, lioylan and Lundou, vJPANIIrTI'nPS.— For Salo, Puro-bred D Cocker Spaniel Pups.—ll. Ileacock, corner of Nelson and Wtl csloy strcete. SEVEKAL nice, Largo, Level Building Allotments from IBs to £2 10a.-<S. Sage, Oii;)hant-3tre«:t, Ponsonby. STARTLING FACT.-A Permanent Incotno of £300 per annum may bo secured by an enterprising Man and bis Wifo with £150, by purchasing from tho undorßigncd n flrttclass Boarding House, handy to Queon-Btroet, having 'i 5 rooms, all well and completely furnished,capablo of accommodating 30 pcoplo, and having now 20permanent boardors; the loaso is for five years from October last, and tho wholo comploto will be lmndod ovor for tho nbovo sum. Sickness tho only reaton for soiling. Never before offered for enlo-J. H. KANDKUBON, Mercantilo Chamborii. rgicTBE~SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY. _L — Lot 80 of the subdivision of Allotment 13, Section 8, suburbs of Auckland, bluiti tod in tho centre of tbo paddock known as Admiral Seymour's, fronting Mclford-strcot, Ponconbj. This ia the only ullotmcnt ro near tlio Three ; Lamps olt'uringsuch ndvantatea as to position | and isolation trom immediate neighbour!). Kizo I 40 x 13. -Offers to be submitted on or befoo i MO.NJJAV, lClh February, lo Guy Trencbard, Insurance and Commission Agent, S!, Queenj Htrc.t. - mo BTORBKEI3PSKB, AUCTIONX KffillS, SHIHPING AGENTd, HOTKL KKEPKR9, AND OTHKKS. FOU PHIVATK SALE, I The GICNEIt \L PHODUCK, QROCKKY, and I CKJMMISSION HUSINKSS at presiint being carried on by Messrs J. VV. ICiusson and Co., Oreymonth. I Tho Proporty i» freehold, almost now, mea- ! B'.ires 105 ft by 36ft, and comprises largo Auction Boom, or Stoio, and Eight Apartments (with balcony). Tho latter can oithor bo ntilisod as a , Dwolling-houso, or Shops, and Ofllcea. It fronts contro of Richmond Quay, opposite tho newlyconntruoted wharf, whore steamers load and dlßchargo, and is. without doubt, ono of Uio best Business Sites in tho rising town of Groymouth, and presents a ilrst-class opening for an energetic man. ' Tho Proporty can bo bought either with or without stock, and early possession arranged, as ' owner is obliged to loavo tho Coast "owing to illhealth. For further particulars apply J. W. EASSON AND CO. Oreymonth. 2nd Fohruary, 1885. TIWO good Allotments for milo ; well 1 situated and level; 50 x 105; 17a por foot,— 11. Field, Ulchinond Koad. WALLACE-STREET, PONSONBY.— Grand Sito for Privato Resldcnoo for Sale: allotment, 48 x 221 feet: favourite and healthy locality, well sheltered; oloso to thu Ponsonby Pier and Tramway Terminus.—Apply to MalcoluißOn imd DoLnoy, thfl Now Zoalnnd House, ] .and, and Kstato Agency, Tl igh-atreoU ■ T*7rLLIAMSON A VENUE, SURREY JIILLS. SPKCIAL NOTICE. i A limited number 6f CHOrCB! ALLOTMENT'S In WILLIAMSON AVENUK; dDßtlned to bo tho finest street in or about Auckland; also some iv other Btrotta. aro NOW fob tub first time OPEN FOII HALK. Terms: One-fifth Cnsh, balance any time within flvo years. Instalments of £5 and upwards received. Intorost, 7 per cent on unpaid balances. Prices and plane can bo hod at Office, Short-land-stroet. BOARDMAN, Agont. . Personal. IF the Lady who called at the Sydney and Melbourne Boarding-house on Wednesday will please to call at 7 o'clock p m., or scud her address, she will oblige,.—David Webbs, INQUIRIES about Now Zealand and its Peoplo will bo fully satisfied for ©ne Shilling on reference to Brott'a Auckland Handbook for 138 a, Send it to Home friends.' WILL Mrs Cross, who was to have called on Mrs Brookfield, Sealleld View, in a month's time, call at onco on Mrs Purohas, Pittsirect ' MATRIMONIAL.— Hero's a real chance now; s> ttlo down in that salubrious suburban retreat where you can get 1 largo Volcanio Allotmonta with splendid view, 7-roomed House, lolty rooraß, well and completely finished concrete verandah floor, lovely view (which cannot bo Bhut out) of land and sea, both Manukau and Waitemata, and all for £1,000. More money has been refuged, but owner has now decided to Bell as a line or with two lots; £900 only; ono £700. See me immediately, or it will bo gone, becauso it is cheap indeed.—J. B. Randorcou, Auctioneer. A GENTLEMEN in the prime of life J\. (an out-settler) with a genial disposition. •wishes to correspond with a lady from 10 to 15 years of ago, with a home—For address apply 0 Star Office. EVERY Housekeeper should try my Tea at Is lOd per lb. Compare it with any other at 2a 4d, you will eavd lid per lb.—A. B. Thompson, Tea Dealer, foot ot Groy-street T>ERSONAL.-Should thia meet the eye 1 of Edmund Walesby. formerly of Awhitu. please communicate with John Garland, Awhitu. February 2nd, 1885. /CHURCH PARADE.—" A " BATTERY \_; ARTILLERY AND VICTORIA RIFT.ES. —The Members of all ranks of the "A" Hattery- of Artillery and Victoria Rifles will assemble at the Drill-shed, TO-MußKOWi(Sun-day), at 9.30 a-m , In'full dress uniform with side arms only and white gloves.—(Signed) H.G. I Payne, Captain; Owen Mahon,- Captain.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5477, 7 February 1885, Page 7