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WANTED/ ft'ilroai-iy^at 18, to learn Colonial $yen and general iron work.—Apnl^ O. R. Debottr. at ». H. Marsden's, Tlnßttilth, Chanel fend and Durham-streeta. W" ANTED, Jim-Slide; who brought my n Coat from4Borrjnsvillq to.leayo IV Vf^Jh TXT ANTE?', j* tiis^eilUcSs and Improvers JT,. 13 the Dresß-making.-Mrs Garlick, Krncll, near Pr. Coom's. „_-__-_,- WANTED, a Partner with £20 in ftii ; KnfcrprlieHocaij, Which..'tiU taWiV? weeks Only to Mt n •.fotoett Si<c%f *oßaSb &IWI iJ2y.-A^ly'"J.L.l3.,"e»An Office. •\XfAMTED, a good Servant Girl. One J*. actmßtomed to children. References required.—Anply to Mrs R. J. Carbines, Koynoa Avenue. Valley Roart. Mount Eden, _, WANTED, Drapor's Assistant (junior). • —Apply to-nighti Bare Broß.| Drapers; Victoria-street Wcsfr -„..-„--. WAN£EOi f.b. Cuee, several first-class jfcosßmakers.—Apply to Madame L. FaraVcl, 12, Shortland-stroot. None but goed hands must apply. ■ ' WANTED," a Strong YeutU otTiahAy Man ( one accustomed to building jireforvofl.—AtldrcJiiatSTAßOnice. . :A ■\XTANTED, private lesaonsin boxing.— T T Apply, stating terms ana parlteiilarn.ttt " A.D.," Star omc-fr. ._. ~.^,^-,. TTSTANTED, Dr«ft«irtJte'rs -also, a few YY g£:fl StSwera, and a smart Girl as Api'iOntico; wages given, — .Forbes and Marshall, Upper Yincontstrcct. WANTED, immediately, a respectable Girl as Gonoral SorVanti-Apply to. Mrs William*, Temperance Boarding HoHse,.Orcirstreot, WANTED, «, Housemaid-. — Governor UrOwncHotel1. '■" ■■ ~--, .. TAT ANTED; attJncbj 2 uSstalaSS Milkers, Tt., 2?s, rtr sflburbs; 3 Youths, station, 10s. -R> M. Heighten, Agont, 177. Queen-atr6ot. WAN TED, an owner for a Brown Mare, white hind foot, ntßPqn.fOrehoad,: left atGreyhoiwd Stable* oil Friday, the 11 til. If not claimed Itlll days f rom date yf in M iofoiopay p*f efewft-SvYdftntn J!tßtttnßor ECth, 188f WAnTe!}.— Do you want to make money i Be tho highest buyer per loot Thursday's sale. of Vibtorla Glen Katatp. ftnd .yon will receive large allotment Jibe at Morcac vile Sdi Rooms. . WANTED, in 2 years tirao, n good Brantss Site "in Victoria Avenue, Romuera. Buy it Thursday then; It will pay to keep, and bo worth donbto—J. It Kandcrson, Auctioneer, __ fffANTE'dT^X fact—anxious Buyers V T going to View Me grind VlctSrla Cleh daily: free pusses and Bpesial conveyances by applying \o-f\ R. Itallderson. Auctioneer. ■"lIKTANTED, respectable Boy, to leani T T Hairdresslng.-Apply Mr Harbout'd, at W. A. Thomas's, /ylctprta-Btreßl, three dofars above Royal Mall Hotel ■; '■_ W "ANTED, a g'ddd* Dressmaker "for a week or twfe^Apftly S^n OlUcßi ANTfifi, active, "energetic Men os Canvassors. — Slngor Manufacturing Co., 281, Queoiv-stroet. WANTED, THE LADIES' ATTEN- ] TION.-A beautiful HSSprtmeht of White. Blue, and Pink Satin .Shoos Just received.—T. PrnssW, Mttwtoft Bow Warehouae. Xff ANTED, some Kind Person to.Adopt V T a Baby Boy, a fortnight old.-Apply at tho Old Hospital. ■■> TSTANTED, a Younß* under 1?, TV .as nurse; good refeWmwi requtted.— Apply Stak Offloo, .... j — - '.:-' -. ,' T\r AN f E D v "":'|oM~'^lwA • *•& VV JaJlbre^ea- figlfe&^W«.-A«ply at onco to yrooltenW, Ready Aftney Tailor, Sydonham^lov'iße', root ct Urey-street. "WTITI'BD, a Smart Lnd.-Apply R. V T Hutchlnson, Butrter, T.iotoi'la atreet. \\7ANTFDrBoy for the Machine Room, TT --Apply H. Barton, Stab Ofllco. \\T ANTED KNOWN,— £200 to ±'500 TT worth of land toll bo Riven aWay aiuoni; puroha»ri!«Of_Vlo.tor_UQlott Eatato, Thviiflday. " XifA^Jt\}.~^ more 33 x O'j's; Jivo \ V os 6J x lffi (with fresh air). Sale Thursda>-, Mci'canlllc Sale Rooms. ' WANTED KNOWN,—Aa wo havo now engaged several rxlra bands in the DreesmaklDK Deportment, ladles can dopond on having thot'; DrefßOs turned out qulokly. Fit alid Stylo guaranteed, Charges moderate—D,,\V. Jttok & Co,. I'otiDonbV KOttd, TXtANTKITkNOWN.-B. W. Jack & T T Co., Ponsonby. have a lafore stock of all tho newest niakoa In Drcsa Material, which thoy aro soiling nt pl'icei) which flefy competition.— DrcsgOßinaileJO order on >he shortest notice. YITANTEI) KNf)WlN—That in UlocksoJ VV • all kinds, the pritsea o{ the London Arcado ara iinetiußllod tor cheapness. ANTED., everybody to know that R. Redfern, Qaoonstrect, has opened A Branch Studio, Vlotoria Road, DovonpoH. YI7 ANTED END WN—Music I JSlueio 1 Vt Muelo Extraordinary I—AnOthor Wt of Hemy's celebrated Tutors, the very latest e<Htion.juiit arrived, less than half-price, 2s 4d eaoh; alao,C7.orny"scelebrated 101 Exercises, quarter the price, nanioly, 2s the two books; Pi«no Sheet Music (eonft and pioces), only Is lid nor doz., some of them markod 4a each: also, Violin Music 'just arrived), conßtsiiDg.of I)uet», Overturns, and Danoos, by tho best mastors, 1b and Is Gel; also, lnrtjtj Violin Books for bolglnnors. Is enoh.—At Danipier'B Hobßon-streot Shop. Tell your frienda. WANTED KNOWN-Check Ginghams, 4d. 6d, 7d. ond 9d yard; Nuns' Beiges. Summer Shades, 7d. lid, and lsjier yd.—Allen's Cheap Drapery. Jervois Road, Pocsonby. ANTED KNOWN—At Allen's Cheap Drupory ther are celling Painted back Floorcloths, competitive designs, at Is 3d yard ; 'apßßtry Cat-pots, Is lOd. 2s 6d, and Ss 3d yard ; China Matting;, all widths, from Hd yard.— Jervois Road, Pongonby. . ANTED, People to Bead Things .that Speak for Themselvest — J.-H. DALTON, Tailor, Vlotarla-street'East, docs his wn Cutting, and pays a vory small rent; hercforo hels able to make Garments to Order t Bame price an Shops sell Ready - made Clothes. ?■'■'<■ '- - „ . R b. A. Well-shrunk Herge Suite .. ■.. .. 210 0 Well-shrunk Tweed Suits 2 IS 0 Well-shrunk-Fanoy Coat, Veiit, and, ■ . Trouiiers .- .. ••* »•" *•• '■" " Well-shrank Tweed Trouflers .. .. 012 D WoU-ahrimk Tweed Trousers ~. .. 015 0 Well-shrunk Tweed Trousers .. .. 017 0 i First class Twoed TrottßorS"; s.. ..110 Very Beat Tweed (of any kind) Trongerg - , > . 100 Mosgiel Tweed Suit, well-shrunk ... 310 0 Mosgiel Tweed Suit well-shrunk .. 0 0 Best of any kind of Tweed.. .. ~. iW D J H. U. Imports direot from tho Manufacr turors, aid thus saves the Merchant's Profit.' giving the benefit to big Ciißtoraers.-Noto tho Address: J. H. Dalton. City Tailoring Establishment, Victoria-street East (opposite • Goodson's). and at Cameron-atroet, Whangarei. WANTED KNOWN-^Great reductions -Cash Boies, from 2a lid: Large Bottles Good Black or Coloured Ink, M; Small Bottles Ink, Id ; Rulers, 6d: Letter Clips, M: Purees, 6d; Tobacco Pouches, 6d: J3plendid Hammerslßßd;LargePiotorlalWprld.BeUravia Chambers'a Journal, eto;^^ from 33 6d^to 2s 6d oach f Shakspere, with life complete, reduced to 2s. Lota of new Novelsreduced to Is 3d each; Grand Line °'WWte Handled Hah-, Brosniev-ed t Dresßtog Combe 3d, 6d, and 9d; Pocket Combß, 2d; Tooth-Combs, 2d: Square Looking Glasses; 6dV Ov«l Carved dOj. Is_sjargo Packet? ot Violet i»owden 4d; B.W. Soap, 7 oakes for Is; Glass Cream J«^.'M; GlasßSngar Basins, 6d; ■'> Soup Plates, 3d;-Bread,Knives froUedi; 3d and 4d; Bedroom Toilet Seta, 7s 3d; American Broomß,rßd tZiho Bueketa, is; Japanned Slod Pails. 3s 8d: vory Wide Table OilStothfSTpW^iwj ™&* «&olothj_6dL: Striped Jarpot, Js; Handsome China Matting. 8d; Door Mats, Is lid: Hearthrugs, Is lid; nice line of Splash Mate for Washstands, (M. TffiWaM^Caiidlestioks.- id; Pannikins, 'M?, rSptaWlld;%eaßotaM,'BdrSaacepans,-10d1. bottles. Is lid: Billies, 9d; Colanders, Is 8d; 3aklng Tinß, 8d; Meat Tins, 2d to Isi-Han*. 3asinß, lid: Spittoons, is.—AtDampiers Hob-son-street Shop.; ' ■ ' : ' ': , WANTED' KNOWN—Dampier's Grandest Sclllniir Off ie Now On, and the. following are some of tbe prices taken at random:-Berlin Wool, 2d per doz.; Finger,--ing Wool, 2d por skein; Is lOd per head; White Worsted, Jd per head; Ribbons, 2d per yard; Towela, is 8d per doz.; grand Tot of light Dross Material (evening colours), 4Jd per yard; Prints, 2d and Id;. Cream Oatmeal Cloth, 8d; Cretonno, 3^d; White Flannel, 7Jd, Scarlet do, lOJd; Blue go., Is 6d; Bleachod Swansdown. lOd; Carmantos. Ud; Shirting, 44; Light Sateens, 6d: Unbleached Linen, fid; Green Window Holland,' 9d; Coloured Cashmere, 6d; Wincey, 31d; Dress. Muslins, Id; Tweed, 9d; Checked- Wincoy, sd; Victoria Lawn, '2d; Black Caßhmero, Is,ld and Is 6d ;■ Drab Moreon, 6d; Black Lustre, 6d ; Chemises. 2s 2d ; Drawers, Is lid ; Night-dresses, 2a 6d; Japaneso Silks, Is; Slato Silesia, 3d; White do, sd; Diaper, 7d ; Linon do. Is 3d; Brown Holland, 3Jd; Grey Linen, 7Jd ; Towelling, 3d ; Coloured Feathers, Dd; Cotton Ticking; 5Jd; Toilet Covers, lOd and Is 3d; Coraets, Is 3d and Is 7d; Ladlps Bansdes, Id each; Coloured Tableoovefs, 3b lid; La4ies' White Wool Shawls, la 3d; White Mending. 4d por packet; Grenadine', Id per yard; White Quilts. 5s lid; Curtains, 2s lid: Turkey Twill, 4Jd; Coloured Quilts, is lid; Felt Sklrte, Is 3d; Print do., Is 6d; Ladles' Jackets, from Ss Od; Black Capes, from 4s lid: Children's Felt Capes, 6d ; Ladies Plaid Shawls, Is lid; Woolwork Slippers, Js id: Everlasting Trimming,,*Bd per doz.;,Cream and White FrilTintr. 2d per yard: Ladles' Umbrellas, la 2d; Whlte'Tape, 8d per r dbz.. 'Flowers,'2d per bihoh; largo lot. ot Remnants in very ohJ»psXoileV Betoj 8d ; sLadies' Black Lace Gloves, 4d; Clark's 200 yard reels Blaok and White Cotton, 9d per doz.: l,Qoo,gross of DreßS Buttons, Bd per gross; Window Muslin, 2d; Unbleached Sheeting- (2 yards wide), 6d: S6iuch Bleached Bheeiine, 7d: Clark's Crotchet Cotton, 261 skew; Knitting. Cotton, Is 3d; Black Wadding,^ jarosforls 7;Datoask'Tdble Covers;-3s lid:. Infanta' Bibs, 3d; Infants' Bootees, Id ; LaceiicVtaina (soiled), Is 6d;;Laoe Curtain Vallances^'is;. Alpacca Aprons, 2d; Print do., 4d"and,6d!.Chndren,VDreßß.es, Is; Ladies Ties, 4dTaLadlea' Silk Tlesl lOd; Large Scarlet Shawls, Is 6d:'Mehdlng Cotton, !8d %er lb, 2d the 1; CraJftTrimmtng, 6d~per box of 3G yard*; lartelotof Thread'Glovoa, 2d: splendid White .Toilot Sets, sd-j SilkSMits. Is; Embroidered Antimao%ssarsj Iqd; Babies' Sun Hats, 3b; Ladies'WoolTies,ld eatth; ToUot Fringe, 3d; Boys' Tunics, 2a 3d f Black Velveteen,. 2s ; Stay Busks, Id'theuair {.Men's Regatta Shirts, Is 13a; • Met.'? White Shirts, 2s.- 31; Gentsi Btaok aiid Coloared-flowß^3dVv li^?>,^ ¥& mi?si: lingtons, 6d; Washingr; Sdarves/ Id;; Meh s Working Shirts, lid; Men's Books. 2d, 3d, arid Id; Girfi1 Stock^inge' 2Jd/3d. and, 4d: Ladlfca' do., 4d.-and;.sd,- Men's Cardigan; Jackets, 2s; Men's Merino Singlets, Is; Men's Hard Felt Hate, Is. Is 6d; Men's Soft do., Is; Mens Tweed Hats. 1b; Boys' FeltHats,,6d; Mens tßracea, 6d; Men's Sergo Suite, 14b 111; Boys Knicker Suits, 4s 6d and 58 lid: Men'stPaget Coats (tweedl, 8s 6d; Men's Holland" Coats, la lid • Men'S Drill Panla. Is4ld; Men's Dungare do.. 2s 4dr3orß' Belta, 2d; Boys' Braces 4d; Youths' Wnitelloleßkin Trousers, 3s lid tMen's Tweed Trousere, 4a 6d and 6a lid -, Boyß Tweed do., 2s 6d; Men's Serge do., 3s 3d; Mon's Moleskin do.. 4s lid; Ladles' Blaok Straw Hate, fashionable shapes, 4d; Men's Stud Suites, 2d, 3d. sd, and 8d; Fanoy Boap, 6d per doz. cakes, Pomade. 4d pot; B. W. Soap, 9 cakes for la, FBridsfwatSir. is 4ditlie bottle-, Violet Powder. 3d thelarge -riaokct; Brooches, 3d eaqb »Bumme|BuP&S,|ls 4«-?i DUmpJet-aprajlery Shop, wakefleld-B*"* 4 , .

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4521, 25 November 1884, Page 3