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\ Wanted. ' ' - - , ANT»D, a Good General Servant for i VT Country Hotel «pply to Mr I, HaniIfon, Ootc), Queen-street. » %; ANTt?D, to Charter a Veßsel, capable '. VV ot carrying 10 to 50,003 toet totura; Hoklan«a to AucSlnnd.—W.- MaAr;huc end Company. WANTED, by Two respectable Young Men, Sitting tnd Bedroom, within oisy dißtanon oC Wueen-street.-A'drels William, Star Ofllco_ : , WANTED, a Mug to drivo and take oara of liorvvii, mast also have tomo kaow'.edte CJE garrttnlng.—Apply t) B. Orchard. 28. NovZiial»ridl'Buronco Bu'lflllWS WANTED KjnuVVN. —Selling 00, Selling or, CJieapor than ever ! I hava jut oponod a Largo Assortment of A r»tes, Glass »hados. Pauov Guodn, P.atodware aid Cntlery (<uj<anlo for Carlnttmaa Prfiaema). These will be eol'd at no"Ki!ierably less than town prices, m I Intend to koep up my uairn far chcapno&a nut! qu»lity oomblnod. My t>rloso Ijr Chin*, GH?^. and Ktt'thoaware. of best deßcrktlons, ore lower than U nsiaUy charged for auctioj botli ht rubbish. O<io vtalt wlil ensure another. Note tho uddresa: V. A. Henmaa. Ksraogahspa road, opposite Newtpn Hotel. AMTuD KNI/W.N—Sttrling Silver and Gold Jowullery.-Charlos Kclsey and Co.keop nothing except Roal aterllng SiTvor and Gold Jewellery, and consequently guaranteo everything. N.B.—They keep no Silvcrino or washed goods of auy kind, no Abyssinian or American Gold. Purchasers, therefore, may bo quito sum of what they are buying.—Charles Kolsoy & Co., two doors below Morrins', Iroumongeiß. _^ v/ A N T 1! D K. JN O W tf. Sb-:d to SMITH & CAUGIIKY, 300 and 302, Upper Queen street, FOB AN ASSORTED PACKET OF 12 BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS (Poßt paid), forlsCd. Ovor 8,000 to choose from. A N T E~D KNOWNMKS. Bi.TTISKWORTII, MILUNEII, la Now BnowiNO » t.arno Assortment of LONDON AND PARIS M)L'JNKIIY. In all the Newest ttjlca Also, FKATUKRB, FLOWltriS. RtaßON 3, SUK^, LAOKB, NUTS, SO. Q U E X N - 8 T R"k E T, Oppo&lto tho Cl>y_Miu'kct. i» ANTEDKNOWK—Why go to t«wn T y whou you o»n Hnv Capß and Siuours from 3d : U.F. Cnps and Sme jib, 7b dtz; W, and O.- 8i OiS dOK ; Gworoil Sa^cr Basins, 8d; butter Potp, 0i; Jum DUhon. M ; Meat DhhkS. Od: Pudding Bsbiiu, 21; Plo 1. ismu, id J Tollut 0 pltois, RD.a a.v.i), Us Cd to; ; good Tuiublers, 3d; Mirror Lookiaß GU6te», 8d : Ibi (Btuw bottltf). 1.1 ; IfgK Oup«, i for 04; lartfo uaaortment of Tumhlors, outtubl'i fur huttlkoe>pors ; olio Large otook lien and Women's tew and Beoond-haud Cljthlnj, all cqaoliy os obeap.-Koto the M JOSKo-BSON, opposite Star Hotel. Karaugthapo Koad. ANTED KNuVVN.—Christmas and New Ye*r Cardi la Gnat Variety, at thn followlnj1 prlcos vis., Jrt each, Id, 1 for Si ; 2d, i for 03 : 3j, 5 lor 1» ; M, i for la; 6d, 1 for Is 6d ; 9J, 8 for 2<; Is, 3 for 2, Od: extra good vatso l<rlPKod Cards, irom 9i <o<li lovely deBlstna; Hand-ptiouid Photographs, Oarto do Visits blko, Is ouch; Ciblnet size, 2i eaoh; Btt'intlful GOO0B; Pornimed Srtctcte, Id, 2J, 3g. Id, CJ, acd la eaoh, a very i?loe aiwcrtmenr, and roilly uhoap ; 81 k woven Bjokmarkß, 61 tvnd Is each. All tho nbuv« are forHirißtmas aid New Your, birthday C.rJs Dnd Katohets. hellef Sornpa and Ir*n-r«r3, also vory oruap. * Utx:rrtl Discount allowed to Dealers. —C. MAOEA.Y, Book- o'ler, Sto., 11, Groy-streot. "ANTED KNOWN— The Auckland Pantheon, opposite* St. James's Church, WollinKtonstreot, is Now Open.—JSphn- Kastwoon liegs to inform tho public of Auckland thnt ho has Just Oponod the abovo Pantheon will) a First-class Solection of English, Amorican, French, and German rtovclties (direct importation por Ucnniono and Lnngstono), conBistlng of Fancy Goods, Toys, Jewellery, China, Ornaments, Hardware. Crockery, Perfumery, Brußhca, Comba, Stationery, Glasswaro of overy description ; largo assortment of Beautiful Dark Marbled Glass—the only Btoro In Auckland having tho sanio; magnificent collection of Sea Sholla from all parta of tho world; uplondid collection of rar» Engravings and othor Pictures, dlltorent from nny others ever offered in Auckland; largo collection of Books of ovory description; and a great variety of quito Now Novolttes. All Goods sold 20 to 80 per ecu*, cheaper than any other houso in Auckland. Terms Cash. Tho trade, baistmts, and hawkers supplied. Largo Show Room. \%f~A N'Fii I) TO SEIL CfHBAPV V Gooil Rice, 6ita for'U; Gooil PitkleJ. oolf 9d roc butila; White and Oo'd Cnps and Hn,uo«rv, 9d osnb, 83 01 tho doz : Bpt>ot»cloa 1», 8 1 r2i Ud. WmW to 811 lot oJ ohosp Toy*, for Crulmaaß trow, froul lOrt por dozen; Tin TO7P, 2s 6(1 to 7i por dozen ; Violins with oasjs aud baiva, from Hi »• 255: Toj Watches, T»i h Jawelß In them, only flii: Musical Popgum, 8< eBCb, S 61 the "Ozon: 300 gtosa box's of Pone, Id :por doean, orly Cd thauroßD box; PenhUdera, 2a tho srvißß, 2 Kross for 3a 8d; ISO sots of White Jui;), 3s tke sat of 3; another lot of cheap Sponcol, from 2d mi 2i; 12 dczen Flower rotp, o»<y 3j each; 15 dozen Hash Hrufhos. from 41 to 13 G<l; 3 d'-zen Cash Box'M, from 'it Cd to 4s Od ; 12 dc««n l.^rptß Ploturoc. only t!d each ; 21 dozen •.mail Pioturop, only 21 oaob. Is the diH-n ; 6 dozon Bnllf-oyo Lanternp, only '0d esoH. I'a 6n the down ;43 dozen Nail litumo-i. 6 for Id. 2< 34 tho ncso* ; 3 grosa of Cinroentei'n Penofls Id f»oh. J(kl th» dozon ; 18 doz.oa Vassa. nnjy lOi each, 2 for Ufl 1; 1 nr«o Pietnres. in QU-( Frames, only o^eaoh. 3 for !h; 41) Wlio UUsan", out, 2d eaoh. la 10(1 r« r dozon. Ba In ttm.. 25 io.fu Cut Sherry OlaiFwe. 3d cues, 3i (i-i tt.o dtiiMn: 0 dt.zon Sinrl' CvJonrod Tambtorn only d. or In 101 tno iloam ; 3-) <OZDn tJJTg^ Tumbl-rs, 3d eaoh, 2i 8* tho oozsn; lSdoaen Kcgraved Ucotntons oniy Is 8d e'icb, n Cd iha pur; Ivho ptna IXvantwp, erg"»v6d, 39 each, 3s 0j tfee P»lr: Hrtai Tr»ys. 10« l and. 1b 34; ITiOwernon* Figures, nnclor elOßi shade*, from 33 (A to 6s 6d, »nd r v»>lrty of oth«r tn-nc*. Carl!t«iM i~R.«dl'B 8 forW, 3a box ot 60, 2 boxos fur S3 M. Uo lo *tno and do not cooiu lato — U. WitTT. yltt-ttrwit. W A N T X D. WA NTED TO SKILL, ANO MUdT Bt SOLD, about £30 worth of Toys thoy will be bow vory o«eat), n«xt door to Mr PartlnWn, *h» .irtlat, la Gmy«treet: Pai,i«r M»ob.i Tablet, oay J6l; 1 e-itmyi only 2s Od a»d Cj Od iho Hot at thn-o : Wi'O uißhCowra, fron 6* to 3s oauh. Sss<t; l-i Ud and 2n Tojb win ho sold for Bd, 3 for 'U \ Marbles 10 for 1* ; WO boxen M*rbles for 7d o Is 2d a box; Jngs. 2s tha snt of 3; Ponp.R 1 a trox; P»nholdfiv. 81 thodoz; tponno. frrmid to 0i: UMHren'B 'I'onewfr', from is to 3h fti; Tor Watch»s, 3d and Ot; C*rv«ng Knives a»a fdrtro, Is and Is Ga: Bnad Knives, 53; v.'luo G'»»ie.. 13 10d th« doz^n ; Hro*d Trnj-s, il'l»udls; Dcoanto'S 2sGUind 3] 0\ tho pair; SnwU TiimWerß. 2d ; Nsll Bru.hto, 3d e*ch. 8 fot 1«. 2a por rlozsn; Kgg Hollers, 3il, 2ti 019 dozen; fUaevol. n^s, only 21 a set; Ballf-?jo Uintsme, 1W; Flower Pots. 2s oacb, 3s 6d tho; »ft* Cupe, 16 Od tbe doz ; Iht Hook.', lii ; 9 tl»B«n Hu'ohoro' Kriiven. from 3d to 9il esob ; Ci'uets, 3s Cd to 0 Di; Bmall Trays, only 3d. Heoso to oomo to the Grey-stroot Shop bofo-o you buy olg^wherc, os I am In want o£ money a*d thothlDga must bo sold.— H, Wotts, G>e>Blreot, nflxt door to Mr Parklaton, the Anjst. KlutCH, 2s aad 2< 6d; Cor note, 2s tid »nd 3s fia; Ponp, 6i tho dozen boxen, 12 uozun in n ; Tuauotß with MeUI Ufls la 9d and 3s; Wnlto and Gold China Caps and Hauce s 84 lid thn dm; I'nwior !■ kctands. ooly 2&; Gocd Accurdlan», 19s to 153. R w ATT s-Pnf-STP'BKT. \\T ANTSD KNOWN, -Print Cojtunios, V* i s stntf Costumes, lfs to 255; Bluok S tin, Is BO.: 3Soodlo«, ia t-n paoket—At Uamp era Chrlttmaß Belling' off, WnkeflMd-itnot. _A?ibpL li .—Wanted to Borrow, on first3fe''wO'* class freehold security in tho country, high ralo of interest,-C. Williamson, Land Agont, Vulcan Lano. A ""GENTLEMAN, juft frmn America, is open for Engagement for a limited 1 timo; well np in Poultry and Bee-keeping— : lato Secretary to State Bce-keopoiß' Association and Poultry Society of Colorado, U.S.A.—Address Robert James Avondale, New Zealand. TiH'RE'B HUNDRED P:>U"i\DS • PARTNERSHIP.-General and Wholosalo Liquor Buslnese; mußt have a knowlodgo of tho businesa.—Address C.F., Btar OlHoo. B"~~WnNER COAL CO. —20 Coal Minors— 20 Jfyllners Wsntod by above Company; permanent (mjnoymont— Apply to Stcno Brof., Auoklaod, or fioncedy Bros, Groy month. Boots and Shoes. TREMENDOUS ADVANTAGES! 1 __ TO BUYERS OF BOOTb AND SHOES. Beforo selling our Stock by Auction in December, it will bo offered to the publio at a Price Xone can Compute with. Oponcd this week, about 20 TRUNKS VERY SUPERIOR QUALITY Of Ladies' and Children's English Boots and Shoes, viz., Ladies' Button, Mock Button, Kid, E.S., l)erby and Bnlton Shoes; p>so Children's Kid Button Boots and Elastic 31 Scs. Prunella and House Boots in largo quantities. As an oxporimcnt.and moro especially to assist in soiling our other goods, the abovo will positively bo SOLD AT ACTUAL COST, Thus underselling tbe cheapest houso in tho city. By Manufacturing and Selling onr own Boots and Shoes, our Customer? and Patrons secure tho prcilt that in oUicb cases is absorbed by tho shopkeeper and dealer. Besides guaranI teeing our own work of superior mako and qnality (hoping to sell a largo quantitj'),in many I oosos the prico will be even I - LESS THAN WHOLESALE. Pleaso Noto—Bluchors, 7s 3d; Watortights, 11s; : Spring Sidcß, lls Od ; Doc by Shoes, 8s; Canvas Shoes, 53 Cd. 1 A Call and Inspection courteously invited,and , as all the Stock must, and shall bo sold, our earliest patrons will secure tho best selection, T. XROSSER, TOP OF QUEEN-9TREET (Opposite Army and Navy Hotel.) j.-■■ ' ■-" = . -' ,; J Conveyances. 'rip 1 M E TAB JLi E. j " Joe bainbkidge's 'Busses. Krom Union Bank—7 minnftoi past tho hour, and 23 m'nutei to t' 0 honr, From The Three Lamps-23 minutes t.j tbe honr, and every hour. Night Tbips from Town—J-past 9, J-past 19, and 4-ptwt 11. From Union Bakk to Shelly Beach — 20 minutes pass 11, 20 minutes vast 2, 20rnirratee past i, 30 mlantna nutt 5, SO minutes past S. From Shelly Beach—l to 11, Jto 2 1 to i, I to 5,1 to 6.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 20 December 1882, Page 3