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Land and Estate Agents. * LAND AND KSTATK AGKNT, QrjBEN-STRKKT, PITT-STREKT-For Sale, a Suporlor Renldenoo of «'ight rooms, well and substantially finished, larce freehold allotment (10 x 130), situated in Pitt-street, opposite Groy-6treet; vory suitable for a medical maa, th'j posiiion being good. Prico £!H)O.-R. C, Greenwood. WAiKOMtI'I S'i'ATION-For Salo, 100 acroa good Land, partly fenced and In grass, fifty acres Rood bush, good rtin at baclMiolns Potter's h»Bb aua Keiley's farm}, well watered, tngsfcher with good Bix-roomcd Houee, cow-Bhed, &o, and ilye-acro orchard. Price J3150.-R. 0. Greenwood, . , MOUNT AIsBERI'-i'or Salo. 2 acres of Rich Vulcanic Soil, fenced, in grass, and planted with fruit and ornamental trees, close to main road and railway station; Rood view Prlco, £325. EPSOM-For Sale, near AnoKianfl, n GentlSman's ReDidoaee, containing 11 rooms, also 1 aqrea laid, orchard, gardon, coach-houso, stable, and out-bnildlnga. LX»R IMMKUIATK SALK-25 miles from i. Auckland, on the Great South Road, a vory suporlor Farm of 190 acres, mostly all improvod, subdivided into ton paddockß, and laid down in grass or in cultivation: valuable orchard go3d. Nlno-roomod Family Houae, six-stalled stable, cowshed, etorahßuso, oto, oto; throo miles from railway station, on the main road. Prico, £1800 Torms can be made.—R. C, Greenwood. FOR SALK-200 Acres of Kauri Bush Land being lot 165, and N.W. part of lot 101, Pariah of Oltahu, Hobsoh County, immediately adjoining tho Union Hash r.f.d Door Company a property; stream through tho land. Price low. Kany terms.—R. C. Greenwood. THE othor Farm consists of 80 acres good land, fully improved, 10 acres bush land, well watered; Now 4-roomed House, &o Price, £100. FOR SALK-Sovon-roomedCottaico, situated at tho Whau, main road frontage; good orchard, &c; I of an aoro of laud, good well, &c. Prlco. £230. (82) FOR SALK—Lot 37, Parish of MongonnM, co talning forty aoros of vory ohoico and Prloo, £30, worth £100. Also, South-western portion of lot 79, containing 33 acres of vory good land, joina Improved landß. Prlco, £50. Also, Lota 11,15, and 35 of the town of Manurapai, containing one aoro oach. Prico for lot, £35. Tho abovo lot of lands are a capital investment, and easy termß can be made-say £25 cash, balance by Instalments.—R. C. Greenwood. "I7OR SALK—S miles from Auckland, 5 to 20 JL Aorea of Good Land (Unimproved); well watered; close to good roads; 10 minutes walk from railway station; suitable for anyone wishing for email dairy farm, and to keep a horso and live out of town, tho aspeot being to the North-lCaet, and view good; locality, Mount Albert, and tho land adjoining being all taken np and valued at four tunes tho prlco askod for . thla land, viz., £1210a an aero, payable on the deferred payment system, or aa agreed, R. C. GKEEMWOOD, AUCTIONEER AND KSTATK AGKNT. UUKBN-BTIIEET D. h\ E v As« *s« HOUSE, LAND, INSURANCE! AND KSTATK AGENT, Noxt "Herald" Office, Quoon-otroot, FOR SALE, ALL that magnlitolent Cornor Allotment, Franklin Road and England-street, about SI x 101, planted with oruamontal trees, &•«. Thiß Is, without exception, tho bost site in the vioinity—both at prosent for a villa rosidence, and prospoctivoly nn a grand business site, WELLINGTON-STRKET-Buainess Promtei?, leasehold, For Salo (cheap). OKATO, New Plymouth—For Sale, or oxohani;e for property in or near Auckland, SI Acre \ GO of which are improved, and tho romairing 21 standing bush: 15 miles from town ; fenced and subdivided, 3-roomo'l houso, well, nice orchard, stock-yard, eto.;tolegra)-h lino close by; lj-milos from tho sea; at foot of Mount Egmont. Prico £300; £200 can BtandatlOpercent, 320 . POMPALLIKR TKRRACK, Ponsonby - A Vorandah Cottage of 5 rooms and allotment, 60 x 100; nico garden in splonold onier. Prlco £300. . 331 . DUBLIN-STKKKT, Ponsonby-Voro nice gable end Verandah Cottage; nicely furnishod, bow window, 5 rooms (large), protty flowor garden in front; allotment 33 x about 100, Price £320. 33(i BHKKHAN-STRKKT, near Pouaonby Hall— Nico Cottage, four rooms, &c, verandah tat front, porch at baok; good position; £230. Also, the allotmont at roar of sarao, with frontage to King-street of 36 foot, at 35s por foot. 300 PARNKLL—A Comfortable Family Rosldonco, consUtlng of Drawing-room (30 x 15), Diningroom (30 i 15), Parlour, Five Bed-rooms, Kitchen, &o,; wash-houso coppor, wator laid on, gas and othor comforts and conveniences. UPPRR QUKKN-STRKKT-Houso. four rooms, wash-houFe, and aklllion attached, all in Rood order; nice gardon. Two Allotments; dosirablo position. • 287 PONSONBY-Wood streot, now and splondldly finished Houso of Ten Apartmonts; gas and fittings complete; largo Cornor Allot- , ment thoroughly drained and planted, £860. PONSON I) sf—Commodious Resilience., consisting of Drawing-room (18 x 16), Dining-room (2o x 12), Parlour, Four Bed-rooms, Kitchen, Bath-room, &c. So.; gas laid on and othor i comforts; splondid view; largo Allotmont nil planted and drained; very desirable 271 PONSONI3Y-A good investment, consisting of large Corner Allotment, on which stand Three Houses, for £800; i176-fnil particulars from 1). V. Kv-ans. ANGLKSKA-STHKKT-House (in good ordor), Six Rooms, stable wash-houso, wood-shod, good weli, lame Coruor Allotment (about 132 x 118) fenced and fully stocked with frui treoa, llowors (vory choice); splendid vliw of city and harbour ; £550. 269 NEVVTON-STKKKT—A very nico and pretty Cottage of 5 rooms; allotment about 33 x 150; splendid lUtle gardon. good well, &o. Must be sold. Price only £120, 33!) MOUNT ALBKKT-HOU36, Blx Rooms, stable and outhouaea. Four Aoroa rich volcanio land, eub-divldod by hedgos and walla, cornor lot, and within three minutoa walk o railway station. st PONSONEY-Houso, Sevon Rooms, Pantry, Store-room, stablo, &c, standing on high ground'surrounded by some lino old forest trees, commanding a splendid vlow ; largo orchard and paddooka, in centro of which is a never-falUng surfaco spring of water; altogether about Flvo Acres; 61—full partloulara from D F. Kvans. Besides numerous othor Properties largo and Hinall, full particulars of which can bo had on application to D. F. Kvans. Farms and Country land from 7s 6d por aero upwards. BUILDING "ALLOTMENTS— SPRING-STREET, Ponaonby-at 20a and 25a par foot. BPKINGSTKEKT, Alme Place-at 37s por foot. IKKLAND-STRKKT-at 37s Cd per foot. PONBONBT TKRRACK-at 50a per foot: Wood-street, 12b Gd per foot. KING-STRKLT-at 35a per foot, And various other Lots, Fall particulars on application to D. F. EVANS, House, Land & Kbtvth Agent, 138, QUEEN-STREET noxt Herald Offloe. F. J, M oss & C°LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, SHORTLAND-STRKKT. TWO SPLENDID FARMS in tho choicest positions in Waikato, tho soil of flrst-rnto quality, well fenced, well grossed and watered, and buildings in excellent order. Thoeo aro valuablo properties of 130 and 180 acrea respectively, and will bo sold Boparately at a vory low prioe and on easy terms.—F, J. Moss and Co. 383 f7K)R SALK—22J acroa of good I and 1b tho J? Pukekoho District, 30acres cf bush; tho whole well watered, and near a Railway station. —F. J. Moss. 281 FOR SALE or to Lot—A Now House at Remuera of 8 rooms, with an aero of land; ten minutes' walk from the rallwny ; £750, easy torma. AIBO, a Cottage ana J-scro of Land; live miuutOß' walk from Parnoll Grammar 8chool; only £260, easy terms.—F. J. Aloaa and Co. P^OR SALK—II2 ncrcß finest land, with abundant wntor, and good throe-roomed House. The land is bush, with 20 acros foiled, and excollent feed on all tho land throughout the year. Few miles from railway station; price only £280.- F. J. Moss and Co., Shortlandstreet. FOR SALK-120 aores of fino Land, mostly fenoed; part in grass, p<irtbush; 15 miles from Auckland ; to bo sold cheap on easy terms. —F. J. Moss & Co., Hhortlanrt-btreet. TTIOR BALB—Tnn-roomed House conveniently X 1 Bituatod at Parnell—£lso.-F. J. Moss and Co., Shortland-street. 32S FOR SALE—A valuable and compact Farm of 155 acres, within 12mileB from Auckland, and 3 from a railway station. Land of finest quality in flrst-rato condition, warm, aod wellsituated, with abundance of water. House, and nil requisite farm buildings.—F. J. Moss & Co., Shortlimd-street. 221 FOR SALE—B7S Acrea very fine Land, with easy access by water, and only a fow milca from a railway stuiion.— I*'. J, Aloss £z Co,, Land and Estate Agents. 2\16 FOR SaLK—Wo have for Bale a conaidorablo numbor of Houscsand liullding Allotments, Farms, and ether properties, improved and unlmprovcd,;of which wo shall bo glad to give full, particulars on application.—F, J. Moaa & Co., Shortland-street. FOR SALB — 30 Acrea, with comfortable Dwollina: - houso and Farm Building, beautifully situated, near Lako Takapuna.—lf. J. Moss and Co., Shortland-stroot. 11l FOR SAUC—Building Allotments, lirightonroad (Parneli), near tho City Park (Ponaonby), and other localities in town and suburbs. —F. J. Moea and Co., Shortland-atrcor. FOR SALK—A very fine farm of SJO Acres, a fow milea from Tauranga.on tho main roud to the Hot Lakes : 200 acres in grass, romalndor open fern land. There la a comfortablo resirlonco of 12 rooms, and tho farm biiiMliigx aro ull in good ordor and complete. The land ia very Buperior and well watured. Terms easy,— V. J, Mosa & Co.. Shortland-street. 187 FOR KALE—IOO Acrea at Mangare, in wholo or in part. Very flno land and a raro opportunity. In that well known district.—F.J.MOSS& Co, s-hortland-street. 178 T7IOR SALK—Farm of 265 acres, a large part J? in grass and crop, remainder fine land in lorn, with email part in bush. This farm ia oeautifully situated near Tauranga, aud h»a > good 8-roomed dwelling House and out Duildings. To be sold cheap and on easy terms, ;he present owner being anxious to sell V. J, Mosa and Co., BhorUand-etreet. 3Jg OOR SALK—A comfortable House of 9 rooms. «. with 1 acre of garden and orchard; a few ninutes only from Post-oflico. Ternm easy. - f. J. Mobs & Co., Phortland-atieet. . 34 I^IOR SALIC-10 Acres, with deep-water frontL age, ono mile from railway station.—F J Hosa & Co., Shortland-Btreet. 37J ' POR SALK—Housn of G rooma. with C acres L at Onehunga.-F. J. Moas & Co., Shortlandtrcot. »i[ UfONKY TO LEND, In sums of £20 andl un.M wards, on freehold security, at current sto of Interest. The interest and principal re- w! ayable on Bamo terms aa those of tbe Building wi ooiotieß, or on such other tonns aa may bo ir.i rranged to suit the convonionco of borrowers, ar; V.J. Mosa & Co,, Land and Kstato Agonta, mi aortland-Dtroot "■ 'an

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Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3558, 4 January 1882, Page 4