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Land and Estate Agents I^ G. KWIJN UT O >'ij HOUSE, LAND, & ESTATE AGENT, NO. SI, (JUEKN-STBKKT. f;2J, balanon in 3 ycaw—Allotments at Alotin! , JKdon, iW x 170. A bargain. Km- llouw of ."i roonia. in lioresfonl-atrcef. £100, and balance on terms—Cottage in (Irnhani street. A good rlianco to working men. Unrivalled Unilding Sites at Allendale, Mount Albert. Tho land, is some of tho host in the country ;it in within four miles of town ; has a , railway ht ation within 1110 yards of it; coin- I mands a good view : can be sold on remark- J iibiy easy terms, and In parcols to unit } purchaaors. Plans at. my ollleo. Arrango- [ incuts can bo limdo With persons wishing to ' inspect tlio property. ]0 Acres, AToimt Smart, £.2~>Q. * Jjargo House and Allotment, Newton Road, c i:iso. ! Comfortable Kosidenco in Hnnlingc-strcct (city), • £500. Kybor Paan Road—Now Cottage, £190. Two ShciiiM, ICdpn Terrace, £1300. l Uesirable Jiesiciencu in Upper Pitt-street, • rooms, £350 ; Jlngnilli'ciii Hiilldiiif,'Sites ntPonsonby; fencod, ' planted, and facing Ilia sea. Splendid UuildingKiliw in New North Itoad near * Kdon Terraoo, 10ft x r.'Oit deep; ohoiip and on ' easy terms. 'I'hia ia a rare ontinrtunlty for ( working nn>n to net a homo of their own in a ■ lienlt.lifiil locality, 30 minutes walk from wharf ' City Proporty—A Largo Allotment in Wnkeliold ] Htreut with frontage to Lome street, having thorcon two large hoiiaest, .-C7o'. Terms: £100 down, and hiilaneo in four or live yeara. Large llouho near I'ayej' Sturo, New North lioad, £200. AIONKY TO LKND, X (J. EWINGTON. O f*i pK EENSV O O J), LANI) AND KSTATK AGKNT, CjUKIiN-STKICICT. 17<OH SALIC—2OO Acrna of Kauri Hush Land ' heiiiK lot 105, and N.VV. part of lot Jill. Parish of Oknliu, liobaon County, imniediately adjoining tho Union Hash and Door Company s proporty ; stream through the land. Priculow, Kaay terms.—R. (!. (ireenu-ood. 171OI'. SAL]?—2O Acres of Land betweon Mount. Alb'irt and tho Whan north-earn crn aspect, Koai land, well watered, eloaa to atation, joins improved farms, very suitable for murkut garden, dairy farm, or rouideneoß. Prieo, Twelve Pounds Ton Shilling!! iin Acre. Terms, quartor cauli; balance, It or fi yi.aiM at low interest. Will bo Bold in leaa quantity if neceosary.—R.C. dreenwood. I7IOH HMjK—'M Acimo of fair Liuul immedlately adjoininn; the Waikoinitl Kailway Station. I'riee Xloo.—Trrins, £2!i ciwli. balance 3 yours at 7 per cent. Thin in a first clubs apocu-fation.-Choap nt £."> auaore.-lt. c Urconwood. FOR SALIC—Two or Three half-aero Scotloiiß near Whan Hotel, auitablo for workmaiiß cottago, good site, and convenient to 'bus or mil: price, £12 eueh.-K. C ureenw.iod. FOli H.M.K—O.V HIMT.IUNO SOCritTY I'HlNf.'!-PLKS-Lnnd at Stokea' Point in quantity frotn6to2oaores at £10 an aero.—'lho land la good, well wooded and watered, and easy distance from Town. K. C. ureonwonrt. I'OOU SAUi-IB Acn-HOf \'ery CJond I.ami in . tho Pariah of Komokorilil, County Hoitney, being l-ow 10 and I", near to improvud farms. Price. £100. Terms: .Ci cash, lialanco 8 por rent, uud may bo paid oil' by instalments. Thia la n Knod chance for an investment.—lt. O. WriMinwood. ITiOlt SALK—Lot 71 and part of Lot T2. Pnrisll of Wuiparoira, containing SO Acroa of Good Land, close to VValtakorni Kuilway flallon. Prieo, £80. Torina: £-'0 cunli. balance by Inatalnients. (Land aiUoining fii an acre).—lt. C. Greenwood. 17OR SALK—Lot37, Pariah of Monsqnui, con--1 tuining forty aoroa ol very elioieo luinl. Prieo, £50, worlh £100. also. BoHth-weatcrn portion of lot 7!), containing Xi acres of very good land, joins improved I'tnds. I'riee, EM. Al so, Low 11, 15, and ;);"> of tho lown of Malignpai, oontulning ono acre each. Price Tor lot, iXi. The abovo lot of landsi are n capital Invi'Stmont, and easy terms can he iinule-say £25 cash, balance by instalmontn.—U. O. Qrooliwood. I/uk MAliit—aso Acres or Laud, conautins! of 1 about 70 aerOH of llrat-cliiss alluvial IhitH. SCO., 100 acres of second-class ploughublo fern and ti-tree l«nd, anil remainder lUOßtly plouuhable but rather poor rjuality land (though mit- . able tor sheep); all well watered by running i streams, anil situated about 12 miles from Auckland on tho efttt cou.hs of tlio harbour, hft/iliK li»e nea frotuage, with bold ehlU and nice aandy bays, good llsliinit grounda. Lbhil on both .-.idea taken up mnl settled ujion I'riee. ,'lOs nn acre. Tonns very easy—say £50 cauli. balanoo by monthly Instalments, or £1100 may remain for a tonn at low iutorcat.—R, C. OroenITiOK SALE—S miles from Auckland, f> lo 20 Aerts of (iood L»nd lUiiimproved); well watered.; close to «ood rpuda; 10 minutes w«lk from railway station ; auittible for anyone winning for annul dairy far"', and to keep a horso and livn out of town, the iiH|ieet being to the North-Kaat, and view gaud; locality, Mount Albert, «nd the land ndtolnlnn bolnn al ttikan up and valued at four times the price asked for this land, viz., £1-' 10d un acre, payable on the deferred payment Byttom, or is ngreod. K. C. G X E E N W O O P, AUCTIOKKKR AND KSTATK AOKNT, OUKK.V-SI'KEET JOBKPH UANB, I I G. It. CLARK Fort-street. I ( CambrldßO. LAND AND COMMISSION AGKNTH, Fort-stn^et, Auckland, and DukoBtreet, Cambridge. HLAKK AND HANE From thoir long resilience in Waikato, their thorough knowledge of tho various Boila comprised in tho Auckland Provincial District, and their practical accqmiintunco with Agriculture, aro in possession of facts that enable them to ulvo tho most reliable information to Purchasers of Land; or, those seeking Safo Securities for Investment of Capital. VO R HAL K. SOO acref, House and Buildings, partly in crass, and CO acres turnips. M) acres, Ilonso and Sheds, IGO acres in grass, excellent quality. Bt2 acres, unimproved, good district. 1200 acres, improved, g'-od Dwelling, Onthcuisep, &;0., orchard and plantation". ifiO acre;! reclaimed awamp, fenced and subdivided. t!10 acres, in gras:', good buildings, near railway. 131 acres cood cultivated farm, largo outbuildings, and comfortable Home. Other Properties for Sale, small or largo ; full particulars from tho advortlsois. pha s. vv 'L LrAM s° N> HOUSK, LAND ANU IfINANCIAL AGENT Vulcan LArfK, Auckland. RKNT3 and ISTEBB3T Collcotod. MO.VKY Invested for Capitalists on flrat-class Bocuritios, without CHARGE. Six per cent allowed on doposits until invested. MOKTGAGIC3 and LOANS Nogotlatod, SHARKS Bought or Sold to ordor. KSTATH.S Managed for Absontoos. BUILDING ALLOTMKNTS FOR SALH, IT PER FOOT I— W'elleßley-strcet.lOO/ Karnngahapo Road, 100/ Ueresford-strnct, 00/ Duke-stroet. 28/ View Rond, 38/ Claroinoiit-atront. 60/ Porciviil Parade. 35/ Cook-strcot. £>J and 00/ Uokeby-sitreet, 10/ Kdwin-atreot, 21/ Custom-houae-Bt. l Victoriu-street. £10 Williani-atreot. fiO/ Grafton Road, 55/ Itnssoll-streot, II Nelson-street, 10/ Reclamation, 70/ Vine-Btreot, 10/ Ilowe-streot, GO' Sholly Beach Road, 30/ Hackctt-strcet,3s/ Kybor Paai, 100/ Wyndh»m-atrcet, £13 Norfolk-atreot. 35/ Alao, in various other streets at low rates. nnr\(\(\ TO LKND, In Sums of £10 andnp32£i\JU\J on good eeonrlties. pqr—Three-roomed Cottago for sale, in PonS/O O e onby, on easy terms. NORTHOOrK- Villa site?, on sale near tho wharf, In lots to suit purchasers, and on very easy terms; magnificent views. OS. CD. VVICEKLY. —Houso /or Sale, llvo o rooms, off Newton Hoad, on deferred payments ; large allotment, npo LET—Two Largo Floors, suitable for X manufacturing purpoaes, rear the Market. Also, four and pix-roomed houses, and ahop, in central Doaition. GINGKk BiIKR Manufactory to let, 153 weekly, IDONSONRY— New Six-roomed HOU3O an Workshop for sale; two allotments; |tw frontages; easy terms. Pi)i)i\—Hevr Five-roomed Houso and Two XwwU Allotments for Bale; good garden. n i n a—Nsw four-roomed Houao for salo, in *IOU Newtoa; small deposit and weekly paymenta takon, P9qa—Very convenient houao in Dublin-st., jj£io\) Newton, for aale washteiue, garden, n i r-r>_i{oiise and good garden for aaie Hear 3JI'J\J Mount Eden Railway Station (termal. n -I on-New Four-ronmed Houao for sale near A,LOU Hdon Vine Hotel. Kaay terma. TTPPKR QUEEN-STRKKT- Fine Corner U Allotment to leaßO for torm of yoara ] n -i q A—New Four-roomed House, near Karan--3JIOU gahapo Road, for salo on easy terma FARM at Long Hay, near tho Lake; under cultivation (cheap) /.-inA-Now Fonr-roomcd Cottago, o/F Pon*i«u eouby lioadfor salo; nico garden. n-t hk—Rix-roomcd honso (now) for salo, olt <£■! / U North Roiul. A bargain. Fine view. nnnn—New Five-roomed Houso far aal« in SJAJU Ponsonby. Frontage to two streets. nnj>o-New Five-roomed House for aalo iv Jj&n\> King-street; iino garden. Also additional allotment if denirei. IVEWMAKKICI'.— Houbo and i-tabling, with -IIX laruo allotmonr, for sale (cheap). WKLLINCiTON-STKHKT. — Pretty Cottage for salo, near St. James's Cli'irch; gas nnd water laid on ; garden, &c. PAKNKLL. — Nowly-Jlniahed Six-rooni"d House for salo; pleasant view; £380. Also one at £310. n I 9k- -Four-roomed HOUSE for sale, in tho X/i-ZiO city, on e»sy tirms. Pi CX—Four-roomed HOUSK for sa on" ColJblVO ]rgo ji oar i. stabling, etc. ONE TRKH) HlLL.—Seven-roomed Houso for sale: with acrorof jground fully planted, FAPAKURA.— Allotments 1 and 2, opposite Hunter and Nolan s -alo Yards, for ealo. f.qptA,—Six-roomed Houso and Four-Stalled X/OUU stable for Salo, in Kast street, Newton r»-i aA— lIOUSK for sale near Mount Kdon 3iiUU Hail way Station; also, ono at £200. ALLOTMKNTS Bought and HOUSES Built on the Weekly Ri>payment System. niAcfi-VILLA KKSIDKNCK lor Sale, at X/X-\>O\) Mount Albert, possessing one of the finest views In tho district. POPA— NOW Kive-roomod ITOUSK in Fern A^jUU iui((h-stre(-t for salo; garden, Sec. n-i ia_Now HOUSE, four rooms, iv RtuscllXjLtV street, for salo. pqaa—bix-roomed Houso, all finished, for X/OW aaloin Lincoln-street; largo allotment. n,ii /%_Now House in Brownstreot for Sale, 3jO i U near Ponsonby Road ; two tanks COLLEGE HO AD—Commodious Family Real donco for Sale ; Gag and Water laid on. PUKKKOHE EAS l\—lMuo Farm of 107 acros for Salo. near Railway-station. Comfortable homestead : little bush ; fA 10a per acrn. (JKAFIICLD HOAD. — Comfortttblo Coitages O (new), for tnle, oa easy terms. GRE Y-STKICET—tfix-rooiv.ed House (now) for sale. Large allotment. Alao, two i-:hop3, detached worfc.-thop &c, on very easy tonns. lj Hi iPS in Queen-street, Grcy-3treet, Freeman's O Bay. and (Uvat North, for Bale. ■vjon'NT ICDltN—Largo New Hott3O, fitted . iri. with every convenience (two ivcres of land), for salo. Fine view. FARMS also For Sale at Hunua. Mount Eden Waiko:i iti, Richmond, Komokoriki, Mangero, Paren.oremo, St'okes's Point, Wnitakeiei, ; Henderson's Creole, Romucra, Cambridge. Hig i and Little Omaha, Karioi, Rivorhead. Morn- , ingside, Mahurangi, Wainui, Omaru, Ararimu, Coromandel, Okaihn, North Shore, Owhiwha, Papakura, &o. Alao, sco list in New Zealand Btraii and TTeeklf AT«ie». . T * CHAS, WILLIAMSON, B3Ti.Ta AGENT. 'VULCAN LANB

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Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XII, Issue 3383, 31 May 1881, Page 4