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Personal. i F tho Boy who ran away from home on I Tuesday, the 12th, will return, all will bo forgiven _. lir John Thomas Young, who arrived per sWp Glcnlora, about 1870, will communicate wiQi X., Stab Office, ho will hear of something to hifl advantage. To Let, fO LET, Foitt-roomed Hou=o In Wei- " H;gton-B^reet; water laid on.—Apply Air WlghtmeD.Ed'fei C'escent. T(J LET, Two New Shops near corner of Abororombio and Symonds-street; gas and water 1 .i i on — 4 nplr P. Votfghon, care of D. P. Orcn&rd. 18, Now Zealand Insurance Hnratngg, r*lU l/ET, a well-iiniahed _1 Cottage, at Norfolk-street, PonFoaby.— Apply to WilllU'n Roafer, Cjiquest Pliop, farnelf; rfH> LET, a fSix-roomed House, City 3 water and gas laid on, ten minutes from post oftkse.—Apply Star OMce. 'fO LST, in Parncll, flood 7 roomed f House; low rent to a good tenant.—W. and J. ffrater, Queon-street. LET, Vliia ite»idences ut xsuuand I Road, Conquest Placs, P»rnoll; booutKul view oC tliu harbour.—Apply to WlUiam Reader, Uuilder. s~O~LET, at Ko<eb»uk. Noith Shore, a I Five-roomed Cottage; also, a New House, 10 Rooms, largo Concreto Tank.—Apply Tho3. J. Harbutt, Rosebanlt, North Shore. fpo LEr, a oomfortable H»uoe in AngleP sea stroat, oontaining C rooms, with gas and water laid on, and kitohen range.—A.pi>ly to J. M. and J. Mowbray, Land agents, i 2, Qascn-t-eot. ?pO LET, or leaec, Three lafge New I Saopß VloKiria-stroet, vas »nd water laid on, long loasß given 10 mliablrt tonun*.—H.. Partlng.on, Laid and Eitato A[;ant, Qaeunyreet. 'fI\OLET, a Cottage, in t-obaon-s.rect. B. —M, Foley, Grocer, Hobaon-Btreet. ■'f (JTC'IJTrCoIIcRO Road (Lester VilU).— i Handsomo Villa Roaidonoo of 8 Rooms, Btablo, Coaoh-houso, &c. Evory possible accommodation. All in first-class order. —D. F. Evans, Eatato Agent, Quecn-stroot, next to Horala Ollicu. fFO LET (Furnished), a comfortable i family Residence la tlio ibe widest part of Qrafcon lioid overlwklosr tbe Domain,— For addrces apply Sctß Ofllao. rpul^ttT, a NiiH'-ioomcd Kouse, corner 1 of Ilussoll and Tole-streots; also a Fourroomed Cottase in Dublin-streot.—Apply to W. Daw, Tolc-gtreet, Ponsonby. nrO LKT (Paruoll)-A Gontleman's Re.i----1 donee, containlcg 8 rooms; miucniaoent view of heibour; ojUbblvb gardens and pleasure groands. To bo Ist furulshed for a teimoXSmoflths.—l), r. Kv»nf. ifslate Agent, Qnoen-Btreot (next ' H.rald' offloo). /|:O LET, in Richuionrt, thirty miuutcs, 1 walk from Queen-street, a 3-roonied Cot tagc with storo attaohed, a good woll of spnn - water, 3 acres of ground all under crop, a goog orchard bearing heavy.—Apply Aurora Hotel.d fp O L iS T. O'NKILIj-S'rBKICT, Ponsonby—A Nioe Hoase G rooms: 13s par weelr. , CLARENCK-iiRKKT, Ponsonby — 1-roomod 1 <otcano; 1U per week, rONsONUY TBRRACK 5 roamed Houeo. gaa and water; 11b per week. M 4RY-3TRiCICT, Mount Kdon—6 room% washlionan. feo. ; Hi por wo?k. GKaFTON KOAD-lfnriuUhod Home ot 10 WYNDHiM-BTRKKT- Cominodloas JEublnc; B l'rami.o3, D. F. EVANS, ESTATE AGENT, QUEEN-STREET^ Auotlund. 1 /IURiNKR CiUEDN «ND SHORT\J LAND-at'! ESTA To Lot or Sol!, tho bftlonon of my Lo*po of Offljobr Shop, oornor ot Qaeen aad ahorllaadstieota R. C. GKK3KWOOD. S'OMKRCHANTS AND DAIRYMEN, 9 To Let, a Farm at Mount Albert, 31 acres good volcanic soil; good homestead.—Apply to V. Lindsay, care of Mr Pittgott, Insuranco suildings. FFICE 70 U.T.—Apply at G.N.L.A. Koomn, Qncoa-Buexf. EvONPOkT, nOiiTE SUORn.To Lot or fur Sale, a 6 roomed Ootiaue, now, In h good position.— Apply K. & R. Dudor, inuf 0 find 'u&nd AK«nt?, . ODS^ES^TO LET, furnished and un-fumUhed.-Apyly R. & R. Uudor.Ueuso Agents. Devrniiort aKER'S fRKMJSKS XO tIST.—An Old B<tabll«h<id Bakury, of 19 yo»r« etendln« an>l bni'ineis promises, sltaato* la Viat»>l* treat; »yen »o»vly re-btillt and wator laid on, 'rrtitolan:i opening.—Apply to Mr Stevonaor, <i,U.oi>'titrmit, oorno of Uaicer-Jtrto'. For Sa'e. »-'OR SALK, a llandsome Villa Resi. I iuui'o, with 73 toot of ground, tiiuated in Grufton ttoad, HO loac Irum ICjbor 1'e.83, containing G roaaw, boildoa a wmhtxausa llitod with ovory coavenldmce; gas laid o^.—Apply ou prcml»<p. jj OII^ALE, a Country Stor» and Dwclr H«R-houßo —App'y 10 UD. Nuhan & Co., Shortland-nreot. OLEASURK BOATS.-For Sale, 1 15ft XT Boat (now) nud 1 13(c Boat (iow), vo 7 ofrcan.—Apply Jamoa i:larß, Cunoahaneo-st, We?f. I putt H.ALK OK TO LET, two Good a. Verandah Cottages, Ponsonby Road west 6 rooms oaoh; gas and wator laid on; Allot mouts 33 x 100, well foncod, &c. £450 oach, or £SSO tho two; or to Let at 14s each per week.— For further particulars apply Wra. Gulliver, Estate Agent,J^onsonby. «I>OK IMMKDIATE SALE, on very .C o»fy tormn, ?0 Acres ffixoellent L»nd, all In Kia'ii: occh«rd 10 y»ar» old, well wsttrod ; houio, cbod. tnd all buildings; eohool aad railway station near t,t r. and.—Apply toT. Blu k, I^.kKton Farm. ?uakau. or to *\ J, Mon and Co., Lnn« Apo'ita, A'loKlard. _ tS^OK S\LE. William-slrcot, Pretty T Verandah Cottage of 5 rooms and kitchen; register grate, Hall's patent oven, &c; nice gardon and splondid view. Price, only £350.— J. F. Kvans, Estato Agent, Queon-street (noxt ' Herald "office). I/iUIFsTLE, Uurleigh-strcot, eff Kyber C Pass, New Five-roomed Verandah Cottago; gas laid in; two tanks; nice garden, well cultivated; easy terms—D. F. Kvans, kstato Agent, Queen-street, nest" Herald " Olllce. 637 HJ'OK IMMEDIATE SALE, very desir. ]D able Villa Kpslaenoa ana nooa oorner Allotment, 50 x iro, hituaca nea- All Siitnts" Church, bolug oornor of Ponfoiby Terrace and Bay»rrt-stroot; tho House Is almost new, oontnins 11 vu roms all In good'order, and Is fitted with cniib}atd<i, register grate, gap, oven, oto.; wood-shei', wach hooss, fowl-house, oto I have po-ltlvo lnßtruotlnns to pell, as the owner is laavlng for Auckland.-D. ff. Kvaris, Eitate Anont, noxt " HeraKl," Queen-street. No. 618 DAIULANDS, T^TORTHCOTB. NHVIffR BKFORK OfFKRKD TO THB PUBLIC. This flno Piorcrty, situated ?J mllea from tho new wtarr, Northooto. which haa beon subdivided rnto 23 largo Bootloos Of from 1 to 41 aocee in extent, la now open for Balo at vory law prices, and on vory cosy terms. A number of t^o eentlons am broug 11 i nto cultivation and command extensive views of Rnngitoto and tho Ltvkc. As Investments, perhaps, it would be difllcult to flnd moro eliglbla onf s, r.n tho nistrlo'. Is rust rislna; in pnb'io estimation, asd within a short period it mini become a popular marine auburb, and a largo Increaso in values will take place, more e'peolaliy as regnlar ami cheap steam communication is being establlshcri. This is n Grand opportunity for ueourlng a few aorea of linrt in a rising locality whero proncrty has not mado its advanoa. Iho IAftQK NKW HOUSE with over an acra of garden, may ho bouiihc (or £250 and tho allotments a', from £20 to £50 por nore no agreed upon. Tho Property, which 1b eituatad on tbe main North Road, Is well worth viewing. A largo Plan may now ba seen, eni fnrtior particular.! obtained, at tbe nffloo of J. R. KANOKRBON, Land Agont 5, N.Z. Ir.aurftnco Hnlldinos. STRIPKD MUSLIN, 5d io 6Jd; Wide \.ioo. 2i ani 31; Trimmei Hate, from Is 9d ; U dero;othioß and Bta>B very* oheap.—Sirs Whltehoßd, M'lllner, Newton. »/ OR immediate Sala, a 9-roomed House &~ with batnroom, coaoh houto, stable and mnn'ii hicsa. tojLther w.tU 6i acres splendin land, tl in thoronßh cultivation itnrt laid out in garden, orchard, m>d grass: Bitnace at,tho Lake, four mllos from Davonpcrt Wbart. oomro«n J.-Innexten-ivo via" d ot tho sea, us we'l »s cf the Like Prloo very low. Maybe nurchaoed alone, or with ?•} a-ras «rnnd land adjoining, well lm-' proved, ar.d faolng tho Lake, iho tiholu propo fey h-.a oharms «rti'cri cannot ba aurpasied, and naof's only tn be ipen to 00 appreciated. MMEDUTBP S-ESollNWlll bO giver. MOST BE SoiD FORTHWITH.—A.rpIyJ.K. RA.ND»RaoN, Land Agenr., f. N.Z. Insurance Buildings Board ana Kesiaence. OLD CLUB PRIVATE BOARDSG HOUSE. Eden Crescent, Auckland, within three minutes, walk of tho Railway Station, Wharf, Post office. Supremo Court-houso, and Banks.—First-olass Accommodation for Visitoi'3 from tho Coast and Country Districts. Apartments en suite for Ladies and Families. Plunge and Shower Bath*. Letters and telegrams artdrcß?ed to tho Manager, Old Club Private Boarding House, Eden Crescent, Auckland.will receive prompt attention. ttJKIVATrC Board anji Kesidenco for » Single Gentlomon (good bitn), near Pot Office; If permanent, 18i per week.—addrefs ot W. V. Dalles, ton'cctloner. Qaeos-nrett. C^OMKOIiTaBiLE Boa-d and Residence J for 2or 3 reßoeotiblo Man; terms reasonable: cood Bluing room.—Mra Holt, comer of Wyndham and Albort etreots, opposite Clanrlcarde Botel. £ vOMFOBTABLE Board and Residence * ' { or a gentlem an 1n a private family within two mtnuteh' walk of Qaeen-Btree*. No children.—Apply tbto"fflnot?r adrlreep, "ORIVATE Board aDd Eendencc— S Vacancies for Gentlemen. Plunge bath and overy comfort. Terms moderate.—Mrs Youd, Woodbine gottage, 46, Grey-street. PRIVATE BOARD and RESIDENCE for Gentlemen or Fomtl'op, at Mrs Leckj'd, Ulouerßter Hon.e,Pa-neil '■i^. m k BKOWWB KV'i'Sii \F aOBBON-STRRSI, Botsa aks LaoaiKS_ „..^. ~»* pev VVeot SIKStBROOM——- - -_-..Sia

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 3