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* Pablio Notices. TTNITED SERVICE HOTKL U BILUABD ROOM. All penona Owing Money for Billiards or Cash Lent are requested to pay np at onoe. Those who bare not paid up arrears by Slat January, 1882, will be posted In the room aa defaulters. GKO. J. WARNER. OOROUGH OF ONEHUNG^ ELECTION OF C^TTNCZLIOB. There being only one Candidate nominated to fIU the extraordinary vaoanoy In the Borough Connoil ol Onehungo, oansed by the oleotlon of Councillor Codlin to the Mayoralty, I hereby declare the said Candidate, vlll, Mb Jambs Waltub Wauckb, dulyeleotod. WILLIAM Q. P. O'CALLAGHAN, Returning Officer. Onehmga,E6O>ml)er29,lßSl. pONSONBY HIGHWAY DISTRICT. "DOG KKGISTItATION ACT, 1880, AMENDMENT AOT, 1581." All Dogs within the Ponsonby Highway Dlatrlotrequire,undavtheprovisions of tho above Aotfl, to be Registered Annually, on the First Nol January in each year. The Registrar ot uojt», duly appointed by the Trustees ol the r °n»°«>y Highway District, Is Mr Thomas Lako, andUiol^peot registration is Mr Lake's tod denoe, Eroft^gtreet, near the Halt J. H. FDILD, Ponsonby, Deoemser 28,188 L OnatanßnA RCH HILL HIGfewAY DISTRICT. THE DOQ KKaiBTKAIv> N AOT , Mb Jam«b Catto is appointed tujigtratlon Officer under the above Act, and wai be in attendance at his residence, Craoroftttreet, from Bto 10 o'oltok a.m. and from 6to 8 Cow* p.m. during the month ot January, 1882, for th» Registration ot Dogs and Issuing of Cellars. The ReKiitratlon Fee for the year 1833 Is fixed attenshilUngs, JOHN BIRNIB, Chairman of Board pro tern. December 50,188 L ■pONBONBY CHORAL SOCIETY. "Bassos will leave the Three Lamps on SUN DAT AFTBRNOON punctually at hall-past 2 o'clock, to convey Members to the Choral Hall for the MESSIAH CONCERT at 8 o'clock. KAIAPOI WOOLLEN MANUPACTURING COMPANY (LmiTBD). AUCKLAND WAREHOUSE, FORT-STREET. Bodbbt Vuy, appointed Agent for Provincial Dlstrlot ol Auokland. TTNION STEAM SAW, MOULDING, U BASH AND DOOR COMPANY (LIMITED), On Saturday first, 26th November, and on Saturdays until farther notice, the Company's Premises will be Closed at noon. DAVID MURDOCH, Secretary. O TICE.—We beg to notify that our place of Badness will be OLOBKD from Fbidat. December 23rd, 1831. to FRIDAY, January 6th, 1882, Letters, parcels, etc may »y left with the Caretaker on the premises, or at Mr Kvltt'u. next doer.-W. H. akakospear and Co., Queen-street, Aaokland, T7ISITORB and others can obtain the V Auckland Penny Time Table, containing new San Franoisoo and Local Mail Time Tables, with ptheuueful Information, at all Stationers to-morrow. aREAT INDIAN CURE for Corns, Bunions, and Warts can be got only at & Danneford's Hairdresaln« Saloon, Theatre Royallßuildlngs, Quean-street. »\TE are going to R, French's Royal Tea TT MartKaraagahape Road, where we get beautiful Fresh Butter and lovely Tea. i ■DETIRING FROM BUSINESS. JLV ? i DAVID FORT, boot and shoemaker, j Shobtlahd-utbbet, ' Having disposed ol his business to Mr B, PATTJIRBON (tor 18 years In his employment), icga to return his sincere thanks to Wf ouraor ous customers for their liberal support oaring tho past twenty years, and to solid! a oonttnuanoeof the same for his Boooessor, whom he oan oonfldently reoommend, ! 27th Deoember, 1881. TN reference to the abore, B. PATTBBSOH X in soUcltlng a share of. the patronage so liberally bestowed upon Mr Fort, begs to Inform all Mr Forfs old customers, and tho pusllo generally, that no pains will lie nanilonUß jartto Becure the raoqefi attained by hlsproleoessor. Orders wUI bs punctually attended to, and nothing but the beat material ana work-""shoriiand-Btreet, 27(1 Deoember, 1881. ARRIVED— 20 Ladies' Gold Hunting Genevas for & Us, warranted for five years.-F?H?l«wlW)irw»tohmaker. Queenstreet, Auckland. / OHN LbECH, Shortland-street, Leoklog Glass Manufacturer. Old Glasses Resilveredequ&lfto new, at moderate charges. CIHRISTMAS PKESENTS|I / CHRISTMAS PRKSBNTSI , HENRY PF.TRY, JKWILLHB ADD DIAMORD SBTTEH, Viotoria-street (A few stepfe from Qaeenjstreet, opposite Royal N.8.-H.P. has a ohoioe Stock of the Latest Novettfos in Jewellery, Watohes, eta, suitable 'or Christmas Presents, always on hand. Repairs neatly ezeoated on the premises, and orders promptly attended to. T« * H» C O O X E, FURNITURE, BEDDING, AND CARPET WAREHOUSE: 123, QUEEN-BTRKET, Aucklake, Adjoining Bank of New Zealand. We Invite the attention of Ladles and Gentlemen about to furnish to our Large and Wellselected Stock of Drawing-room, Dlnlng-roem, and Bed-room Furniture; Japanese Sun Blinds for Verandahsj Iron Bedsteads, Kapok Jedß, Bolsters, and Pillows; Spkins Mats trasses, ot euperior quality, at reduced prloes; a large assortment of Cane- seated Chairs, Veranlah and Croquet Chairs; Patcmt Swung lollbr Blinds, all slzse; Wardrobes, with ,Jlato Glass Panels; Marble-top Washstands; some Very Superior Bedroom Suites, in t OTTIBD Kauri ; Toilet Ware, superior doubla sets, with sponge bowls; Goatskin Hrabthbugb, in White, Black, and Grey, at moderato prloes: Door Mats, a few very superior Oriental fibre Mats Just opened, easily kept olean, and very durable; flret-olasa Hair Matohahsbs, The greatest attention paid to the packing and forwarding of orders from our country customers. Catalogues forwarded post free on application. Liberal Dlsosnmt io Cash Purchasers, All Goods delivered tree In town. t. & hTcooke, URNITURE, BEDDING. AND OARPEI WAREHOUSE, 12S, QVKBH-STBXET, Adjoining the Bank ot New Zealand. DUBHC NOTICE. IMiIZB MUSATI CHEAP HEAT I CHOICB QUALITY I R E EVE S, BUTCHER AND GENERAL PURVE YOB Corner of Chapel and Victoria-streets. Come and lnspoot my FIItST-CT.ABS BEES', MUTTON', CORffBD BEEP, and Daisy-fed Pork ; one trial will auflloe. Fob Cism-Mutton. from 2d to 4d per lb: Roast Beet. Sid to Sd; Boiled Beet 2}d, 3d, and Sid DEAD, MARK, AND LEARN I JAMES RRID ft SONS, Hobson-street CABIttRTMAKEBS, SPIRAL TUBNEBS, AKD UPHOLBTORKBB, Wish to oall the attention of the publio to their floe display ot Furniture now on exhibition at their spaoious warerooms. Customers liberally dealt with. Having introduced steam power, they are able to snpuly all artioles lower than any other shop In town. T7IBITORS from tho Country would do V well to oall and see the Improved New Zealand EollpEe Wrought Iron Cottage Stove or Ovens, at Herbert B. Smith's Auokland Iron Works, Durham-street, Sharland's Baking Powder. lloi Brand (reglßtorod). Analysed and Cortifloated. Sharland's Baking T^owder Is used by thousands of Families for raising Broad, with half the trouble and in a quarter tho timo required with Yeast. Share AND's Baking .Powder makes dellolous small loaves of Bread, hot digestive Tea Cakei in a few minute?, Soones ' better than yeast. Sharland'sJßaking^Powder. i Invaluable In the Country JJlstrlots, and makes 12 per cent, more ot Bread than bom yeast. Sharland's Baking jPowDER ' Saves Kggs and Butter in making Puddings and Pastry, and prevents indigestion. Sharlatjd's Baking Jtowder , Will secure the following important results :— Bread will be made cheaper, more digestive, ■ and in one-fourth the time; Puddlcgs and Pastry will be made light, wholesome and delioious, r with half tho usual quantity et Eggs and Butter; and Flour will be converted into Tea Cakes, Buns, Scones, &0., in a few mlnutea at»trifling , cost. Sold by Merchants and Storekeepers in Canisters holding one pound and half-pound. Pbiok : is 6d and 2s 6D Wholesale or J. Ci SHAKLAND & CC Auokland,

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3555, 30 December 1881, Page 3