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- ttaßinese Noticeii. j INDIA AND CHINA COMPANY'S1 STANDARD PACKET TEAS. Packet undß and Half-pounds In Four Qnalitios, EMPEROR'S BOUQUET, MANDARINS CHOICE, IMPERIAL MIXTURE, ORIENTAL MIXTURE, They are distinguished by great strength, agreeable brlaknosa, and delloioua flavour— resulting from a soiontillo admixture of tho 1 very finest Teas that the groat Continent of Asia can produce. The excellence of those Teala apparent by the lorge and Increasing demand that exists for theml n Viotoria, and wherever they have been Introduced. AGENT FOB AUOBXAND t JOHN BUCHANAN, Cnßtom-honae-street. \\T PHILLIPPS <- sua, TV • OIL, COLOUR, AND GLASS MERCHANTS. Importorslof Poperhongings, Sorim, Polnta, Oils, Turpentine, Colours, Varnishes, Fronoh Polish, Gold Leaf, Artists' Colours and Brushes: Plato, Sheet, Crown, Ornamontr.l, and Photographio Olass; Picture Frames and Tapes .ry Mouldings Clook and Compass Glasses, Ula.od Sashes and Doors, Glass out to size and carefully p' eked. o. _ 87. quh;h:n-BTrket. "OOOK-BINDIN- & PAPER-RULING B||^^^g___^__gE^____gfSl «!* WILLIAM LEYS, j BOOK-BINDER. PAPER-RULER. 4 MEHCHANTS' ACCOUNT BOOKS Ruled Jt and Bound to Pattern. J MUSIC. MAGAZINES, BIBLES 4 AND PRAYER BOOKS, J BOUND IN ALL STVLKB, _| Throe Doom obovo Stab Office. BAKERS' SPECIAL RULED DAY-BOOKS. LIBRARY P K)KB STRONG & CHEAPLY _ BOUND ¥TI D W A X D X A X T _ E V, ARCHITKCT, BTICHBURYS BUILDINfc QUKEN-STKEET. / rpHOS. T TTARBUTT, '-- THK KAPAI CORN BROOM FACTORY, CUSTOM-nOUSE-ST, Prices i West. From 12/6 por doz, ft O TO B A '1 H VT to Roth's PubUo Hot, Cold, nnd Shower Baths, Victoria-streot East. Charge, One Shilling. Open all week days from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sunday Mobnihgs from 6 till 10 &.m. The Bath-rooms are all private, and supplied with every oonvonionoe, Turkißh towels, nosh and hair brrihea, combs, respirators, soaps, &v Select bath-rooms (private) for Ladios every day, at oil hours, with female ottondanoe, Two Shilling and Sixpenor. Please note the address: Viotorla-stroot East, above the Greyhound Hotel, and next tho Cheap Bedding and Furniture Mart Auckland JO, F E L HA » • LADDER A BARROW MAKER, 80 and 82, Viotoria-strket. Rvery Deeoriptlon of Ladders, Stepß, Barrows, f arrow Wheols, Clothes Horsos, Clothes Boxes, Travelling- Cheeta, &c., on hand or mads to order. A liberal discount allowad -» Contractors and On wholesale order. Shop and Ollice Fittings, andaU kinds of Jobbing work done by experienced workmen on tho shortest notice. N.8.—1-.ddars, Stop* and Hwrrowi lent on hire, Violins bought. One or two superior old Violin* for Bale I also, a good ViOltnoeua ohoati. MeroHanaise, A RTHUR U TVTATHAN, GENERAL IMPORTER AND commission mercii ant, j 33, Lower Qpeek • ster-T, Atjcklasd (Opiloeits Hallway Rocianisttou), And at 9, New Broad-steklt, LoirooN, i Also Representatives I:. America, Contiuonlul aud.Colonial Porte, GEN E R A L HEKCII A R D I S E OILMKN'S bTOUE4 Ticid, Ci>V"r:R^ PEPPER AND HriClUl dbikd ruuiTs 1 ()ANX_l> 1-RUIT AND VWi.TTAn.Ea PKE-KKVKIJ HEATH sne_-ts JilOß, T.4PIOCA, AND BABO - DRYaAr.TRKV OONJfKOriONIUt'. jams and jxLLnra PRHMKRVXE ITISD OANDLSS f, COLONIAL PBODUOE TOBACCOS OIOAHB AND OinAUKTT-S WAX MATCIIKB WRAPPING PAPERS PAPER BAOS TWINKS Oil-) AND PAINTB HOPS CEMENT AND PLASTXTB CROCKERY PIANOS AND nABMONirms WINES AND BPIBITS AGENCY AND SAMPLE ROOMS Fob British and Fobeion Manueactub-BS. INDENTS FOR ALL CLASSES OF MERCHANDISE. Executed on Advantageous Terms. Liberal Advances on Kauri Gum, Wool, and other Colonial and Island Produce for shipment to London, at which port Bamo will reoelvo prompt attention from Mr L. A. Nathan, ARTHUR H. NATHAN. Cordials, etc MONARCH OF /GRATED B-VrIHAGES. 2 O B » O N J__, From tho Zancef, Ootober, 878. . " Zobdonb contains the Soluble Phosphates Of Llmo, Iron. Soda, and Potash In medicinal quantities. Zoeoonx l« a very eilloiont and Sloasont vehicle for the odmlniatrotlon of tho at littlo soluble phosphate of Iron." (a -pabkling bffebvbsoino Tcnio an» Life Restobeb. Is non-alcoholic, but more oxhilaI rating than tho finest ohampagno. ZOEDONE J May be taken alono, or mixed with wino or beer In equal proportions. Strongthena tho Brain nnd Nerve Tissue, and should bo taken ln . evory case of Nervous Disorder, /Producos aound and refreshing alcep during hot nights, with on unfurred tonguo, and a koon appetite for breakfast next morning. Ia a delloioua drink for dally nso, . ZOEDONE < entirely obviating tho need of ony other liquor. Mnst, as a natural oonsequonco, ; take tho place of the various Mineral Waters, which woaken the Bystom, rnln digestion, and , lower the vital tone. Weekly Increasing sales now equal TEN MILLION BOTTL-S YEARLY. ' Supplied by Chemists, Wine Merchants, i Grooera, ned Hotel-keouore. . Patented oil over the World. Patentee— J David Johnson, F.O.S. Manufacturers—The ' Zoedone Company (Limited), Wrexham, Wholesale- Agents for New Zealand, \ K-MPTHORNE. PROSSER & CO. (LIMITED) \ 1 rpHE AUCKLAND .ERA TED \ A WATER CO., Corner of Wellbsley 1 AND ALBEBT-STBBETS i MANAGER, MB GEO, GLBDHILL, ■■ Wholesale Only. 1 ~™ £ The above Company In commencing business bog to intimate that it is their Intention to Manufacture & -rat-class article, at the lowest c possible price, and Delng ln possession of op- r pltances, which no othor', firm In the trade . possess, they can, with confidence, defy com petition, aa the following prices will prove I— Prices from and after February I,IBBL -s.a [co (In large quantities, per agreement), _perlb _ _0 0 3 -.rated Waters, Lemonade, Sodawater, Ginger-ale, Ginger Beer, Raapberryade, Tonic-water, at per dozen _ .. _ 0 1 S demon Cordial, Peppermint do, Clove do, Raspberry do, at por dozen.. - 0 15 0 linger Wine, per dozen -. _ ~110 Bnger Wine (ln bulk), per gallon .. 0 10 0 .ulnine Wino, per dozen _ _ _ 2 0 0 jimejnice Cordial, per dozen ~ - 016 0 JarsapariUa, per dozen .. - _, 1 10 0 Stoughton Blttora, per dozen .. ~140 )ronge Bitters, por dozen .. _ _ 116 0 Four shillings ln the pound, or twenty per tent, discount will be allowed off the above iricos for cash, or if tho account Is paid on or HSfore the 15th day of oaoh month. If accounts: ,ro not paid before that date, the fail amount vlll be oharged. Country customers will bo supplied at the . ,bove prices, but all paoking, coses, and bottles ' rill be ohargod for, and a reasonable allowance - rtll be made for cases when roturnod, according 0 their condition. Bottlea and atopperswhen eturned will be allowed for at market prices. { . Particular care will bo taken In packing goods, I Cuetomors ore particularly requested to advise -» he return of empty bottles by post-card, or •therwise, for cases frequently disappear in a lost mysterious manner from the Auokland Vhorf. h All bottlea not returned will be ohargod, as at larket prices. iT ______ J 1 JfLOWMAN'S TIME.TABLE >• Leave Onehnngai Leave Auckland 8 a.m, 8.-S a.m. 12 noon _ p.m. apeolal Ooacb ■■ POT agreement. *

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3619, 16 March 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3619, 16 March 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3619, 16 March 1882, Page 4