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To Let mO LET, 2 Large, Unfurnished Rooms; JL (iroplace, clean and lofty; children objected to; Bee paper in window. — Uuko-stroct, off Pitt-stroct. TO LET, a Four-roomed Cottage, Willow-street. — Apply to Mrs Quinn, Upper Nelson-street, or \V. K. Peet, Grocer, Wellington-street. TO LET, a convenient 4-roomed Cottage, with scullery, in East-street, Newton.—J. H. Hamer, Land Agent, Newton. 0 LET, in Parnell, a beautiful 9-rooraed House, quite new.—Apply W. and J. Frater, Land Agents, 97, Queen-street, N.Z. Insurance Buildings. TO LET, Two Large Unfurnished Rooms and use of kitchen, fireplace, and gas in each room. Soo card in the window, College Road, near Freeman's Bay. O LET, a Shop and Dwelling-house, top of Pitt-street.—Apply Mrs Taylor, corner of Pitt and Beresford streets. TO LET, Shop and Dwelling, Karangahape Road, with or without stock, or will let shop alone.—H. Partington, Stichbury's Buildings. TO LET, Large Premises, well adapted for manufactory, or would make good stables; to bo let cheap.—ll. Partington, SticliImry's Buildings. TO LET, good dry Cellar and Yard ; moderate ront if taken for a term.—W. V. Stovons, High-street Chambers. TO LET, Fwe-room House, Mary-street, Mount Eden.—Apply Mr Chambers, on tho premisos. O LET, a Furnished House of 12 Rooms in Upper Queen-street.—Apply G. W. Binney. Queen street. TO LET, Furnished Bedroom and Sitting Room, with use of kitchen.—Apply Mrs Pearco, Nicholson Cottage, Pitt-street (top of Grey-street). TO LET, Shops, with three apartments, corner of Wcllosley and Elllott-streots. Rent, 258 per week.—For particulars apply to J. and G. Buchanan, Wellesloy-strcet East. O LET, in Newton Road, a Bachelor's Houso in good ordor; 3 rooms, water, &c. ; rent, os.—Apply Mr Nicholas Simms, opposite. TO LET, a Grocery Store in a leading thoroughfare in a fast - rising suburb; rent modorato. A good chanco for an energetic man.—Apply immediately to George Slbbin, Auctioneer, Queen-street. TIIO LET, thoHO first-class Business PreI niiflofi situated in Queen-street, immediately opposite Messrs Morrln and Co., at present occupied byMessis Cochrane and Co., Auctioneers. This is a grand opportunity to secure a first-class Business Stand, and very suitable for an auctioneer. Will be vacant aljout tho 28th inst.—For full particulars apply to D. F. Evans, Land and Estate Agent, Quocnstrcet. \ PARTMENTS to Let-A large Bed _c\. and Sitting-room; furnished.—Apply to Mrs Williams, Green-street, noar Convent, Ponsonby, TTIURNJSHED Cottage to Let,—Apply to J Mr Edwards. Grocor, Nowton Road. OFFICES TO BE I,ET, at from 5s to 15s, in City Chambers, corner High-streot and Vulcan Lano; hivatorios and conveniences.— Apply to J. M. Macdonald, Houso and Estato Agent ShorOftiid-stroet, Meetings. X\ T T ODGE ST. ANDREW, 418, S.C. Monthly Mooting on MONDAY Next. November 26, Freemasons' Hall, 7 p.m. All Masons are invited. K. WRIGHT, Secretary. Z^OURT EUREKA, No. 0171, A.O.F. A full Mooting of Mombors of above Court Is .Summoned for MONDAY EVENING NEXT, November 28, 188:1, at 7.30 P.m., at the Courtroom, AloJtundra- stroet. Biulness-Nomlna-Uon of Officers. " ■ E. FATNESS, Secretary. m 0 BOOTUA 1C ER S. The Hngular Meeting of tho Bootmakers' Union will be held at the Working Men's Club on MONDAY, Novembor2o. Buslnoss of importance. CVi\ JAMES'S MUTUAL IMPROVEn MKNT ASSOCIATION. The Annual Meeting of members will bo held In Robson's Commercial-rooms on MONDAY nuxt. With instant, at 7.30 p.m. Full attendance requested. W. J. GEDDIS, Hon. Sec. DUB LI C NOTICE. A Meeting Will bo hold at tho Chamber of Conimerco on TUESDAY, Novoinbor 27. at 3.30 o'clock, to initiate steps forgiving a Public Recognition of tho sorv'cos of His Worship tho Mayor, on his retiring from olUce. JAMES STODART. Acting Secretary. Auckland, November. 23,1883.' rTIHE COROMANDEL STEAMBOAT X COMPANY (LIMITED). The Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Olllco of tho Company. Coromandcl, on Deeonlber 3rd pros.', at 7 p.m; Business: To rcceivo Balance - sheet and Directors' Report; to Elect Director and Auditor. By order. A. R. H. SWINDLEY, Manager. Public Notices. "VT OTIC E.~To Morphants.— Secure 11 Cargo, Brlgantine Dulianco loading at Oanmru for Auckland. IMPOUNDED in the Mount Eden Public Pound on November 22nd, 1883, by the Hunger :-Ono Yellow (tigcd) Cow, with strap round neck and horns curved downward, brand on right rump; QrtQ Red Cow, with strap round nock and pleco On* horn; Ono Yellow Cow, with strap round nock, brand qn loft side : One Red ai)d'Wlijt(i Hoffe*, with strap round neck; Oi)eStcawb,eity Hetfer. strap ttfljiul lio-k; Two.white Calves, Ono Strawberry Hoifor; One Bert Calf, with star on forehead. If not claimed beforo the sth day of Docembcr, will be sold at 12 noon to defray expenses.—A. Crockett, Poundkeepcr. t IMPOUNDED, on the 14th November, 18S3, hv H. M. Mortpv, ONE RKD AND WHITE COW, for trespassing. In default of being released, tho abovo Cow will bo sold at tho Public Pound, at Devonport, on tho 27th duy of November, 1883. at noon. WILLIAM FINCH, Pqundkcep^E of iho Devonport nUtdot Pound. NqvcinbcK If, 1883. AUCKLAND GARDENERS' HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Tho Primps obtained at tho Spring Show can bo had on 'application to A. Altfceri,' Esq., at tho ofllcoof Messrs Heskcth and Altken, Durhamstreet, until 14 days from tills dato. P.. SMALLFIELD, Hon. Sec. AUCKLAND GARDENERS' HORTL CULTURAL SOCIETY. ' Tho Al'tnmn Show wi}l bo hold in MARCH noxt, on a date to bo advertised. A Schedule of Prizes is now in oqursc q{ pfepftf4C|on, and will bo shortly issued, P. SMALLFIELD, Ron, Sec. pHALLENG E. I horoby Challongo to Run SAM. GOODMAN One Mile from Scratch, for Ton Pounds (£10) and upwards. GEORGE CUTLER. "OOROUGH OF PARNELL. UNPAID RATES. Notlco U hereby given that alj Rate; (General, Water, and Drainage) now duo. must, in order to moot tho current expenses of tho respective accounts, be paid forthwith, otherwise legal proceedings wi)l be taken fpr thpir recovery. P. REYNOLDS, "foivn Clprk. 21th Novombor, 1883. ■vr o t- i c c. "^ JfQUNT ERKN HIGHWAY DISTRICT. Tho District Board has resolved to. suppress tho nulsanco caused byhqrses and cows being depastured and allowed to wander on tho roads and unenclosed property in the district. And notice is hereby given that Legal Proceedings will bo token against the owners of any such animals, whether impounded or not JOSEPH POTTER, Chairman Mount Eden District Board. November 21/}BB3. " ■ THE WONDERLAND OS1 NEW ZEALAND.' ROTOMAHANA AND~ THE HOT LAKES. Tourists visiting tho abpvp district will do well to call Qn Mr Henshaw, agent, who, having resided at Qhinpniutu for many years, and engaged in the various branches flf the Tourist Business, may bo depended on to givq tho most reliable li)forniafiqn as, to-rpu^o, expenses, &c. He will supply thkq'uqh tjokjsts at a fixed rate, including transit by'stpftinci;, cpach, boating, and' aoppmmpdfttfoii' % t]io tjireo best hotols in tho district, via., tho Star Hotel at Tauranga; tho Palaoo Hotel at Ohinomutu; and the Kotomahana Hotsl, Walroa, tho starting point for tho Terraocs: and, if desired, may includo a trip to Taupo, Wairaakl, Huka Falls, Crow's Nest, &c. The newest guide to .the Lakes by a man constantly in hot water, together with all information, suppliod gratis by W. HENSHAW, Agent. Mercantile Chambers, noxt Bank of Now Zealand, Qucen-stroot, Auckland. Telegrams promptly attended to. "YT o t i c c I havo just received from Rotherham's Watch Factory 24 Gonta' BEST QUALITY SILVER ENGLISH HUNTING. 'WATCHES, six holes jewoltod. Those Watches, mado to my own order, aro ostrahoayy cased, and boar on oval plato F. H. Lowissan. Each Watch is accompanied with a guarautco for two years, Pi'ioe, £0. _ — F. H. LEWISSON, Quken-strwst (Qpposito Union Bank). XTEW ZEALAND FROZEN MEAT AND STORAaE CQMPANY (LIMITEP), I^ATE FISH.ER S 00, (LIMITED), NOTICE. For al| Oaah or Mpnoys paid to the Servants or dfllcoyß pf Dip Oonipany after tho 30th Novojnboi! noxt, a Ilouoipt on tho Ooinpany's Printed Fovms must be taUon, as Ihose Rooelpta alono will be recognised, By order •{ the Board. J, C, FJRTH, Chairman,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 3