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I Pablio Notices. FISHER AMD GO. (Limited), WaOLKBAUI SHDPPIHQ AMD FAMItT BDTOBBRS, QaBHW-Brawni (Next Bank of New Zealand, AnokUunD, POULTEY OF ALL K13&8.. DEKSBBD 70 OSDBBi -' Prime Smoked Tongues, HomMnred Baoon, Corned Beef on Sale in Large Quantities. N.8.-DKALERB IX GAMK. Live Pheasants forwarded to all p»rta of the Colony upon reoeipt of order. Famolles J waited on In town or suburbs'; We take this opportunity of than Mug our customers for past tavonrs, and beg to state that on and after the Ist of January next, our busbies* will be carried od under the Joint S to ok Aot, and will bestyledruharand Co. (Limited). There will be no alteration in the management, and we hope, by giving our undivided attyntion to the Purveying Department, that everyMtiifaottonwillb»found.., . It will be our great study to purchase the best quality, so that dependenoe may be placed upon getting only the very choicest meat, PARNELL WESLEYAN OHUffcH ■ WATOUNIGHTBBRVIOK. The Watohntabt Servloe will be oonduoted by the Rev. L. M. ißitt, at quarter>past eleven p.m., on Saturday evening. - ~, • ijaas^. ~vroRTHER*r steamshh j SSBsSi-* OO.'Jljmitid).—For Wjutaba. "■^^^Thft s.B. ROWBKA will leave Onehnnga Wharf aa above TO-MORROW, at 1 p.m. Freight, 12/6 p*r ton.-For freight or psasage aptdy at tho Offloo of the Company, 87. Queen" street, AuoUaniJ,.-A. MoaKBQOE. Manager, npHS NEW BUILDHTG SOCIETY. INDUSTRIAL AND PROVIDENT PSRMANBNT 'BUHiDING, LAND AND INVB3TMBNT BOOIBTY OF AUCKLAND. OOBNKK OF VQUgBW-STBggT an* TOLOAM LANA . Aiioiaasea are Invited to take np Investing Shares, jarmants weekly, interest xemuner*-' LOANS granted on neonrity of Freehald m Leaaehold Property tor Uio purpose o£ Buxiso, Building, sen,. In Btuna of £20 to AfiOQO,' repay* able—for every £100 adyanoed—at the folio wing scale, by weekly, lnocthljr, or qnartedy initat mental— ", ■ ._, Repayments Per it 'Repaymente Per extending over Week. Hextendln* over Week. B. d. ■ i 8 years .. 1610 T years _ 8 8 lyears .. IS 8 8 years _ 7 6 5 years JlO6 |J 10 years . 0 8 SPECIAL FAOILi:oScB are given to »oT. rowers for paying off part principal money and reducing weekly payment, or the whole sum may be paid oft at any time—the Society grantIns T.rnimiT. BIBOODI.T. "«,"""*" OBORCH?RABS!R. Manager. "*"' I— '■ INDIA AND CHINA TEA WAREHOUSE. Na 95, VttrrOßlA-STBKBT. CHOIOB NEW CURRANTS, ex B.K. Sorato, Bplenoid Vulondiia, per Hero, ex Oriont; New Kfea. ditto dittoTSxtra Choice Muscatels, ex Sorata. ; MY BLRND TBAB are steadily Increasing In publio favour. With 28 years' exporlenoe In this department of tcade, I have muoh oonfldenoe In commending them for stiil further extended patronage. TKN THOUBAND OIGARB. bought tOBeU at6lor la, to clear quickly, will be sold at Sd each, or 7 for Is.. ONB HUNDRED BAGS Fine White Table Rico, 128 M per CBlb. bag rsmallor lots, M. THIRTY POZBW Superior English Sanoe, only Sdperbottle; Pickles fromßd per bottle, TEW TBOPSAND Superior Swiss Cigars, 2s 6d per bundle; per 1000. at wholesale ratea. GOOD OAVKNDiaH TKNa Virginia To. b«ooo,<B6aperiti. iJaoKrapc Stbelc. gSRUg LlNKßiof Very Choloe Monlng pongous to arrive ex May Qneen. These Teas have been selected by a nratSlaae Mincing Liini Broker. Lototb of this oharaoter Tea may expeot Bomothlng good. Also, a cheap lino vory oholoe MONIRQ BIFMNGB. This should prove a treat to my poor mends, who cannot afford to study appearance*. Pbioks :-Blend Counter Teas, la 81, 2s, 2a Od, and 8s; Good China Codrou, Btrons.and sweet, Is6d. or6lbs forßs6d; Box Toaa. SOa, 235, 2ts, 28«, and2Ba per box (low quality not quoted): Half-chests. 38 lbs to 40 Iba, from Is Id to 2a Od per lb | Neetlo'a MUkFood. »; per tint Mother Slegel's Syrnn. *tt 4?«s ottlg»nveMedal Sperms.9dperlb ct^^doSn^Ma^^S1 '**■ &* ,N.8.-Af to the New Year's hoUday I purpose closing my Store at 8 p.m., Tobacconist Departmont fcolnded (aaturdays exoepted), and shall feelthankfol if my customers will bear it in PKEDJE. WEITSHBAD, _ _ Tea and General Importer, TBBMBOAgH. BS. VtotorfaHßtreet ■pEPAiaS at London Factory Prices JLV and warranted for Syears. HomeShntUe Maohine», £3lite: mngers, «5,-D.S.Chambers, «0. Queen-street, opposite Army and Navy Hotel. f ADIEU1 Glove Kid Boots, 8s; ChildJU ren's Shoes, Is 8d to Is; Choice Trimmed Newton 17 oheop '-Mtß Whltehead, MiUiner, -CT i\ T0 *1000 LENT on BuUdißf? Society prlndples, or on other terms ■o smt borrowers. Mortgsuefl and Loans nesoUated. See List of ProperUes for sale on fourth page. Slxperoentallowedonmoneydepoalted for Investment. —c. Wiluahbon, Land. Bstate and Viaandal Asent, Vulcan Lane,* Tenders. v A LEXANDRA BRIDGE. Tenders will be received at this offloo np till noon of WEDNESDAY, the 18th January, 1882, for tho Constrnottoa of a Bridge across' the Waipa River, near Alexandra, in terms of plans, speomoaticms. and conditions to be seen at the Post-offlce, Alexandra, and at this office, jm Tenders to be addressed to Chief Surveyor, Anokland, for Contract No. 83. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aooepted, B. PEROY SMITH (Per Wm. O. X.).' Chief Surveyor. Burvey Offloe, Anokland, 16th Deoember, 1882. |\/rOUNT EDEN DISTRICT BOARD Tenders will be raoelved at Messrs Potter and Co.'s Storo, Durham street, where plans and speolfloatlons may be seel; np to FRIDAY, the 30th instant, at 12 o'olook noon, For Cutting, Filling, and Forming part of Mount Eden Road. For Carting Broken Metal and Soaria Ash for Roads within the District, at per cubic yard. ' ' A "THE DOG KKGtISTBATIOH AOT, 1880/W Mr John Sticklr, Registrar, will attend for the Registration of Dogs belonging to the District, at the following offloes :— Mr Grollet's Store, Mount RosklU Road, on Deoember 80th and Slat, from 3 to 6 o'olook p,m, ToUhonse, Mount Eden Road, on the 3rd and 4th days of January, 18612. from 8.30 a.m. to U o'olook noon. Permanent Offloe at his residence, Valley Road. The Dog Registration Fee for the year 1883 is Six Shillines. »—■* JOSEPH POTTER. Chairman. T>ANKRUFT DRAPER'S STOCK, The Trustees In tho Estate of Messrs Price and Innes, Drapers, Napier, willreoelve tenders for the abovo Etoolr, np to noon of January Ith, 1882. Stock Sheets may be seen at Messrs W. MoArthnr.and Cos., Anokland, after Dooember 23rd. WRITTEN TENDERS will be received Vv by the undersigned np to January 11, 1883, for Leasing Allotment No. SI, of Station 3, In the Parish of Takapuna, containing 11 acres, situate on the North Shore, near the n«w Dook, and known as Point Stanley, for any term from 7 to 60 years. Conditions of lease may be inspected at the offloe of W. Flood. The loweit or any tender not necessarily accepted.—A. W, O'Neill, care of W. Hoed, 28, Bhoniand-street. mo B TJ I h D E R 8. Tenders will be reoelved until noon of THURSDAY, January 6th, for reinstating Mi Sloan's House, Symonds-street. EDWARD BARTLBY, Arooiteot, m O B U I L D B, B t S, Tendon will be reoeived until noon ol the lSth of January, tor the Rreotion o£ Three 3hops in Qneen-streot. K. SEALS ft SON, Arohlteots, M.Z. Insnnnoe Bulldlniw. mOBUI L D E R S Alternate tenders will be reoelved until nooi of SATURDAY, tho 7th of i January, for thi ereotion of a Conorete or Brlok Factory, li Lorno-Btreet. Plans, &0., at Mob. 8 and 8, South Britlsl Chambers. EDMUND BELL, Architect. m O BTJILD B*lt » Tenders will be received np to noon of MON DAY, January 9th, 1882, for the Erection c Bath Pavilion, Dwelling-house, Sheds, &0., a Lake Rotorua. Plans, &c, at our offices. Queen-street. EDW. MAHONBY k SON, Architects. mOBVII L D B X E 'Tenders will be reoelved up to noon o SATURDAY, the 7th of January, for tt Kreotlon of a Block of Warehouses in For Btroot. * Plans, to,, at our offices, Qoflen-stroot. -UDW. MAHONKY & SON, AroWteOtß,

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 3