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Land and Estato Agonts. j7~M7~h~* M N°x Estate agent and Valuator, QUKKN-BTRKET, AUCKLAND. itONBY LENT OUT FOR CAPITALISTS ON FIRST-CLASS 3KOORITIBB, OR INVKBTEU IN BANK, INSURANCE, OR OTIIICR SHARKS. NO CllAUOffi TO IiBNDRK OH I.NVBSTOB, VJOUNT ST. MARY- A. Bargain-Two four.■»L roomed 1 louse < with laige allotment, good veil and oiuhon?ca, freehold allotment 33 x 100. 'rice, £2SJ. - J. M. l^cnnox. X-\O H'/iUMKKS—A Bargain —Farm of 315 acres near a railway station, (Wacro3in ;raac, House oE 7 roonia, cow-ahed, couch-boose, itock-yard, &c. Price, £1150. Must bo sold as he owner leaves tho country in a month.—J. \l, l.ciwox, Auckland. DAY-STRICKT. Bercsford-street-A dOßirablo House of fj rooms, with water and gas laid in, freehold allotment 33 x 100; the Houso ia luito now and in excellent condition.—J. M. Ijcunox, Katate Agent, Auckland. '110 KARMKRrj-inrat-class Farm of 210 acre?, X Hllmihdivid<»l into convenient paddocks, jome in grass, oilier* under cultivation; good orchard, C-rooweil llouro, and all convenient Dutbuildinga. Price, £11100.— J. M. Lennox. yUBUKHAN AI,U)T,V.UNT — One of tho 0 Choicest Allotmonts in the Snbiirba, near tho Parntll Grniiiuiar Huhool, 10 x '2:'iO. Can bo had in ono or moro lot:!, Prieo, £-' fla pur foot. A moat boauiil'ul viow-ot tho harbour.—J. M, Lennox, HaUito Au'cnt, Auckland. SOU ««v»K CASH, balance on Building Pocioty v4>) principleu-JloiiHo in the City, with freehold allotment. Prico £17S, puyablo as above.—J. M. l.enuox, Kstatu A«ent, Auckland. rpO KAKMICItH.— A rare opportunity of pnrX clnf-ing one, nf Ihu lineal, farma in tho province at a low prlco. Tlmh is a really flrst-cliiss farm of ,'iOS acres, mostly fenced and in gras^, a tew minutes walk from a church luid'railway Station. Thia lino property ix situated in tho heart of one of tho moat prosporoUH townahlpd In the W'ulkulo, and liiih a cnnimodioua Houso Of night aparLinunta urontcd upon it. Prico, £2,')(o.—J. M. Lennox, Khlhlo Agent, Auckland. t2li. •i'.O FARMICKH.-A good little Farm of 50 I acres, 10 acres fenced and in grnsa, with Dwelling-honse. This properly ia near to a railway ulation and public school. Price, £150.— J. M. liOnnox, Kstato Agent. SIL. lJOlt. «ALK(u liargiiiiil—Two Dwolliiig-hOUSOB L with largo orchard. Price, .C50.-J. lA. 1 ennox. K'atnlu Agent, Auckland. SaL. nOTICI,— Conlltry Hotel on the main Konth Itoad, with II aereii of freehold. Price .C700.-J. M. Lennox, Ktttato Agent, Auckland Slj. f-oqr.-A Bargain—A Flvo-roomed Coltaote Xz-iAO win, iu,. K n froohold allotment, in tho oity. I'rice .C21.'!). y.~ti> cubli, balance can remain on the property.—J. M. Lennox, Katate Agent, Auckland. Oil.. AHKAUTIKUL Fivj ■ roomed Cottago in Lower Pitt-street, nowly built and tastefully finished, A most lliWirable home for any person wishing to llvo nciir llm clly. Prieo £:«)0. Tormu I can urmniji) lo auit tho piirohaHiir, either by weekly paymeiiia or otherwise —J. M. Lennox, Kstalo Agent, AucUlund. 7(>L. rill) FARMlfilti. For Kale, a bargain, a Kldo X Compact LlttlO Kami of lOOncrea in ono or the bout farming dUtrli'ta in the VVaikato. The f.'ii in i:i all fenced, and liiih a (hvelling-house unon it; ill grasfl. 1» nil'orod at a very low prlco, owing to thn owner leiivlng the district. Prici'. ,CI0i); fiISU each, balanou can remain upon t)i«i properly. ISL. 17i OH saI.IS (a barga'nl—A Kino Now Double 1 Window .(I Stoic in the riHinfj nuburb known as ll'den Torraco, with tii-roomoii eottuiio behind, all In Hrat-clasa repair; freehold allotment, 33 x li! 0. Price, £-150; ASO cash, liitlnnce can lomalnon tho property. Thlniaa llrat-cla»fl invcßtmont.—J. Jl. Lennox, Katuto Anent, Auckland. IVORS' Lit—A Bargain—Suburban Villa containing eeven iouiiih, with 35 aoi'OH of volcanic land. All fenced and subdivided Into nine paddockfl. In addition to tho House, them are Bhoda, Hiables, dairy, &c. This lino properly ;h only llvo minutos walk from the railway station. Price, £'2,000.— J. M. Lennox, H'Htnto Agi-nt, Auckland. 71L. I.^OK SaI.K, a Kami of !)(i acrta-70 ncrO3 of which are laid down in Kiiglißh UraaseH— only 13 miles from a railway station. Prieo, WOO, --J, M, Lennox, K'atato Agent, Auckland. C7lj. XjiAllM of 126 acres, at lliinua, about one milo from the llunua Hallway Htatlon. l'ricn, £750.— J. M. Lennux, Kutale Agent, Aiioltland. GaL. rpo I'AItMKT.S, for immcdlato Hale, a Good .L Kami, of ll!7 aoroH, all uudor cultivation or in grass, with a Lurgo and Comuiouioua family llcxideiiceerected thuroon, Thofunn iaonly 15 mlloa fjoin iho clly by a good MoAdainiunil wad. Prieo, £I,'-'i'io.—J. M. Lonnox, Katato Aiiont, Aneklaml. (iIL. rpO FAU.MH.HS-A Bargain.—Farm of 101 I acres in Kuat Pukokoho. Sub-divided, nnd about. 30 acres in gnus, Tho land Ib pat t bush, in well watered, has a cottage upon it, and ia only twenty minutes' walk from the railway Stotlon.-J. M. Lennox. rpo KAIt.MKRB.—Kor sale, a Kiivt-eluss Farm J- of 202 acred on the K'nHtTamaki; allinKrasa, well watered. I'rlco,fl7 per acre.—J. Jl. Lennox, HHUiteAgout. !lIL. -iiO FAItJIKRS -For Ralo, a First class Farm 1 of I'jO aeros, 10 rnile^ from tho city, with I'ight-rooimul house, four stall stable, i.nd every convenience. Prioa, £ISIO. il. rpo KAHMKIt.s—A Hargain.—A Farm of 107 J AcroH In ICast I'iiknkoho, about 60 acres in grass; a 5-roomed House and ovcry couvonlonco. Price, £I!W.—Terms can bo arranged.— J, 31, Lennox, Kstato Agent, Auckland. IUJIC. >k O KAII.MKUS and Othnre.-Ono Of tho L CholceHt Karnifl in tho Province There nro 217acrea within 8 miles of tho city : quality of land cannot bo excelled] largo nine-roomed residence.—J. M. U'iiiioj, Hatato Agunt. 73K. ST For llotieeH, and Allotmonta, aoe my long advertisement in ' Weekly Herald." J M. LENNOX, Estatk Agent. Auckland. a. r— —r1 : — —i Sewlnur Maoliinea. W. C." D E n"nT7> THK (JRKAT SEWING MACHINE IMPORTER", HAS JUST ICXOKIVKI) A Largo Shipment of tho Challenge Machlno of the WorldThk White Co.'.s Sewing Maciiinb, ThO'Most Silent Tho Cheapest Tho Mont li:ii)id Tho lli|{heit Arm Tlio Most Hiniplo The Largest 'l'anlo 'l'he'Most. ICaay ta Work Tho licHt Cover Tho Most Durable The Simplest Shnttlo ThoJMoat Klcgant Tho Neatest Stitch Treadle Machines, from £5 10.3. THE BEST SEWING MACHINES EVER MADE. Price of Hand Machines, £3 10s. AIBO. ALWAYS ON HAND, Genuine Singor FrUtor and Roaaman Weithcim Standard llowo Company'a Wheeler nnd Wilson Grover and Ilakor'a Jones's ABC Domoatie And other good makoa FROM 2s. 6d. tku Week ! 2s. 6d. teu Week ! ALL MACHINES GUARANTEED. These Machines can be had of my Agenta :— Marcrqft and Co, Whangaroi; Thomas Wella, Cambridgi!; William Stevenson, Onchunga; K. Wayte, Hamilton; Parnoll and Hoylan, Glaborne; Hrennau and Co., Tauranga; and at other placea. rpHE niUAT T\EPOT, "uksin-strric . Established 1855,] By Special Appointjiknt to His Exceli.kncy tub oovkknok. W FT Q IIAKESPEAR & r<o. QUEbN-STKEET, AUCKLAND. SILK AND WOOL MEKCHAN TS, IMPORTER SKWING MACHINK MANUFACTURERS. Have recoived,and aro daily cxpootinc, fresh additions to thoir fatockof CKKWKLS, WOOLS, SILKd, and FANCY GOODJ. Tliey also beg to call special attention to their shipments of the celebrated " DOMR'STIC " Sowing Maohino, made by tho woll-krown and long catablished llrma. GHOVKR& IiAKKIt, amalgamated with tho Domestic S.M. Co., and who. by thoir joint effort*, have stepped ao far ahead of all other makers, that every nerve ia being strained by all now nnd old firms to alter or mako their machines na near an they dare go—to thin splendirt production ; and in some, casoa, PUFFIivG and LIES (i_v hite and black) are resorted to to try and sell inferior articles, W. 11. '-". & Co. havo been practically engaged In making Sewiie Machinoa upwards of 25 years, and they recently declined thn agency of a ma.;hino (now b ing puffed into the maikot by an Auckland dealer) on tho ground of its Lot beii g sufQciuntly well made for tho trado. Do not bo nulled, or got swindled with second-hand or inferior goods on tho half-a-crown a week principle; buteavo your monoy, and buy for cash at 25 por cent, less price and ensure a thoroughly reliablo and new machine. Call and See lor yoursolvea. And if you can buy Tor cash, you may aa well have a good as a bad article. W. H. SHAKESPEARE & CO., Oppoaito tho Market, Qnocn-Btroot, AUOliltUUli MACHINii EEPAIRBD

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 4