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TiT ANTED, at Hannaford's Auckland * XT' Registry (established 21 years), I!Generals (POnsoaby); 12e. /j_ __ \TSrANTEIX at? Hannaford'o Auckland T T E&ißltljy "sstftWi!Sßp 21" yeAre)." mpr'e JtHap.lti Gbrierius ijhd T'Uiltu; Girls (town and PriFAry). Pmy foil up. ■ ;'■■ ', ■ XXT ANTED, at Hannaford'e Auckland T T Registry (established SI years); GenerAl (gontlanian'gfrtmlly. VVhittlga>el)^lga--%-?- ? -. ~ WAljrTJSni ftt..'^aJiaWrd'B Auckland itbitistry (established 21 years) Hot?] ttenoral (Mercury Bay) 18b. WANTED, 2 good Carpenters.-Apply on the works, London-street, PonaitriW, -T. Upton. ■ , . ~--.:....,...,,... WANTED, by ft thorough good Cook Laundress, a Situation ift a gentleman's family (town or suburbs).—llulinafords Attcle land B*sß&h& ' W ANTED, a Boy 14 yoaes of ago, to goto Whan .raid to serve In a busft store—Apply to MrjYfason! B.Q.uoon'Btr'Beti 4LAD\' hav!nij"a.hDuE.e larger than She f edUiWßi iVoiild bo gldd to meet with two s br lady and gßntleniah, rettrilrintt twß of thrccs"wPn-£ut;nie)ted rWiris.,with use of Kitchen. -•Frttafitlasß apply Stjih Qiiice..^.- -« TffiOOD QOOLfclßa-Jahn 8, Miltii tHe JLR popMrUcsß?!: tie Eobson Hotel, statea, "T. have known it to Sober a Man in 5 Minutes." Askhim. BOOT TRADE.—Wanted, Fitter; also Improver to the benob.—Apply R. Walton and Son-, Upper Queon-stroot WHEELWRIGHT.— Wanted, a good _ ttaHd.-"yßfrail fcCOi^ Newton. TO TfAl'LbHS."— Wanted, good Coat Hands. Constant vVort,,. at WaUn/iton log prices. -,Ar"ply Mr Papo, titilot, Hustings: street, Napicn ff\6^BOTCHEßS.— Wanted, a Strong X Lad for ordors.—J. Foss and Co., Qaeen-at. 0 LET, Houses, 5 Se 14 roOfflgj Bt|eH Crenceht, Gfafton Itoild, Mount Edeß Rtjad, Plctoii-atrbet. — Grant and Codke, 75, QUccti-street; rr\% FdiiEMES'TAlLoil.gT^'Waliy, .JL at once, a first-class "Cuttor, — Address G.Q., Stab 9^9°!.,., _ THE Exchange flnl Mart. Servant's yeslawjr.-SJiTfrojr'BWcet-. "no PhtM hq Vtiy." wanted. Clonoral Servant's and Boyi about 15; Rood flve-roainod House to let. ST. JAMES'S CHURCH require the services of an efficient Lcador of Psalmody (gentleman). Salary, £75 per annum. Applications, with references and testimonials, to be s6nt in to the Secretary not later than 30th Uecembeh -■- Pull Information aa to duties Oil apiilibatlon to A. J. EntritSaiiiSoorßtttry, Wolleß'-ley-atreet. EOKIM PBNClt.—J!Ver*ane should belh,tioMosslbn tjf fl^Meßflim Penijll, at tile dpßl of is Bd.^ Cqttain CUfo for Head iUta ,Tootliache, Weal Rhouiriatlsm, Mosquito Bites, Ice. Sold ut all the (Jhomlslfl and hlhtitß.-Wholbsalb-Afironta: Brbw^j. BarroU, &Cm \irni r jtst iiress weLl, T T . When you can get a MOSGIBL TWEED SUIT, made to ineasur o, F08, £3 3». 11,,.. ■;..- i . Latest Stylo nnd PorEect Guaranteed. TiltS is another instance of the power Of Read? Money. WOOLLAMS, Ready Monet Tailoh, Sydksham Hovse, : tj Foot of Grov-street. P" ¥«,SONAL. T -^°ia' wKhout a . .Ciywil Suburban Residenoo site, when you can buy torso little oash.with the cortaintjr of four buyers receiving a free Allotment as well, at Mercantile Bale-rooms. Thursday, noon. PERSONAL.— The city will be so crowded very Boon that Urge hoalthy sites Xt Vlotoria Glon Estato will bo worth double what they will fetch at Thursdays sal«. 4 jfiven away.—J. It. Knndorion, Aucttoncor. "•; * -_...'_ ERSONAk—Mary," ft £1 positive fact that four splondlil Allotments aro to be civen uwny at Mercantile tialo-rootiia Doxt Thursday. I '_, To Let ri^O LET, new ti-roomed House, Mount J. Kdon Road; gas and wafer.—Apply Mrs I. Wiilto, Mount Sden. . f|AO LET, two front Rooms with uso of JL kilohon, ilrst House, Sea ITield Viow; off Parkjload. TO *LET or for Sale, a Well-ilnished iVroomud House, Upper Union-Btrect.— Apply to Thos. Constable next to Mtinro and MiillK»n'»i Hobaon-street. 0 LET, A Shop and Dwelling In Victoria-street West, next to Soutt's Londonltoilad.. .. „ .... .... . mOL-ET, HWlybankj eoatalHing 6 roofts, X Leamington range, and all conveniences; garden baok and froot; rent, 12s ior wook.— Apply next door Clifton Villa, Ollphant-stroet, Vermont-street. Poneonby. T" 0 LET, Rodd 5-fobtried Hoiisb; T5 minutes' walk from Queonntreet. Ront, 10s Od.—lnquire Glasgow Store, Great North Road. ri^O LET, twp Rooms in Graham-street.— X Apply to Ogilvie, Grocer, Viotorlasireet West TO LET, Two Froat Rooms (furnished), 8s week.—Apply Grocor's Store, Russellstreet. Great North Road. TO LET, House of 10 rooms, corner of Upper Quoen-streot and West-street, having evory convenience. Lutoly occupied by the Row Samuel Macf arlano. Rent. 2756 d per wook; Key noxt door. — Apply lo R. C. Greoawood, Vulcan Lane. TO LET, 4, 7 or 11-ropmed House; Furnituro given on time paymont— .Apply Cheap Bedding and Furnliuro Mart, Victoria-stjeet East. ■ ■ ■. • nnOLETat Ponsonby, 7-roomed House, X noarly now; large garden ; rent low.— Guy Tronchard. 83. Quoon-streot. » TO LET, Karangahape Road, large Shop i with .Dwelling,igis and walor. Chapolstreet, Shot and large Workshop, with DwoUing iittnchod : suitable ior a baker. Calliope Point, North Shore, Two 5-roomcd Cottages; every convenience, beautiful view; oheap.—Apply J. H. Hamer, Auctioneer and Land Agent, Karangahape Road. nnO LET, Unfurnished .Room; would I - BUit a Younsr I>ady engaged during the day;' quiot family; no children; terms moderate.—Apply Stak Oflloo. rT\O LET, Comfortably Furnished Rooms, X ' Day-atreot, tliird house right hand.—ApI>ly -promises, or Hapaon, Builder, BoresfordstroeL ~r ' ^"', _' . TO LET "ORLE ASE, Business Premises - next to^'J. Williams, Tailor, containing 3 rooms and snop wltii largo yard; rent, only 30a per week.—Apply J. Williams.'--f^I^OXET, anewcornerStore, EpaomKoad ' X 10 rooms, woll-flniahed, Btabling, &c, jco.; a goodopportunity.— W and J. R. vailo. Auotloneers. oppoaite Sayings Bank, Quoen.gtroot--7T\OIiET, Epsom Road, two new handJL-■: some well-finished Villa Residences, 10 , rooms, bath, &0.. &C-W. and J, R. VaUe, AuC : tiontiefeoppoßtto Savings Bank. Queen-street. fnno LET, Junction of Queen and GreyX streets. New Shop (only one unletf, with sido light adapted for front and back shop; gord Opening 'or hairdresser and fancy bunlnosa combined.— Inquire James Browne, 2nd next door. TO LET, now 7-roomed House, city . water inside and out, oven and two grates, an<T£vory convenience.—Apply Roberta's Storo, corner.Bummer-atroet Ponaonby Koad. TO LET, Shop and Dwelling in Viotonastreet Weat,—Apply. M. Carr, Bootmaker, Victoria.-jtreet., , . , TO LET, two Front Rooma with fire-"*-pla'co. h»JI, and Verandah. —• OppositeWoodyard, Edinburgh-Btreet.Newton. TO LET, two unfurnished Front Rooms 1 with .fireplace, to. a respoctoble Couple; ten ; mWuto's frdm town. — Apply Hooker and; Morrison, Grocers, Quedn-atreet. O LET, offSymondsstteet, a6-roonied House; Hepburn-street 6-roomed Hoiiae; gas and wator.—B. Y. Collins, Kamo Colliery, jlllce, id. Queen-stroet , TO LET, at North Shore, Furnished . Sitting and Bedrooms, suitable: for Gentleman or Married Couple; terms moderate.— Inquire at Stab Office. . TO LET, a 6-roomed House, Albert ; Avenue, Stoneyhurst, Mount Eden.— Apply G. Brake, next house. ' O BE LET, the Ground Floor of the, Building on the Wharf known as the Bailors' Rest and Home. There is a good Shop and Store-room, and if tho back yard and shed are requited thßycanbo let too,—Apply to F. G. Kwington, Estate Agent, Quoen street mO LET (furnißhed), at Devonport, for 3 I months or less, beautifully situated Villa Residence.-Apply at Stab Office. TO LET, Surrey Hills, Great North Road, Conoreto Shop and Dwelling. — Apply T. McMasier, Queen-Btroet. ' TO LET. (Norfolk-st., just off Ponsonby ' Road), handsome and comfortable Villa Residence of 9roomB; water laid in, and every convenience; nice position; allotment. 40x 100; Bituate quite close to Ponaonby Road and tram line. Rent oply 23b per week.-Apply to Mr R. Gordon, nest new Savings Bank, Surrey Hilla; or to D. F. Evans. Land Agent . TO LET, Shops with 7 rooms —the Finest Stand on the Ponsonby Road, between«£hree, Lamps atd All Saints' Church— with gas< and water and every convenience 1. Rents moderatpi-Apply, to F. Quick, Ponsqnby. np to D F. Evans, Land and Estate Agent, Queen-street. Keys to be had from Mr Gregory. Photographer, next door. - rtl6 'LET, 2 mew Brick* Shops, wellI_ finished; gas and water laid on; situated inWellealoy-Btreet East-J. B. Morpeth, No. 20, JJ.Z. Insurance. ; * • .. TO LET, those Iron and Concrete Stores situated corner of Btanley-streetand Alten Rotd; rentmoderate.-Apply,to S.J. Edmonds, Castoniß-street ; ;'~. /■ -' V ". TO LET, with immediate- possession, a well-built 6-roomed House, nearly new, in O'NeiU-street, Ponsonby; water laid on.—'Apply -Mr Barton's, O'Neill-street. ,-.,''- ■"■ mo LET, Upstair^ Rooms, by' Queen street; auitable for Offioe, Store, pr Sample-rooms.—Apply Lewie and Simpson. A PARTMENTS TO LET, unfurnished, J\_ in good neighbourhood?; terms moderate. -Apply'to'Mrs Dester, VermontrStreet, Ponsonby, lower houso on right hand side. * FURNISHED BEDROOM to Let, in private family; with or without board.— Bowdon Arcade, Ponsonby Road - DBVONPORT.— To Let, 5-roomedHouae with tank, well. eta-Apply H. Patrick, Melroee, or J. Watkinaon, Tailor, Welldsley-Bt., Auckland. '.-. \ ■■■'.- .■■:.■■.;.■ . ■:'■ - SHOP AND DWELLING to Lease oi Let, 5 rooms; beat position'in Victoriastreet; quite new.—Appiy GreenJ Bootmaker, near Nelson-street. -1. .... ■.':*:>:■■ >.■■ '■ FFICES to Let in Vulcan Lane.—Ap ply to Connell & Cooper, SoUoitore, ■.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 3