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Medicaid _^ A NEW ERA IN DENTISTRY, MR. ALFRED WILLIAM CHATFIELD FORMERLY Off MBLrtOURNii), To whom was awarded the Second Ordek c* MffittITatthOINTOHMATIONAL EXHIBITION, , MEt.nonKNE, 1880—1881, HAS COMMENCE!! His PROFESSION IN AUCKLAND In that Centrally-situated SUITE OF ROOMS overhoad Mossrs. J. and T, Maiion'a HalrdrKßSing Kstobllshmont, Quoen-Btreet_ His appllancos wore apoclally solooted for him In London nnd Paris, and Include tho Latest Improvements in Dentistry known to the soientlflo world. As Mr. Chotfleld has modo arrangomonta to receive regular ahipmenta of oil Dental Roquisltee from London, hia rooms will bo known aa " Tbe London Dentistry." Note the Address— J. he London Dentistry. 190, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND (Next door to the Savings Bank, and overhoad Messrs Mason's Hairdresslrg Saloon EX. I N G t, -AF.SLPARILLA STORES, m, GREY-STREET, Auckland. Suporior to Many I Equal to Any 1 Inferior to Nonel Sarsaparilla Compound, highly reoommondod for ony Dleeoso of tho Skin, Scurvy, Sorofula, or Eruptions, Ulcers, &o.; Hoadaohe, Loss of Appetite. Sluggish liver, and General Weakness. In bottles from lo 6d and 2s 6d ; Double Strength, 2s 6d and 4s. A gents wonted. Will keep good ln any climate; A liberal allowance to merchants, captalna, missionaries. &c: lAVHIK COMPLAIN'!.-. DX, KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS (without Meroury.) The Best Remedy fob Biliousness, Stomach Derangement, Flatulence, Pain. Between the Shoulders, Bap appetite, Indigestion, Acidity, Head-ache, Heartburn, ond all other aymptoma of disordered liver and dyßpopsio. Acknowledged by many ominont surgeons to bo the safest and mildest pills for evory constitution.—ln Boxes at la Rd, 2s 9d, and 4s Sd. Sold by Chemists and Alodicine Vendors throughout tho world. Prepared by Jos. Rorko, London. Specially valuable Pilla for residents abroad and truvollorß. Sold by Kemptiiorne, Prosser & Co. " CJULPHOLINE LOTION."—An ExK5 ternal Moana of CURING SKIN DISEASES. There la ecarcoly any eruption but iWlll yiold to "Snlphollno" in a fow days, and commence to fado away evon if it scorns past euro. Ordinary pimples, rednoss, blotohes, scurf, roughnons, vanish as if my magio; whilst old, enduring skin disorders, that have plaguod tho suflorers for years, howovor dooply rooted thoy may bo, " -ulphollno" will successfully attack them. It do?t.roys tho animalculro Whloh causes those unsightly, irritable, painful affections, and always produces a clear, healthy natural condition of tho skin. " Sulpholino,' Lotion is sold by most Chemists. Bottles, 2s 9d I Mode b7 J, Poppor and Co., London, Sold by KhMPTTTORNK. Probseji ft CQji "Vji-r-ftlK'S VU IN UN IS and IRON a TONIC rousoa nnd dovelopes the nervous energies, onrlohos tho blood, promotes appotito, dispel, languor and depression, fortiHoa the digestlvo organs. Is a spocillo romedy for neuralgia, ague, lndlgostlon, fevera of every kind, chest affections, and in wasting dlsoascs, sorofulous tendencies, &c. The wholo frame i« groatly lnvigoratod by Popper's Tonio, tho mental faoultioa brightened, tho constitution greatly Btrongthonod, and a return to robust health certain, iioulos, 32 dosoa, 4s Od; next Blzo, lis. Sold by Chemists cverywhoro. The name of J. Poppor, Bedford Laboratory, London, must bo on tho label. Thore Is no Tonlo ao certain ln effect aa Poppor'B Quinine and Iron. It la strongly recommended to rosidonta in India and the Colonies, and should alwoyß bo kopt ready for uso ln ovory case of fever or fobrllo condition. Bold hy KwMPTTTonTjir,. Prorb-ti and Qru fIIrtRAXrtUUM ANt PUU'.'PHI LLIiN, A Prepared only by J. Poppor, London, This Fluid combination, extracted from modlolnal roota, is now used instead of bluo pill and calomel for tho euro of dyspocsln, biliousness, and all aymptoma of congestion ot tho Uvor. whloh oro gonornlly pain beneath thoßUOuldere, head-acho, drowsiness, no appotito, furred tonguo, disagrooablo tasto in tho morning, glddinoss, disturbance of tho stomach, and fool. Ing of general dopression. It sot- tbe slnggish liver in motion, very slightly icts on the bowel, giving a BonßO of health and oomfnr'. -with 21 hours. It la the mu'im.i. ine'liei',';,; Turitxncuin and Podophyllin Is a Bu«_ made only by J. PEPPER. Bedford Laboratory. London, whose ■namo laou every U\_(.(. liittles, 2s 9d and Is 6d. old hy __ Cat'mls'j. A most valuablo end i 'Uiintial medjclno for India, Australia, the ' i".|'o. rind Colonle. generally. ! Bd'in hy K'KM?i'iimiNß. Phossbb te Co B'tfK As _". OF WOMEN A_T3 CHILDREN. OK. WALKER, (.U-tci-O;:, j Lai - or Yobkbuirb, E«a_Ain>, I May .oro_*~tce_ at Mr Morgan's. Phs.rmaocn-tlo-iChc . •:, "Golden Mortar," top of Pitt- ! street, t-jxangahape Bond, .Newton. Bill,-: 9lu iU, 12 to 1 pjn„ anil 7 to S p.m. Vaccination ovory Thursday, at 3 p.m. Private Residence i Montreal Houso, Groat North KoniL g_» Ul<L 1 0 NOTICE, THE GOLUEN" MORTAR (luto P. F. Martinson's), OrrOSITE PITT • STRSET, EABANaAHAPK ROAD, NSWTON, Will In futuro bo carried on under tho management of T. P. Morgan, from the City of Hereford, England. Ml Try Morgan's Groat Nerve Tonic. "M T_» U B L I C NOTICE. S. GILBERT, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Begs to Inform his frion is and the pnblio gonorally that ho has REMOVED to more Central and Commodious premises, at 92, Qvk k » street, opposite Wyndham-stroot, whoro ho hopea to receive o oontlnuonoo of heir patronage, S, G I L B E R T, QUEEN-STREET. DOCTOR TEN NAN T haa REMOVED hia Dispensary: and Surgery to Howbi's Hnlldlngs, Wellcsloy-stroot. Ho urs of ottondonoo i—9 to 10 a.m., Ito 2 and 7 to 8 p,m. Private Residence I Symonds-Btroet. "f & M £ .-, v. Ah '_ h v, •3 08-MIST AND DRUGGIST. HOBSON-SIEKKT, ME 0 0 L E 8, • DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMIST, (Membeb Phabmaoeutioal Society), BILLINGTON'S BUILDINGS, FREEMAN'S BAY. Physicians and Surgeons Proscriptions carefully prepared with Pure Drugs ond Chomloala. Dr. Evans attends dally at 3 p.m. "XT 0 T I ~~C i. MRS. E, HOMBERG, SOLE AGENT OF DB. HEILBRON'S CELEBRATED WORM CAKES, Begs tc Inform tho inhabitants of Auckland and surrounding districts that she haa orrlved from tho South, and will remain for soma timo in Auckland. MRS. E. HOMBERG hna brought with hor t supply of these WORM CAKKS, whloh have :ieon vory successfully used in Europe ond in ,ho Australian Colonies. She will bo happy to rive any information to heads of families with -egnrd to symptoma when offocted with WORMS, as woll iv children as in adults. No time should be lost to act against tho worm ilcknoaa, which ofton causes many diseases, or ilße lt may he too late to effect a permanent tare, aa the worms, especially tho so feared ROUND WORM, ond the THRKAD SVORM, which will penetrate to every port of he body, evon up to tho BRAIN, oroatlng JITS and WORM FEVER. Two or threo doses of DR. HEILBRON'S rVORM CARES will bo sufftoient to destroy md eradicate any kind of WORMS, and oan bo ;ot at a very small expense, MRS. HOMBERG is now residing at Devonhire House, Hobson-street, whoro she la iropored to rocelvo Ladles with their children. T «T ! I Venetian BUnas. TRADE MAKE, rHE AUCKLAND tiAS VKNETIAr- < BUND FACTORY, Established 1864. Q&V, AMERICAN PINK VENETIAN LV BUNDS -j (Whoi,_Bj__ Aim RnrTAi_, Blinds fioni iv all parts of tho Colony on the hortOßt Notice on remittance o! order. Our Blind* oro Lighter mid Cheapor than Uu oportod iron bunds, .A, AND A. BUSBY Late M. Horton Busby), BaOtioal Blind Makbrb & Wirk-Wob_bbi! Corner of Cook, and Grey Streets, Market square, *uok_ui_ N.Z.I l

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3619, 16 March 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3619, 16 March 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3619, 16 March 1882, Page 4