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TTITCHENS'S BLOOD RESTOMB. FOX CLEANSING, PURIFYINtf, AJND INViGOKAiING THE BLuOL\ Seven Years' Test in Auckland. npHIS Medicine differs from ordinary proX prietary preparations, inasmuch as it was the product of yeais of study and investigation by an eminent physician of the Army Medical Staff) with wlmm M*r' Hitchens served during the Kcw Zealand War, aa Assistant .Dispenser to the Imperial Forces. On its introduction to the public as a specific for the cure of Kheumatisrri, Rheumatic uout, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, Blood Impurities, and General Debility, it quickly attained great celebrity, and soon waa sought after from every part of New Zealand. Ita curative and depurativc properties have been fully testified by the numerous testimonials received by the proprietor from patients who had long suffered from tue above distressing maladies, who had applied in vain to physicians for relief, and in whose cases, Turkish Baths, Hot Springs, and other popular remedies had been resorted to without effect. This celebrated medicine is compounded from products of the vegetable kingdom, is palatable and easily taken, mild, but effectual, in its action upon the animal economy. It is, in sooth, a veritable BLOOD Kestoukk, cleansing it, and thereby restoring diminished vitality. It presents, unquestionably, a purer, safer, better, and more reliable alterative medicine than any that has hithetto been available to the poople. (Copy). MrD. R. Cms holm, Agent for Mr Bitchens.—Dear Sir, It is with heartfelt thanks that lam able to endorse the sterling qualities of Mr Hitchens's invaluable Blood Restorer. Being induced by Mr Uishsr, who spoke in eulogistic terms of its merits, to place my wife (who was suffering very acutely with rheumatic fever) under iis treatment, I am very happy to ttate the medicine has acted quite magical. After a few doses pain entirely ceased, and she is making rapid progiess, and is now enabled to resume her household duties. Acting so beneficially, I would not oe without such a valuable remedy, and should impress upon those who are similarly suffer, ing not to overlook this specific, which is inestimable.—Jiclieve me, yours very sincerely, Thomas Beow^, Brittauia Heights, Kelson, AGENCIES. . We are Sole Agents and Importers of the undermentioned, viz. :— Read Bros. Dog's Head Ale and Stout Bisquit, Dubouche & Co.'s Brandies "Wolfe's Schnapps I.ounde's Key Rum Taylor's Irish Whisky Tattcrsall & Campbell's Scotch do. Robt. Burnett & Co.'s Vinegar Hudson's Extract of Soap Goodall's Yorkshire Relish Lanman & Kemp's Florida Watei Perry Davis & Sou's Painkiller Bristol's Pills and Sarsaparilla Kitchen's Blood Rctoier Allen's Lung Balsam Kft?atntK'4? rJ&.l,Suigi}nxS',-zi.')3ams' Stcedman's Preserved Peaches, Thames The Swiss Milk and Food Co.'s Goods L. D. NATHAN & CO. THE want of a reliable remedy for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, Lumbago, &c., has long been felt as one of the greatest calamities of the age. While other means and medicines having been proving themselves vain and delusive, this remedy has been silently and steadily unloosing the cruel fingers of disease, and freeing captive men from their deadly embrace. The people are bow requested to give BLOOD Restorer a fair and impartial trial. And the Proprietor would have it distinctly understood that the cures of Rheumatism, &c, are due entirely to his Medicine's Wonderful Effect upon the Blood, by its Cleansing, Purifying, and Invigorating power. Impurity and Inactivity of the Blood is the cause of nipst sickness and pain. After a course of this medicine, blood-vessels— which have become, as it were, choked up with unhealthy matter—become cxhilarant with pure scarlet life-blood, flowing na« turally along, and imparting in its course vigour and strength to the entire system. ~ HITCHENS' CELEBRATED TDLOOD TJESTOEE The Renovator of the Human Blood. No more Physical Degeneration if the Law of Health are observed, ordinary care exercised, and BLOOD RESTORER freely taken. TJITCHENS 7~piORDIALISEI> T> L 0 0 D TDESTOREx, (Price, £2 per case net), Is a healthy and palatable summer drink when mixed with Lemonade or similar boverages. Without the great remedial properties of the MEDICINAL Blood Restorer, it is stiC of like character in its action on the human system, and is specially manufactured for HOTEL USE. To be had Wholesale of L. D. NATHAN & Co., Sole Agents. |>V ROYAL LETTERS PATENT Gold Medal. Paris, 1878: Speolal Award, Philadelphia. 1876; Sold Modal, Sydney, 1880; Gold Modal, Brussols, 1830; Gold Medal. Melbourne, 1881. Just Landed, OANTRKLIj & COOHRANICB CELEBRATED JKKATED WATERS. MONTSKKKAT LIMHUUIOK CUAMPAUNK A Health-giving Non-alcohollo Uoverago, at Hotels and Clubs; »d por bottle. AKOMATIO QHTOKK ATiKi The Original Belfast Ginger Ale, so justly celebrated at Hotels and Clubs; 8d per bottle. Thane JChatkd Watmus are tho aan«>i quality M contracted tor and now supplied to Ths Crmard 9.8. Co.; the Montreal 5.3. Co, tho Inman S.S. Co.; Ocetjilo 5.3. Co.; he National S.S. Co.; She Pacific B.S. Co.; Anchor, 8.8. Co. Kingston and Holyhoad, R.M., Co. TTHQ&rcSALi: AOICHI, AICKIH, tBK PHAKMAOY Youwq woM-Jsanj institute AND SOAHIUftK-ROUBH. QoKKw-sTirasyi Opm daily from lli ».'»■ til! 9.89 p.ra Dlrmot and tixmobooa troao 12 Jo S p.m.- T»» (rom t to 7 p.m. BonrdlnK-hou""= Eoc youug IjmMee who ara occupied dcrlne tho dr-y. Terms on spplloatloa to the Hon. Sooretary. Y.W.C.A.. Mnetlng BTory Thursday, 7.80 p.m. aoreruoaa' A«onoy. UoivsaK' X.glairy, woO lordlns Übrßrr in !X'nnnclln:i with *he IfisSlUta. OUNQ MEN'S OiiKISXIAK &SSOCIATIOK. OOHHao OS T»r;r.l.KSL."3l* AM> ALBBJST 6T888T3 Beading Eoom, Ooicifortsblr Furnished, All ths LOBdlng Fnprr: nn the tables. Subscription, USd psv eiwirtnr. The Übrary eontnlno tupwards o£ W! volt. In tto TRrtotiD doprjiments ol titoM-.nro- OatasriptiDH, 3b ®& PCT Quartor. Toa a&d Coffee prortdctj, SmriiyineEt nafl Boardlnn-honti Beslßtsrs, Meatlns tor Yuiuas Tu(,n ou 'i'u&jOssa. »* 1.V5, KTaafitellntlo EarrSoa, Tliurailnyu atT.tO, Biblo RwdtoK anil Vt iy«r, nafrnjday rst T.EB. Blbls Clara, Snnda?. bi, ETRANBBB3 • a& o^hora Isayectially Young Mon> taxQiaSX? toTllod ta visit ibo Eotsm», whore til tafc<nu>iicn rc,*g l>t obUEsefli. OCSB (Kirn I B.m.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3 (Supplement)

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3 (Supplement)

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3807, 21 October 1882, Page 3 (Supplement)