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In, order to givo all our c_p!o.y<s< a complete holiday ou Monday [in col oblation of Now Year's Day), tho SVAlt'wiii not, lo j published that evening. ~

To tho Editor : Sir,—Please answer the following to decido a bet. Peeress colt was backed ngaiust Maori for tho Cup. As neither horso was placed, should the bet be considered oil,—Yours, etc., A Sudsckibee. —[Tho bat is oil. It is a rulu in bets of this kind, that, to win, one of the horsos liust bo placed, otherwise cudlcss disputes would ariso as to the relative positions at tho finish.—Ed, E S.]

Mr Rowland, to.chcrof tho Upper Waipn school, who is in Aucklaud for medical treatment for cancer in tho mouth, had a portiou ot bis tongue skilfully and almost painlessly removed Dr l'hilsou, assisted by tho house surgeon, yesterday. The patieut, who is very weak consequent ou the ulcer cutting an artery in tho tongue when ou tho passage from Wangarci, thereby causing a heavy disohargo of blood, is doing as well as can be expected, but the matter has, wo believe, gone too far.

Tho time-honoured watchqight service in connection with tho Wesleyan churches, will bo held to-ui^ht in the I'itt-strect church, beginning at half past 10, The whole other sections of the Methodist church in Auckland will join, so there will be a uuitcd watchnigbt. This sermon is always a very solemn and Impressive one. Shortened evensong, sermon, and Holy Communion arc announced to take placo at tit. Sepulchre's Church, Kyher Pass, and St. I'll ill's Church, the former commencing at 11.15 o'clock, and the latter at 11.30, Mr Thomas Spurgcon will conduct a watchnight service at Wcllcslcy-strcct Baptist Church, from 11 to 12 o'clock, aud midnight service will also commence at Epiphany Church, Newton, at 11.15 o'clock,

Mr Stone, a gontloman of largo experience in valuing diamonds, and rccontly from the South African diamond-holds, is now in Auckland in tho course of a tour of tho colony for tho benclit of his health. Ho has in his possession a diamond in matrix, aud also diamond* found on tho Australian goldliolds. Mr Stono thinks it moro than probable, looking at the volcanic character of largo areas of country in New Zealand, that diamonds will bo found here, and ho has kindly volunteered to afford information and advice to miners or others who are interested in tho search, or who havo discovored precious stones. The diamonds of South Africa arc found in a remarkable matrix of hard mud, which softens in water. The first discovery was mado in a curious way by children playing near thoir home and picking np small diamonds in the dust. Mr Stouo will only bo a, fow days in Auckland, as ho,intends leaving for tho Lakes and tho South. Anyone wishing to sco him, therefore, should do so without delay. His temporary residence is at Lorrigau's, at tho back of tho Supreme Court,

j XJi.) attractions of tho Royal Mail Hotel have bocn enhanced by tho erection of an elegantly appointed new billiard room,

Is all Anglican churches, fe which tho recommendation of tho Synod is cafficd out, notice will bo given to-morrow of tho annual collections to bo made on Sunday, January Slh, in aid of the Mclanesiiin Misaioa.:, Wo understand, tr.--- _~ ""»»iffu js in uiucirTiced or innos at the present *time. The staff includes the Bishop, seven English clergy, seven native clergy, English jlfty-elpors, and quite a number of native icateabista of different grades. During tbe 'past year Santa Cruz, the scene of the deaths of Bishop I'atteson, the Rev, Joseph '.'Villi, Stephen Taroaniara, and others, has -come within tbe sphere of definite misjsionnty operations. There are some 40 1 native schools in the islands; whilo lgs .Kw&lk Island there is v lnrger jfeauiW* al scholars thau ever (some 250 wc i *T-, t"!v!*/|'P(^> under tho charge of the Rev. | \lv. a, u^driu^toa. a>h„ treasurer carucstly /.rusts that the collections i- iv« churches . jwill be-libcral this year, as it is evident jtbat contributions from England must bo expected to dimiuish, and this work to be thrown moro aud more upon thoso whoso ( tntc and proper mission work it is—tho ■churches of Now Zealand and Australia.

Some Of Sir George Grey's admirers havo •jnst had mado to order by Mr Greonshields '« wJr of superb paragon suspenders as a S** Vaar'a gift. These aro connected ad t th» Im'u by aci ntrepicco of scarlet morocco UOW -m-wblchis priateil in gilt lettors .i'he pjicnt paragonßUsprnder, Auckland, N.Z," To the lower end of the centrepiece is attached directly downward an elastic ,strup and adjusting lever with the two back ■;button strops for the lipusers Connected with tho same c ntrepicco aro two side button r.bbons, on which aro worked in embossed letters "In icmcmbrauce of a victory for Liberalism, December 9th, 1881." ,Oa the one suspender is also worked in embossed letters "To Sir George Grey | K.,O.B. I &T.H.R.iorCityEa B t." Ontboothei " From political suppoiters la Auckland." jThis new style of suspender removes the j weight of tho trousers from the chest to the lahoulders of the weaver, and koopa tho j 'root nnd sides of the trousers perfectly jfroa from bagging. Tho mountings arc J now ,i« well as handsotno. The adjusting f slides ate made of New Zealand silver, with nikau and fern trees at tho sides, with a Maori ohiof and chieftiancss beneath.The connecting plates have, greonstono sot in Kew /Jcaland gold upon silver, aud ornajtiientcd with kiwis and New Zealand ducks. WKtirfUt Ooubt this is ttc handsomest pair of suspenders ever seen in JNew Zoaland,and reflects credit on our local artists.

A deputation irora the Chamber of Commerce, consisting of thechairman (Mr C. C. McMillan) and Bcveral Jothcr membors, in. torviowed the Hon. F. Whitaket (Attorney, general) yesterday, for the purpOße of pro. senting ana commendisg to nis uttention the resoluti n» passe| the other day with respect to the* appointment of a New Zealand delegate to the United States iv furtherance-of the proposed remission of wool dUties,Mr Whitaker having heard the deputation, explained that the Government had, on tho preceding day, appointed Sir Henry Parkers, Premier oi New South WaloK, as its representative at Washington-to conicr-yiih the American Government, so that it could not now do anything farther, as the appointment of another gentleman would luok Hke an intentional affront to Sir H. PatkeS. Itlhe Chambers of CommSrcc, however, chose they could send sOmo tee; Mr' McMillan.', said ho thought the Government might havo consulted the Chambers of Commerce, as it Was kuQwn tbey.yere movjng in the matter, before committing themselves to any action. Mr Whjfcakcr replied thatM? Creighton had beejf instructed to "give Sir JL, Parkes all the assistance, in his power, Thc'interview then laminated, *«--.. -■ '-■'.' :. » ■■' ■ •>.'; '"'km

L^cXho opening :o£ tenders, W-iolKis—i 'i* p 1 have taken,place,at«Mr E. Bartley's tb-day, i 1 has been poifpofled till -Thursday next. <j7

The'tcturn match botwcoiv;,TiJwt; and Country will take place? in thisVlJomaia fen Monday, next, January 2nd, play to torn'mettco at l'O o'clock sharp. The'receipts at tho Catholic iiasaar yesterday evening amounted to'K43, wisk'h brings tbo grand total up to £700. T-o bazaar re-opens this afternoon at 2 o'clock, j aud will lemaiu. open until 10 o'clock to-night. 1 r -_m ' Some sensation was caused at Now-! market last evening by the singular conduct: of a man named James Mclnatnoy. Ho j was suil'ering from delirium tremens, and was threatening to cut his throat. A crowd collected round him, and aftor a time Mr Sheohy procured a cab, and bavin?, brought him into town, handed him over.- to .the prlice. Attention is called to the fact that tho registration foe for dogs in Ponsonby district has been reduced to five shilling*. An advertisement in another column notifies the owners of dogs in the district of tho time aud place at which the fee is payable. Handel a graud oratorio " The Messiah," will bo pciiormed to.morrow aßemoon in the Choral Hall _n-o bono pub/ico. Tliere, will bo no charge lor admission. The doors open at 2.30 o'clock and at thrt-f- o'clock tho oratorio commences, Tho building will doubtless be crowded to its fullest exltct. |

At the Al.crt Hall [this evening Miss Kate Pritchard will repeat her successful entertainment as an artist of moil-, yhe deserves an audience that will be commtt" duratO viih her cntcrtaintnO". Jjined1 v/iih her ay.} Mr John Howe, Miss Nuiiie WintfiUcri, Air J. Younf, Mr J.'MoGamnessund others, a good enjoyment may bo aaticip: (•'!. Miss Pritchard s Monologue hue iwou acoeptod by English audienr'as ,'ts a graud introduction. As an 'exponent of fSbakspeara sho has not an equal. Pedcatriaus who uso tho footpath throßflß the Albeit Park near the Notlhorn Club, Cwif* plain that it is continually made a _rci punitory for dead rats. Anyday balf-a-ihtzea specimens of this tribe of the rodent gcnuß, iv various stages of decomposition may bo seen in the vicinity of tlm thoroughfsvo referred to.

". Thrt " Wanganui Herald" says :—" Sir William Fox. irritated by his defeat, so 'completely.lost control of himsolf at tho oflicinl declaration of tho poll ot Marton, that ho roared like a lion, though his roaring rMetubkd much the strident efforts of auciiiw very dificrent animal. Wliat enlaged the defeated candidate most was tho grotesque antics of a local rciidcat, who walked about tho streets of Marton with a pair of dogs on a leash, a red coat and whip, with something like a fox's brush. This amusing epiaodo acted on tho cx-Prowicr liko a red rag on a bull, and he lashed,his infuriated sides as if the constitution was on a point of dissolution. Wo hope ths old gentleman will quietly compose himself and settle down to tho amenities and socialities of village life. As aJ. P. and a Licensing Commissioner there is a wide field for tho display of his special powers."

Mr W. S. "Wilson, of tho "Herald" ollicc, has just lost a fine little boy under most painful circumstances. The poor littlo follow, while playing, fell on a broken bottle, aud cut bis, bond between the thumb and tbo first finger. The gash was a deep one, but aftor the wound had been carefully bathed it healed up quickly, and the child ran about apparently no worse for his mishap. A little while after, however, he complained of pains iv the arm and in tho throat, which mado it painful for him to swallow, Dr Haines was called in, and no one associating tho healed cut with the child's sore throat, remedies for cold were prescribed. The symptoms becomingmore aggravated, however, it suddenly occurred to Mrs Wilson that tho cut might have had something to do with tho little fellow's sufferings, and on mentioning tho matter to tho doctor the mystery was immediately explained, nnd marked symptoms of tetanus too soon confirmed the worst fears, * All that medical aid could do was tried, Drs l'hiison and Coldsbro' being summoned to consultation, vain—the (-uU'erer Ban. rapidly, and died yesterday. There can bo little doubt that the wound had healed over some irritating substance which it was impossible to reach and remove. Groat sympathy will bo lelt for Mr and Mrs Wilson in their bereavement.

Wc understand that the public of Auckland aro shortly to be afforded tho opportunity of hearing the cantata which took first prize at the Melbourne Exhibition. Tho music was composed by M. Loon Caron, and arrangements aro now in progress for Us performance by the Mon-tague-Turner Opera Company, assisted by tho Philharmonic Society, On this occasion, too, it is expected that Mr Charles Turner will sing tho song " Homo " which

Professor Carou composed and dedicated to M. Cailliau.

The investigations of the police in connection with the arrest of Zanc, in whose house sucll a largo quantity of stolen property was found, arc hourly revealing fresh robberies. Every day people arc identifying goods belonging to thorn, and there aro already twenty or thirty charges to be brought against the prisoner. Yesterday, a bootmaker in Wakcßcld-strcet, named Frederick Voighr, was arrested on a charge of having stolon boot uppers valued at £4 ss, the property of Garrett Brotliors. Ho has been on intimate terms with Zano, who was employed at Garrett's, and it is alleged that ho received them through Zane. A largo Quantity of uppers havo already been recovered and identified by Mr Garrett, and other charges are pending against tho prisoner. Another bootmaker, named Samuel Stowell, who aho lives in "Wakefieldstreet, and who was ra Messrs Garrett's cnmlp.,»-'" -">rtnigb.t ago, has also been mittSteu on a charge of stealing three pairs of boot uppers, valuad at £* 5s 6d, the property of Messrs Garrett. The property in question has been identified, and a further soarch of Iho premises will be made It is not believed that Stowell is connected with Zauc, and his caso will therefore be taken next Saturday. Zane and V»i g ht havo boon remanded till the 9th January.

Messrs Sweeney and Thomas havo accepted Murphy's 'challenge for £20 a-aide. The ma toh will be played in Uleeson'B ball court at 8 o'clock p.m., by gaslight,-!Advt.J

A midnight service will bo held at Sv, Paul's to-morrow,

The Rotomahana leaves for tho Thames on Sunday morning at 10 o'olook, Instead of tonight at 9 o'clock, as previously advertised.

Messrs Munro and Milligan announce that tb*y have, removed to larger and more central promises lauobson-atreet, noar WelHnn;-ton-stroet. The stock oifored by this entorprislog lirra is exceedingly well soleotod.

Country visitors beforo returning to fheihomos are advised to inspoot tho great variety Of furnlHhlng nnd fancy goods at Iho direct Bupply store, 210, Queen-Btreot, opposite Close Bro?. From their system of importing direot from tho makers they aot as direct mediums between the maker and tho public, who only pay one proflt instead of two or three. The BFBtoin is a sound one and bound to succeed.— lAdvt.i

Great Robberies.—a great sensation has been caused by tho lato robberies of our atook, but still there are a few left—about £0 JOO worth—which mustbo sold, together with 12' trunks, ex ship Coromaudel, now landed, of the cholcost goadß, also 10 cases of childrens' and maid's shoos and boots, tho like of which was novor seen in Auokland, and no won view at ourwarehouso.-N,H. The abovo goods havo oply been opened yesterday.—Garrott Bros,, Wakofleld-streot,-lAdvt.]

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3556, 31 December 1881, Page 2

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3556, 31 December 1881, Page 2

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3556, 31 December 1881, Page 2