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IX 'Rf. E T/> * 8ESTATK, HOUJ3B, AND LAND AQBNT, SOUTH STREET. NKWTOfi"—House of Oighl rooms, divided Into two Dwellings; now lei at 15»: Rood well: freehold allotment. 38 by 100. Price, only £260- (51S) NORfrOLK-STfIKKT-Voranddh Cottage, 1 ToD. m' cupboard, oven, gratta, &o. Price, only £220. (569) WAHMCK BTRKET-VMa of 5 rooms, bow window, kltohen dresser. Btove and fittings, &c; allotment 132x120. P^ce, £600. (573) AUBURN'-STRHIET (off Ryber Pass Road)Mew yroomed Hnnas. wood shed good wnll ■ MOUNT KIIKfJ-tlandßome Villa Residence. 6 rooms, wood shed. &c; allotments xlOO; HWvrTvdT»i!? OBA ti on' Prl «>. only £175. (580) SHELLY BE&OH-A Bargain-Now and welir^i 8f 0d Vi"* ot c "»■"»! FAB and water law In, gas fltiloga, Re; allo-.mont 33 x 120, well foncod and drained. £150. (588) FRANKLIN KPAD (near College Road)-Now ana well-flDhhed Shop and Dwelling ol 7 rooms; water laid Id. Good business posl- „„«<"!• Terms easy. Price, £600. (£3O) OTAHUHU-Verandah Cottage,' 4 rooms allotment 85 xa l. near Pablio School. Price £190. Terms: £50cash; balanoo on Building Society principles. (116) NE WMAKKKT-Buslness Premises and Dwell, ings, in sood positions; main road frontHLLEkSLIE—TCew End wcll-flaishoa HandBjmo Villa, containing 7 rooms, with stable and out-b^uses; splendid corner allotment, 64 x 115. Price, only £160. BLLISHSLiE-S'londla Villa Site, planted with "rriKiivjntal t-nos, and rartly fenced. Ul'Tl-K MI.'DHY CIWKtC - \ Orolco Little Krutt-Rrowlnß Kami, of 18 acre?, 11 miles from Auckland, good Bix-roomed bouse dairy, ani out-oflloon. draught horao, 2 biiuts and fljhinn net?, t»ood orhcard and ilshttg i>\ tidal oreck. No reasonable offar rofusiv. VIKVV--KJ..D. MOUNT KDEN-Hou.e of 1 rooms and ecnllory, reptiattir «rate oven nnnboardi", &0., wood fherl. allotment 3tx lla. cistern ontitabian 1,050 Kallons, with nin1?" uttacllod- n'co Harden. Prlos, only WhIiLINQTOST-STRKffiT - Kew nnd Well, finished Uonso, Ruble end, bow window, voranaah, &0,, G rooms, cicely fitted np very oonvonlent; allotment, 33 x TO, £160. (381) UPPiUt Qa«BN-3TRKKT-A very Comfortable Hoqbo of 7 rooms, all welt floi<hed off; gas laid in, soallery, &0.. &o. Also nioe Now Hdubo, 5 roomi, well floishod, and fltttd with almost overy oonvenloiioo; Rood woti, tanfe. So. To be sold togeihor. (392) HOWK-STREKT-Avory pretty and oompaol Uttla vills of 5 roams, pantry, &o.: nloe garden ; allotment, 30 x 100; water laid In, &o. £380. (125) PONBONBY—Honae, 7 rooms, pantry v Btoreroom, &0., &0., together with 5 aores, laid i ont In orchard, garden, paddoofc, &o: SDlendid sea view. (61) UNCObN-STRKKT-Very Comfortable Houae 7 rooBB, bath-roonii pantry, stable, fowlhonao. &c, &o.; about halt an aoro laid ont in nowerg'«rden,orohard,&o.,with entranoe toaraoastrent; could bo subdivided to advantage. £500. i (180) WOOD-STKttKT-Comfortab'G Residence of 7 rooioß, fitted with cab and almost every convenience; pplendld allotment, about 110 x 150, all tastefully laid out with flowers, fruit-treoa, &o,; grand view of harbour, &o. (275) WOOD BTRKKT—Realdenoe, 8 rooms and outhousoa; allotment, ICS x 165; fully Htocltod with fruit and forest trees j splendid viewPrioe only £525. (301) AVONDALK (Whan)-Nice little Lot of 9 aoreß near the Station, good land. Price, only £15 per aoro. (533) QRKAT NORTH ROAD (corner of Brisbane and Stanley-Btreet3)-Two good Verandah Cottages, with outhouse, well, &o.; allotment to eaoh 31 x HO. Prioe £350 for the lot (161) MILFORD-9TRKBB1, PONfiONBY-New and woll - finished Houaa; 6 rooms, beaideß pantry, dairy, servants' rooms, &o.; fitted with register grates, ovods, &o. ; allotment 131x103; In garden; together with stable, bug«y-houB», &o. &QOO (211) EDBN PLACE, offKyberPaea—Double Uonse of 6 rooms and cellar, goodwill. Price, £260. BHBKIIAN-BTRBKT, PONSONBY-NloeOot-tage; 1 rooms, verandah in front and very comfortable j ne»r the Hall. £230. (300) BAILKY'S PADDOOK (Newton) —New Cottago of three rooms; good well; freehold allotment 33 x 100; only £ 180; easy term ■. (634) PONSONBY TERRACK - New House ; 7 rooms (not qoite finished); good well, tank, woodshed. s-.0.; good allotment. 80 x 100. all fenced and planted. £150. (117) NORTHCOTE-A Bargain- 3-roomed Cottage, nearly new, and large allotment Price, only £100. JOHN-STRKKT, Ponsonby - Cheap Gottace 1 rooms and ecullery, freehold allotment 10 x 80, prioe only £120. m HACKEr-aTREET, near steps to beaoh, foot of lit. Mary'a Road—Handsome Villa gable ends, bow-windows, and fitted with register grate, oven, cupboards, etc ; allotment S3x 98; prloa only £300. (101) OLARENCK-HTRKET- A Now and Wellfinished Verandah Cottage, 1 rooms and scullery ; flttel with resistor grate, oven, cupboards, tanks, etc ; prioe £250, eaßy terms. (jg ß ) PRO3PBCT TERRACK-Handsome and very desirable House, G rooms, Boullery, etc1 register grate, oven, cupboard, shelves, gas and water laid in, oto.; allotment 83 x 100Bplondld Uttlo gardon, ohoioo trees, etc PRO^HOT^3TRKET,nearthoPonsonby( HaU, 83TlS)?fe"nSKl,"prio'a'£325y""*'" """(511)" PARNKfX—Commodiouß Family Residenoe, containing 9 rooms, etc, etc., wash-houßO with cooper, and other conveniences, large and valuable oorner allotment; price £75(1, (671 PAPAKtJRA—Now Hcase and outbnlldinicß, and 37 aores real good land in orohard, oto,. In valuable Doaltion list at railway Btatlon. TDaKAU—A very Compaot irarm ot 101 aores, splendid land, nearly all fenced and subdivided ; plenty of water, a never-failing spring torongh the property : oood Cottage, with workßliop dairy, oowshed, outhoußea, &o.; good posltiou, and only li miles from Elation. Price only £SCO. (122) TURANGA ORKKK (near Howlok)-A very cheap little Farm of 105 aores, part oultivated, plenty of timber and water; good Houae. &o. (about 17 miles from Auokland), Only £225. (133) ONKHUNQA-Two nloe Allotments in Cather. inc-atreet (near corner). Prloe. only £60 (529 RAZOR HACK-FplendldlittleFarmj 82 aores, largo Homestead, and every convenience; about 3 miles from Pokeno Station, (181) KAUKAP AX A.PA-223 acres, on which Btande a valuable bush, and in good, position, (191) OHALMBBBTON-Compaot little Farm of 160 aorcs; part in cultivation; splendid orchard; Kood piece of bu*h: oreek. &o. House and outbuildings almost new. £600, PAPAKUR^— A. desirable Farm of 3CO aores, part in oaltlvatlon, plenty ot water, timber, and beautifully sheltered; good Homestead, 7 rooms, and necessary, orchard, &o,i and stook at valuation, it desired, (217) TUAKAU—Splendid little Lot of 51 aores, nioe pleco bash, v'.anw of wator; near station. BOMBAY—NIoe little Farm of 20 acres, good Homestead, &o. Prloe only £220. TK ARAI-Farm 580 ocrea, with house and all iraorovements for £7000. MOUNT KDKN.—Handsome Villa Residenoe containing 5 Rooms, besides Pantry, Scullery, &o.; all in first-class order, with Stable, Buggy-house, Cow-Bhed, &c, &c., together with 9 acres Voloanlo Land, subdivided , and a portion planted. Terms easy it desired. ■ 601 MOUNT KDEN-Verandah Cottage (1 rooms), tanks, &c, with two Aores Voloanio Land, srabdlvtfed Into paddooka and orohard, Price £500.1 1480). NORTHCoTH! (Takapnna)—BnnK little proporty ot 63 aore", good land, partly lm proved; orohard, &o. Together with New Oottsgo (five rooms), Btablo, oowstied, &0,, fco. Price. £1070. (501) NORTHCOTK—SpIendid Building Allotments at from £35 each. WHARKHINK—IBO aores of vory valuable Bußh-totara, purlrl, kauri. &o.—ln good position, cheap. (021 i PAPAUOA-160 aorea good Buah Land (ohonp), (175) WAITAKKRBI -30 acres good Land, partly Improved; plenty of water, oorner lot, Only £30. . (511) WAIKATO—Nice llttlo Farm ot 27 aores, Improvod; good position; nioo houeeot five rooms and out-bonnes. Only £210, (231)

AND NUMEROUS OTHKR PROPKBTIKBBuah Lands, Improved Farms, Batldlog Bite», Busineoa f romiuos, &0,, for Sale, on application to D. F. EVANS, Hoosk. L »nd, and Estate Agent, QOKKN-BTHBBT (NBXt '^HERALD"). A LLOTMENTS ! ALLOTMENTS ! NKWTOS ROAD—Two First-olasa almost Love! Allotments, 33 x 89, £132 oaoh MOUNI' HDKPJ-SDlendld Level Allotments (main road frontage), flrat-olasa Business Sites; aoout throa mlnutoa' walk past Tol MOUNT HDKN—Very aealrable VUla Sites about 6fi x 180. at from «100 each ONKHUNGA Two Chplco Allotmentei G32 NOETHCOTK—SeveraI Choice Allotmenta In this deiightfnl looality, from BiO oaoh ANGLKSKA-STKKKT-iO x 130, for £100 GRaGE-STRKKT— Very Choice, at from 15s STi^AItI^STEKET-Eoautltul GOB SPIIKNH-STRKKT (Ponsonby)—Choap Building Sites. 33 x 99. at £42 each PONSONBY KOAD (Bayfleld)-One nice Lot, 40 feet frontage, for £60 AUIIUKN-3TRWKT (Kybfir Pass) —Choice )!ui!dlnar Sites, nicely planted, good well, and many appliances for ballQlng, £130 v. X. EVAKS, KSTATS AGENT, QU KEN-STREET (Next •' Herald.") Tp O X S A L B. O'IPHANT-STRKKT (Poneonby) — A New Oottns?e ot 6 roonid. three flreplacoa; water laid in, Prioe, only £280. Terms vory oasy, D. F. KVANH, Estate Agent. Xp O B SALE. SUKLLY BEACH BOAD.-NfW and well finished Villa HesWenco o' 0 roomo; gna and ■water laid In, kab fittings, &o.; allotniont 33 by 120, well fenced and thoroughly drained; a very desirable property, D. F. EVANS. Kfltato Aprent. "in 'O ft s a JU K. A New and WoU-flniahed Shoo and.DwalHii<? of S rooms, allotment 33 x 105. Ooo^ v«tHmi tn rls'Bg suburb. Capital opening E|;

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3 (Supplement)

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3 (Supplement)

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3 (Supplement)