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Bhippmg. | ajKOIKAI. 'to LONDON,' ' PENINSULAR AND ORIBNTAL BTBAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. ; The Company's Steamohlp. (under oontraot With the Victorian Government for the conveyance ot Her MijOßty's Mallei will bo despatched for Plymouth and London as under i Htn-mnr I I*>_vo Leave Steamer. | Bydney- Mglbogma AN CON A (route not yet | I fixed) _ I Nov.S Nov. 9 ; P-SHAWUR (ditto)-_ i Nov. 17 Nov. 23 1 KAI?AR-I-HlND(ditto) | Deo. 1 [ Deo. 7 ; Rates of v-ibbs, ge money to Plymouth or London! £70 flrst, and £13 eeoond-clasa. Italian ports t „6fi first; and £10 Booond-olaßß. Passengers booking at Auokland socuro special advantages. I For further particulars rospeotlng passage money and freight apply to CRUIOKSHANK & CO., Agents. 13, Queen -street, A_oi___-, iStflk^'T-rORTHERN STEAMSHIP , COMPANY (LIMITED). TIME-TABLK-OCTOaE R. (Weather end other olronmßtanoea permitting). FROM QUEEN-STREKT WHARF. fOB TAPRANQA AND BAT OT PLENTY POBTB. -TBAMEtt. I Date or aAitisß. Gleuolg Monday, 23, 5 p m Glonelg Thursday, 20. 5 p m Wellington Monday. SO, 5 p m Connects at Tauraiura for OpoStaffa M_l and Bay ot Plenty Porto erery Tuesday. fOS RDSS-L-v WHANGABOA, AND MAN' qoNUi. Wellington I Monday, 23, 5p m ~ ~~ Qlenelg I Monday, 80.5 p m FOB WHANQAREI AND WHANQAK-I HEAD.. (Carrying passengers and oargo t-gyle torWalpu) Every Tuesday and Friday, at t p m FOB MANQAPAI. --gyle 1 Every Tuesday.attpm FOB MAMGAWAI. Douglas I Erery Thursday, at jp m FOB HHBOURY BAY, Douglas | Every Monday, at 1p m tar Cargo must be booked and alongside one lour before advertised time of departure. Passage tickets must be taken at the Company. Oflloe. No. 07. <Jtte__-__-oe6, Auokland, A. MCGREGOR, Managing Director, •liisKOv %i & OOROMANDEL. *»C»**» Captain T. Scott. Tim_-Tabl_. Leaves Auokland i Leaves Coromandel I — Tuesday, Oot. U, _ p.m. Wednesday,2s,2p.m. Thursday, 2R, 2 p.m. Friday, 27,3 p.m. Saturday, 28,12 noon Weather and other olrcumstanoen permitting. Not responsible for shipping, carrying, or dla.harglng live stock. No cargo received without shipping note, and within half an hour of advertised time of departure. A. R. H. SWINDLEY. Manager. ~~__r_T ip»ASSENGERS* LINE OF -_-__-___ PACKETS TO NEW ZEA. -_E'^s___a owned BylScisßa, shawi SA VXLLB, _ CO., U, Leadenhall -street, London, The above line of ships are regular traders 0 all the principal ports In New Zealand. They are clipper ships, classed Alat Lloyds', and com;, tnandea by experienced masters. The bill or fare la most substantial, and of the beat quality. and the accommodation roomy and convenient. The under—gned are empowered to grant P<~-S-Rwi from London to New Zealand, payment for Which have been guaranteed In the colony. Return ahlps to London also leave at almost tag-lar lntorv-U. rull particulars on appllca-on to L, D. NATHAN & CO,, ) OWEN & GRAHAM, }, ORUICKSHANK & CO. I jfikS^Va T. HEL I E R'S". TONGARIRO Leaves Queen-street Wharf for tho above place every WKDNKSDAY and SATURDAY, at 2 p.m., returning at 5.50. Vaie—Fourpence. Tea, Coffee, or Milk, and Bread and Butter supplied on the Grounds at Blxpecoe per head. Meaica -IV-R COMPLAINT-, DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER pills (withort Mercury.) Thb Best Remedy i-ob BiLionstr-SS, Stomach Dekahs__ient, Klattjlbinck, Pains Between the Soou___bs, Bad Appetite, iNDIQBSTIOir, AOIDIT., HEAD-AOBB, HKAltrburn, and all other symptoms of disordered Uver and dyspepsia. Acknowledged by many eminent surgeons to be the safest and mildest Sills for every constitution In Boxes at Is lid, ) Dd, and Is 3d. Bold by Chemists and Medloute Vendors throughout the world. Prepared by Jas. Rorke. London. Specially valuable PUls for resident- abroad and travellers. Sold by K-MPTHORK-. Pbosskr & Co. •* CJULPHOLINE LOTION."—An Ex. O ternal Means of DURING SKIN DISEASES, There Is scarcely any eruption but I will yield to "SnlpholineMn a few days, and oommenoe to fade away even If It leemi past oure. Ordinary pimples, redness, blotohes, Bourf, roughnew, vanish as If my magio; whilst old, enduring akin disorders, that have plagued the s-Sorers for years, however deeply rooted they may be, "Sulphollne" will suooessfully attack them. It dontroys the anlmalouU. Whloh causes theee unsightly, Irritable, painful affections, and always produoee a otaar, healthy natural condition of the skin. " Sulpholine, Lotion Is sold by most Chemlsta. Botuea, 2s 0d Made by J. Pepper and Co., London. SOld byKEMPTHOBNE. PHOSB-B fc CO. FBPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC rouses and developes the nervous energies, enriohes the blood, promotes appetite, dispels languor and depression, fortifies the digestive organs. Is a Hpeciilo remedy for neuralgia, ague. Indigestion, fevers of every kind, chest affections, and In wasting diseases, scrofulous tondendee, Sec The whole frame Is greatly invigorated by Pepper's Tonic, the mental faoultlee brightened, the oonßtltuUon greatly strengthened, and a return to robust health oertaln. Bottles, 82 doses, 4s Bdj next s_so, Us. Sold by Chemists everywhere. The name of J. Pepper, Bedford Laboratory, London, must be on the beL There Is no Tonic so oertaln In effect as Pepper's Quinine and Iron. It Is Btrongly reoommended to residents in India and the Colonies, and should always be kept ready for use In every oase ol ever or febrile condition. • BOM bY K-MPTHORNB. PROSS-B ,i!TP CO. rriARAXAOCM AND PODOPHYLLUM, JL Prepared-only by J. Pepper, London. This Fluid combination. __raoted from modiclual roots. Is now used instead of blue pill and oalomel for the oure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of congestion of the liver, whloh are generally pain beneath the shoulders, head-ache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable teste In the morning, giddineßa, disturbance of the stomach, and fooling of general depression. It seta the sluggish Uver In motion, very slightly acta on the bowels, giving a sense o( health aud comfort with .1 ours. It Is the safest medicine. Taraxacum and Podophyl—n is a fluid made only by J, PEPPER. Bedford Laboratory. London, whose name is on every label. Bottles, 2s 9d and la Sd. Sold by all Chemists. A most valuable and essential medicine for India, Australia, the Cape, and Colonies generally, Sold by KBMPTHOBNB. PROS3BE & uo. IA/ H A B Jf PHARMACY, VT OXLEY'S buildings, QUEEN-STBEET WHARF, AUOKLAITO. Pekscexptioot Carefully Dispensed, pure dsug3 and ohemioals, Teeth Extracted. Medicine for Shipping Supplied T. HQOTON Manager. B_SAB_S___D _HRi jfy| M ST, SRA_•__ Ci S I BURGBON DBNTIST -r___n?rar!_>-_SE_-_, Ba_a Qtnrajt-s.aasw S-iaJ-E. -Istrac-ea ef Tes-s by the o_i-i- ---. -lltrcg-B G_s, ftgfegstonal Bonra-j ___________ „v 6 r.u JAMES CATER, DISPENSING AND FAMILY CBEMIST (Membeb Phabmaoeutioal Sooietv), HOBSON-aTRERT, oloso to WelUngton-streat, Apng-AHP. N.Z. T~ B R. WALKER, Surgeon, wlsnes to i-Jr notify to his patients and the public generally, that he has removed to Ukley House, at the top of Grey-street, lately In the occupation of Mr Robert Home. DR. WALKER may be consulted as usual at Mr Gardner's, "The English Pharmacy." 181, Qneen-Btreet, dally from 10 to 11 a.m.; and owing to his practice increasing and extending, the hours of 1 consultation at Mr Morgan's " The Golden Mortal-," will In future be from 2 to 10 a.m„ and 7toßp.mi 'EIEN C I N G 8 of every description put up by oontraot. Nobody oan.,do It obe_per or better than Sam. White. Paling fences, post and rail; Wire and Picket Fenoea of every sort. Prloes on application. All kinds ot Gates made to order, and fixed where required. Fenoes Painted. Posts, Ralls, Palings, Shlnglea, House Blocks, Sec, for sale at yards, SAM, WHITE, Fenoer, Goro_twet(near Brltomart Hotel■

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 23 October 1882, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 23 October 1882, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 23 October 1882, Page 1