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In another column the Choral Society ennounccs the usual free performance of the "Messiah." on Sunday afternoon next, 24th inst. Wo have no doubt but that tho usual crowded assemblage will be present to listen to this annual trcaf.

Sir G. S. Whitmore and. Mr Ju.-tic-Gitlies were among the pass-.uycts by the s.s. Kotomahana, which arrived from the South to-day.

The cricket match between Ponsonby First Eleven and Alpha U.C. played cm Saturday did not result la a draw, as erroneously stated last evening. The Alpha won on tuo result of tbe that inniugs by 7 runs.

The manager of the Kara Mine (Thamrs), tchgraphed to Mr D. G. Macdonnel to-day, "Cut leader in drive to-day, six inchis wide. Three pounds jiektd stone. — (Signed) DAWSON CItAWFOED."

The quarter-niilo foot-race, which was arranged between Messrs Huctcstep aid Monuock, has fallen through, the fomier having foifcited the £10 deposited. I'iie stakes were £25 a-.«ide.

A Hospital subscription liat is open at Mr Joining's butcher's shop, where will be received any amount residents feel disposed to give before the 12th January, 18S3.

At tho inquest on tho body of Thomas Coombe yesterday afternoon, the jury, alter hearing the modical testimony, retarnd a verdict of "Death from natural cause?."

A little child met with a severe accident this morning in Freeman's Bay. It seems that the child, only about four years old, ran after oue of the Ponsonby 'busses, and got its finder caught iv the door, and before assistance could be got to the child, tbe finger was cut off. This should be a salutary warning to mothers to sec tint their children are not allowed to run after 'busses.

The following is a list of the principal artists engaged to date for the Melbourne Music Festival during Christmas week :— Madame Pauline Polk, Miss Alice Kees, Miss Kosina Carandini, Miss Kate Thayer, Mrs Cutter, Hignora Agnes Falma, Miss Christian, Mr Arraea Beaumont, Signor Coy, nnd Mr Gordon Goooh, basso, from Now Zealand.

Mr Arthur Beverly corrects his statement as to the transit.of Venus as follows :—" In my communication yesterday I stated tbat the ' Nautical Almatac' gavo the timos of egress ten minutes t'>o early. It should have been 2Amin. tno early. The error aross fiom using local instead of New Zeoland time in making the comparison. Colonel Tupman informs mo that the error in the ' IS'auticul Almanac' is due to Lcvcrrier's 'Tables of Venu?,'for which tho superintendent of tho ' Nautical Almanac' is not responsible."

A funerul of a somewhat unusual character took place last Sunday, at the English Cburch cemetery, WliaDgarci, the occasion being the interment of the Jate Mr Heniy Mair, who it will be remembered was murdered at one of the South Sea Islands last Novunber. 'Jhe remaiuß of the deceased gentlemen were brought to A ucklaud by the last trip of the s.s Hero, and forwarded to Whangurci by the Argylo last Saturday for interment in Ihe family vaulf, Major Mair, brother of tbe decea'cd, accompanying the remains. The deceased wa«. brother to Mrs Uedlington, Mrs R. Sissons, Mrs George Frazer, and Mrs Davis. — " Advocate,"

A highly-successful concert of vocal and instrumental music, concluding with the parlormanco of a drama entitled, " The Pe&Fant Queen," and a comedy, " The Duchess Translormed," was given last evening in the Farnell Hall (in aid of Convent School repairs) by the pupils of St. John the Baptist's Select School. Especially meritorious were the pianoforte selections, all of which were given with great executive skill. These were a selection from "Chilperic" by Misses George, Hawkins, and Yates, a selection from " Oberon," by Misses! Fallon, Yates, and JFitz, and a trio, "Traineur," by Misses FalloW| George, and Hawkins. The vocal pieces were :-Chorus, "God Defend New Zealand"; duct, "Ellin Call," Misses Ayey and George; solo, "The Hatp," Mjss L. O'Horn ; solo, " Early Flowers," Miss Canncll; solo, "Good Company," Mr J. George; operatic solo, "Com 6 Bejlo," Miss Darby; Gipsy chorus, in which Miss Avey took the solo. The dramatic pieces were well represented, the young ladies dressing their parts appropriately, and manifesting a close acquaintance with the text. The building was crowded to the doors, and the applause was frequent and enthusiastic. '

Water consumers arc rominded that the half-yearly rato requires to be paid on or beforo the 31st of the present month.

A man named Robert Wilson hag been arrested by Detective Strathcrnonachargo of stealing » quantity of jewellery, valued at £70, including two gold watches, from the uarpenters1 Arms Hotel, Grey-street. He was brought up at tbo Police Court todny and remanded.

It is necessary to remind the principals of privato educational establishments that, if they desire reports of the results of their annual examination?, they must arrange to furnish them to this ollice as eouu after the examinations as possible, otherwise tiny caunot receive insertion.

Me3srs and Lyons, bookmaker?, played a billiard mutch in the Occidental Hotel list evening, the former lajing £50 ti £10, 500 up. Wi-stou, who made a break of 10 in the latter part ot the same, won by 27 points. I'lay occupied an hour and thecc" quarters.

The anniversary tor vices of the ftabuhu Wesleyau Sunday-school were bold on Sunday last, Key. W. S. Potter preaching in tho morning and aftornoou, and iicv. G. Bond in tho evening. Tho hymns on tho occasion were sung by tho scholars, undor the leadership of Miss Burn?, Mrs Hums presiding ut the organ,

MrT. 11. White, architect, of Hoffman's Buildings, baa received the annexed tendors for the erection of the new forestcis' Hall ;it (he juncliou of Boresford-strcet and Karangabape Hmd. "Wo gave a descriplion of the projected hall in a previous irphc of tho Star. Twelve tenders have been received, as follows, but selection haa not yet been made :—Jonkinson, £5 075 ; Cnrrie, £5,920 ; Elliuglwm, £5,205 ; Rhodes, £5,015; SmitU and Wuollcr, £4 900 ; McGuiro, £4,934 ; Shniler, £4,9r>0; Kay, £.1,770: Conuolly, £4,743; Holland, £4,607; Golebrook, £4,530 ; Price, £4,357.

'the programmo of the forthcoming Auckland Regatta will bo liually arranged at a luftetin:; on Thursday evening next. No alteration will bo made nficr that dite, ami theiefore intending competitor* who am desirous of suggesting improvements in any direction should forward them ut puce to the secretary, Mr K. E. Itjaacs, and there i< bo doubt but that they will receive the fnllist consideration. If thi< opportunity is neglected, boat owners will have otly theiimlvei to blame should the programme prove unsatisfactory to them in any respect.

The performances of tlio popular illusionists, Kelkr and (Jiiuard, again attracted a lar^c house lust night at Abbott's, aud ficquunt evidences of approval were manifested by numbers, The noteworthy and perplexing performances in connection wtyh the dark seanco were the great holding tear, aid the Uoating guitars—feats pciformed some yoars ago by the Davenports, and by which they mannged to operate lip >n the minds of the credulous to their own prcuniary advantage. Messrs Kellur and Cunaid will repeat the daik seauce to-night for the last time in this city.

A trial fours in connection with the North Shore JKcgatla Club will be rowed this week for a fet of trophies presented by the treasurer; the first heat on Wednesday ; fecond heat on Thursday ; final heat on Friday, on e»ch occasion staiting at Gp m, The crews are—No, 1, Mflesrs J. Sims, O'Connor, A, Buchanan, J. M. Sibbin ; «o. 2, Messrs'J, Web-ttr, Grconwood, F. Innes, T, G. Sibbiu ; No. 3, Messrs A. Bmves", 1". W. Burgets, S. McUcchio, E. G. Quick; No. 4, Messrs U. Burgess, G. Mccol, Shorn, Ueo. Kced; Messrs W. Sibbin and A. G. Fmser. coxswuiuf. Course, from Devonport Whaif round mark-bents ofl" Calliope lout, and back to starling point.

A preparatory treat was given last evening to tlio children of S. Andrew's Sunday* school, under the ptesidency of the Uev A. Ca'ritk, A Christnus tree was (ilautcd laden with a variety of tempting prizes aud tojs. The treat was given to plensc,nud to iiisift the building ot the tower anil other exp'iiscs which improvement* have necessitated. Mr Currick gave a brief address and introduced Mr I'ercusson, a gentleman from snowy Scotland, who favoured tho meeting with a few tc.isoiiablc remarks, Mri Culpau fang a solo, aud the school choir a number of hymi,s. The cvoniug hours passed llectingly, and closed in a seemly manner.

A public mot ting was Ik Id at the Devonport Mull last evening, for the purposo of considering the action of the Taktpuua Jockey Club, iv holding their Sjumuor Meeting on tho »ame day an tho Auckland Kegatia. Mr G. N. Brassey piesided, The following resolution was duly proposed:— "'that in view of the Auckland anuual regatta being held on ttie -9th January next, lhu meeting deems it unfair to the Auckland Ktgatti Committco, and prejudicial tc tlio interests of the Takapuoa Hieing Glut), to hold the next race nicotine on the 29th January, and respcetfully request tho atowatds of the Takapuna races to adjourn (htiv mcotieg to Pnturday, I ho 3rd I'ebruary." After some discussion, in which Mosrs Ba'lcy, Vesper. J. U, Graham, if. W. Aiiion, JJudc, nnd J. Mays took part the motion was put to the mooting, aud los> by two voles—l 3 for it and J5 against, Tho customary compliment to the chairman brought tho proceedings to a close.

Hr Julius Vogol addresses a letter tn the "Melbourne Age" advocating assisted im- ' migration for victoria. lie says : " A Garman want estimated that the value of each adult emigrant to the United States was £-00. I recollect a discussion of this estimate at tho Statistical Soc'cty one livening. Tho opinion pievailed tbat it was not an excessive one. Indeed, who would rear, feed nnd educate a hunnn being 'o 21 years of n«c formuch less ? Can you want a more profitable business tkan paying £13 to bring out what is worth on landing £200. Thcro is a strona fceliDg in this colony in favour of stimulating manufacturing industry and production. Whatever difference of opinion ihcrc may be us to the mode of doing this, do cmc can, 1 think, fail to see how greatly a country is strengthened by productiveness of all descriptions. Now, 1 would ask you, can you offer any more efficient aid to manufacturing industries than that of increating Ihc circle requiring supplies? A great deal too much is made of tho contingency that the immigrants one colony imports may proceed to another. It is almost as great an undertaking for an immigrant to seek another colony in for him to leave the old country for tbe fist colony nf his choice.

A very good entertainment was given last night in St. James's Hall, chiefly by members of tbo United Melhodist Free Church Mutual Improvement Association. There was a very large audience, and much gratification was evinced by persons p'csent. ' rhe chair was occupied by Itev. Thomas Hodgson, who briefly opened tho proceedings, and called tho finger* and performers. The several songs and ducts were praisewotthy. Tho Mis»e« Siaims and Hayloa were encored in.lhoir b'nutilnl selections on Iho piano. Mrs Willows sang "llemcmber or Foigot" iv pleasiup; S'yle. Mr and Miss Pcaco sang the duet, " Very Suspicious," with telling 1 effect. Miss Peace indicated by her assumed character that wheie a husband neglects his home, ho cannot I expect smiling peace on returning to his domicile at midnight. Miss Gee and Miss Spiy contdbutcd a protty duet, well aud harmoniously. Messrs Goodison and Barlley contributed' to the vocal department of tho entertainment. Several sketches were fairly represented, especially tho old "Lawyer and his Clients." The moral of the "lload to Kuin " might have been anticipated; tbe lesson was wholeHome. The several performers were encouraged by friendly cheers. Several recitations were given, and the meeting i altogether was creditable to the singers and representatives

With rcferonco to the surveyor scandal at Kaipara; tho Mow Zealand " Times " makes the following scmi-ollicial statement: — "Tho statements of Koss that iho Chief Surveyor was uot making an inquiry into his conduct, and that ho had resigned his appointment prior to the occurrences mentioned in tho telegram, aro not acccrding to

fact. So soon aa ttie disturbances arisin" out of liia action camo under the Dotice of tlia Government, the Hon. tho Colonial Treasurer instructed the Chief Surveyor to make v searching investigation into the whole affair, ami the proceedings instituted in virtue of the instructions thus issued induced Eosb to send iv his resignation. There can bo no doubt that the reRult of the inquiry would have been his disraiesal from the service, ihe Government have acted wisely in making it be under, stood by their prompt action that any person wliese conduct tends to irritate the , native micd, will not be retained in the em- j ploy of tho Stata. The Maoris will thus | be impressed with the fact that the j same authority which is cndcavouiing j to make them amenable to the la\ys of the ' country will also protect their interests from the violation offered by selfish and nrichicvous character?, Every one miut recognise the importance of such n convic- : tion swaying the feelings of all thffnaiive* ! at the pri sent time, when special efforts aro being mode to show them tbat their wellboing and profircss are identical with those of tho European population."

The dead-rat man bas found a new repository for bis night's takings. Tbo Inspector iof Nuisances will lind two nice plump odorous members of this in'cresting genus in Albert-street, neaily opposite Groy's Cordial Manufactory.

Thanks are rcturnod by patients in to Hospital to Miss Kate Jsaics for a large picture screen, and to tho Hon. H. Chain* berlin for 107 volumes of books by various authors.

The annual examination for district scholarships, eight in number, was commenced this morning in the Grammar School, There were 114 candidates, and the examination was under tho superintendence of Mr R. J. U'Ssllivan, Inspector of ! School.

i All dot's within the city, including the ' new wards, require to be registered and new collars obtaiucd forthwith. We hope ; that a raid on all collarlcss and unregistered d"gs will conimonce early, in order to clear ! the streets of a lot of useless curs. I Mrs Salmon opened her fancy concwork 1 Imiar at thefoutof Grey-street to-day.

I A large number of artesian wells have j been sunk aloDg the northern border of the Desert of Suhara by the French, who PteadiJy persevere in the work of redeeming the wasto expanse of sand. More than 150 wells have l)=cu sunk in the province of Constantino, and the work is advancing, interior. One of tho curious phenomena which the digging of these wells has brought to notice is the existence of fish and crabs at great depths. 'J lie learned engineer, M, Jus. who fur twenty years has directed tho work, avcre that he once boiled and ate a crab which had b en drawn up from a dep'h of 250 feet, and that, moreover, it was of aa excellent ilavour.

To the Editor: Sir,-It is much to be regretted that you continue to write of Priestley as a "theological student," notwithstanding the statement you received from the f cv\ Mr Mason to the contrary. Hb was not a theological student—he wa» not even an arts student. He had not passed ]the school- boy period, from which young men go forward to the higher arts studios, Which must precsde a theological course. He was not known to tho church as a student, ami he had years of hard study to look forward lo be'ore tho dillicultics lying between him and the honour of being enrolled as a "theological student" could poa»ibly be overcome.—l am, &c, B.S.

A barbers' congress was recently held in Berlin, at which a code of ethics of the profession was adopt id. Upon one point the Congress uuanimous'y ngrccd, namely, that no barber must hoicaftrr bold the customer by the nose whilo shaving. Barbers in Europe are miuh nnre talkative than in this country, and in this connecti"n it was votod tint the one-tided discussion of topics should hereafter bo confined to puiliing oi hair oils, etc., and no longer to ramble over the doroa'ns of poli'ics, commerce, pi llosophy, literature, and the art?. Another section of tlio code prescribes that the shaving operation will hereafter begin with the left check, but it was left to the individual barber whether the soap shall be applied with the brush or the hand.

A murder of a boy by hit mother, com. mitted in Paris more than a year ago, Ims only jiut been discovered, A woman of baa character, named Robert, had with liar iv a lodging in the Hue de Crenelle a boy whom she called her bcdlicw. It was romarked by the neighbours that the child waatbin and looked ill-treated Lsstyearhe di«appeared, an.i tbe woman said she had sent him home to his parent*. Bei.ig turned out for non-payment of rent, she a-ked a neighbour to t*kc care of a box for her. Aft-r a time, a bad emch emana'ing from the box, it wai opened, and under a heap of rags a skeleton was discovered. The woman, who was found tramping not ft.r from her own lodging*, has been arrested, and confesses that tho murdered boy was her son,

A dry dock has been built nt Capo Town which was opened for business onStip'embcr 15th last. It has b»cu in course of construction for about two year.", and will accommodate any stfauier of less length than 500 feet and not drawing more than twenty-four foot, or at high tide twenty-fix feat. In California a dry dock id being built at Maro Island. It wai begun ten years ago and may perhaps ba completed sometime after the year 2000. When ready for bu.iocss it will accommodate shipi of COO feet in length, but the draught is rather uncertaio, owing to the tendency of the outer bottom to rise to the surface of the water. At ar.y evont, in order to dock nnd undock a large V'-u'd, tho services of a dredger will be in OJntlnual demrud.

On the occasion of the breaking up of Mrs '-lover's school last night, a very pleasant cokC'iit w»s given by the pupils All the youUR ladirs who took part in it acquitted themselves very creditably, and several of thtm displayed m»rkcd ability. Wo noticed several pieces, the rendering of which is really worthy of special mention, viz., the overture to "Zarop*," played upon two pianos by four vety young ladits : a "Sonata" by Weber, pliycd by Mi.<s Riesling, aud n fantasia on airs from "La Karorits," plnyed '-y; Miss llamlin. "'evorol songs too were rendered with taste and spirit. In fact, thoso present spent a very agreeable evening, and Mrs Glover wa» warmly congratulated on the success of her soirue musicale.

KcUtiyc to the now gaoler for Auckland, the A\>llinstau *' Post" says :—"MrC»ldwell, ex-g^olor of Dunedin, retires finally from tbe service with a year's leave of absence on full pay. In view of recent dieclo'urcs .is to tho management of tho Dunedin Gaol under hia rule, wo cannot conscientiously any that the «ervic; has m«tained a l»ss in his retirement. Some will be of opinion that he has reason to congratulate himself on being able to reti'o in this agreeable manner. Mhe Aucklnnd gailership, which he was to have bad, his been confcrrtd instead on Mr M. M. Clcary, who is transferred from llokitika. Probably under the special circumstances he will be a good deal more acceptable to Auckland than tho celebrated Mr Caldwell would have been."

An Internstional Fisheiics Exhibition is to bo held in London in the early part of next year. It is to be Imld in the gardens of tho Ki'j'al Horliculmral Society, where, with ths txisting buildings and such additional space as will be covered, the total area provided for will be about 220,000 squura feet. f ungary, Italy, Germany, Fiance, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Kussia, the iNethrrJauds, United State? and Fomth America will a1! furnish exhibit. Among the numerous prizes in one of £600 for the best lifeboat, and a premium nf £100 U offered for tho best papor on the food of fish in fresh nnd salt water, nnd a similar amount for the best essay on improved facilities for the capture, economical transmission and distribution of sea fish, The United States Fish ComnU<sion is bu«y poparing its exhibits. Models of CTery variety of fUhing boat, whether used on the Atlantic or Pacific coast, for fresh or salt water fishing, are being constructed. The collection of fulling apparatus will bo mo?t exhaustive, beginning wllh a hand

line and concluding with the largest seines.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 19 December 1882, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 19 December 1882, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3851, 19 December 1882, Page 2