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Land and. Mstate Asrents. |^IHAS.l HAS. \WT i Ii L I A MS 0 N, HOUSE LAND AND FINANCIAL AGENT. Vulcan Lane, Auckland. IVSNTS anrt INTKRBST Collented. MONEY Inveßted for Capitalists on flrst-olasa Bocuritioa, -without Charge. Sis per cent allowed on deposits until invested. MORTGAGES and LOANS Negotiated, BHARH3 Bought or Sold to ordor. KfITATJCS Managed for Absentees. BUILDING ALLUTKBKSS TOR SALE AT FES VOOTI— St. Mary's Road. 80/ Dedwood Torraoo, 15/ J?ni",ißtf.-ntrnek, 30? Carßllns-stroet, 45/ Angiesea-Btroet, 35/ Norfolk-street, 35/ Wollosley-Btreot,loo' Harbour Terrace, 15/ Beresford-stroet, 80/ Duke-street, 28/ Porolval Parade, 40/ Cook-stroot. 69 and 90/ Rokeby-street, 10/ Edwin-streot, 21/ Rcolamatlon, 110/ Orel ton F.oftd, H/ Howe-itreet, GOl Arfiur-etreot, 80/ Haokett-Btreet, 10/ Vine-street, 10/ Curran-stroet, 30/ Kybor Pass. 65/ Richmond Road, 12/0 Brighton Road, 27/ Stokes' Point, 5/0 Commercial Road, 8/ Also, In various other streets at low rates. i?^nnn TO T,mD, lnSun>s of A! 0 and up* «W^J warda. on good Becuritlea NEW Five-roomed Houso for Salo in X//UU vvillium-streot. near St. James'Chnroh. -Pi Kfl-FOUK-KOOMICD HOUSE for Sale, S/IOU Nowton; allotment 33x107. Building Society terms. FOUR Apron of Volcanic Land at Mount Eden for sale; ncouroly fenced an in ffraas. MATAKOIIK-Kxcollent Farm for Salo, with conifortablo homestead, outhouaos. &c.; alluvial flat; creek on boundary; small portion bush; good cattle ran ndjoining. •Vf OUNT KUKN-Small Houso for Salo and -LWL freohold allotment on main road, fronting the Church, cheap; also, four-roomed House ! noar Railway Bridge, £145: ana two-roomod Houbo, £100. ICusy terms oan bo arranged. -PifiH-TOURItOOMED HOUSE forSaloln ; qh 7i smaii depoolt and ■ffeoklj' paymonts taken : ah o, House at £125. GRAFTON ROaD—Very Superior House for Salo; iust built, gas and water, commanding fine view; a bargain. PON^ONBY-A'ow Klght-roomod Houso for Sale opposite Presbytorian Church, two i frontages, allotment 44 x 200. PON SON BY—Three-roomed House In Brown atroet for sale for £95. on oasy terms. 4>9QR—HOUSE for Sale in William-street, *■»• "° noar St. James' Church. A LLOTMH;NTS Bought, and Houses Built, on A the Weekly Payment System. PT Cottago off tho Great uxw North Koad for Ba i e# Sma u deposit and weekly payments. EPSOM— Gontlemari's Villa Residence, soven rooms, coaoh-house, stabling, &c. £000. UPPKR QUKKN-STKKICT—Two AllOtmehtß to be leased for a term ot SO yoars, at the low weekly rental of is lid eaoh; very suitable for Shops or Cottages. T AND to bo Leased 2 miles from Dovonport J J Wharf, on most advantageous terms; also Cottage and few aores to bo lot cheap; road and son frontage. f?i qc-THREE-ROOMKD HOUSE for Bale X/Loo in N 6W to n , noar King's Arms Hotel; ls7ol allotment. Easy torms. REMUER A—l 6 aoros, for Salo; oxcollont soil and splondid viow; also 6 acros.for £700 BRIGHTON ROAD, Parnell - Slx-roomod Houbo for Bale, allotment 40 x 100; water laid on. Price. £275. '|->WO BRICK SHOP 3 FOR SALE-Contral 1 position, noar Post-offlco. A considerable portion of tho money can remain on mortgage. I;>APAKURA-30acroH of Excellent Land for sale at 70s por aoro. p ENKRAL BTORE lnSuburbß-Loaso for sale, \X Doing oxcellont buslnoss. Satisfactory reasons given for leaving; also, Bootmaitorß Businees for salo, with lease of promises; also, Loaso, with fixtures, of two Shops and DwolliDghouße in Symonde-stroot; favourable tonne. HOTICL for solo or lease in Taranakl; firstclass position for business. nokk—VKRY Comfortablo Now Houbo for *dJ" salo, fine viow, twenty mlnutoa walk from Post-olilco PONsonby— Now Stt-roomod House and Workshop for salo; two allotments; two frontages; «isy terms. pnqft-Very convenient houso In Dnblln-st. 3j£io\J Newton, for Balo; wsshhouse, garden J?9Qll—Now Fivo-roomed House far sale in A/iS J v ponsonby. Frontage to two Btreets, WELLINGTON-STKKKT. -Pretty Cottage for ealo, near St. James's Church; gas and wator laid on; garden, &c. T)AKNKLL. — Nowly-finished Six-roomed Jl Houso for salo; pleasant viow; £380. ipAKAIS also For Bale at Waikomltl, Komo- -•• koriki, Paromoremo, Stokos's Point, Waitakorel, Romr.cra, flig md Littlo Omaha, Karlol, Rlverhoad. Mornlngside, Mahurangi, Walnul, Coromandol, North Shore, Papakura, £c. Also, 800 list in A Mo Zealand Herali and Wee kit New:. CHAS. WUUAMSON, ESTATE AGENT VotOAN LAKH |f> G. aWI!NU T,O N, HOUSE, LAND, & ESTATE AGENT, NO. 81, QUKEN-STRKKT, BUILDING HITK3, Now North Road An ALLOTMENT in Sheridan-street COUNTRY LAND for Sale 10 ncroa Volranio Land, £325 Now Houso of 5 rooms, in HDrosford-strcot; Unrivalled Building Sites nt Allondnlo, Mount Albert. Tho land Is some of tho best in tho country; it in within four miles of town ; hasa railway Ftation within 100 ynrds of it; commands a good viow; can bo sold on remarkably caay terms, and in parcels to suit purchasers, i'lans nt my ofllco. Arrangements can bo mado with persona wishing to inspect tho uroporty. Largo ilouso ami Allotuiout, Newton Roud, £ioo. Comfortable Residence in lianllugu-atrout (City), £500. Kybor Ptiß3 Hoad-Now Cottago, £190, Two Shops, Kdcn Terrace, £GOO. Dceiiablo Itosldcnco in Dppor Pltt-stroet, . rootns, £350 SUBURBAN Mount Kdou, nnar tho Public. School and 'Bus tor-; minus, 5 ncres of Good Volcanio Lnnd, laid out in garden and puddoclcn, having thoreon a ton-roomod Houbo, stable, coach-house, &o. Price, £1200. Land cloeo to it has boon Bold rocontly at about £100 per aero. Monby TO Lend, F. G. EWINGTON j. m7~l e*N ° X BBTATX AOKNT AND VALUATOB. QCEEN-6TBBST, AUOKLAMD, MONEY LENT OUT FOR CAPITALISTS ON FIRST-CLASS SECURITIES, OR INVKSTKI) IN BANK. INSURANCE, OR OTHER SHARES. NO CHAItOK TO LKNDUII OK INVESTOR. BERKSFORD - STREET (City) - A Lorgo FaiDily Rosidonco, with 40 foot frontago to Berofford-streat. This property Is only ton minutes walk from the Union Bank, and 1b fitted up with every convenience.—J. M. Lonnox, Kritato Agent, Auckland 2C2L MOUiNT v .KI)E^f-A Beautiful Now 7-roomed Resilience, with verandah and balcony, commanding a magnificent view of tho harbour. Tho omnibus pnsBCS within a fow yards. Price, £5000.— J. M. ljflnr.ox, K'stnto Agont 163 L ■Pi RA-FOUR-HOOMKU COTTAGE In Duko *IJU strrot, with freohold allotment. Price, £150. -J. M. Lo.inoot. Estttto Agent IGOL -filQf; (a bargain)-4-roomod Hoaso In the *iOt' Commercial Road, with freehold allotmont, 33 x 100. Price, J5135.—J. M. Lennox. 153 L .£i fifl-COTTAGK, In Ponsonby. Torms: ~iu" £50 cash; balance can remain npon the property.—J. M. Lonnox, Estato Agont. 155 L -PRO()-^0 INVKBTORB :3 Houbob with froe*ouu hold allotment, 156 x 133. Tormo can b) arranged,—J. M. Lennox, Estate Agent. PONSONBY-frroomod Houso with freehold allotment, 34 x BO,' near the three lamps. Prloo, £320.— J. M. LonnoK, Kstoto Agont. loiL REMUKR^I— Villa Rosidonco and 5} aoros of garden, shrubbory, and posture. Price, J81.000.-J. M. Lennox. 150 L "OAPAKURA (a Bargain)— Farm of 69 aores, X with small Houso, und 20 aoros in grass. This boautiful littlo homestead Is only 21 miles from town and 1 mllo from a railway station, 2 miloßfroma ohurch andpchool. Prico, £340.-• J. M. Lennox. Kotato Agont. GSL i LLO'I'MKNT-A flno allotment 50 x 120, .Ow fronting Qnarry Koad, baok of Kybor Pass Road. Price, Xi 2s 6d por foot.—J. M. Lonnox. QUBURBAN ALLOTMENT - Allotment In O the Suburbs, near the Parnell Grammar School, 10 x 200. Can bo had in one or more lots. Price, £2 5s pet foot. A most beautiful viow ot the harbour.—J. M. Lonnox. 89L TJiOR SALE, in tho heart of the olty, a BoautlL fullO-roomod Reßidonoe, with water and gas laid on. This rosidonco is most healthfully situated, and is only a fow minutes walk from Qneen-stroet.— 3. M Lonnox, Estate Agent, 139 L FOR BALE (a bargain)— Farm of 175 aoros at Pukokoho West, unimproved, being part }f Lot 18. This fine property \a mixed bush and tern, and well watered. Must bo sold. Price, £360; £200 of which can romain upon the property at a very low fate of interest.—J. M. Lennox, Kstaro Agent, Auckland. 136 L £1 90~ A Bargain—Cottage. Mount Eden, 3 iwxuv apartments, freohold allotment 33 x 100. Price, £130; £65 cash, balance can remain >n tha property.—J, M, Lennox, Estate Agent. .34L » FIRST-CLASS FARM of 123 acres In West t\- Pukekoho, with good House, cow-aheds, lairy, &c. The farm i 3 all in grass, and Is only mo mile from the railway station.—J. M. Leniox, Katnto Agent, Auckland. 12SL VU^LA RKSIDHNCK.—A Charminß Villa, i commanding a magnificent view ot tho r mrbour; about 5 aores of pasture and shrubbory, .'rice, £1000. .J, X. Lennox Estat nt. 1 iucklanf" 1 CpiVE-UOOMKl) VISRANDAH COTTAUn,.L Commanding v viow of tlio harbour ; freolola allotment. £50 cash, balance of £250 oan ■eiuain upon tlia property at 7 por cent.—J. M. .ennox, Kstato Agint, Auckland. 120 L 1 rO FARMEItd. For Sale, a bargain, a Fine Compact Littlo Farm of 100 acroa In ono of ho best farming districts in tho Waikato. The . arm is all fenced, and has a dwelling-house - ipon it; in grass. Is offered at a very low irloo, owing to the owner leaving the district. - Mcc, £400; £150 cash, balanco can remain upon ho property, 12L. «r For Houses, Parms, and Allotments, see iy long, advertisement in ' Weakly Herald." j J M. LENNOX, Ebtatk aoknt. Auckland. [ uoaenbuuflera. &c. i [Kstablishkd ibbJ.j " I O AC H F A. O T O X V, I U ELUOr-STKEKT. Auckland. I Whltetje qpootfiiUy ofrering lili sincero thanks ilio numorous PntronH of tho Firm for their ndfarhearancn and oneidoradon during the ness of his Into Partner, Charlos Atkinbegs inform them that ho I* again at thohoadof c Manufacturing and Kojiairing J)opartmont, here nl! ordtirs with which ho may bo favoured ■>< ill bn under bin pcraonal BUporvision. With croasfd auporlor uptiKivncca and flr«l>olasa Ufinns, Ciwtomers may rely upon thoir cominilij boiiif; 0.-xuutcd promptly in a durable d Jluiuhod style. COUaINS & AIKIN, l

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 4