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- Meetings. - ■"£ AUCKLAND CHORAL SOCIETY/ 'I'ha Fr.icUcos of Ul9 Society will bo resumed TOMO-u-.i-vv (Tuesday). EVENING, at 1M 'TheMasi3li"istho work in rehearsal. " * ?i MILLIGAN HOGG. Hen Beo.'/; T UMi'KKS' UNION.-The balf-yte^ JU-3eat?ra.! Meeting will be held in the Tempos »■. 0 Hsl: T. •MOKUOW (Tues-lay) BVENINO, > at .,.:s) o'clock. All inerobors are requested to; attund.-J. WHEATUN, See. £gj TjiDEN LODGE, No. 1,330, E;C:f The Regular Monthly Meeting will be held in 3 the Lodge-room, Maaonio Hall, Karangahapa' Road, TO-MOKKOW (Tuesday) EVENING, at* 7 o'clock precisely. Visiting Brethren are Jn-t nted to attend. By command of the W.M. '5 JOSEPH WARREN. P.M.. Socretary. A/ T 0.L., No. 2. - The R.A.P; ' Ipfflfe JLJ« Moetine of this Ledge is POST-.; j«aB%)PONED till WEDNESDAY, December ®iM$(3, Visit irs cordially nvit d>: '^jE^Hy order of W.iVl.-J. OAKNMUN,. Sec. ■ ■■■ \ OLD CALEDONIAN GOLD-MINING" COMPANY (LIMITED). " :* NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of Share-, loldcrs will bo held at the offlco of the Com- .- >auy. New Zealand Insurance Buildings. Q'jetn itreot, on SATURDAY, the 29 h Sovcmber, ■ .881. at noon. jAg BTODATITj Secrt tar»X" : Auckland, 22nd November, 1881. ,j , E\V~ZEALAND IRON AND STEEL: - COMPANY (LIMITED). ;■'■ Tho First Annual General Meeting of Share:' % loldors in this Company will to held at the Company's offlco. Fort street, on FRIDAY", ■-■ "Toverobor 23, at half-past 2 o'olocK pm. - ;■■& Business: To receive tho Direcorj' Itcport-J md Balance sheet, elect Directors, appoint iluditon. and trnnsact quch cthor businoaa aB nay be brought forward. '~'■'■ A JAMES MACFARLAND. ■:■. . 'ceorotairr ?6rt-street,Auckland. ' ;'-.;,s November 20,1551. ' I VTEW ZEALAND LAND MORT- :4 GAGE COMPANY (LIMITED). v j Noticolß hereby Rivoa that the First Ordin- : iry General Meeting of the Colonial Sharoaolders of the above Company willjbe'held at '■ :he Head Office for the Colony, New Zealand Insurance Company's Buildings, Queen-street *' Auckland, on TUESDAY, 9th December^ at',; wo o'clock in the afternoon, for . the .pur. ' lose of electing Directors, one-third of whom •etire, inaccordance with the Articles of AssoIfatlorii but arb eligible for re-election,- and for my other business that may bo brought before ~ ha Meeting. . v ' JAMES BUTTLE, ,*-,:. •;.'■■'- >.■'■■,,',:"-'.■■ .. "J Seorotary. ■■■_ ■: Ecclesiastical. ;■>-r ''-,■,:■ \ DARNELL "VVESLEYAN CHURCH, On TUESDAY^ 25tb. the l 7l UWUAt, TEA AND PUBLIC MEETING. heW. Tea at 6.80. Tickets,!? 6c». .-* The chair will be taken by Mr Riohard Arthur. . Addresses will ha delivered by Revs. T. ft. -■"• )arr.J. ,8. Hill, W. G. Paraonson, 8. Griffith, , indMrE.O.Carr. ■ * - ! ,>; Sacred Selections by the Choir. ■ -■-. ■ Collections in aid of Trust Fund. ■ < rTNITED METHODIST FREE i" U CHURCH, ; PITT AND yiNCEST BTBEETB.. ';'<% CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE^,, : : . :'■;' SUNDAY, NOVEMBER-SSi-'^l' '1 iforning at 11—Itev. Thos. Adam's. . "■ Evening at 6.30. Rev. S. Macfarlanew • ■ .''. ' ■ ANNUAL SOIREte. ;i. ' ■ : TUESDAY^ NOVEMBER 25. • Tea on the Tables at 6.30 p.nij' "^ TICKETS^....,Is"Op EA'CR PUBLIC MEETING IN THE CHORCH AT 7.30, > '". , 'obe Addressed by Revs. J.'Robertson, M.A., W. E. Rice, and W;& Potter. '« ■i .Rsv.S, Macparlane in the Chair. MUSICAL' SiELECTIOSS BY ' TITE' dHOIK. Drapery. PI HE AP' CASH ■■: SALE MIttINBRY; AND FANCY GOODS. ': , DUNIsE,."HALL '"&'.: <&>'UiMm ■ ire now Offering the "Whole of their W»tl .! i; j :.-. - iselected Stock of : ?RIMMED AND UJfTRIMMEO HA!tB "BONNETS : SffiKS .■•■■;. ■■ - ~--. .'v- ■■ !;f| &ATINS -RIBBONS : ■' laces" ;. - ; ;'■""' ■'":■]]. ■'.'.?"'"■ ' GLOVES • r A HOSIERY - UNDERCLOTHNO DRESS MATERIALS *' 3f COSTUMES, ; , % Sec, Sco, ■- '■■ AT AND UNDER COST. THIS IS; A GENUINB- SALE, U we are GIVING UP BUSINESS, and tetena turning our Stock into money as soon as ■' '■'• ' posslble,by : '■~'-(": ■;: jelling off regardless op cost. wnne,. hall & c 0.," ' • _..._.;''; queen-street; '. ' Opposite MoAbthcr's \VakehqCse. JW. i SHACKELFO R Dy Having taken one of the NEW SHOPS just Iluiahed in VICTOKIA-STttKKT, above' Albertrstreet.haß: ■ , ■ „ . ~ OP ,E N E. J>, . WITH A , CAREFULLY SKLECTSID STOfeK }ENTLEMEN!S HATS, ■ SHIRTS, ■ - - - • , _ ■■'■;;' i;TiEs r vil;l-:.- ":' :■ Sainjf confident that after long experience v ; London and Colonial Wholesale and Re&tl' houses of businesa.byavoldinKthe ex-"'' cessive expenses of Queen-street, AND SELLING FOR CASH.ONLY, He will be able to SEIi ATPBICES THAT CANNOT BB lEATES, And fearlessly invites inspection and compari3oa of prices and quality withany other /1.- i - house in or near Auckland. > ;: ■ j Note the address— , ; •:.-■,■■,■, ■■ , ■j'^^tti^. 80,' VIC-TORIA-STEEE^. (5 floors above Albort-etrcet). , . . ' :f Aacttons. • t; '[ tO^MORROW. BANANAS ! BANANAS r. j ; tW, DOWDEN. f' WILL Eell by auction at the Exchange.. Mart to morrow (Friday), at 11 o'clock, ' ■ 100 BUNCHES BANANAS. | | W. 8. OOOHRANBI [XAS. DAOHM - i: TO-MORROW. CHRONOGRAPH STOP WATCfff No Resebtb. mHB Subscribers will sell -*y ; miotloa atj JL their RooTis.,Q«ieen-Btreeti '■-'wmonow . /i'uesaa> >, at 12 adook, " - ; ;" I CHEIONOGkAPfI STOP WATCH, in firstclass order. . ,- '"vriTHbiJT Reserve.1 - SAMUEL COGBRAN^ & SON, AnctjoneeHC . .. - ::* WILLIAM VAU.B] * tJbillf RIPPON V%tß OurNe^Cgrm^ions^ , Opposite the Savings Bank, Queen-street, is oonk,-. thisdayfortho Sale of all kinds ol Merchandise, Pioduoe, Houses, Lands, Sw., &o, : .', W. & J, R. VAILIi WILL SELL by pnblic auctionj on Friday next, 28th in&tant, , _-~ ' A- QUANTITY OF BUPEaSmRv' FURNITURE. PIANOS, BAG ATRLSJ3tS< TABLKS, Handsome Framed .Pictures,--InjiiSt Bedsteads, Spring MattrasEC3, PalliasseßtChft-f f oniers, Austrian Bent-wood Arm Chairs, Wardrobes, Children's Chairs, Perambulators, fee, ■ . ■. ■ yor further parttonlttrssee ftiture ad VBrtiso» - ■ * mCBt. ' . * *^i ;' BciUße£!'l'WU a *'"Farina,'Alloiihents,Fop^^teAffOPt.**. * * * i.'^j

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XXVI, Issue 4520, 24 November 1884, Page 3