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EcclesiasticaL YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Corner of Wellesley and Albert - streets.—Meeting for Uiiitod Prayer THIS (Saturday) EVENING, at 7.30. A Bible Reading will be given. Friends aro cordially invited. A Biblo Class for Men every Sunday afternoon, from 3 till 4. T. PAUL'S CHURCH.—S,, Holy Communion; II a.m., Morning Prayer, Litany, and Sermon, by Rev. Thistle: (U.O p.m., Evening Prayer and Sermon, by the Rev. G. H. S. Walpole, M.A. QUESTIONS OF THE DAY, S. MATTHEW'S CHURCH. THREE DISCOURSES (AS UNDER) BY THE BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH, Will be delivered in St. Matthew's Church on SUNDAY EVENING. November 25th (0.30 p.m.) 111. CHRISTIANITY AND FAITH. 4^T. THOMAS'S CHURCH. — Morning Kj| Prayer, 11 a.m.; Evensong. 6,30 p.m.; Cutechizing and Flower Service 3 p.m. Rev. Lloyd Keating, Curate, in charge. ENDERSON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-The Rev. J. S. Boyd will pleach on Sabbath at 2 o'clock p.m. . MORNINGSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-The Rev. It. Sommervllle will preach in tho School-room on Sabbath at 2.30 p.m. ST. DAVID'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Symonds-strcct.—Rev. T. McKcnzie Fraser. MA., Morning at 11. Evening at 0.30, Lecturo: "David—His Foreign Wars and Conquests. A GAELIC SERVICE will be conducted .i\- To-morrow at 2.30 p.m at Mr McLcod's house, William-street. A. McLean will oHlciate. ITT-STREET WESLEYAN CHURCH. — Morning at 11, Roy. Mr Bull on " Young Men for tho Times." Evening at 0.30. Rev. Mr Hammond. ST. JOHN'S WESLEYAN CHURCH, Ponsonby. — Morning at 11. Roy. J. T. Pinfold ; Evening at 0.30, Rev. W. Gittos. PARNELL WESLEYAN CHURCH.— Morning at 11, Roy. J. Aberncthy: Evening at 6.30, Rev. 11. It. Dewsbury. DEVONPOR'T WESLEYAN CHURCH. —Morning at 11. Rev. Mr Griflln: Evoning at 6.30, Itev. 11. Bull, of Thames, on "Luther and the Protestant Reformation." • A RCH HILL WESLEYAN CHURCH. .jt\. —Morning Service at 11 o'clock. Rev. Mr Brookes; Evening at (1.30 o'clock, Rev. Mr Pinfold; ONEHUNGA WESLEYAN CHURCH. —Anniversary Services TO-MORROW (Sunday, November 25) of tho Sunday-school in connection with tho abovo Church. Morning, 11, Roy. W, Olivor; Evening, fi.3o. Rev.-T. G. Carr, iHONGREGATIONAL SERVICES. BERESFORD-STREET {»*} j^S^in.' MOUNT EDEN-0.30. Mr W. Kcrr. NEWTON—B, ETangolistio service • Key. J. Robiu-Mon delivers his Second Lecturo on Martin Luther at tho Evening Servico. ELSH SERVICE.—The Rer. R. J. Roberts will preach at tho Rooms of tho V.M.C, Association to-morrow (November 2>). at 6.30 p.m. \*7ELLESLEY-STREET BAPTIST T T CHURCH.-Sunday. Novomber 18.Pastor T. Anson Cato will preach in tho Chapel at II a.m., and in tho Choral. Hall at 0.15 p.m. PONSONBY BAPTIST CHURCH.— Tho Roy. Ohas. Carter will conduct Divine Hen-ice at 11 a.m.andU.ROp.lll. Evening Subject: ''The Adaiulc Death Penalty Superseded." ' MOUNT EDEN BAPTIST CHAPEL. Sunday, VSth November, Pastor D. Whytock will preach Morning and Evening. ITIUANKLIN ROAD PRIMITIVE J? METHODIST CHURCH.-Sorvlccs on Sunday next.' Morning at 11, Mr J. Geary; livening at 6.:0, Rev. J. Guy. PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCHES. SERVICES TOMORROW as follows :- ALKXANPRA-STRKKT— Morning at II—)lpv. Ed'vranl Rarbpr. Afternoon at 8-Kpv. W. J. Watkln. KvonliiKat (1.45-hov. W. C. Ollror. PITT AND EDWINSTUKCTSAflornoon at 3—Mr G, Turloy, Evening at o,3o—Mr W. Thompson. NEWMAHICET (ANNIVKIWAItY»Morniug at 11—Mr Horaloy. Afternoon at 3— ltov. G. It. Munro. Evening at B.3o—Mr Horaloy. '. "•' UNITED MBIH 0 UIST Fll B E CHUUCHKS. PITT AND VINCRNT-BTRKKTS-Mornlngat 11. Itev. S. Macfurlane. Evening at U. 30, Mr J. M. French. MOUNT EDENKvcnlng at 6.30. Roy. S. Macfarlanei BBOTT'S OPERA HOUSE.—Geo. A. Brown will Lecture on Sunday night at lU.i. Subject: "Heroand Hereafter." Morning Venice at Temperance Hall. "\TE\V CHURCH SERVICES.—HeId Xi at the Commercial Club-room, ovor Rattray's. Queonstreot. Morninir at 11 o'clock. Subject: "The Sceptical Krain Man's Life -His Responsibility for Unbelief." ' THEATRE ROYAL.-SUNDAY KVENING SERVICES, >indor UlO conduct of the Young Men's Christian Association, on Sunday Evening, from 8 to 9. All arc invited. Seats free: _pUIKISTADELPIIIANS moot in the \_y Newton Hall for fellowship at II a.lll. Bible Class, at 6.30 p 111., to which the interested are cordially invited. HOSPITAL LAWN SERVICES will be conducted by Roys. Dollow and Aberncthy. owing to the unavoidable absence of Rev. A. Rom. Friends aro earnestly invited to nin tbu (;hojr and bring Sankoy and Moody's latest odltlon. Z T OVAL ORANGE 5C{ s*U JLJ INSTITUTION. «rJtVj» 81-o. tho Rev. 11. Bi)ll, (UfiSLvia D.G.C. will prAchin JjuSlsU.n "io Wosloynn Church, xvW™Wjf^v Devonport, To-mokkow ML^BT 7 \ "subject: "Lutherand JMi^r'TSr the Protestant RefonnaT»_»^fflWbc Tho Mombprs of thp Devonport L. O. Ij. will bo nlcuscd'to soo as many of tho brethren town as can conveniently attend in Regalia. Boat loaves town at 0 p.m.. and returns at 8,1.". No. 33 will assoiifblc un wharf at 0.15 to meet town brethren. By ordor W,W. PITT-STREET WKSL.EYAN CHURCH, E VANQ EUS 7™ .SERVJCE. MONDAY BVBNifka, AT 7,30. Addresses will be glvon by Ministers al|ond|ng tho District Mooting. ■parnell wesleyan church. annivers"ary~services. SUNDAY, N~o"vEMPPR 25. Moiininq ; REV. J. ABERNETHY. EVBJf ISO i REV, W. G, PARSONSON, "VTEW NORTH ROAD UCINGSLAND) J3I WESLEYAN SUNDAY-SCIIOOL Tho ANNIVERSARY SERVICES in cpnnoc tion with tho above will bo held TOMORROW (SUNDAY), NOVEMBER 25. Rev. W. S. Potter will proach In the Morning, at 11 o'clock Mb T. W. Nkwbold in tho Afternoon, at 3 o'clock Rev. A. Reid in tho Eyoninft, at 6.30 o'clock '■' On TUESDAY NEXT, Novombor 27. tho ANNUAL SOIREE will tako placo. Toa on tho tables at 6.30. A Public Mooting will bo held afterwards, whon Addresses will do doliv: ered by Ministers and Friends. Tickets, Is Cd each. ■ Tenders. -vr .o1 T 1 0 rp| Tondors nro invited for a Loasb for a torni of Fourteon Yoars, from Ist January, 1884, for tho undermentioned Parcels of Land, situato at Onehunga, being and forming part of Lot U, Section 20, knqwn as tho Natlvo Hostelry Roserve, viz.:—' SUB-SECTIONS ?, f, 7, % l|, H, and 12. A plan of the Land can be scon and conditions and forms of tendor obtained on application to Mr Thomas Macffiirlanc, Supremo Court Buildings, Auckland. Tho highest or any tender not npcpssarlly accepted. Separate Scaled Tenders addressed to the Public Trustee, niarked l'T|bndor fox Part of Nativo Hqstplyy Rpsoryp. pnphungft/ stftting number of spb-spcl am qfUu,wl loy, VYI" bp recoivod by.Mr Thoniiis Macffurlapoupto noon of SATURDAY, S!7th instant, (Signed) R. C. HAMERTON, Public Trustee. Pfiblic Trust Office, VydljiqgfQl), 6th Novfimber, lgSfc TJ\ X' TE N g £O_^ 0 f Tig E. Time for recolving tenders for- House in Parnell oStondod until noon on TUESDAY, 26th instant, 1883. ! CHARLES ARNOLD, Arclilfe'ot. Fisher's Buildings. mO BRICKLAYERS. Tenders will bo recoivod until noon of TUESDAY, November 27, for tho Erection of Two Brick Shops (labour only). Plans and specifications can 60 Been by applying to HY. PITTS, ' Builder, Dcvqnport. mo p y__i^ l' V c R sTenders will bo received until Noon of TUESDAY, the 27th Inst,, for Carpenters' and Joinors Work, and Painting of a Concroto Residonce on tho Kyber Pass Road. Plans, &c, at No. 8, South British Building, r«m ,«. , EDMUND BELL, Architect frTo b v 1 l pc rs" AHcrnativo Tenders for JJrjiik or Concrelo will be received until Noon pf TJSUUSpAY, tlic 18th Daouinber, for tho Eroctioh of tho Auckland Baptist Tabernaclp on tl)0 Corner of Upper Quoen;street and Karangahapo Road. Plans", ftc., at No. 8, South British Chambers, ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ A-rchltflct, npßNDEHS"Waiitpd for Building Two X Double Chimneys in Edon Vale Road; also, for Brick and Slate Work at new house in Upper Sympnds-stpeot (npjft Harvic's Coach Factory), up to 28th Novonibor, at noon,—Apply on tho jobs, to A. A, Stephonson,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXI, Issue 4193, 24 November 1883, Page 3