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Among our cablegrams to-day will bo found a numbor of interesting items of news. A Fenian emissary to Australia, said to have boon charged with the mission of blowing up the prisons in these colonies, has been arrested on board the mail steamer at San Francisco. The Irish-American dynamite party have stated the wild theory that tha woman Dudley was sent by tho British Government to kill O'Donovan Ilossa. Tho Marquis of Lome, who may be appointed the next Governor of New South Wales, is reported to bavo a schema of Imperial Federation, for which he is trying to obtain the approval of the colonial Agents-General. 1 nrther despatches have also been received on the subject of the English and German annexations in New Guinea. The enquiry into the charges of neglect: preferred against Dr. Bond, Hospita Surgeon, by the patient Smith is expected to be rosumed to-morrow morning. Dr. Richardson having declined to appear for examination, it only remains for the comtnittco to take the statement of Dr. Bond, Our weekly market price list, which is published to-day, contains several alterations from last Friday's quotations. Tboy includo the following in wholesale prices:—• Ham«, in equal numbers, 9Jd per lb ; oatmoal, £14 per ton ; oats, 2s Od to 2s lid per bushel; new potatoes, £4 10s per ton. Thoro is no change in tho valuo of gum. liocoipts for tho week, so far, amount to about 90 tons. Buttor remains at previous quotations,; eggs hovo advanced to Is 6d per doz, wholesale and Is Od per doz. retail. Wo understand that the Rev. Thomas Spurgoon is oxpooted to arrive in Auckland on Monday, tiio 23rd inst., and that a grand soireo will bo hold on tho following evening, at which Mi* Spurgoon will bo welcomed and Mr Rico parted from. Tho latter gentleman proceeds, l>y invitation, to Adelaide, where it in probable that ho will accopt the pastorate of the congregation recently ministered to by tho Rev. A. W. Wobb. The Rev. Charles Carter, Into of Ponsonby Baptist Church, left yesterday for Dunodin, to fulfil a call for Caversham. It is probable that he will remain thoro. Last Tuosday was a busy day at tho Postoilioo. Tho following correspondence passed through :—Received 104 bags, containing 10,444 letters, 44 post cards, 2,523 books, 18,620 papers. Despatched 84 bags, containing 13,572 letters, ISI post cards, 1,739 books, and 14,452 papprs. Totals.received \ and despatched, 188 bag's, goniairting 24,01 G letters, 125 post cards, 4,262 books; 31,072 newspapers.' Mr F. J. Moss,_ M.]?.R. for Parnoll, adiircflscd his constituents last evening at the Parnell Bali,'asd rjp.crfyed a unanimous vote of thanks and confidence, Mr Moss gave an exceeding good summary of" the events of the last session, and sharply criticised Mr Balhnce's speech to the at the Waikato. The fplfpwing programme of music is to bo executed'in the Saturday afternoon by the Garrison Band :—Quickstep, " Brave Gordon " {M. Devery); overture, "In Memoriam" (E. Newton); lancers, " Belgravia" (K. Smith) ( selection, "The Puritans" (Bellini); waltz, "Bdelwiess" (S. Verne); fantasia, "The Azure Lake" (B. Mullot); Caledonian quadrilles, " The Isle of Bute " (R. Smith); polka, "The Nawdes"(J. Robinson); "God Save the (Jueeii." A raectitag .of the creditors of F. O. Fisher was held at noen to-(Jsy, Mr Browning appeared on behalf of M'esevs Pq.ul and Gould to explain that instead of that firm bping indebted to tho estate to the sum of £19$, they v/prs creditors to a much larger sum, while ihey owed jaothing. Tho Assignee was requested .to inycuti&a.ta the accounts and report to a meeting, to be held on this I3th ins|;. " •■'.*■■ Mr Martin, formerly of Ashburton, who was appointed to tho position of assistant clerk in the Residont Magistrate's Court, Auckland, in the plaoo reoently occupied by Mr O'pallaghan, entered upon his official duties this morning. A beery individual created a disturbance at Mr Moss's meeting at the Parnell Hall last evening, urid when ejected and arrested by Constable Hobaon, drew his penknife. The constable succeeded in preventing the man from injuring himself or others, and speedily bad him handcuffed and lodged in durance yjle.

A slight misunderstanding ha? arisen in ) reforoneo to the butchers' picnic and bull. I Jloth ovontfl aro to tako plaoo on Wednos- 1 day next, llth February. In order that the ' ball oommittco mny inako tlio necessary nr- J mngemonta for catering, &c, tho secretary : requests that thoso dosirous of attending . the ball Bhould obtain tickets of 11. B. Pollard, care of R. and W. Hellaby, Short- ; land-streot Auckland, by to-morrow (Satur- , day) evening. Wo wore in orror in stating , that the ball was to take placo on the 7th , inst. Mr John Reid, who has been a resident in Auckland more than twonty years, loavea for the State-of Now York on tho 3rd proximo. Wo loam that a complimentary and woll-merited concert will bo tondorod to Mr Roid by tho membors of St. Jamos's choir, musical friends, and eonß of Scotland bofore his departure, particulars of which will bo duly announced as soon as tho programmo is oomploto. Mr Roid has been a momber of St. James's choir for many yoars, and has given gratuitous service at numerous untortainuients for charitablo purposes. John Cosgrave, draper, of Quoon-stroot, filod a petition in bankruptcy to-day. Tho monthly inspection of the A Battery of Artillory woa hold last evening in tho Drill-shod, by Captain Payne Major Shophord not being prosent. Fifty-two ofltcors and mon wore prosent, Including Dr. Tonnont and Lieutenants Norrio ana Qeddos. Tho men wore thoir now uniforms and busbios. At tho close of tho exercises, tho men, headod by tho Artillory Band, inarched through the principal streets to the place of Reparation. The inspection was satisfactory. The Theatre Royal was crowded again lttßt evening, when Mr R. T. Booth dolivored another forcible address on tho subject " Save the Boy " Rev. J. K. Davis prosidod. The lecturer stated that 2,500 weons had donned the blue ribbon since :he commencement of tho mission, while 2,110 others had taken the pledge. At tho close of tho meeting 18S othors took the pledge, and 303 assumed the badge of bluo. Two joung girls, agod 14 and 13, were charged this morning before the Resident Magistrate with having no visible means. Tho disclosures and tho picture wore equally sad. One of the girls, it appeared, had been unhappy at home, in Oross-streot, Newton, and her father had brokon up the shelter, and the girl wont adrift. Still the mother, Mrs Berry, was willing to do her bc«t for her vagrant child, but tho child waa of. an erratio turn of mind. A similar story wai t.ii of tho girl King. Dotoctlv© Hughes found the two girls with several wellknown larrikin*, folded up in canvas among tho douks at tho back of Mr Worthington's eohool. He had also found them in tho Park at midnight. Sovoral Parnell ladies bad takon them in hand, but thoir benevolent efforts bod failed in reclaiming the girls. Hero tho girls sobbed aloud, and promised to go to thoir mother's at Newton if sot at liberty j but as they had abusod ovory opportunity of reformiag, His Worship eont thorn to prison for throe months' with hard labour, Tho question of liability in oonnootlon with tho Stanley-street uowor works again cropped up before tho City Council nt its mooting last night, when tlio Finance Committee recommended tho payment of £500 to credit of tlio work. This was intended as a compromise to tho East Ward for tho departure of tho Council from the torms of tho original voto. Crs. Aickin and Crowther strongly urged tho claims of tho East Ward to generous troatmont in this matter, and die latter gentleman, In tho oourso of a passionate diatribe, denounced thoreproson-tativ-OB of tho other wards for porpetrating a gross wrong upon tho East Ward by concerting to repudiate tho city's obligation to do the work out of genoral revenue. An amendment to increase the amount of the vote to £1,000 was rejected, and then the recommendation itself was negatived. This Bottled tho matter, to the disgust and discomfiture of tho Councillors of the East Ward. A meeting of the creditors of John Plunket Stodart was hold today, tho Official Assignee proeidintr. Mr Koetloy appeared with tho debtor to watch his interests, and thore were olso present:—Messrs Poasoneekifl, J. McNeill, and David Bloom (for Mr B. H. Kooßinjj). Mr Possoniskie charged tho debtor with procuring a suit of clothes when ho was insolvent, and under the promise of paying for them at once. He considered this unjustifiable conduct. Under cross-examination by Mr Foesenoskie the debtor said that ho was insolvent on 22nd September. Ho had promised to piy for the clothes foow. He did not promise to pay cosh. Some discussion took placo upon a bill of sale over debtor's furniture, the Validity of whioh was doubted, and the Assignee promised to tako legal advice it the mutter. At the adjourned meeting, held at the house of Mr Ewlngton yesterday evening in connection with the erection of a Church in Mount Roskili Road, it was stated that a Church Building Fund account, to which donations might bo paid, had been opened at the Auckland Savings Bank. It was found that £137 0s fid had been paid or promised to date; and it was resolved that no tendors should be called for, until £250 (half tho estimated cost) had been paid up and deposited, A desire was evidently expressed that the money should be raise< without recourse being bad to bazaars or entertainments. More colleoting books were arranged for, and the meeting ad journod to that day fortnight, at the same time and place, resolved if possible the £250 should be raised by tho end of tho month. The help of all friends and sympathisers is solicited. To the Editor: Sir,—A local appeared in your issue of February 4th wherein you give a statement, as emanating from Mr McCrae, that tho horse gored to death by bis bull was buried before its death was communicated to him by its owner. My answor to that is, it is a subterfuge; he saw the horso lying dead. You also state he saw the bull In his paddock before hi went to his oooperage in the morning. So say 1 1 but It would not keep in his paddock, and his own son saw it break out. As for his assertion that his gates have been takon off tho hinges, this I believe is simply a false statement, as no gato of his has ovor boon lifted olf tho hinges by any sottler in Mangero ; and, further, I bog to inform you that thore is now a Vindicatory Committoo appointed,who will reply to any further statomont you maypublish furnished by Mr MeCrao.—l am, sir, Joseph Hastih, junior. Tho prospects of tho Bay of Islands Coal Company are brightoning. At the annual meeting yesterday aftonioon, tho Chairman (Mr J. G. Firth), in moving tho adoption of tlio director's report, said that during tho last sevon years thoy had novor had so much reason to believo that they had got through tho "faults" that had ao much hinderod progress. He quoted from tho general manager's roport, which. Bpoke very hopefully of the prospects of the mine, and indicated on the -working plan of the mine, the reason for believing the improvement would be permanent. At the same time, he said, he must worn the shareholders that mining operations were always attended with risk, and especially se in a volcanic country. He asked them to take what he said with a certain reservation. They did not know what 20ft of driving would show. The coal was increasing in thickness in the right direction—that was, going away from the' '.''faults.',' The manager's roport showed that the seam of coal should be obtained in apb'ut feet, and they were now down 200 feet, and wer6; progressing at the rate of six or" seven feet per day. In conclusion 'he referred to the great difficulties tjiey )jad lia'd to face, and said the directors now lopjijpd ipucfi more hopefully on the prospects of the field.' ' ' S. B. Lush, bankrupt, was examined before the Official Assignee yesterday. He stated that shortly after his arrival in tho colony, foup years': ago lie fobught' 5J.3 acre's for £I,SOQ at Port Aibprj;, and spent £§.00 on improvements. After 18 months he found himself working at a pons}derablo loss, and for this and domestic reasons ho determined to give it up. He advertised the farm for sale without success. In March, '82, lie left.the farm in the hands of a neighbour, rC"lo^*? to Mangaro, and went into partnership with Brown °nd T*ylor ?! grain merchants, but the firm came to grief hi eight months. During the partner- <■ ship ho bought land and built houses as a ' speculation. In August, 1882, he raised £900 on mortgage on tjio Port Albert ' property. This" expires in Augußt, lg§s. <■ At the end of i.883,' having an offer to go to England, he assigned aJJ the property but * that at Port Albert to his eldest daughter, I in trust for hjs children. In November, 1884, he went' into partnership with Mr A'. * Potter in a patent gnm-soraplngbusinossiliut " soon dissolved partnership, Mr Pottertaking over tho plant and liabilities, and giving Ihim £50 in promissory notes at six and nine v months, due June 19th and September 19th, I '1885. Notwithstanding that tBo formal fl deed of dissolution was executed and duly F advertised, he was summoned for a debt v incurred under the partnership, and as he had threats from others, he was compelled » to file. He considered there was a surplus " £300 in bis estate without counting the rfloerfcv tnadn ov«r to Mg dauerhlar. .(';. 1

The following tondoie havo boon received \ by Mr A. Wilson, architect, for the oroction of a farmhouse at West Tnmaki :— Pink and Allen, £417; JamCR, £438; Heron, £45(1; Stophonson, £475; Scott,, £470, Smith and Howe, £437; Perkins, £580; Lynch, £(iuO. ' At the weekly mooting of the Star of Newton Lodge No. 4, 1.0. G.T., hold last night, tho officers for the prosont quarter woro installed by brother Longbottom, G.W.G., as follows:—W.C.T., Bro. HollanB; W.V.T., Bro. Lightfoot, juu. ; W.S., Bro. Wilson; W.A.8., Sistor A. Lightfoot; W.F.S., Bro. Lightfoot, eon.; W.T., Sistor Lightfoot, son.; W.C., Bro. Guorrin; W.M., Bro. H. C. Searlo; W.D.M., Sistor Edmonds; W.I.G;, Bro. E. Johnson ; W. O. G., Bro. Davey ; W.R.H.S., Bro. Bloomberg; W.L.H.S., Sistor L. Lightfoot; P.W.C.T., Bro. G. Wataon. The roport of tho Secretary showed tho Lodge to bo steadily increasing in membership, and to be in a flourishing condition, Professor Hugo, in consoquonce of indisposition, will not lecturo to-night as advertised, but hopes to fulfil his engagement with the public noxt Tuesday, Tho challenge published by the owner of tho 20ft. open sailing boat Dream has boon accepted by tho owner of tho Mascotte, and anothor trial of speed betwoen these two boats will take place at an early date, probably on Saturday, tho 21st inst. " Forget-Me-Not" [was repeated at the Opera Houso last evening in the presence of a crowded audience. The performance was a lirst-elass one, and achiovodquite as great a success as on the previous evening. Tho play will bo repeated again to-night, and it would bo well for intending patrons to be early in attendance if they win!i to secure soati. Warned by their own oxporionce, and stimulated to fresh precautions by tho recent conflagration at tho New Zealand Timber Company's factory, tho Union Sash and Door Company havo applied to tho City Council for tho faying of a six-inch water main between the Swan Inn and their premises in Mechanics' Bay. They have obtained a full eot of fire extinguishing appliances, and intend also to have four hydrants. It is therefore obvious that they aro determined not to be caught napping. Roadings from the patriotic speeches of Iloury Urattau, the dlfltliiKUiishod Irish orator and statesman, will oooupy the attention ot numbers ol the Kedmond brunch of tho Irish National League this evening in the Cathollo Institute.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 5476, 6 February 1885, Page 2